Slightly modified doohickey
Well that’s downright demonic
You might even say it’s the core of demon…onic s-stuff
You tried, that’s what matters ❤️
F for effort <3
Looks pretty rad to me
Quite hardcore
I don’t get it
It’s the demon core.
TLDR: there was an “experiment” that involved using a screwdriver to hold the top half of the cover to get the core as close to critical as possible. One time the screwdriver slipped and the top fell releasing a huge amount of radiation in a very short amount of time.
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No explosion, just radiation and heat. Everyone nearby is dead, just not instantly.
At that point I’m just picking it up and holding it against the back of my cranium, no point in prolonging it
There are few things more terrifying than this concept… To be alive, healthy, and also dead in just a day or two…
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I was just intuiting the answer based on watching a bunch of educational videos, I am not qualified to do the math on this lol.
The closer the faster, days to weeks if you’re getting the full dose, months if you’re unlucky enough to get prolonged medical treatment
Further away, you might get away with losing your hair and developing cancer
Although I’m a big fan of a good old fashioned killdozer.
Is that a model rocket with knives attached?
Is that from backyard scientist?
Edit: yup, he made it
It does look very familiar
I’ll allow it
the username too?
Yes that’s a TE3 with rubber tires. I will not be taking questions
Fuck me but I have questions though
My guess is that they can kind of steer it by driving only the right or left side wheels. It’s diesel electric so they could individually control each wheel motor.
Oh no they tried to put a 12 axle all wheel drive on it. It failed spectacularly.
XF-85 Goblin
Me 163 Komet
Ah the one that melted it’s pilot!
Sometimes they (and/or the ground crew) burned or blew up too! Gotta love Nazi engineering that kills a lot of Nazis
They briefly considered chlorine trifluoride but it was apparently too hazardous.
In John Clark’s book Ignition (highly recommended for rocketry nerds if you can get your hands on it. I had a copy but somehow managed to lose it…), he described chlorine trifluoride like this:
It is, of course, extremely toxic, but that’s the least of the problem. It is hypergolic with every known fuel, and so rapidly hypergolic that no ignition delay has ever been measured. It is also hypergolic with such things as cloth, wood, and test engineers, not to mention asbestos, sand, and water-with which it reacts explosively. It can be kept in some of the ordinary structural metals-steel, copper, aluminium, etc.-because of the formation of a thin film of insoluble metal fluoride which protects the bulk of the metal, just as the invisible coat of oxide on aluminium keeps it from burning up in the atmosphere. If, however, this coat is melted or scrubbed off, and has no chance to reform, the operator is confronted with the problem of coping with a metal-fluorine fire. For dealing with this situation, I have always recommended a good pair of running shoes.
Isn’t that the stuff that explodes stone and burns water?
Yeah, it makes really good fuel but also likes to burn just about anything without any encouragement
Oh yes, the Goblin is an excellent doohickey
I made this in KSP.
Rocket wrench.
… what am I looking at here?
I mean, yes, rocket wrench, but ???
Have you ever wanted to unscrew the fuze from a dudded aircraft bomb or artillery round, but you wanted to do it from far away?
This do that.
It’s 30% less cursed than the alternative tool.
Even clamping this onto the fuse sounds terrifying
9 out of 10 times it’s fine.
And the 10th time?
I wouldn’t worry about it.
I’ve never heard the 10th guy complain.
That the neat part, then it isn’t your problem anymore…
To shreds, you say?
And his wife?
A certain Martian is made very happy.
But if you’re far away and things go wrong, you won’t get that sweet release of death?
Seriously speaking though, that up close and personal version does look pretty fuckin cursed. I assume the call of the void is strong with EOD folks
The other version is a mechanical impact wrench. Activated by repeatedly yanking on the rope with full body strength. Both versions of the tool get fitted onto the fuze first like in the photo.
Yep, definitely cursed
Imagine using this on your cock
Praying Mantis.
This season of battle bots is gonna be lit
Big Hobart’s Funnies energy
Scorpion rocket launcher. (This one is legitimately neat. YES, the designers know what backblast is, and the design redirects it to the side and away from the shooter. NO, the launcher is not permanently attached to the M16, it fixes using the bayonet lug and goes on and off just as quickly.)
Huh, yeah that’s actually a neat design. The fact that the back blast now goes in two directions must make that fun (“fun”) to use; at least with a regular shoulder-launched recoilless anything, you only need to make sure there’s nothing or nobody behind you that you don’t mind turning into dogfood and regrets
It was developed as one of many proposed weapons to fill the U.S. Army’s desire for a squad level weapon that could be fired from inside a building, and packed more anti-armor punch than a 40mm.
Think about the time period and planners thinking about how to stop hypothetical hoards of BMPs rolling through West Germany.
This, along with other weapons, weren’t adopted because the Army pivoted doctrine away from focusing on new squad level weapons that could damage IFVs, to larger weapons like the TOW that could take out MBTs. The change in thinking traded lightweight and abundance organically to infantry on the move, for better performance per system.
Not sure if this counts, but I feel like I’d be put on a list for watching this
Like I just wrote in another comment, I’m a doohickey anarchist: anything you think is a doohickey is a doohickey.
I feel like I’d be put on a list for watching this
You’re saying that like it’s a bad thing
You mean the cool kids list? 😎
I think you’d be short a few fingers if you tried firing a live round from that thing.
I was gonna point out that printed guns usually use proper metal barrels, but no, that fuckin thing sitting in the ejection port looks like a printed barrel. What the hell.
Even if it had a metal barrel, the forces from firing a bullet would probably tear the gun in half. The gun is made of plastic, and presumably, the hinge it uses to fold in half is also made of plastic.
That’s what Tor is for
The heck does this one do? “RAW” is generic enough that it turned out to be hard to search for, heh
“Rifleman’s Assault Weapon”.
Documentation is pretty spotty. The publicly available stuff tends to be corporate marketing material which is written by people who might not fully understand the technical aspects and/or are fudging or intentionally simplifying.
The overview is that it’s a rifle launched multi-mode munition for the M16.
Oooh baby I like it
Gallipoli “drip rifle”.
Saudi drip rifle:
Are these gold plated bullets ? That has to be the most expensive expanding bullets “tech” ever
The boolets look pretty normal surprisingly enough, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they weren’t. Whichever Saudi prince bought this thing probably wasn’t thinking about cost or practicality all that much
Yeah I actually zoomed in after commenting and they look pretty much exactly like the 7.62 PS in Tarkov (never seen a 7.62x39 IRL so that’s my best point of reference ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ). I just thought they were also gold at a glance because they are included in the carrying case (and there aren’t even enough to fill half the mag that looks like a 30-rounder)
Laughs in defense contractor
disclaimer: I don’t work for a defense contractor
What’s that little dodad on the right? Like a matching hat?
Was wondering the same but I have no idea. It sort of looks like it’s got a small segment display counter thing at the bottom there, but it might just be a jewel.
That is a gilded SAKO RK-95.
I saw one on display in the late 90’s, they were a special batch ordered by the Royal Guard of the Arab Emirates or Quatar, if memory serves correctly. The image does not give away how mindblowingly cool it was in real world.
I was mistaken. It is not RK-95 but some other AK variant, as OP clearly points out in the comments.
I was in the 🇫🇮 military for a few years so my service weapon was the RK 62 and I’ve seen some 95s, and the drip rifle doesn’t look like either - especially not the 95 which looks much more “modern”, iirc doesn’t have a stockless variant (edit: nvm the drip has a folding stock but way different compared to the 95), has a different kind of muzzle device etc. 62 doesn’t really match either, controls look different, the gas tube on the drip is way more AK-ish when on the 62 it’s kinda blockier, etc. In general the drip one looks more like a classic stereotypical AK than Sako’s stuff.
Dunno what this drip one is actually. It’s a more classic AK pattern but I’m not that deep into pew pews to be able to guess the manufacturer
edit: I know gold plated Sakos exist though, so I don’t doubt you saw one, just saying this one isn’t it 😁
I did my service in the late 90’s and a gun just like on the picture above was on display at the gun exhibit at the RUK main hall. It was of course heavily modified according to the wishes of the buyer, but built upon the basic RK-95 frame.
Here’s a link that somewhat matches my memories:
It is completely possible I am wrong. There are bound to be a large number of gilded AK-variants in the arab courts, everyone probably wanted their own after the first one got them. The picture does match my memory, but it was a long time ago…
Oh yeah like I said they’ve made a bunch of gold plated ones and I’ve likely seen the same gold plated RK you have, but they still look very much like Sako, like the one on that page:
Looks like the drip I posted is a Chinese Type 56-1 at least according to reddit and I’d tend to agree, because you’d need to modify a Sako really heavily to make it look that much like an AK, and I doubt Sako would bother since they’d have to custom make everything including the receiver. They do customize stuff but that wouldn’t be customization, but a whole 'nother gun with practically no common parts except maybe some of the guts (even the charging handle is “wrong” for RK95 so the bolt carrier would have to be custom)
Yep, after comparing both images more closely I am now certain that I was wrong. The structural dissimilarities are simply too great, even for a heavily modified model.
This is a good reminder for me to keep my facts straight before I start claiming truths online, based on just memories from quarter a century ago ;)
Thank you for kindly showing me my mistake!
That’s the shit part about human memory: you never really know if you brain is lying to you or not.
You went with your best knowledge and then changed your view when it turned out you weren’t right, and that’s pretty much the best anybody can do.
Perhaps I’m just stupid, but is this designed to fire when it rains or something?
That’s a perfectly valid question. The answer is very interesting:
Drip (or “pop off”) rifles were self-firing rifles used at Gallipoli to deceive the Turks during the evacuation of December 1915.
Fire was maintained from the trenches after the withdrawal of the last men, by rifles arranged to fire automatically. This was done by a weight being released which pulled the trigger. Two kerosene tins were placed one above the other, the top one full of water and the bottom one with the trigger string attached to it, empty. At the last minute, small holes would be punched in the upper tin; water would trickle into the lower one, and the rifle would fire as soon as the lower tin had become sufficiently heavy.
Another device ran a string, holding back the trigger, through a candle, which slowly burnt down, severed the string, and released the trigger.
Iirc, they were left behind when troops moved out. The drip doohickey would make it fire after a while, giving the enemy the impression the trenches were still manned.
What was the purpose. Random shots so enemy thinks there’s always some one there. 6-10 shot magazine
This was to cover their retreat, they didn’t want the enemy to know they were leaving until they were well and truly gone.
Ah, tactical hotdog
The favorite practice weapon of the gravy seals
Idk i made this a while ago from parts I had laying around in my room. Let’s say I’m terrified when I use it…
If you were crazy, I’d ask you how the first taze session went
Ever seen that video of some girl using a tazer as a masturbatory device? It’s a weird mix of hilarious, concerning and disturbing.
I’m gay, and even I want to see that video… for science of course.
For anyone curious they do make electroshock sex toys, dont use a fucking taser. Use something that isnt built as a weapon. And if ya really dont have the money get one of those fucking electric acupuncture thingies theyre great to harass your friends.
Also I aint into electroshock I new a woman who was and would not shut up about her fucking sex toys. Ive arched enough batteries to know I want nothing to do with it.
What. In the actual fuck?
I have touched the pins on the original flash capacitor when it was half discharged, and I was scared it restarted my heart (it didn’t).
With this one I’m even more terrified as it has about 4 times the capacity and voltage, so it would be an even more effective defibrillator.
Also the noise it makes is scary too. It takes a solid minute to charge, and as it does that you can hear a high pitched noise getting higher pitched as the voltage increases. When you finally discharge it, it sounds like a quiet gun shot with echo and everything.
Username checks out