Almost 40,000 people registered to vote in the 48 hours after President Biden announced he was suspending his reelection campaign and endorsing Vice President Harris, said. said 38,500 new voters registered, representing the largest number of registrations in a 48-hour period this election cycle.

Of the new voter registrations, 83 percent were from people aged 18-34, according to the voting registration nonprofit group.

  • The Assman
    1428 months ago

    I love how all of lemmy and many other places on the internet bitched and moaned about people calling for Biden to drop out. Then he did and the party is more energized than it has been in years, and actually has a chance to, ya know, defeat American fascism.

    • @[email protected]
      1158 months ago

      I was one of those people. It seemed incredibly stupid to me.

      I thought we’d fracture, and infighting would eat up our next three months. I thought it would squander our remaining chances. I thought the same people who didn’t want Biden also didn’t want Kamala, and I didn’t know of anyone else.

      I thought it would open us up to litigation, and because I don’t trust our judicial branch, I thought that would let Republicans strangle a candidate in courts. Most importantly, I thought Republicans actually had a plan and a strategy.

      I was very wrong and it doesn’t bother me at all to admit it. In fact, I’m relieved.

      • femtech
        468 months ago

        100% felt the same way as you. Now my sister and l are going to volunteer.

        • @WindyRebel
          268 months ago

          Hell yeah! Looks like someone got some ass today!

      • @[email protected]
        68 months ago

        I thought the same people who didn’t want Biden also didn’t want Kamala,

        I’m still one of those people. I think she is an OK candidate, but Mark Kelly is a far better one.

        That being said, I don’t see a “Bernie Bros” situation forming here. I don’t see people voting against her if she wins the nomination.

        • @Yawweee877h444
          268 months ago

          I feel like a broken record as I keep repeating this, some agree some disagree I dont care.

          Mark Kelly sucks. He opposes Medicare for all. Opposing Medicare for all is NOT a moderate position. It is definitively a right of center or conservative position. This is one of my personal deal breakers.

          He also opposes the green new deal, as well as supported expanding oil drilling.

          If these types of issues don’t bother you then that’s your prerogative.

          • @NewNewAccount
            118 months ago

            If these types of issues don’t bother you then that’s your prerogative.

            Losing Arizona bothers me.

            • @[email protected]
              8 months ago

              This, exactly. We have a history of winning the popular vote and losing the election. We can argue about how terrible the EC is later, but that fact is not going to be changed before the election. We need to win the EC.

              Harris is a California Democrat. She will easily win the blue states that anyone with a “(D)” after their name would win, and she will almost certainly take the popular vote. But that isn’t enough to win a presidential election.

              Kelly is a unicorn. He is a Democrat that has the demonstrated ability to win in a red state. He will win any state that Harris will win, and he has a good chance at poaching enough voters to turn some otherwise red states competitive.

              Harris might squeak through a win if we are very, very lucky.

              Kelly will beat Trump like a rented redheaded stepmule.

              • @Ensign_Crab
                8 months ago

                He is a Democrat that has the demonstrated ability to win in a red state.

                The other senator form the same state also won as a Democrat. That doesn’t mean Harris should select her.

              • @NewNewAccount
                48 months ago

                Are you suggesting he be the nominee for president? In 2024?

                • @[email protected]
                  -78 months ago

                  I think he has a better chance than Harris at winning the election. I think the negatives attributed to him are positions held by his constituents, and are not unreasonable in context. I think he is progressive, but pragmatic.

                  Yes, I’d put him at the top of the ticket.

                  That doesn’t mean I’ll “Bernie or Bust” for him.

          • @[email protected]
            -28 months ago

            They don’t bother me because he’s one person and we need absolutely every Democrat we can get to enact any change.

            If losing gracefully “with ideals” and going further right in reality because Republicans control things doesn’t bother you then that’s your prerogative.

        • @Passerby6497
          68 months ago

          . I think she is an OK candidate, but Mark Kelly is a far better one.

          The last thing the Dems need is to go to the right again.

          • @[email protected]
            -48 months ago

            That attitude is why we keep winning the popular vote, but losing elections.

            That attitude is why the Republicans can run out to the starboard wingtip and stretch out over the edge.

            You can’t enact progressive policies when you’re benched. We are able to achieve far more progressive policies when we approach them from the center than from the left.

            • @Passerby6497
              58 months ago

              Shifting to the right is what Democrats do every election and wonder why they lose …

      • @[email protected]
        58 months ago

        Right there with you. Now…people are acting like this is over and it is very far from it but I’m at least cautiously optimistic. Here’s to hoping Kamala makes a good VP pick and runs a good campaign. Long road ahead still but yes, I’m very much relieved it hasn’t gone off the rails so far.

        By god, so far I am ecstatic I was wrong. Here’s to hoping I’ll still be proven wrong all the way into November 5.

    • @[email protected]
      458 months ago

      I will admit I was wrong.

      At first I was like noooooo, then when he endorsed Kamala I was like, oh god nooooooo…but I’ll eat my words. I’m excited and happy with the outcome so far and, regardless, was voting dem anyway.

      Like, maybe I’m speaking too soon, but I almost feel…a modicum of hope again?

      • @DrDuuude
        38 months ago

        I’ll admit I was wrong too. I thought it would turn into an intra-party squabble that lasted weeks, but I’m pleasantly surprised. It’s nice to be able to make a positive choice instead of just a “lesser evil” one.

    • Dharma Curious (he/him)
      438 months ago

      Okay, I rarely comment on political posts on Lemmy, because I value my time, and my sanity. And I agree with you. This is our best chance. But I just want to say that Kamala does not represent a way to defeat American fascism. She represents a way to buy some time until we can form a movement that goes so far beyond neo liberal policies it’s unreal. It’s still unlikely, but she’s hopefully buying us 4 years.

      Maybe I’m just being pedantic, but it genuinely worries me when people think that Kamala or really any major politician in the US can defeat fascism. Normal got us here, normal will send us right back.

      Again, not trying to be an ass, and perhaps you also meant she buys us time, but this shit scares me. If she wins in November, and even I, as a filthy commie, I hope she does, it isn’t a victory in the war against American fascism. It’s a bandaid, a canteen of water, and a chance to regroup.

      • @[email protected]
        258 months ago

        Need to shift the Overton window to the left again before we can even look at the really liberal ideas.

      • @[email protected]
        198 months ago

        I agree with you, but Kamala will probably still be the most left leaning president the USA ever had by quite a bit (AFAIK), and has a good chance to start shifting the Overton Window; if only by showing the Democratic Party that choosing more left leaning candidates actually gives them better chances of winning.

        • @krashmo
          188 months ago

          Kamala will probably still be the most left leaning president the USA ever had by quite a bit

          Maybe in the last 50 years. FDR was closer to an actual socialist than any politician who’s had that label applied to them in America since. Kennedy was far enough left that he got shot for it. Kamala could have a chance to do some real good but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

        • @Ensign_Crab
          -18 months ago

          Kamala will probably still be the most left leaning president the USA ever had by quite a bit

          Please stop this. She’s an acceptable compromise candidate, which is better than what Biden was. Overselling her is just going to lead to disappointment and bitterness when the ad copy doesn’t match reality.

      • The Assman
        138 months ago

        Yeah what I mean is the trump admin would shepherd in full fledged fascism. Especially considering sotomayor’s age. It’s critically important to the entire world that he doesn’t win. Certainly more work to do after he’s defeated.

    • @Cryophilia
      288 months ago

      Yep. I was very wrong. I completely misread the pulse of the Democratic party.

      • @Knock_Knock_Lemmy_In
        118 months ago

        The pulse of the Democratic Party was supposed to be measured during the primaries. Obviously they are broken.

    • @Sanctus
      248 months ago

      I’m extremely happy to admit I was wrong. I did bitch and moan, but it didn’t fracture the party at all.

    • @CharlesDarwin
      188 months ago

      Yeah, I really don’t understand the people that were against Biden dropping out. It was so very obvious after that debate. Just no way he was going to beat that narrative.

      • @Cryophilia
        228 months ago

        I didn’t expect the party to so quickly coalesce around Harris honestly. I thought if Biden dropped out, it would be chaos and the Republicans would sail to victory.

        • The Quuuuuill
          88 months ago

          It almost seems possible the democratic leadership might have potentially possibly maybe learned something perhaps and came up with a strategy for how to deal with trump that doesn’t hinge on trying to do the same things that worked in 2020 (and then failed miserably in 2022). Good for them! Maybe next they’ll learn they don’t have to court moderate republican voters to switch sides, and instead focus on the vast swath of Americans who feel so disenchanted with American Politics that they don’t vote, or even really pay attention to politics, because the Democrats are, globally, conservative, and the Republicans are, globally, insane

          • @[email protected]
            168 months ago

            I agree with pretty much everything you say here except one thing:

            failed miserably in 2022

            2022 was an unmitigated success for Democrats. Not only did we keep the senate but we kept the Republican majority in the House razor thin. That was in defiance of polling and historical precedent.

            Do you remember how the right went from talking about a “red wave” to bitter complaining and damage control in the span of about 12 hours? How we damn near ousted Boebert? How Michigan became a blue trifecta for the first time since 1984?

            2022 was far from a miserable failure. It was far, far better than we had any reasonable hope for.

            • The Quuuuuill
              68 months ago

              Sorry I was living in a state where the DNC was experimenting with what the grand plan would be for 2024 and the result was Trump-lite in a stupid little fleece vest became governor and in the years since Virginia has become a much less safe place to be a person of color, queer, or a woman.

                • The Quuuuuill
                  68 months ago

                  Also re-reading my apology for getting lost in the sauce of my own bias of how I viewed 2022 I realize i might come across as being snarky when legitimately I forgot how that year went for everyone else because I was so frustrated watching both sides in VA say one of the candidates was exactly like Trump. I wasn’t being sarcastic in my prior comment. Legitimately. I goofed up and I’m sorry

            • @Cryophilia
              -118 months ago

              Welcome to “Leftism” where the feelings are made up and the facts don’t matter!

              Disclaimer: also applies to right-wingers

              • @Passerby6497
                8 months ago

                Or, you know, different regions had different realities on the ground post 2022 election.

                Just because the party did well nationally, doesn’t mean they didn’t suffer in certain places.

                • @Cryophilia
                  38 months ago

                  I see your comment about Virginia. That sucked and we should have done better. I’m sorry, I assumed you were just another one of those edgy teenagers who always has to say “Democrats bad”.

        • @CharlesDarwin
          18 months ago

          I thought the plan might be to make a bit of a spectacle of an open primary, depriving the convicted felon of the attention he so craves.

    • @[email protected]
      178 months ago

      I was absolutely baffled at how many downvotes I got for saying I didn’t think Biden had his head in the game after he was like “I’ll do my best but if I lose oh well 🤷‍♂️”. Like… holy fuck. That was perhaps the most catastrophically tone-deaf thing I’ve ever heard an otherwise fairly skilled politician say - and I’ve heard a LOT of politicians say a LOT of stupid things.

      • @Ensign_Crab
        08 months ago

        I was absolutely baffled at how many downvotes I got

        Not to mention all the gaslighting, false accusations, condescension and abuse.

    • a lil bee 🐝
      178 months ago

      Hey, stop focusing so much on “I told ya so” to people who are definitely on your side. I was torn on it as well, but out of consideration for the potential impact being unknown. Hindsight is 20/20 and we’re all better served by not gloating if we were right and instead focusing on the future path we are now on. Let’s just keep it positive and build this victory through positivity instead of potential fractures with people who likely agree with you on the issues.

      • @Cryophilia
        48 months ago

        I think Biden supporters are not like bitter Bernie bros. I’m a Biden supporter, and all I’m seeing from fellow supporters is pleasant surprise. We didn’t expect Harris to get this kind of support, but we’re glad to see it.

        Like Biden said in his speech today, saving our democracy is by far and away the most important thing, and it looks like Harris can do it so I’m happy to see my predictions were wrong.

        I do still think Biden was done dirty, but Harris is an excellent candidate and will make a great President. And she has my full support.

      • @Ensign_Crab
        -18 months ago

        Hey, stop focusing so much on “I told ya so” to people who are definitely on your side.

        If they hadn’t been so arrogant and condescending while being absolutely completely 100% wrong, the temptation wouldn’t be there.

        But they were. They’re the wing of the party that keeps insisting that everyone to their left doesn’t know how anything works. Turns out, political reality isn’t what it was in the early to mid '90s, and the republican-adjacent wing of the party is out of touch and doesn’t know how anything works anymore.

        It’ll do centrists some good to eat crow. They need to reexamine their assumptions, because their assumptions led them to advocate continuing to run a losing candidate when democracy itself was on the line. And they need some of the uncharacteristic humility that some centrists in this thread are big enough people to actually show, and which I commend.

        • @[email protected]
          18 months ago

          Sorry if this is a bit off topic, but id like to put a gentle reminder here that it doesn’t help when political trolls show up pretending to be Democrats and start agitating people and causing infighting. There’s actually sociology term for it. Covert trolling.

          Sure, not everyone defending biden or those against biden was a troll, but I recently saw enough of them in the mix trying, and succeeding at causing infighting between people who otherwise agree on political issues.

          I find it’s helpful to remind myself that a lot of the people espousing inflammatory opinions and generally being rude online are trolls, and they don’t reflect the real opinions of most of the population.

          The trolls want to control the Overton window. We stop that by educating ourselves on their tactics, and recognizing them when they show up, and not engaging. They love nothing more than wasting everyone’s time with long comment chains filled with circular arguments.

          Also, your feelings are totally valid, just don’t let shitheads make you bitter. I’m sure a chunk of the people you are calling out were instigators, and not people who actually believed what they were saying.

          Sorry for the long comment, and feel free to ignore it if it’s unhelpful to you!

          • @Ensign_Crab
            18 months ago

            Sorry if this is a bit off topic, but id like to put a gentle reminder here that it doesn’t help when political trolls show up pretending to be Democrats and start agitating people and causing infighting.

            It doesn’t help that any time someone disagrees with a centrist, this is the immediate assumption.

            • @[email protected]
              8 months ago

              unfortunately there’s going to be people, often trolls themselves, who weaponize “you’re a troll” to silence people. It’s a way to deflect from their own inflammatory behavior. Or, it’s someone who’s sick of trolls and they are on high alert for them and had a false positive.
              That’s why I encourage people to not engage with a suspected troll. Their goal is to prevent productive conversations from happening and they enjoy wasting people’s time. Instead of disagreeing with them, find someone else in the thread being reasonable and talk with them and contribute to productive and engaging conversations.
              Also, sorry if this comes off a preachy, it’s not my intention. I’m just trying to be careful with my wording so I say what I mean and don’t accidentally offend.

        • @[email protected]
          18 months ago

          Well, when we were saying this isn’t a good idea to replace Biden the only solution yall were giving was well let’s have a vote and see what people think.

          That’s not what happened. Kamala stepped up and nearly everyone rallied behind her.

          So don’t act like you’re any better because when we argued the only solution was ‘let’s just throw shit at the wall and see what happens’

          • @Ensign_Crab
            8 months ago

            Well, when we were saying this isn’t a good idea to replace Biden the only solution yall were giving was well let’s have a vote and see what people think.

            Our solution was to replace Biden. We were right. You lot were predicting chaos because you wanted to keep a geriatric genocide supporter who was losing.

            EDIT: Reply to me in public or not at all.

    • Jesus
      148 months ago

      I don’t know about “all of Lemmy.”

      After the debate, most of the top comments were pro-dropout.

    • @PugJesus
      138 months ago

      I swapped from calling for Biden to stay to calling for Biden to go once sitting Congresscritters spoke out in public asking him to step down, since the main advantage of incumbency is supposed to be the ability to preserve party unity, but I was still expecting a lot more “DEMS IN DISARRAY HOW CAN THEY EVER WIN” style narrative to take root. There’s still time for me to be disappointed, but as of right now I’m pleasantly surprised.

    • @[email protected]
      88 months ago

      I remember a week or two ago, the same crowd calling Biden to quit also bitch about how Harris would be a horrible replacement with absolutely zero chance gaining any support.

      • @[email protected]
        138 months ago

        It turns out sending in a human instead of a vegetable might work out. That said, many complaints about her past as a “law and order” piece of shit are very valid.

      • @CharlesDarwin
        38 months ago

        Even now, I have a few reservations. I hope it doesn’t get framed as some kind of DEI coronation. Well, I know the qons will try, but I mean, will it stick.

        But if she’s the choice, she’s the choice. There are some alternatives I’d rather be running, but it is what it is. I’m still very pumped that Joe stepped down.

        • @Ensign_Crab
          108 months ago

          I hope it doesn’t get framed as some kind of DEI coronation.

          Republicans have been crying wolf about DEI for so long, there’s no way that’s gonna stick.

          • @samus12345
            8 months ago

            Yup, just like CRT or woke, if I see a Republican mention it my brain translates it to “white nationalist grievance.”

        • @Burn_The_Right
          108 months ago

          No one on the left is offended by inclusivity, so their tantrums about her race and gender fall on deaf ears.

          Also, folks on the left know she was elected to her biggest roles and not appointed. She earned her way to the top, unlike the shitty fake judges appointed by the cockroach party.

    • John Richard
      -308 months ago

      The problem is that they then pretend like they never acted that way & are going to great lengths to cover up that they ever did.

      • @Wrench
        198 months ago

        I was against Biden dropping out because I don’t think Harris has charisma. I’ve been pleasantly surprised at the initial reaction.

        While I hope to be proven wrong, I suspect this initial momentum is going to fade before long and it’s going to get rough as the excitement dies down and the Right get their talking points dialed in.

        But it’s going far better than I thought in these first few days, so I’ll happily take the L on my predictions.

        • @samus12345
          18 months ago

          Right talking points so far:

          She’s not a man

          She’s not white

          She laughs

          She doesn’t have kids of her own

      • @Cryophilia
        88 months ago

        No, we were wrong and we’re admitting it. Replacing Biden was the right call.

        • John Richard
          18 months ago

          Kudos to you. I hope Democrats can continue to put voters interests above their own.

    • @[email protected]
      8 months ago

      Not calling you out because I’ve been guilty of this before, but this is a great reason to vote in every election, local all the way up to presidential!

      Not only will your vote have more impact in local elections (due to even worse turnout), but you know you won’t be unfairly purged from voter rolls. Probably…

    • @Meron35
      278 months ago

      The cancel culture we should be worried about

    • unalivejoy
      88 months ago

      North Carolina here. Voter registration is done automatically when you renew your vehicle registration.

      • @krashmo
        118 months ago

        That’s some hippie bullshit. You should have to stand in line for 8 hours just to get told “come back next Wednesday” like a real American.


      • @Stupidmanager
        38 months ago

        I get texts and emails about the comings and goings of my ballots as it makes its way via usps. I can’t even remember when the last time I had to make sure I was registered. But like you I think it was when I got my plates, or maybe my drivers license. Colorado is far ahead of its time… like they WANT me to vote with minimum effort.

        • @Archer
          8 months ago

          Washington State here. The option to get a text when your ballot is returned and then accepted is fantastic

  • @[email protected]
    508 months ago

    Vote in your local elections! Even those stupid one issue ballots. Everything matters locally!

  • @Ensign_Crab
    488 months ago

    That’s more people than Taylor Swift got to register.

    Young people respond when they feel like they’re being listened to. They don’t respond to boomers lecturing them about what to do, because they’ve heard job hunting advice from boomers.

      • @Ensign_Crab
        68 months ago

        Biden is the Sonic from the trailer; Harris is the Sonic from the movie.

  • @pyre
    438 months ago

    kudos to everyone who thought Biden stepping down was a bad idea but admit they were wrong now. i understand why some people thought it would lead to uncertainty and chaos, might look weak, etc. it’s an understandable concern.

    and now it’s in the past. if you can see that it’s helping your side by energizing people who might have checked out before, it’s severely hurting the other side who only had prepared attacks on biden and have nothing to say but whine that this isn’t fair, and most importantly her willingness to talk about project 2025 unlike biden is raising awareness and distaste for the republicans… and think “hey this went better than I expected and I’m glad that it happened”… then I salute you. i hope this inspires you to talk to more people and get more people to vote.

    • @[email protected]
      228 months ago

      “hey this went better than I expected and I’m glad that it happened” you just described me exactly lol. I figured Biden dropping out would be bad for our democracy and Trump would be more likely to win.

      A day after he dropped out I knew I was wrong given the absolute excitement from pretty much everyone except Republicans, happy it happened now.

    • @Dkarma
      68 months ago

      This is me. I thought it was a bad idea and I’m happy to admit I was wrong and am throwing my full weight behind Harris.

      The momentum and energy here is undeniable. This latest dig on trump is exactly the fire we need.

  • @[email protected]
    278 months ago

    So good news and all, and I guess we kinda already know this, but this also means there are at least 40k fucking morons out there…

    If I’m to be polite I should probably say “politically uninformed.” But seriously wtf? They’d sit back and take fascism if it were old man vs old man, but now it’s time to vote because one old man is out?

    • @VinnyDaCat
      148 months ago

      People are like that sometimes.

      Unless you want to take the conservative approach of attempting to eliminate anyone who stands against you, then you unfortunately have to learn to understand and work with these people. We do not exist on our own. We exist with many, many other people who have different views than our own, who react and think differently than we do.

      Part of life is learning how to work with these people, how to get them to do what needs to be done. You can sit there and scream at them for being stupid or you can figure out how to get them to do what you want.

    • @DogWater
      88 months ago

      Yeah I was fucking in the trenches arguing with people that picking one of the old white guys was better than the racist, unhinged facist who sells state secrets and actively works against the interests of everyone who isn’t a billionaire or Russian…crazy that it’s like that.

    • @Etterra
      88 months ago

      Motivation is a big factor. Don’t forget, humans are generally lazy when not otherwise driven. And let’s be honest, Joe’s about as motivational as an afternoon nap. This just gave those unregistered people the luck in the ass they needed to get it done. Considering that like what, only 40% of the population? or something actually votes, finding a way to motivate some of those non-voters is a big deal.

      • @Dkarma
        18 months ago

        I’m motivated AF to take an afternoon nap, but I’m glad Joe’s out.

    • @HomerianSymphony
      38 months ago

      You know, calling people morons because they don’t like your candidate is why people don’t like the Democrats.

      • @[email protected]
        8 months ago

        It’s about literal dictatorship vs same old b.s. it’s not about “like my candidate or you’re an idiot!” I wasn’t even a fan of Biden.

        They weren’t voting for Trump, they just weren’t voting at all which is why I say they’re stupid given the current circumstances…

      • @Dkarma
        08 months ago

        You think that’s why they call you morons? It’s not because you’re Republicans it’s because you believe obvious misinformation and are easily suckered.

        You guys are literally trying to deposit gold trump bucks in ATMs… Most blue states average IQ is above most red states. Studies have proven time and again conservatives are reactionary fear driven people.

  • Rentlar
    238 months ago

    Elections in the past all over the US and Canada have been decided by margins of less than 100. Every vote counts!

  • @robocall
    208 months ago

    Check your registration status, vote early if you are eligible, make a plan to vote.

  • @yesman
    128 months ago

    I know all this irrational exuberance over the good news Democrats have been getting since Biden dropped out is going to come with a hangover, but fuck it, I’m having a blast!

    • John Richard
      -238 months ago

      What happened to all the Democrats saying only Joe could win?

      • @[email protected]
        48 months ago

        I don’t think most ever said only Joe could win. I, and others, believed that Joe had the best chance at winning. It’s looking like we were wrong, which I’m happy with. Even if the very recent polling (showing her up 2 points on Trump, compared to Biden), and the large donation day hadn’t happened or Kamala looked worse, I would still be happy Biden dropped out if only because once Nancy and other top democrats started to challenge Biden. its not a good look to have an incumbent being challenged in that way.

        • John Richard
          18 months ago

          You know, I have to give you credit for admitting you were wrong. That takes courage and self-reflection. If Democrats can continue doing that, then they’ll beat Trump in a landslide.

      • @yesman
        18 months ago

        Same thing that happened to the tankies’ revolution. It was mostly bluster and bluff.

  • @RampantParanoia2365
    8 months ago

    So…when I checked my voter status in June, it said that the deadline to register for November was early July. Isn’t this a few weeks late? Did I misunderstand something?

    • @CoggyMcFee
      48 months ago

      It varies by state. In some states you can register on voting day and still vote.