• @jordanlund
    362 months ago

    A quick note on this thread:

    The transphobic comments are getting out of hand. Lots of reports and lots of removals.

    Now here’s the thing…

    The #1 thing I hated about fucking reddit were the mods who would go “we’re locking this thread because it’s too much trouble to moderate it.”

    My opinion then, and now, is “Oh, your volunteer gig is too hard? Go do something else then!”

    So, no, I’m not locking the thread. At the same time, I’d advise against mocking the trans community.

    I get it, back in the day, I thought all the “Dann Coulter” jokes were funny too. And assholes like Coulter and MTG deserve to have their own hate reflected back on them.

    But when you do that with trans issues, you’re making those issues a weapon and saying they’re a weapon because of the negative connotations and that’s just not cool.

    • @p5yk0t1km1r4ge
      02 months ago

      The transphobic comments are getting out of hand. Lots of reports and lots of removals.

      So a little bit is OK then?

      • @jordanlundM
        22 months ago

        Nope, not really. But a little bit is easily handled. ;)

  • @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    Why is the focus always on blaming other people for problems instead of fixing the problems?

    Trans people this. Gay people that. Brown people. Immigrants. It’s somebody else’s fault. We’re doing it right, but those other people are ruining everything.

    If it smells everywhere you go, it’s time to look under your own shoe. No plans. No policy. The party of hurting Americans.

    • FuglyDuck
      602 months ago

      Because they have no solutions.

      They prolong the problem and obstruct solutions because they benefit from hurting people and don’t want that to end.

      So they became the problem.

    • @PunnyName
      502 months ago

      Because if they actually tried to fix shit, they’d have to recognize there are systemic issues that they benefit from. And then they wouldn’t be the GQP.

    • @[email protected]
      222 months ago

      Conservatives are fundamentally incapable of governing, because they have no ability nor interest in improving society. So they just make up problems to get elected, then steal anything not nailed down once in office. Well, that’s the normal conservative aim, Trump also wants to make all of his legal problems go away.

    • @soratoyuki
      172 months ago

      Because their only real interest is funneling wealth upwards. Very few Republicans in power genuinely give a damn about any cultural war topics. No Fox News gasbag is choosing to live in Alabama lol. But the only way they can build a viable electoral base that supports stealing from the working class is by inventing and/or exacerbating working class divisions.

      “Oh no, you’re not unemployed because your boss outsourced your job, it’s because, uh, that gay brown migrant took it!”

      • @SlopppyEngineer
        72 months ago

        It’s basically the aristocracy maintaining their old life style in a new disguise.

      • @jordanlundM
        22 months ago

        Really, anything by Eco, just a brilliant author.

    • @samus12345
      112 months ago

      Fascism 101. Give the people a scapegoat to blame all their problems on.

    • @NegativeInf
      102 months ago

      Because if they pointed at the problem they wouldn’t get elected. Any republican that points out any problem that isn’t “minorities bad” swiftly retires or is primaried on the right.

      I just want to go get a cup of coffee with another dude without feeling like I’m gonna get shot or worse.

    • experbia
      32 months ago

      just my 2c…

      conservatives require hierarchy to exist. they believe it always did, does, and always will exists - that achieving any kind of equality on a large scale is a pipe dream and unnatural and impossible or even evil to strive for, because it necessitates “knocking them down” to do it. so, their focus is to ensure that they are not currently on the bottom of this hierarchy (fortunately, there’s always someone to put beneath them) and to ensure that the bottom does not “rise past them” to leave them at the bottom (as anything promising equality may do). they rally around loud personalities that project power and control (even if it’s not true) because just as there must be those beneath them, there must be those above them as well - they pick superiors that are the most personally relatable to them (in an arbitrary, per-person manner) so they can feel they are higher in the hierarchy than they are. after all, if you’re just like this person who is obviously high on the ladder of society, you must be pretty well-off too, right? is this why the people they pick tend to be bigoted, unintelligent, and cruel? maybe.

      the reason it’s always someone else’s problem is that the problem (in their mind) is that the people beneath them (their “lessers”) are acting as though they’re on a level of the social hierarchy that they don’t belong. therefore, all social problems clearly have an obvious clause: “if only everyone else would just know their place under us, we wouldn’t be having these conflicts.” - it can’t be them that’s the problem, because that would imply there’s some kind of issue that may suggest they’re not as high up on the social ladder as they thought. gay/trans/brown/etc people want to be recognized as equals? it dilutes their position on the ladder. they would claw past others in this imaginary hierarchy by any means necessary, so of course they assume the “others” will too. no, it’s an attack on them, they have to strike back!

      gay nightclub shootings and anti-lgbt violence? “maybe they shouldn’t have called attention to themselves as they tried to push us down the social hierarchy” someone (anyone) threatens violence upon them? “intolerable. inexcusable. they need to learn their place beneath us”

      why do so many of them hate being called cis? because being labelled cis puts them at the same level as a trans person, who they believe is automatically beneath them by virtue of not being exactly like them. it is an attack on them, because they are not considered the normal, the default, as they believe they are. an identifier implies that differentiation between the conservative and the trans person is required, which implies it’s not clear to everyone that they are inherently superior to the trans person. you may as well call them “poor powerless worthless scum who deserves to be exploited and abused” in their eyes.

      it’s maddeningly difficult to convince a hierarchy-addict that it’s a delusion.

      it makes being a politician for them pretty easy, too. just be relatable to the average self-absorbed person, and claim to do what’s needed to put the inferior scum back below your voters where they belong so they can rise up to be superior once more. no surprise this interlaces very well with fascist and racial supremacist ideologies.

  • @LovingHippieCat
    572 months ago

    It’s so nice having my rights be shat on on such a high profile stage. They really can’t handle that trans people exist and have always existed, and they might even find some of us attractive.

    I also really appreciate the article talking about the bullshit myth that trans athletes have some kind of advantage in sports. I don’t usually see that.

    • @jeffwOP
      142 months ago

      Advocate doesn’t pull punches. They’re here to shit on conservatives and advocate for the LGBTQ+ community

    • @[email protected]
      112 months ago

      I also really appreciate the article talking about the bullshit myth that trans athletes have some kind of advantage in sports. I don’t usually see that.

      Sadly that really is note worthy.

    • FuzzyRedPanda
      92 months ago

      I think MTG is deeply jealous and threatened by the beauty of trans women and is drowning in a pool of her own internalized misogyny.

  • @Sarmyth
    432 months ago

    They’re such losers… don’t they have something positive they could do for their constituents? I’ve never heard of these people actually doing something to help their voters. It’s just attacks.

    • chingadera
      142 months ago

      But I’m also a spiteful, mindless piece of shit who has to be told what should make me mad, especially when it does not impact my day to day life. I enjoy joining the conversation when I hear people complain about our rights being stripped away because although my party has never once been “for” anything, only against progress, I need to pridefully let people know that I have absolutely zero critical thinking skills.

    • @General_Shenanigans
      112 months ago

      When your whole base is full of reactionaries, making attacks is actually fulfilling your voters’ desires.

  • qprimed
    302 months ago

    "…because Donald Trump is the leader America deserves.”

    unironically, this hateful village idiot may be right.

    gonna sign off for a while. I just cant stomach looking at the festering, gangrenous wound these people have opened up when I know it will destroy the lives of so many I care about.

    • @samus12345
      62 months ago

      No, he is not, because most of us hate him, but are at the mercy of a super broken electoral system. Only the assholes who support him deserve him.

      • qprimed
        22 months ago

        you are absolutely right.

        I just wish more of us did not allow ourselves to be purposefully distracted from our own self-governance

        please stay safe.

  • @raynethackery
    272 months ago

    So, those of you not voting for Biden because “reasons,” thanks for condemning to death the LGBTQ+ community. And don’t tell me that is hyperbole.

      • @OutsizedWalrus
        52 months ago

        It’s so frustrating that people can’t see this event would have been the same or worse under Trump.

        Biden is in a no win situation on this one and he just happens to be the president on Oct 7

  • xerazal
    262 months ago

    She’s so pathetic. Her little giggles between sentences were just… wow. She just loves getting praised

    • @samus12345
      122 months ago

      She looked like she’d been Joker gassed every time she smiled.

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      It was like watching a more evil version of Dolores Umbridge in the flesh… Which is fitting, because the woman who thought Dolores up is also a hateful, anti-trans biggot.

  • @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    Republican states are the worst states to live in, and instead of trying to improve their life and get nice things, they resort to attacking people for their problems. They want to remove and tear down agencies, the balances of power, and other programs and regulations because they are not happy with their own state governance. Instead of reflecting on their own cooked ideas, they are violent, hateful, and destructive, and don’t realize without the nice things that took a long time to implement, they would have a dystopian hellscape. They would rather blame anyone other than themselves. And no strong leader figure promising a paradise is going to give you the solution, he’s just Hitler, and history remembers how that turned out.

  • @[email protected]
    222 months ago

    Why do they care so much? Like really, who gives a shit. A human is a human. These people are just assholes.

    • @ATDA
      82 months ago

      They don’t. They full know well they’re just saying what rubes want to hear. If a hell existed they’re going to it for demonizing innocent people for profit.

    • @OutsizedWalrus
      2 months ago

      The religious people think it’s their duty to prevent trans people from “sinning” and are likewise terrified their kids will become “trans sinners”.

      I’m not kidding. It’s all religious based hate.

  • @Rapidcreek
    192 months ago

    “If you prick us, do we not bleed? if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison us, do we not die? and if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?”

    ― William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice

  • @Ultraviolet
    162 months ago

    Party of blind hatred spews blind hatred, more at 11.

  • @kikutwo
    112 months ago

    Which gender is she then?

  • @andros_rex
    92 months ago

    Here’s is my agenda as a trans person: I want to have a job and live in a house. In my state, there are no legal protections for either of those two things. I have been fired from a job when it was discovered I was trans; I was unable to access any form of dv shelter when my ex took advantage of that to financially control me.

    I don’t want to trans your kid. I don’t want to gawk at dudes in the loo. Just let me take my T and have a drivers license that won’t get me lynched if I’m driving through fucking Bokoshe.

    • @SarcasticMan
      -52 months ago

      “Censorship is the child of fear and the father of ignorance.” ~ Laurie Halse Anderson