credit: punk with a camera

Edit: every report for these posts goes to me and I’m not taking it down so don’t bother.

    • @samus12345
      32 months ago

      I can at least respect that they own the label instead of cowardly insisting they’re not Nazis.

  • @Metz
    2 months ago

    I like the election posters of “Die Partei” in Germany. Image

    A nazi could hang here!

      • @Metz
        62 months ago

        That is the whole point, yes.

        • @[email protected]
          22 months ago

          The English way you said it sounds like they are “hanging” like “hanging out” like monkeys in trees.

          • @Metz
            32 months ago

            ah crap. i used a translator and was not sure. guess i picked the wrong one then. the right one would be “a nazi could hang here”?

  • @PunnyName
    342 months ago

    Just need to use the visage of a modern day Christofascist, and then print it all over shit.

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      Here you go:

      nazi getting punched

      or maybe

      torch carrying nazi

      if you really want to capture that christofascist look

      I did have a bit of a scroll to see if anyone had made a relevant graphic design, and found this:

      drawing of nazi getting punched

      but no t-shirts, so I guess it’s there for you to do lol

      (E: I just realised this might need clarifying - I don’t mean put this person’s art on t-shirts, but rather that there is very little “punch a nazi” graphic art out there, so you could take inspiration and make your own without stepping on any toes)

  • @[email protected]
    182 months ago

    You going to Akron pride this year? If is bring your flag and I’ll come hang out with you this time :)

  • @Sterile_Technique
    142 months ago

    Oh hey… I just got banned from Political Memes for saying shit like this. I think I found my new home! <3

  • @Dkarma
    142 months ago

    The social contract says we all agree to not kill each other. If party A’s fundamental stance is that it is ok to kill X group AND THIS IS TOLERATED then the social contract has been broken and party A has subjected themselves to the same rules they now apply to others.

    This is not opinion. This is how it plays out in real life. If your stance is that my life is forefeight or disposable, then so is yours.

    Just remember party A made this choice not their victims who choose to fight back.

    This is why fascists insist there is no Holocaust. Because if they admitted it they would admit it’s fair game on anyone who shares their ideology.

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      I can’t tell if this is simply saying that you have the right to self-defense, which is obvious and agreed upon pretty much everywhere in the US, or whether it’s saying that, since we’ve all agreed not to kill each other if those guys want to murder us then we have the right to murder them. If it’s the later then either you don’t understand irony or you don’t really care about the ‘social contract’.

      It sometimes feels like folks on this community are looking forward to a cultural civil war just as much as the right-wing maga nuts.

    • @nzeayn
      262 months ago

      nazis learned alot from the klan and the jim crow era. for the purpose of brick throwing targets, they are the same.

    • @samus12345
      242 months ago

      They are different, but with considerable ideological overlap.

  • @[email protected]
    82 months ago

    I wonder if low-life racist losers would buy zero or more than zero guns if this poster went up on every telephone post in the world tomorrow morning.

    • @[email protected]
      92 months ago

      Reminds me I need to keep offering to buy non-white people as many fucking guns as I fucking can. I would like to pretend the US might love the gun less if more non-white people were better armed.

      • @[email protected]
        102 months ago

        The answer to that question lies in the Mulford Act.

        Proto-God Emperor Reagan hisself signed that one.

        • @[email protected]
          72 months ago

          Oh. My. Fucking. God. Does the US Republican Party know about this apostasy??!?

          Or am I the apostate for expecting them to have a coherent worldview?

          I feel lost with this knowledge.

          • @AngryCommieKender
            42 months ago

            If the Repuglicans didn’t have double standards, they’d have no standards at all

    • @[email protected]
      52 months ago

      The first thing that would happen is liberals condemning the call to political violence, and helping to get the signs taken down immediately.

  • @[email protected]
    72 months ago

    I get that this is posted on the Antifascism community. But it seems more than a little bit bloodthirsty. And it feels to me like the folks in the comments calling out for hunting/murdering Nazis haven’t really thought that policy through to its logical conclusion. Maybe some are just fantasizing or virtue signaling, but assuming enough are willing to pick up a rifle and pull the trigger where does that lead us? Who decides whether someone is a Nazi? Do they have to be wearing a swastika? Is it enough to just express your contempt for a group that’s a US minority? How much contempt?

    “That’s easy, just shoot the ones with swastikas”

    Okay, so you show up to a flag waving Nazi rally and start shooting. They probably start shooting back. The cops get involved and shoot everybody (well maybe they don’t shoot some of the Nazis). Then what happens? Antifa gets officially labeled as a domestic terrorist organization. All the news outlets talk about how terrible the group is. The FBI starts looking into everyone subscribed to this community, etc.

    “No, everyone knows Nazis are bad. We’d be supported not condemned.”

    Alright, suppose somehow it’s a revolution and the left is rounding up Nazis and guillotining them with full support of cable news. At that point everyone says they aren’t a Nazi. How do you decide? This one talks like a racist, that one lives in an all-white neighborhood, that one is rich. You’re walking really close to the line of becoming fascists yourself. France went through a revolution like that about 150 years ago. There’s a good article about it on the anarchist library website. I think the takeaway is that a reign of terror is still a reign of terror even if the ‘good guys’ are in charge.

    How about, instead of bloody murder, we expunge the Nazis from the police forces, establish a more socially just system of regulations in the US, and make sure anybody who acts like a Nazi gets punished for it by the state? Don’t you think that would be a more effective solution?

    • @Dkarma
      32 months ago

      NO, no I don’t think trying to rid the system of Nazis will work otherwise it would have already

      • @[email protected]
        2 months ago

        Do you seriously think that is possible. Do you.

        Plus, if you do advocate for police abolition rather than reform, don’t come crying to me when one of your friends gets jumped by some skinheads and sent to the hospital for being trans.

          • @[email protected]
            12 months ago

            “Just abolish the state bro, just topple the government, everything will be fine after that bro trust me”

            • seahorse [Ohio]OPM
              -22 months ago

              Better than what we currently have. You libs LOVE state sanctioned violence.

              • @[email protected]
                2 months ago

                Are you one of those deeply confused anarchists who thinks the word “state” means “system of opression” instead of “system of government”? Or are you one of those utterly brain dead libertarians who thinks the two are synonymous?

  • Dragon
    72 months ago

    Just want to say here that regardless of the political benefits that can be obtained with violence, I do think all lives matter including Nazis, and I think most people can be convinced of this if they can be shown how similar all our experiences are. It seems like once you realize that a Nazi is essentially a version of yourself with slightly different psychological pressures, you can realize that, as painful as it may be, they are human, and your desire for humans not to suffer extends to them. Realizing this doesn’t preclude instrumental violence against them, but it can prevent the feeling of hatred.

    • seahorse [Ohio]OPM
      182 months ago

      Well, they’re gonna kill a bunch of minorities before you can convince enough of them of that. It’s not my job or minorities’ jobs to make fash realize they’re evil. Funny how people defend nazis’ lives without putting into account all the damage they’re causing to others who aren’t them. Some people just don’t want to admit it’s past time to do some uncomfortable nazi-hurting.

    • @Luminocta
      22 months ago

      You are right, sadly some are knowingly in it for the hatred and not because of a bad life or pressure.

      Some are just racist and want to watch people suffer.

      I have struggled with this fact myself because it’s alien to me to hate someone, just because. Sadly I realize that a whole bunch of people on this earth will simply not change because they really want to be like this.