• @Lost_My_Mind
    727 months ago

    For me, talking to new people. When I was in kindergarten, I’d just go up to a new kid, and be like"Hi! Wanna be my friend??? Great! We’re friends now!"

    Today it’s more like “Who are you, and why are you in my vicinity???”

    • @[email protected]
      147 months ago

      Real. Making a friend as kid was so much easier. We had formal systems and if a friendship didn’t work out, you had a system to break the friendship too, no hard feelings. None of this perpetually ambiguous nonsense we have to deal with as adults

      • @Lost_My_Mind
        207 months ago

        Dude. I’m 40 years old, snd I work a job that has a rotating door. Which means they hire anybody, and fire people dho don’t “get it”.

        So I work with a bunch of teenagers/early 20s kids.

        One of them asks me, “Lost_My_Mind, why don’t you talk to us? Are we too much for you?”

        Bitch please. I’ve worked hotel 3rd shifts in seedy motels, where I’ve LITERALLY…LITERALLY needed to csll EMS 3x in an 8 hour shift, because 3 different unrelated people OD’d on heroin on a single shift. You wanna get crazy? No, you don’t honey, because it would literally KILL you.

        And what I wanted to say to her, was “I don’t talk to anyone, because I know all of this, this conversation, these set of people, everything you know in life, it’s all temporary. It’s all bullshit. All your friends will turn their back on you, violently if needed. But you haven’t reached your 30s yet. You haven’t seen people for their trueself. So buckle up, because life is about to take a fucking nose dive. All your dreams are dead.”

        I WANTED to say that. Instead, to protect her innocence, I just said “I’m just quiet”.

        She doesn’t know it, but I’m brunting the majority of the bullshit at our work, because I know she’s pregnant. I take the fall for mistakes she makes, because I don’t want to see that baby get born into a world where its mother doesn’t have a paycheck to feed them.

        But as far as making conversation? I’m as useless as her 6 month old in belly unborn baby.

        In retrospect, I feel as if I’ve gone off on a tangent. For that, I can only say that Aldis Natures Nectar lemonaide is an EXCELLENT mix with various vodkas.

        Last night I had Strawberry Lemonaide mixed with Crystal Skull vodka (vodka in a glass skull from a company owned by dan akroid. I drank it in a souveneer ghostbusters cup I got from the threater when I saw the most recent Ghostbusters movie.

        Tonight I’m trying Skyy raspberry infusions mixed with natures nectar standard lemonside.

        Last nights drink 10/10 tasted like a jolly rancher.

        Tonights drink 8/10. It just tastes like lemonaid, except I’m fucked up. Real smooth drink though.

        • @P00ptart
          27 months ago

          I work in manufacturing and all the young kids wanna talk while we work. Which is fine, but I don’t engage much unless it’s about sports or cars or something. I’ve been asked why I’m standoffish. It’s like, look, you make it here for 2-3 months and maybe. But in all honesty you probably won’t.

  • SatansMaggotyCumFart
    607 months ago

    Jerking off.

    Fourth time this hour and I’m mostly just waving it around now.

            • @[email protected]
              7 months ago

              Eh, I’d rather not dig up old comments and incite people to start attacking them. I was just making an offhanded comment because I’ve noticed them around a lot with some pretty uninformed takes that rubbed me the wrong way. Probably shouldn’t have said anything.

              • SatansMaggotyCumFart
                27 months ago

                Come on, don’t tease me like that and not bring the receipts.

                I can take being attacked.

                I might even like it, daddy.

                • @[email protected]
                  27 months ago

                  I regret bringing politics into this joke thread, so I’m gonna go with your take on Star Wars being better under Disney than George Lucas.

    • @son_named_bort
      67 months ago

      Same with seeing. Used to be able to see without glasses, now every time I go to the optometrist I need stronger glasses.

  • @LifeOfChance
    347 months ago

    Going out in public. When you’re young you really don’t notice just how fucking stupid people are. It gets to the point you actively avoid being in groups of people due to the overwhelming amount of stupid. Shopping trips go from whenever you want to aiming for when the store opens or just before close so the hoards of fools are less likely to be around.

    • Prison Mike
      87 months ago

      I fell in love with the city about a decade ago but now in my 30’s just walking the dog around the block pisses me off.

      You really need to park in the middle of the street to drop someone off when there’s tons of available street parking at 2 PM on a Tuesday?

      You’re mad at me because your dog barked at mine after you chased me down while I was actively trying to avoid you?

      What’s up with that Honda that always sits in the middle of an obscure and dangerous intersection for like 10 minutes every day?

      Some days I wish I lived in a cabin in the forest, damn.

    • @steeznson
      47 months ago

      Yeah similarly you also get worse at being responsible on nights out the more often you go out drinking

  • @RBWells
    337 months ago

    Signing my name. If you’ve ever had to sign on a mortgage, oh my God they start out looking like words and end up looking like scribbles.

    • @LifeOfChance
      137 months ago

      My realtor told us on the first day "just scribble in the rough shape of your name, you’ve gotta do 500 signatures may as well be consistent "

      My wife and I were gonna order stamps to do it but that’s not allowed.

    • @Passerby6497
      37 months ago

      Makes me so glad my mortgage signing happens via DocuSign.

  • @[email protected]
    297 months ago

    A difficult music passage. Sometimes you gotta take a break and revisit.

    Same for video games lol

    • bizarroland
      207 months ago

      This actually is true. There’s a part of your brain that works really hard when you’re exposed to new information and it needs time to take that information and codify it.

      If you do something difficult mentally, and then take a break, and then come back and do it again 12 or 24 hours later it will be easier and you will be better at it.

  • [object Object]
    277 months ago

    If you learn something wrong, the more you use the skill, the harder it becomes to unlearn and kill the habits you learned in the first place.

    Im about to get a driver’s license, but I have to spend a lot of time unlearning bad things I was taught by my parents. Different rules they don’t follow which have become instincts of mine since they taught me to drive. In this intace they’re pretty minor, but damn is It hard to get rid of them once they becomes instincts.

    • Drusas
      77 months ago

      Reminds me of when I first got my driver’s license. I was driving with my mother as the passenger and I turned right on red when there was no other traffic around. She said something like, “You didn’t even stop before turning!” And I looked at her and replied, “So? Are you supposed to stop? You never do.”

    • Captain Aggravated
      67 months ago

      This is correct. This concept is taught in the Fundamentals of Instruction as the Rule of Primacy. That which is learned first is best retained. It is more difficult and time consuming to correct a bad habit than establish a good one from scratch.

  • @[email protected]
    267 months ago

    I’m twisting the question a bit but people who are extremely good in their own field are more often than not very bad at explaining concepts related to it to laymen and they get worse the more they know.

  • @spittingimage
    187 months ago

    Mixing cocktails. The more I practice, the harder it gets.


  • @LouNeko
    157 months ago

    Weirdly Bowling. The first games I can hit a couple strikes the later games I’m seriously considering putting the barricades up.

    • @Bosht
      47 months ago

      Arm fatigue. Bowling balls are heavy! I have the same thing happen to me.

    • @delicious_justice
      27 months ago

      My first thought! My first game stinks, my second game is pretty ok, my last game stinks. I blame my weak arm.

  • Jolteon
    147 months ago

    Getting married. The more times people have been married, the less likely they are to have a good marriage.

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      Aren’t you comparing getting married to being married here? I guess if you got married 11 times, you should be quite good in the process of getting married like knowing all the procedures, organizing everything, finding the right words etc.

      You might even get a special rebate as you probably know the staff of the involved companies better than your spouses at this rate.

      • @Num10ck
        17 months ago

        after the first five or so, nobody wants to show up and make wishes, so people just elope with a couple of witnesses in the will.