• Jo Miran
    2 months ago

    I split my time between Florida and Wyoming. I also don’t fly so I drive between them through the “red heart” on the country. I see very little enthusiasm for Trump. Sure, I hear a lot of grumbling, and I am sure the Republicans will go out and vote en masse, but not because they love what Trump is selling. They just don’t want to lose.

    No fucking way they rise up for a civil war.

    • Dadd Volante
      312 months ago

      I live in Indiana where they have military training for civilians.

      “For recreational purposes”

      There’s definitely some itching for it

      • @[email protected]
        22 months ago

        Are you talking about Camp Atturbery and the Muscatakuk training compound? That is not open to civilians, it’s all NG/Army/Marine training. Largely used for MOUT training.

        • Dadd Volante
          72 months ago

          Nope. Legitimate military training. They have a compound and helicopters.

          I highly doubt it’s the only one.

          • @UnderpantsWeevil
            22 months ago

            They have a compound and helicopters.

            Sounds less like military training and more like a cult

            • Dadd Volante
              22 months ago

              They literally focus on military training and tactics. Gunplay, urban warfare and such

              But you’d know more than me

    • NegativeNull
      272 months ago

      I was just in south Arkansas for a week (family stuff). It’s as red of an area as you can get. I saw a single Trump flag flying on a house, and zero bumper stickers. Living in Colorado (purple/leaning-blue), I saw TONS more Trump flags/stickers/etc 4 years ago. There is no enthusiasm at all.

      • @IMongoose
        362 months ago

        I think trumpers are louder in blue areas. It gives them the perfect feeling of persecution that they crave. I see the craziest signs in my solid blue state. In fact I just saw someone wearing a trump “fight” tank top.

        • NegativeNull
          92 months ago

          That’s actually a very decent explanation

        • @captainlezbian
          52 months ago

          I think they’re worst near but not in blue areas. I frequently drive between a city and rural Ohio and about 15-30 minutes out of the city you just get bombarded with trump stuff before it dies down a bit further out

    • @UnderpantsWeevil
      132 months ago

      I split my time between Florida and Wyoming. I also don’t fly so I drive between them through the “red heart” on the country. I see very little enthusiasm for Trump.

      • Get in my car and drive 3000 miles through an endless barren wasteland

      • Not a single Trump supporter to be found

      I spent a weekend in NH and saw scores of Trump yard signs all through the suburbs around Manchester. They definitely exist, although they appear to be lining up along the New England Interstate to disguise their numbers.

      • @[email protected]
        2 months ago

        I was driving through Montana in 2021(?) and saw 50-foot-long “LET’S GO BRANDON” banners at multiple businesses along the highway

        • @[email protected]
          22 months ago

          I mean, my county goes blue but I see Trump 2024 signs all over it while I’m out cycling. As recently as last Friday.

          I wouldn’t be surprised if the original premise was true - a lot of less extreme R’s probably don’t like Trump that much (but most probably will still vote for him), but I also think it would be a mistake to take anything for granted.

        • @UnderpantsWeevil
          22 months ago

          That’ll going to be up there halfway through Kamala’s second term

      • Jo Miran
        -142 months ago

        LOL. Tell me you know nothing about US geography without telling me you know nothing of US geography.

    • @[email protected]
      112 months ago

      Not an American so I have no idea, but could that be the reason they want the revolution? As far as I understand first past the post, it usually means fighting over the center. The Republicans figured out, that by relying on radical voters and gerrymandering, they could win elections. However that leaves them open to a Canada 1993 type of election, where they are too radical, which turns off many traditional voters. That lead to them coming fourth in the election and they have not gotten back into power since.

      A solution for that would be a coup and not having a fair election ever again.

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      From Midwestlandia, here is what I have noticed.

      The enthusiasm for Trump is really starting to deflate. Reality has set in he is an old coward bitch, and he isn’t worth voting for. (Not that I am going to vote for a n*****! - heard that one plenty as well)

      However, the rabid supporters of him want a civil war. This is Ruby Ridge level insanity of them wanting to drive into cities and start attacking people. All it takes is a few of them to go to Democratic areas on Election Day and stir up shit to sway the vote.

  • @Zachariah
    462 months ago

    Which side of the war do they think the U.S. military will be on?

    • @zigmus64
      212 months ago

      That’s always been my thing when I’ve heard of civil war breaking out.

      Like sure… I imagine there’s a not insignificant portion of military personnel who would be on the side of these dipshits…. But what about the equipment? Sure a good bit of things will likely come up missing in inventory, but I’d be remiss to say they’ll make off with too many F-16’s or Abrams Main Battle Tanks.

      Billy Bob with his Tactical Fat™️ and his AR-15 won’t be very effective on the urban battlefield.

      • @brygphilomena
        82 months ago

        What worries me is that fighting an insurgency has and is always going to be hard. They know the terrain, the people, and can be unpredictable.

        Sure, the military does tons of training for all sorts of different situations and terrain. But I think as we see with Ukraine, a lot of can be done with relatively low tech munitions. And let’s not forget the military surplus and retired equipment in the hands of local PDs which aren’t going to align with the military.

        I think the military has tons of tech and equipment. But that’s not a guarantee they will stomp y’all queda. I think they’ll be conservative with their weapons and gear. They aren’t going to carpet bomb farms.

        • @zigmus64
          52 months ago

          There are certainly plenty of people who will keep up the fight… but you’ve also got to remember how hard it will be for y’all queda (you’re god damned right in stealing this…) to keep up the fight for long.

          Ukraine has a centralized structure who is processing intelligence and informing battlefield commanders… and they’re fighting an occupying force. There’s no occupying force here. There’s a bunch of pissed off rednecks and douchebags and small pockets get organized (Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, etc), but when these groups meet actual military opposition, they’ll fold like chairs and give up the paramilitary cosplay…

    • @count_dongulus
      192 months ago

      Generally speaking, the American military leadership is very mission oriented and not interested in politics. POGs wouldn’t muck around in that. I think the bigger concern would be state guard forces being ordered to do something illegal by a governor, and the federal military brass going “we don’t want anything to do with that, sort it out in court and congress” and other states following suit.

      • mozz
        212 months ago

        You’re assuming that Project 2025 won’t succeed at firing all the sensible military leadership (like all of it down to the O-7s) and replacing them with True Believers.

        In Ukraine in 2014, they had retired military people coming out of retirement and joining up with the protest movements and kind of showing them what to do, in the semi-shooting war… would it play out that way in the US? Or some other way?

        I’m a little bit exaggerating what level it might realistically get to, and I sort of share your optimism on some level, actually… but it’s fucking terrifying to be in a position of depending on the military leadership to be the backstop against the takeover.

        • @count_dongulus
          32 months ago

          Fair, but I don’t personally feel it would get to that level before courts or congress got involved. Congress has to approve appointments for senior leadership. The UCMJ has regulations related to dismissal. And if they fire all competent command and replace them with generally inept cronies…there would be a very big block of very angry and very competent ex military leaders to contend with.

          • mozz
            22 months ago

            Yeah. One thing I very much like about the US military is that the high levels of the brass have a pretty heavy sprinkling of people like Mattis and Milley who are pretty heavily pro democracy and not shy about speaking up about it.

            Idk what happened with Mueller and just leaving to the hands of fate, but I feel like Milley in the analogous situation as regards a new civil war would just suit up and say yo we’re starting the Free French US forces, get the fuck on board loser, let’s go

      • @UnderpantsWeevil
        32 months ago

        Generally speaking, the American military leadership is very mission oriented and not interested in politics.

        A number of high ranking US military officers have taken sidelong glances at the political scene. Colin Powell was kept out of the 2000 race by Bush, when he was offered the Sec. State position. Wesley Clark tried to run for the Dem nomination in 2008. Stanley McCrystal and David Petraeus flirted with the GOP nod in 2012, while both advocating for a “National Service” requirement for all US Citizens. Joe Sestak ran as a presidential nominee for the Democrats in 2016. 82 sitting US House Reps are ex-military as are 17 Senators, with the vast majority (72/25) aligning with the Republican Party. Plenty of aspiring state and local politicians use their military careers as launch pads for elected office.

        The problem most officers suffer from is a complete lack of charisma. All these people suck at working a crowd. Put Mad Dog Mad Ass at the top of a ticket and it’ll tank the moment he opens his mouth. It isn’t that American military leadership lacks political ambition, its that they’re a chronically awful picks. Even the ostensibly photogenic ones, like Tom “Unapologetically a Fascist” Cotton and Dan “The Pirate King” Crenshaw, absolutely suck dick at building up a popular base.

    • @NatakuNox
      172 months ago

      100% the liberal side. Yes, the military is conservative, but in the “conservatives give us a larger budget” kind of way. And not in the “we hate minorities” kind of way. The military is way more diverse than one would think. Manly because Jim Bob who is a racist would never make it past boot camp, because people with prejudices don’t make good teammates.

        • @NatakuNox
          2 months ago

          Yes, there are some racist in the military but far less since millennials and the Obama administration. Even less in leadership positions. But no hard-core neo Nazies or white supremacists anymore. You can look at the demographics alone of the military and far more women and minorities are enlisted percapita than ever before. I will say misogyny is still very high comparably. But also if you look across economic backgrounds there’s no way the military will rise up for the wealthy elites in the conservative party. If there was a civil war is guess somewhere around 20% to 30% would defect to the confederacy, but none of the equipment would fall to their hands.

          • @[email protected]
            52 months ago

            I hope you’re right (or, better yet, that we never have to find out), but that feels a bit optimistic to me based on my experience.

          • VindictiveJudge
            22 months ago

            I mean, conservative voters don’t really get that they’re supporting wealthy people who hate them.

            But in regards to the military, officers have always been more liberal and that’s even more of a thing now. A lot of enlisted folks will just do what their CO says, especially if it doesn’t involve going on the offensive. And since the liberal side would almost certainly be the defenders, that would further hurt rebel numbers.

        • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
          32 months ago

          My experience in the Army was that lots of racists join, but most of them are cured of their racism before they finish bootcamp.

          • @[email protected]
            62 months ago

            Different branch, but I remember plenty of folks making it through boot and still being plenty racist. I also remember watching a lot of folks from my time swing way harder right than I had expected or hoped after 2016.

            That’s not to say you’re wrong or anything, just thought it was worth sharing my experience since it didn’t really line up with the post upstream. I’m glad you had a different experience.

            • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
              32 months ago

              I went through basic in the 90’s, and we certainly weren’t as radicalized and polarized then as we are now, so that could have something to do with the different experience. Or maybe it was just because it was a different branch. Also, basic wasn’t co-ed when I was in, and men don’t tend to form as tight of bonds when women are around, since they compete with each other for the woman’s attention instead of banding together to overcome adversity. I saw that happen in AIT, which was co-ed.

    • @UnderpantsWeevil
      2 months ago

      They can’t decide if the Woke Deep State has bimbofied the American military elite or MAGA has the liberal pedophile cartels surrounded and the Patriots Are In Control. Just sorta depends on what kind of drugs Alex Jones just took before the episode started. Either way, its all fucking fan fiction.

      The goal is to juice up the base for election day and milk them for their retirement accounts, not to actually get anyone into the streets. As soon as J6 started, the right-wing zoo crew labeled the whole crowd Antifa Fifth Columnists and started calling for the national guard to surround them and open fire.

    • Lemminary
      2 months ago

      I don’t think the US military is devoid of MAGAts but–as my younger self would say–I’d like to see them try some shush.

  • @[email protected]
    432 months ago

    Can DEMOCRATS please TONE DOWN their Violent Rhetoric! Their Violent Rherotic might lead to an Assassination Attempt!

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      Can DEMOCRATS please TONE DOWN their Violent Rhetoric!

      It seems to me you are confusing things, on who has the violent rhetoric.

      This comes from the very beginning of the article:

      “I’m afraid if we lose this one, it’s going to take a civil war to save the country — and it will be saved,” Lang said Monday.

      And the text that follows is full of more examples, the following are just a couple of those

      “If Stephen Richer walked in this room, I would lynch him,”

      “some folks need killing!"

      These stuff do not come from dems, so you might want to reconsider what you said

      • @BreadstickNinja
        372 months ago

        That beeping you hear every 30 seconds is the battery in your sarcasm detector

          • @BreadstickNinja
            142 months ago

            Mainly context (as there’s no Democratic rhetoric being discussed, but lots of violent Republican rhetoric, such that the comment only makes sense as ironic commentary), but the intermittent ALL CAPS and exclamation points also help. It’s written as a satire of a Trump tweet.

            It should be read as “(In the context of Republicans constantly threatening civil war, can you believe some people still say,) ‘Democrats should tone down their violent rhetoric!’(?)”

            • @[email protected]
              2 months ago

              Ok, I see what you mean. And that thing about the tweet was a very specific reference.

              Still, it seem to me that Trump’s supporters say much worst and incoherent stuff, so it wouldn’t be too surprising to me having them say stuff like that for real.

              Maybe I should mention that I’ve never even been to the US or plan to. I’m sure there are nuances I don’t get, so thanks for the clarifications.

  • zout
    262 months ago

    So, suppose Harris gets elected, she will be in the right if she locks these people up for this, since the stance of the SC is that a president can do anything as long as it’s an official act?

  • Lemminary
    212 months ago

    Trump allies are the only ones talking about a civil war

    FIFY, Rolling Stone. xoxo

  • @UncleGrandPa
    172 months ago

    It has been said that as low as 3 to 4 percent of a population needs to be involved in a coup for it to be successful. The alt -right population is more than that percentage now

    • themeatbridge
      262 months ago

      Yeah, but it has to be a specific 3-4 percent. They have to be in positions of power, in the military, the judiciary, and the executive branches, or they have to take those positions by force.

      Y’all Quada tried to take the Capitol, but cried like babies when one terrorist was killed. They won’t get nearly that far next time.

    • @Madison420
      82 months ago

      It’s a junk figure as far as am I’m aware. The whole 3% American revolution really isn’t a thing.

    • @UnderpantsWeevil
      32 months ago

      as low as 3 to 4 percent of a population needs to be involved in a coup

      10M people. A pittance. A drop in the bucket. Barely anyone at all.

      The alt -right population is more than that percentage now

      Memaw and Pep Pep will begin the glorious uprising against the cowardly American Imperialist Dogs right after they finish watching their Matlock.

  • @eran_morad
    162 months ago

    well, Republicans are traitors. Has that not been clear over the past 8 years, if not since the mid 19th century?

  • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
    112 months ago

    I just finished that Civil War movie last night. Anyone who thinks they want Civil War should be forced to watch that movie. Anyone who still thinks they want it after that should get their heads examined.

    • @Burn_The_Right
      12 months ago

      Which civil war movie? Was it about a modern day civil war in the U.S.?

      • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
        72 months ago

        Yes. It’s just called Civil War, and it’s starring Kirsten Dunst. It came out this year. It’s a lot better than I expected.

        • @ChronosTriggerWarning
          32 months ago

          It was pretty good i thought. They never mention any politics, it’s all about the photographers. And the final scene is one of the best action scenes I’ve seen in a good while.

          • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
            2 months ago

            They do show disdain for the president’s fascist actions and violence against Americans, and they make it pretty obvious that they’re inferring trump is the president, given his choice of words in the opening speech “It was a very very big victory. People are saying it was the greatest military victory in the history of armed forces”, or something like that. They’re pretty subdued about real life comparisons and directly stating which party is which, but I felt like there was enough there to figure it out.

            Edit: yeah man, that whole battle at the end was incredible. So immersive! It conveyed a strong sense of actually being there.

            • @ChronosTriggerWarning
              2 months ago

              I was under the impression going in that it was gonna be “librul this” and “conservative that,” and that never happened. It’s clear, if you can read between the lines who’s who in the bigger scheme, but it’s never implicitly stated. And you never really know which side people are fighting for until the last scene in Washington. There is that scene with the boogaloo boys, but are the separatists, or loyalists…?

              I thought it was gonna be some sad propaganda movie, and it’s more like a decent action movie about war correspondences that happens to be in America during a civil war.

              • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
                32 months ago

                Ooh, I didn’t notice that screen. I agree with your assessment, and I was pleased with the quality of the movie. It was much better than I expected. I only watched it because I was bored, but I’m glad that I did.

  • @Hikermick
    2 months ago

    Yeah well they used to talk a lot about Mexico paying for a wall. Seems that ended so embarrassingly they don’t mention it anymore

  • @Sam_Bass
    12 months ago

    Hate for it to come to that but sometimes you gotta tap some heads to clear them