• @oakey66
    1528 months ago

    Who cares. This isn’t about Biden. This is about what’s good for the country. JFC. These people have completely lost any semblance of doing things for the public good.

    • @Riccosuave
      8 months ago

      I’ve been fucking saying this. He thinks it is about him. He’s gonna be dead. Nobody gives a fuck about your legacy except you unless you actually do something worthy of being remembered by. Even then it will be a footnote at best.

      The future is now old man. Lead, follow, or get the fuck out of the way.

      • @[email protected]
        8 months ago

        I think it’s best for the country if he stays in the race because he’s the incumbent and the best (according to the polls) person to replace him is already on the ticket. Also, if you think they’re gonna put someone progressive up, I have some bad news. Essentially, take every position Biden has, and you can safely assume his replacement will be at best as good, and probably at least a little bit worse.

          • @[email protected]
            8 months ago

            It is obvious to anyone that is objectively evaluating the data that Joe Biden has no pathway to victory in this election.

            538 puts his chances above Trump’s. The Keys to the White House puts Joe Biden as favored to win (at least, that’s the expected prediction). I have yet to find a single poll that puts Biden below Trump by more than the margin of Error unless that poll shows 18 to 20-somethings largely voting for Trump, which suggests a sampling bias. Donald Trump already lost to Joe Biden, and since then he attempted an insurrection. Pair the previous fact with the data suggesting Trump didn’t get the expected boost from the assassination attempt, and you reach the inevitable conclusion that America probably hates Trump.

            Each individual datum I presented defies your conclusion, so I’m given to wonder why you have such confidence that it’s not just unlikely but impossible not only for Biden to win but for a reasonable person to disagree? What outstanding evidence do you have that would allow you to reasonably reach this strongest of all conclusions?

            Edit: for those of you having trouble reading, I’m criticizing this person claiming that everyone who disagrees is unreasonable.

            • @Hugin
              58 months ago

              538 is not what it was. Nate Silver left and took the model with him. The current 538 model is new and untested. The old 538 model has Biden at 26%.

              • @[email protected]
                -28 months ago

                Good to know, thank you! My point about the other person’s degrees of certainty remains; it’s absolutely asinine to say that you know for sure and everyone who disagrees with you is unreasonable when the supporting data is that shaky.

            • @Maggoty
              8 months ago

              A. That’s a bald faced lie. 538 shows 50/50ish odds right now because it’s heavily weighted to do so until after the conventions.

              B. Polling in Pennsylvania, the only swing state Trump needs to win, is disastrous for Biden.

              C. The bullet bump is hitting now. Polling is always delayed, the news stories breathlessly published the day after were nothing but click bait.

            • @[email protected]
              48 months ago

              18 to 20-somethings largely voting for Trump, which suggests a sampling bias.

              What do you mean by that? That 18-20s don’t largely vote R or that they are being disproportionately represented in the data?

              Because for the former, Steve Bannon has been working to corrupt the “gaming” community completely. My YouTube algorithm associates gaming with right wing material so he’s already succeeded in that department. Not that all 18-20s are gamers, but I believe more of them are than older generations.

              • @[email protected]
                8 months ago

                I think young voters are on average less likely to vote for Trump, including that particular demographic. I believe that because younger generations are more likely (among other things) to be openly queer, and more politically engaged than people of that age used to be. I believe this because a lot of my friends online and offline are people just out of high school. Almost every young person I meet is about as or more progressive than me, with those who who are less progressive going no further than to the left of Joe Biden. Those exceptions who I’ve personally met can be counted on one hand, and those I interact with have given me no reason to believe that they’re an exception.

                If 18 to 20-somethings were tending right wards, people who are still in high school would be reporting their classmates being swept up in the pipeline as well, but we don’t see that happening. For clarity, I live in a red county, on the boarder of a swing state, and in a small city surrounded by rural communities. Furthermore, I have a career where I interact with a lot of young people and hobbies that push me towards interacting with the groups you’re talking about. If there was a successful strategic effort to push that demographic to the far right, I’d be in a very good position to notice first hand.

                • @aidanM
                  48 months ago

                  I’m 21, from a blue county in a reddish state, it seems mostly 50/50

            • @Eatspancakes84
              48 months ago

              None of these models take into account the issue that an 81-year old cannot campaign as effectively as a younger person. It’s very unlikely that Biden can turn the tide in his favour through a great debate performance or speech. The best Campaign he can run is by hiding such that voters do not see how old and fragile he is. That’s not our best bet for beating Trump.

            • @TokenBoomer
              38 months ago

              The Democratic donors say it’s over. No money, no campaign.

              • @[email protected]
                -38 months ago

                The question is if Biden can beat Trump, and I’m not considering direct plutocrat interference. Also, no one asked you.

                • @TokenBoomer
                  18 months ago

                  Thought it was pertinent information.

            • @Ensign_Crab
              38 months ago

              538 puts his chances above Trump’s.

              And they have an amazing track record in predicting who can beat Trump.

            • @Riccosuave
              8 months ago

              ^ I see. This guy’s comments get to stay, but someone here wants to suppress or censor my opinion which was widely supported by the community. Makes sense…

        • @Maggoty
          78 months ago

          That ship has sailed. Americans don’t turn out for weakness. Whether it’s a squee while the 70 ton Main Battle Tank you’re riding in takes a jump or showing up to a debate cosplaying “confused old man”.

          It’s not rational and political analysts hate it but it’s always been true. Biden had about a week to go on a barnstorm and show us the debate was a fluke and he handled it the exact wrong way. He stayed home and let his campaign staff try to spin things. He needs to step aside now.

        • @MegaUltraChicken
          68 months ago

          because he’s the incumbent

          There’s an argument to be made that incumbency could actually be a drag right now. People don’t feel the government is working for them and they blame those currently in power. We saw with Trump that a lot of people will vote for any kind of change, even if it’s objectively worse.

          • @[email protected]
            -18 months ago

            There’s an argument to be made that incumbency could actually be a drag right now.

            Alright, make it. People haven’t felt like the government has been working for them since I was old enough to vote, so I very much doubt that by itself is really your reasoning. People tell me that I change my mind surprisingly easily, so go ahead.

            • @MegaUltraChicken
              48 months ago

              Look at the wave of right wing populists winning across Europe. Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, and a bunch of other countries have elected these kind of anti-establishment candidates. Same pattern as “MAGA” conservatives in the US. These people don’t win elections because they’re competent. They aren’t even good campaigners. They get elected because they’re promising to trash the system.

              It’s not just that people don’t feel like the government is working for them, it’s that they are looking to authoritarianism to provide solutions.

              • @[email protected]
                -18 months ago

                France and the UK just gave the right a pair of fat Ls, so I don’t think your chosen narrative is as clear as you seem to think. Furthermore, we were discussing the potential advantage/disadvantage of specifically being the incumbent, rather than the appeal of the right wing. That is to say, your argument fails to support your thesis.

                • @TokenBoomer
                  38 months ago

                  Trump was an incumbent in 2020. He lost.

    • @souless
      68 months ago

      Exactly, both parties are continually proving our leaders needs and short sighted visions come first before any benefit makes it to the American people, both parties want bigger government with more control and power.

      To try and appease the people who voted them in they will throw bits of effort at altruistic efforts and chunks of change at in demand topics of the public while we barely hang on to the quality of life the people worked so hard to get to the point where it is.

      Both parties are corrupted at this point, but one is clearly better than the other. Fascism would tear this country apart at the seams. Democrats need to show better leadership management quickly otherwise they are going to lose this important race.

    • @[email protected]
      58 months ago

      Actually, this whole thing has been about Biden’s ego from the very start, and it’s past time that be fully addressed.

  • @[email protected]
    8 months ago

    The country is actively fighting, and in some places losing against, fascism and Bidens response is ‘but what about my feelings?’

    This man never had what it takes to stop fascism and Ive held that belief since his first campaign. Tell me in the four years since has America gotten more or less fascist?

    • @[email protected]
      8 months ago


      This has been one of my main issues with this bullshit lately. The country is going through the most dangerous period in the last 100 years and grandpa Joe only cares about himself…

      Sorry your ego had to take an L, but maybe just maybe, give a shit about other people? That’d be nice.

      • @Ensign_Crab
        48 months ago

        grandpa Joe only cares about himself…

        He thinks he’s got a golden ticket.

    • @Maggoty
      118 months ago

      Yup. People are running around saying we must vote for Biden to fight fascism. But he isn’t fighting. He’s acting like it’s still the 1990’s and good centrist policy will work.

    • @Ensign_Crab
      8 months ago

      The country is actively fighting, and in some places losing against, fascism and Bidens response is ‘but what about my feelings?’

      The country is fighting. One party is fighting for fascism. The other party is fighting against progressives.

  • Cogency
    8 months ago

    I mean I get it, but Biden promised a one term deal for democrats. And it would be a hell of a comfort to see someone young enough to still have the mental flexibility to understand how new situations call for new solutions.

      • @[email protected]
        38 months ago

        Same - and I don’t like how corporate friendly he is at all. I’d take him over Biden in a heartbeat. He actually seems like he’d, you know, actually try to fight against fascism, instead of phoning it in and “reaching across the aisle”. You do not negotiate with or tolerate fascists. You tell them to get the fuck out.

  • @elbucho
    488 months ago

    Bitch, this ain’t about you. This is way bigger than your stupid, bruised ego. You ain’t the best person for the job. You know it, we all know it. You just need to swallow your fucking pride and step aside for the good of the nation.

    • @[email protected]
      68 months ago

      I don’t know why he can’t be happy that he got to be president. Most people don’t get to be president. Just pack it in and relax FFS.

  • @Nobody
    308 months ago

    We’re going to be fucking Nazis in three years if he loses. With all due respect, Mr. President, fuck your feelings.

    Every Democratic senator running in battleground states is polling way, way ahead of Biden. The quite literal “unnamed Democrat” has a better chance of winning.

    If he wants to stay in the race, he opens the convention on VP and vows to step down right after the inauguration. And let the new VP debate Trump next time.

  • @Pacattack57
    288 months ago

    There are too many people in this country who believe trump did a good job during his presidency. All they know is that they could afford shit under trump. This race is closer than anyone can imagine and Biden needs to realize his performance at the debate ended his presidency.

    A large portion of the country already believe Biden broke the economy. It’s unfortunate that they are wrong but that is the optics of it all. Biden can no longer win this race. The only thing keeping him afloat was that he was doing a decent job with the other stuff and now that he is losing his mental acuity the people on the fence are going to choose trump.

    • @Maggoty
      78 months ago

      At this point, with the way GA, VA, and NC are shaping up, Trump just needs Pennsylvania. The Democrats need every other state on offer plus Pennsylvania. Virginia flipping in the polls is huge.

      It could be a bullet bump but combined with the donations being withheld it’s not a close race anymore. Trump is firmly ahead.

  • @[email protected]
    218 months ago

    Jesus he is coming off like such a whiny little bitch. He’s killing his own campaign, and the cause of death is the size of his own ego. I admit I didn’t have this one on my bingo card. I just hope he doesn’t end up dragging us poor bastards down with him.

  • @kaffiene
    208 months ago

    Yeah and progressives feel angry and betrayed when the “left wing” supports Genocide. Suck it up warmonger

    • @Ensign_Crab
      158 months ago

      Progressives feel angry and betrayed when the “left wing” works with Republicans to make sure the minimum wage stays put.

      Progressives feel angry and betrayed when the “left wing” works with Republicans to kill BBB.

      Progressives feel angry and betrayed when the “left wing” works with Republicans to make sure rail workers can’t strike.

      Progressives feel angry and betrayed when the “left wing” fights progressives harder than it fights Republicans.

      Progressives feel angry and betrayed when the “left wing” adopts Trump’s immigration policies.

      Progressives feel angry and betrayed when the “left wing” slow-walks merely rescheduling cannabis instead of even trying to fully legalize it.

      Progressives feel angry and betrayed when the “left wing” kills the public option.

      Progressives feel angry and betrayed when the “left wing” passes NAFTA.

      Progressives feel angry and betrayed when the “left wing” passes the '94 crime bill.

      Progressives feel angry and betrayed when the “left wing” votes for the Iraq war.

      Progressives feel angry and betrayed when the “left wing” keeps extending warrantless wiretapping.

      Progressives feel angry and betrayed when the “left wing” makes sure that those who caused the 08 housing crisis don’t encounter consequences.

      Progressives feel angry and betrayed when the “left wing” has a majority and chooses not to use it.

      Progressives feel angry and betrayed when the “left wing” hides behind incrementalism as an excuse for doing nothing.

      Progressives feel angry and betrayed when the “left wing” makes sure student loans can’t be discharged via bankruptcy.

      Progressives feel angry and betrayed when the “left wing” repeals Glass-Steagall.

      There’s a whole pattern of behavior here, and I’m certainly missing plenty. So I doubt progressives have a lot of patience for Biden’s whining here.

  • @[email protected]
    168 months ago

    He should have gotten out of the way in 2020 when Bernie was winning. Fuck around and find out.

    • Doom
      48 months ago

      we are the ones who will find out he’ll be dead

  • @[email protected]
    158 months ago

    Democrats love to shoot themselves in the foot in a struggle for power. The only reason we are in any of this Trump mess today is because they took Bernie’s run away from him and gave it to a much less popular Hillary Clinton. If they wouldn’t meddle Bernie would be finishing his second term and Trump would be an after thought, but here we are in this mess they created.

    Two party system needs to end.

    • @[email protected]
      38 months ago

      Doesn’t matter because capitalizm will end either way. We go Nazis and work for the rich for no fucking pay or we eat the rich and burn the dollar. Anything else is just a rebirth of the same fraud.

  • @[email protected]
    138 months ago

    Ooh didims, this election is all about your feelings. I wonder if the Palestinians feel hurt or betrayed?

  • @kescusay
    108 months ago

    They’re wavering because you need to show strength, stability, and confidence in a way you haven’t been able to show them for a month.

    If this is genuinely caused by an unlucky series of illnesses and you’ll be fine as soon as you bounce back, great. They’ll line back up behind you. If not… then it’s time to bow out.

    • @[email protected]
      38 months ago

      A month? How about… ever? He has barely lifted a finger to meaningfully slow or discourage the rise of fascism in this country because tHAt wOuLD bE DiviSiVE.

      He’s so far up his own ass about his vaunted ability to compromise that he forgot that you don’t fucking compromise with fascists. That, to me, has been the single biggest failure of his presidency. And the kicker is that he doesn’t even understand any of that, and thinks he did an ok job. Sure, there was a lot of economic recovery and stuff, but forgive me for not being at all confident how long any of that will stand up to the abuses and idiocy of a potential second Trump admin. Biden does not understand that the rules have changed. He is bringing a deck of cards to a gunfight.

    • @Ensign_Crab
      38 months ago

      They’re wavering because you need to show strength, stability, and confidence in a way you haven’t been able to show them for a month.

      I mean, he’s been pretty steadfast on one issue.