Not the best source, but I can’t post the image alone.

Here’s the image to save you a click on Newsweek.

  • @MeekerThanBeaker
    1441 month ago

    I mean, it’s not a good look given what he’s trying to become… but isn’t he just dressing up as a wrestler whose story has a Soviet background?

    This looks like a costume party and he and his friends are dressing up as wrestlers. It’s like someone dressing up as The Iron Sheik.

    There are worse things to go after him.

    • @[email protected]
      331 month ago

      Republicans seem to like russians now in any case - which is so bizarre for anyone who remembers the “Better Dead than Red” tshirts etc that were all over during the last decade-ish of the cold war.

      In any case, I don’t think the 15 people who were happy about the Vance VP pick nor the frothing cult members who would still vote for Trump if his VP pick was Satan himself really care even if it were something more damning than a costume.

      • @Nuke_the_whales
        71 month ago

        I’m from Central America and the u.s fucked us with its CIA dick and set up death squads to execute my country men even suspected of communism. They used us as proxies in a civil war backed by the Americans and Soviets on opposite sides. And after my country was wrecked and bombed, Americans rebuilt it and now own it. Like a neo colony. And the politicians who killed all my country men to keep the Reds away from this hemisphere, now bow to Russia and suck Putin dick. And after bombing my home, they dared call me a wet back and potential rapist, for trying to flee to North America. To flee to the Empire that colonized us

        • @[email protected]
          1 month ago

          I just wanted to say I’m sorry for this, I know this to be true, and many of us here are not proud of the imperial/colonial/rampantly destructive aspects of our history, which are absolutely not something I can lay at the feet of only one party.

    • @[email protected]
      121 month ago

      I wonder how many of the people who shit on Republicans for being stupid look at this and don’t see the obvious.

    • @NegativeInfOP
      111 month ago

      True. Just doesn’t seem like a well vetted candidate to me.

      Additionally, it’s just such a low effort, lazy costume if that is what he’s going for.

      It makes me wonder what pushed him to choose this character for his costume, surely there are better, more recognizable choices that could have been made? Unless he wants to be like late stage Soviet Russia.

      • @halcyoncmdr
        101 month ago

        True. Just doesn’t seem like a well vetted candidate to me.

        If there’s anything we’ve been able to determine this last decade or so… it’s that vetting political candidates simply isn’t something that’s done anymore. The fact this shit is discovered by random people on Twitter instead of from the political parties doing actual research is ridiculous. apparently Opposition Research is just non-existent now.

        • @fluxion
          11 month ago

          Those random twitter folks aren’t as random as you think.

      • TWeaK
        31 month ago

        Even if he kept the same character, the costume should be more than just a damn t shirt.

      • @[email protected]
        21 month ago

        It seems right in line with his beliefs. It seems that he’ll bend his ideology to whatever makes him the most heinous. He’s a living foil.

    • TWeaK
      41 month ago

      Maybe, but it does help highlight how weird he is.

    • @Garbanzo
      -11 month ago

      There are worse things to go after him.

      And if someone eventually reports on it the audience is already primed to doubt that reporting thanks to stories like this. I’m not saying it’s a vast right wing media conspiracy, but it’s what one would look like.

  • @Nuke_the_whales
    561 month ago

    Looks like he’s at a wrestling themed party dressed either as Nikolai Volkoff or Ivan Koloff. I hate the guy but this is a weird story

    • billwashere
      91 month ago

      Yeah this is just dumb. I hate the guy but this is equivalent to wearing a Cleveland Browns jersey.

    • @stoly
      61 month ago

      Remember that symbolism is everything for conservatives. This really shows that Vance has been pandering the whole time–he’s still just a bro.

      • @tacosplease
        -21 month ago

        Man I don’t think so in this case. Looks like an old picture. If anything the Democrats were more friendly with Russia before Russia started “annexing” Ukraine in 2014.

        • @stoly
          1 month ago

          And that’s the point. Democrats were polled as being more favorable towards Russia prior to Trump. After Trump, Republicans polled as being more favorable towards Russia.

          Basically Communism and all that was the bogeyman for the Right for decades until suddenly it became more politically viable to change their stance and support their candidate. It was a symbol for decades until it suddenly wasn’t, and that is because Trump then became such a symbol and overtook so many others.

          My reference to him being a bro was facetious and referenced the fact that this looks like something mid-college. The joke is that he’s still a bro.

    • @Pacattack57
      1 month ago

      How do you know that? Honestly just looks like a random t shirt and his juggalo/ KISS friend. A don’t know enough about either to know.

      • @Evilcoleslaw
        51 month ago

        One of them is clearly dressed as Sting. Another as the Macho Man. The NWO shirts kinda give it away. This is a nothingburger.

        • @Pacattack57
          11 month ago

          I wasn’t asking why he was dressed up. I’m asking how did the commenter know he’s dressed as Ivan Koloiff.

  • @Rapidcreek
    491 month ago

    It’s insane how this guy got picked without even the most rudimentary vetting.

    Of course it’s completely in keeping with everything else Trump does, but man.

    • @fluxion
      101 month ago

      “Hmm…called Trump America’s Hitler… sounds like he knows what we’re going for here. Put him on the shortlist.”

    • @Passerby6497
      91 month ago

      I’ve heard rumors that Vance is just there so Penis Thiel would donate more money to Trump’s campaign.

  • @Thespiralsong
    451 month ago

    I’ve always kinda taken Dave Chappelles take on vice president’s. “Here’s my Vp. You can assassinate me, but if you do - you get them.”

  • @DarkCloud
    321 month ago

    Man once went to costume party, is really not a newsworthy story.

  • @ShittyBeatlesFCPres
    311 month ago

    I’m not defending JD Vance, famous couch fucker, but I have a Soviet hockey jersey because my friend’s little brother got hyper-nationalist for awhile and kept calling me a communist. So, I leaned into it just to fuck with him.

    I also have an Arvydas Sabonis throwback jersey. If you can’t handle that, don’t come to my neighborhood court. Game recognize game regardless of political systems.

  • @robocall
    261 month ago

    It appears that he is at a costume party. I don’t believe he wore the shirt because he actually is a communist.

    I heard someone mention that they never seen him laugh that wasn’t at someone else’s expense. I can imagine a guy like that buying this shirt to joke, “look guys! I’m a communist liberal” (Democrats are communist joke)

  • @Rayspekt
    221 month ago

    Jorkin Depeanus is a gold mine as it seems. Thanks Donnie for the selection.

  • @Treczoks
    161 month ago

    Many people have tshirts with the logo of their employer…

  • @[email protected]
    121 month ago


    JD makes Trump a weaker candidate, STOP TRYING TO MAKE HIM DUMP VANCE!

    Stupid media always gotta fuck up a good thing lol

    • @finestnothing
      1 month ago

      Vance makes him a weaker candidate for sure, but emphasizing how bad he is makes trump weaker too. Not pushing on how awful Vance is only benefits trump, there’s no point bashing Vance after the election which is in just 4 months. They’ve already been confirmed as the GOP candidates as of the GOP convention so it’s a lot more work for them to drop Vance already (a lot of things need to happen both to national agencies and every individual state, plus another GOP convention to approve a new vp). If they try to drop him, it will leave them very busy and scrambling to get a new person late in the game. Bash on Vance as much as possible, trump is stuck with him.

    • @pyre
      21 month ago

      there’s no way he can dump Vance. it would look so terribly weak.

      • @Railing5132
        11 month ago

        I thought about this. Trumpet dgaf about rules. If he did, we wouldn’t be facing the threat of the end of democracy as we know it. On one hand, sure, changing out this shitheel for another shitheel could open him up to attacks from his own side about being “weak like Biden” or flip-flopping or whatever. But nothing will penetrate his cult’s fog, a replacement with less obvious baggage could help, and again, he dgaf about the rules.

        His ONLY concern is shutting down all the cases against him, and staying out of prison.

        • @pyre
          11 month ago

          not weak like Biden. first of all he’s not running against Biden, second of all why would democrats attack Biden to call him weak‽ no, just deal weak, period. so many of his former staff speaks against him. so many are in prisons and he denounces them. he tried to have his former VP pick hanged. now he picks a new VP nominee and changes his mind in less than a month? he can’t make any good decisions. his staff agrees, his VP picks agree, and he agrees.

          looking weak is poison to fascists.

          • @Railing5132
            11 month ago

            I don’t disagree, but yet he has done all of those things and still roughly 50% of the electorate looks at him and says: “yeah, this is still the guy to run the country.”

  • @KrankyKong
    121 month ago

    I swear this guy has one facial expression. Every photo I see looks copy-pasted.

    • @[email protected]
      21 month ago

      Ya know how old folks will say if you go crosseyed itll get stuck that way. I think he did that with that expression.

  • @TheBigBrother
    121 month ago

    Funny how the ultra right conservatives are even more communists than far left enlightened wokies.

    • @TallonMetroid
      261 month ago

      That’s because communism has never been implemented at scale except as a fig leaf for authoritarianism.

      • @TheBigBrother
        31 month ago

        TBH I believe he is more the kind of someone who will mock communism wearing a communist T-shirt, republicans are far away of being communists. Or maybe he is just a good MKUltra objective. Who knows.

  • @[email protected]
    91 month ago

    Well, that really explains why Dementia Don the racist rapist with 34 felonies that can’t complete a coherent sentence picked him.