• @puppy
    748 months ago

    More I consume Christian media, more Satan looks like a better guy than God.

    • JackGreenEarth
      508 months ago

      Well, in the Bible Satan killed no more than 20 people, and at the command of God at that. God killed millions intentionally.

    • Flying SquidOP
      238 months ago

      John Milton seemed to agree, although I doubt he could have said so directly in 17th century England. He came pretty damn close, though.

      • Leraje
        8 months ago

        Milton was a staunch Christian. It was interpretations of Paradise Lost a hundred years or so after it was written by the likes of William Blake, Mary Wollstonecraft, Lord Byron and Shelley that were the formation of Romantic Satanism, which in turn inspired the modern atheistic, compassionate Satanism of today.

    • @[email protected]
      158 months ago

      You can always join The Satanic Temple! Very cool political activism group with sick shirts lmao

          • Leraje
            58 months ago

            I wish there was a way but there’s so much bad stuff and it all kind of interweaves with every other aspect of itself. I could tell you Greaves was a eugenicist who’s made eugenicist, racist, antisemitic, ablist statements in the past but without going through everything else in the video its next to impossible to explain how that impacts on how he operates today.

            Neither of them are good people but I don’t want anyone to just take my word for it - the receipts are at that link.

            • Zoot
              28 months ago

              Be awesome if you could provide some sources beyond a YouTube video. Give us something to read please.

              • Leraje
                8 months ago

                The video has its sources listed in a Google Doc in the description, but if reading rather than video is more your thing (or you’re not keen on using Google stuff - and I get that) there’s also TempleWatcher’s pages on Greaves and Jarry, the two co-owners of TST.

                • Zoot
                  8 months ago

                  Thank you, ill give these a read when I’ve got some time.

          • @frankspurplewings
            48 months ago

            I don’t know the specifics and everything I have heard has been third or fourth hand accounts, but apparently the recent drama has been bad and has caused a real upheaval. My local TST group voted to separate from TST and become independent, so now we are working on becoming our own local group. But it takes time to do all the paperwork and stuff.

        • @[email protected]
          8 months ago

          Oh fuck. Gonna have to look at that later, though I’m scared lol

          Added it to my Watch Later, thanks.

          • Leraje
            88 months ago

            Fair warning: some of it is very disturbing. There’s a lot of quoted racism, antisemitism etc. It’s not an easy watch. If you make it through the whole thing, there’s also some very interesting comments left by current and ex members too.

            • @[email protected]
              28 months ago

              Thank you for linking me that video. Just finished it and wow. Disgusted but overall happy to know all that shit and part ways with them. Fuck racists, transphobes, eugenics, fascism and the capitalist underpinnings of TST. *spit

    • @DillyDaily
      128 months ago

      In my country, a fanny is a cunt, so hearing Americans call bum-bags “fanny packs” was, and still is, hilarious to me.

      But I will be exclusively referring to my bum bag as my “strap on” from now on. Thank you, groucho’s mom.

    • Flying SquidOP
      228 months ago

      Yes. Not seen: the gorilla’s leather outfit.

      • @legion02
        128 months ago

        See my vest, see my vest, Made from real gorilla chest

  • @disguy_ovahea
    228 months ago

    Boomers and their outdated concepts. Don’t they know that millennials call their primate ancestors stepdad?

  • @nl4real
    218 months ago

    Having brain cells is satanic, evidently.

    The effort people make to undermine education only shows how desperately it’s needed.

    • @niktemadur
      8 months ago

      There was one of these tracts from the 70s on evolution, where a christian student authoritatively defeats the stuffy science teacher, with what is demonstrably cherry-picked crap taken out of context.

      At the end, the triumphant, humble-yet-firm student asks a by-now deflated science teacher how is it that protons in the nucleus, with positive charge, don’t fly apart, the teacher shakes his head as he mumbles “I don’t know, I don’t know…”

      I guess the student was implying that little angels kept the protons in place? Or that there are some things that are unknowable?
      As if Quantum Chromodynamics, the Strong Force (and Strong Nuclear Force, slight difference there) and The Standard Model didn’t already exist, as if quarks hadn’t been detected beyond a shadow of a doubt.

      In his profound and cynical dishonesty, seems like Chick in his tract counted on information on the subject not yet being widely available at the time.
      Chew on that one for a minute: Chick counted on the scientific illiteracy of the tract reader. Fanatical zealot that he was.

  • @son_named_bort
    188 months ago

    Today’s Chick Tract: Jack’s barely disguised fetish

  • Lord Wiggle
    178 months ago

    So, hell has education, the best music, strippers, drugs, all the cool people, orgies etc. Heaven has boring ignorant church people who find hetero sexuality more important then the love for their own child. So why would I want to go to heaven instead of hell? Christians aren’t presenting a strong case here. When you’re making shit up, why not create a heaven which is awesome instead? With our Holy Noodle, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, heaven consists of beer volcanoes and strippers. Hell consists of beer volcanoes and strippers too, but the beer is passed its expired date and the strippers have STD’s. This is how you promote your fictional afterlife, like it’s better then the alternative. I’d rather go to a place with hot strippers and cocain instead of a heaven full of unvaccinated babies and child molesters.

    • @disgrunty
      88 months ago

      Important question: does it have garlic bread tho

    • FuglyDuck
      8 months ago

      Reminds me of a punchline to a dirty joke.

      “Don’t you dare question how I [satan] torture them.”

  • @RebekahWSD
    158 months ago

    I once found an entire stack of Chick Tracts, I stole them all to laugh at. Amazing to see in person.

    • Flying SquidOP
      88 months ago

      They’re all free on his website. I go there sometimes if I need a laugh.

      • @RebekahWSD
        48 months ago

        Indeed, I’ve read a lot of them! I just try to not give the website more views lately.

        Also finding them physically out in the wild is extremely rare, it was the only time I’ve seen more than like…one. And that one was attached to my front door XD

        • @Emerald
          38 months ago

          Also finding them physically out in the wild is extremely rare

          Well I guess I’m lucky?

          • @RebekahWSD
            38 months ago

            They were more common back in the…80s, 90s, at geek conventions where he’d proselytize. Otherwise they aren’t super common because I think people just don’t know about them much anymore.

            You can bulk order a random assortment though, if you’re inclined to about people and don’t care the specific message!

            • Queen HawlSera
              38 months ago

              I got a booklet full of them as a prize in a carnival game held by a church

    • @Emerald
      68 months ago

      I had no idea what these were. Then I realized I had taken some weird bookets from this one weird store. On the back they say CHICK. So I guess I have some chick tracts now. One is called “Love the Jewish People” and the other “This was your life!”

      • @RebekahWSD
        108 months ago

        Yeah, he loves us jews because we must exist in order for the end times to happen. He’s very fucking weird about it though.

        I mean, he’s weird about everything though.

  • @andros_rex
    8 months ago

    I loooooove Chick tracts. I collect them.

    Always on the lookout for Lisa in which the family doctor lets a dad know that he gave his own daughter herpes but it’s okay because he helps the dad find Jesus and stop being a rapist. That one got pulled pretty quickly.

  • pooberbee (they/she)
    148 months ago

    Ironic to rail against education so hard when you’re literally sitting in a lecture every Sunday.

  • @barsquid
    138 months ago

    My favorite one is the Christian student against the professor. “Gluons aren’t real because you cannot see them. Actually it is Jesus holding atoms together.”

    • @Freefall
      58 months ago

      I can’t see Jesus…or God…oh wait!

    • @[email protected]
      38 months ago

      If I were the professor, I would be fine as long as the student were to tell the definition of a Gluon when I asked them to define “Jesus”.

      A name is a name is a name.

      CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

      • @LordCrom
        28 months ago

        But then you could break Jesus if you smashed into him with enough force.

        • @Malfeasant
          38 months ago

          Don’t threaten him with a good time…