• @Hazdaz
    15911 months ago

    Removed by mod

    • Thales
      4511 months ago

      Stop expecting perfection.

      Nobody is perfect. MLK had affairs, the founding fathers owned slaves, Churchill was racist AF, etc.

      She’s doing a great job now and we can educate her the same way we turned Obama from anti-gay marriage.

      We should judge people OVERALL not on stuff like being anti-vax (which to be clear is dumb).

      • @Misconduct
        2111 months ago

        I don’t expect perfection…? Being anti-vax is a big deal to me. That’s not a harmless ideology. It’s moronic and anti-science. This isn’t just some little thing I disagree with it’s, in my opinion, a huge moral and intellectual failure. I think it’s completely fair that this gets brought up because it’s directly relevant.

          • @Misconduct
            11 months ago

            I wish we lived in a world where we could count on people to just do the right thing but we don’t. On issues that put everyone at risk I unfortunately have to stand on the side of mandates until people learn how to act. Personally I’d still rather that they just get naturally excluded from society but we’re all too split for that and too many people have to needlessly die in the meantime. I’m aware fighting for women’s rights to choose is kind of hypocritical in this situation but nobody has come up with a better solution that doesn’t just let people be wilfully ignorant and get other people killed in the process.

      • @ShakyPerception
        1411 months ago


        If even ONE thought in her head disagrees with MY world view then she is useless and NEEDS to be destroyed!


          • @Misconduct
            11 months ago

            Yet somehow you guys are always the first to play the victim even to something that’s still theoretical. Like your comment here. Amazing example. Same with the person you responded to. Not a single example of anything like that but here you both are comforting each other over it lmao

      • @Hazdaz
        1011 months ago

        Removed by mod

        • @Misconduct
          411 months ago

          Talking about someone’s glaring flaws isn’t the same as expecting perfection. That’s an intillectually lazy way to see it. Wanting people to only sing the praises of anyone is actually expecting your version of perfection.

            • @Misconduct
              111 months ago

              If it’s relevant to the person being discussed it’s fair game imo. Just like it’s fair game to point out her better actions if it’s in a post dunking on her. Famous people are gonna be scrutinized more than the guy working at the gas station that’s just how it goes. I don’t expect perfection but what alternative do you even want here? I’m not down with ignoring bad behavior then because we want their help now. That’ll never sit right with me. If someone is in a position to be emulated by fans and they make the decision to spread dangerous ideology then fuck em. I’m gonna bring it up at every whisper of their name. It’s the closest thing to actual consequences for their actions that most rich/famous people ever get anyway.

              • @[email protected]
                111 months ago

                Why does it matter if it’s relevant to the person, if it’s not relevant to the subject or current event in question?

                To answer your question, the alternative I want here is better working conditions for actors. I view her as working class, not rich. The difference between a millionaire and a billionaire is about a billion dollars.

                The guys her union is up against actually are rich, and they’re even worse. The working class is being divided and conquered.

                • @Misconduct
                  11 months ago

                  To each their own. I’m not willing to give any slack on people that are anti-vax even if I perceive them as being helpful to me at the time.

      • ormr
        511 months ago

        Now thats a very good opinion that I totally endorse.

    • @Jackcooper
      2811 months ago

      So what you’re saying is

      All hail Sarah Silverman

    • idunnololz
      2311 months ago

      Yeah. Put me on a pedestal instead. I’ve got some nice ideas. Like what if we made a car with a square steering wheel? I mean we won’t know the downsides until we try.

    • @[email protected]
      1511 months ago

      I don’t know man. My dad, my teacher and the fireman have no public presence so they won’t be the face of any media workers’ strike. And at least one of the above is also an anti-vaxx and/or an asshole. This lady is just doing her role and I don’t think it makes much sense to undermine her work on this subject because her poor takes on others.

      • @Hazdaz
        011 months ago

        But isn’t that what our society does these days? Or at least certain segments of it.

        They take someone who is X and then elevate them to some unreasonably high status that no one person should attain, and then that same society drops them like they’re a hot potato when they find out that the person isn’t perfect.

        To be clear, I don’t disagree with your take. We shouldn’t be undermining someone’s work because of some stupid opinion on this or dumb decision to do that.

        But think about what’s become a rather popular event over the last couple of years. Some actor gets shunned for saying some stupid shit about vaccines. There has been a whole rash of events where statues of people long dead have been taken down. Buildings dedicated to certain people were renamed. Columbus - the poor guy’s legacy has been dragged through the mud because of people who can’t separate the fact that he was a great explorer but he was also a bit of a douchebag.

        We need to stop elevating these people to the level of a deity, and then we won’t be shocked to find out the person was just human and a bit of a womanizer or a prick about money or he didn’t like certain groups all that much. Praise them for their singing or acting or the new world they explored.

        • @solstice
          11 months ago

          Was he really a great explorer though? The guy dramatically underestimated the size of the earth and he and his crew probably would’ve died from thirst or starvation or whatever if they hadn’t run smack into the new world halfway to India.

          • @Hazdaz
            111 months ago

            By that logic then, the majority of world famous chemists and other scientists out there shouldn’t be heralded as great minds because they only accidentally discovered a certain medicine that cured a disease or a new element or some other new compound that eventually was put to great use.

        • Flying SquidOPM
          611 months ago

          a bit of a douchebag.

          He committed genocide. Would that also make Hitler “a bit of a douchebag?”

        • @[email protected]
          611 months ago

          You say on one hand we should stop putting people on pedestals, but then in the same thought you go on to say that Columbus’ “legacy” was ruined just because he was a bit of a douchebag.

          Like how logically inconsistent are your own thoughts? Columbus was a piece of shit who genocided multiple ethnic groups. He never should have had statues in the first place. He didn’t even find what he was looking for. He was an arrogant fuck who got lucky, and the world probably would have been better off if he drowned at sea.

          And nobody “dragged him through the mud”, they just took a realistic look at who and what he actually is, which is supposedly what you’re proposing.

          • @Hazdaz
            211 months ago

            What is so difficult to understand? The person - all people in general - are multi-faceted and as humans we are all flawed. Someone can be a murder but also be brilliant on the football field, like OJ. Stop putting these people up on a pedestal. But at the same time, are we supposed to simply ERASE his accomplishments on the football field? Everything is so obnoxiously polarized.

            That’s what people these days want to do. On the one hand they elevate every stupid celebrity they can think of and then everything comes crashing down when they say an off-color joke. If someone is a great singer… great, listen to their music, but stop fawning over what they wear and what they drive. Stop listening to every stupid comment they tweet. They are a singer, chances are they aren’t a scientist which probably doesn’t make them an expert on climate change or vaccines or whatever other topic. One day people are paying double for some celebrity endorsed sneaker and then the next they are burning those very same sneakers in a pit because he said something about endangered trees.

            • @I_Fart_Glitter
              211 months ago

              Off color joke =/= genocide. Great footballin < murdering. The people upset about the endangered trees are not the ones burning overpriced athletic shoes made by child slaves.

              I’m going to assume you are a troll, because to do otherwise makes me feel sad.

    • Margot Robbie
      1011 months ago

      Stop putting celebrities on a pedestal.

      Unless it’s me, right? 🥰

    • @JH6
      1011 months ago

      God if there was one message I could forcefully implant into society as a whole it’s this. Well said.

      • @wwaxwork
        811 months ago

        Don’t put anyone on a pedestal. Not politicians, not celebrities’, not twitch streamers, not your girlfriend. You can love, respect and even like people, but don’t worship anyone, it leaves you blind to their faults and it’s a pain in the ass being the one on the pedestal in a relationship.

        • Venia Silente
          311 months ago

          You can pass people’s messages around, and the messages that are not about them but that their presence and actions help spread, without putting them on a pedestal.

          Try it for once. It’s fun.

    • @samus12345
      911 months ago

      It’s just a shitpost. Why so serious?

    • @Gorbachof
      911 months ago

      What if Fran Dresscher is my dad?

      • @Hazdaz
        411 months ago

        She might teacher 6th grade social studies too! Shit. You found a loophole.

    • @[email protected]
      811 months ago

      Everyone is a little loopy though. We’re all some flavor of hypocrite too.

      I don’t mind celebrities being on a pedestal, because it is a common reference point for us all when discussing virtue or lack thereof.

      We just all need to be reminded that they are still human and stupid in their own way.

  • Hextic
    5411 months ago

    The Nanny being the one to lead the charge vs Skynet is the exact shit I expect from this current clown timeline.

    And I’m fine with it. Fran Drescher is awesome.

      • Venia Silente
        1911 months ago

        Select your praise. You can praise her pro-SAG action without having to also praise or even care about her anti-vax postures.

      • Hextic
        1311 months ago

        Right now she’s fucking up Hollywood billionaires. If true then I’m willing to use her like we used the Soviets in WW2.

        The greater good

    • @clutchmatic
      1011 months ago

      She’s passionate and she cares.

    • @runjun
      611 months ago

      Fran is constantly fighting for people’s rights. I love her.

  • @BurtReynoldsMustache
    2511 months ago

    Okay but I think we can all agree Fran Drescher is THE baddest bitch after having watched her impassioned call to arms.

    • @solstice
      3111 months ago

      I didn’t either until this thread. Fran Drescher is the current president of the screen actors guild and I assume this has something to do with the writers strike. I guess AI content like images and stories, plus their own likeness and brands, is an issue in the strike.

      I’m not paying any attention to the writers strike because I haven’t really consumed any new hollywood movies or tv shows in quite a while. Hollywood just isn’t relevant anymore and they know it, there’s just too much content online and other things to keep busy for me to care about their garbage.

      • @Kanzar
        1711 months ago

        Fran is quite well known for her role in The Nanny, and a pertinent scene is one where she fights not to cross a picket (strike) line, and her employer forces her across.

        So a lot of us who remember this scene are all having a little extra giggle about the whole deal.

      • @feedum_sneedson
        211 months ago

        I see what they’re getting at. Yeah I don’t really watch anything either!

      • @BurtReynoldsMustache
        -211 months ago

        I mean, if you want to post an irrelevant opinion that doesn’t reflect that of the majority’s, you should’ve gone to unpopularopinion

    • Nioxic
      1711 months ago


      lead actress in the Terminator movies - Linda Hamilton


      Fran Drescher, lead actress in “The Nanny” from the 90s. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000376/ as well as other things, of course. but this is what i remember her from.

      • Lido
        211 months ago

        Let’s not forget The Hollywood Knights.

  • @ZombieZookeeper
    2011 months ago

    The highly nasal voice that strike fear into the hearts of machines everywhere.

    • @djmarcone
      411 months ago

      For a long time I thought she played Janice on friends

      • dtc
        111 months ago

        Do you mean to tell me that she doesn’t play Janice on Friends?

  • Hibby
    1411 months ago

    Bobbi Flekman confronted the sexism in the Spinal Tap album “Smell the Glove” back when she worked artist relations for Polymer Records in 1982. She has known for years that “Money talks, and bullshit walks”

    • Flying SquidOPM
      711 months ago

      She confronted it again in UHF. And kicked it.

  • @Etterra
    311 months ago

    Off topic but she sounded hoarse AF. I dunno if it’s from recent screaming or a pack-a-day habit but it caught me off guard.

  • @JH6
    011 months ago

    Fran Drescher is such a baddie, all else aside.