Joe Rogan can fuck right off for all the reasons. But first let’s jam some dirty gym socks in his mouth to shut him the fuck up.
Are you sure that weirdo won’t get off on that?
Roughly quoting Jay Mohr from his recent interview on Bobby Lee’s Tigerbelly podcast:
"How Joe Rogan became the arbiter of what is funny is beyond me… all the times Joe Rogan has made us laugh… "
Joe Rogan has gotta be one of the least funny “comedians” in the game at the moment. I wish his relevancy would’ve peaked with Fear Factor.
What’s funny is that I genuinely didn’t know he was a comedian until reading your post. I always knew him as some Alex Jones tier Podcaster.
Can you reach that low though?
Don’t give this guy space Lemmy wtf.
But where else are they going to get ear pleasure? There’s so few options!
I don’t really hear about Rogan very often any more. Thank Buddha. But it blows my mind that he’s still super popular. The average person sucks.
I only really knew one of his stand up routines and thought it was alright for what it was. I learned about his podcast and that it was supposedly good, but i had no way of listening to it. Then it was on Spotify and i listened to the bob lazar episode and ho-ly, no idea how he ever got popular AT ALL. I have more understanding for people who listen to Ben Shapiro
Times like this, I really miss George Carlin.
Rogan’s entire career was predicated on the normalisation of reactionary right-wing beliefs/prejudices. He was the motte to the bailey of the Thiels and Bannons, easing perfectly normal dudes along the path, one casual joke at the expense of minorities at a time. And for a while it worked, to the point where Spotify bet the company on him. And then, the word “weird” entered the discourse, and people realised that casual cruelty and obsessing about strangers’ genitals weren’t the time-honoured values of a silent majority.
It would suck to be holding Spotify shares right now.
And then, the word “weird” entered the discourse, and people realised that casual cruelty and obsessing about strangers’ genitals weren’t the time-honoured values of a silent majority.
Eh, we’ll see. I remember a lot of people thinking “#MeToo” was going to put a hard stop to sexual harassment in the workplace. And, for a brief moment, it did look like our social norms and criminal justice system would maybe do the right thing. But then the reactionaries got even more reactionary. Now we’re debating whether rape victims should bleed out on a hospital floor during an ectopic pregnancy while doctors huddle around fearful of losing their licenses if they try to provide treatment.
Joe Rogan isn’t going away. If anything, his fascist dogwhistling seems to be bringing in more and more rabid dogs to his cult community in Austin, TX. My home state has never felt more fucked than it does today. Old enough to remember when “Keep Austin Weird” was charming. Not so much anymore.
imho you have a lot more to deal with vis-a-vis greg abbot and the GOP menstrual militia. Rogan’s a clown who’s gonna die shitting on the toilet. He has influence, but guys, Texas, for fuck’s fucking sake, look around at the dystopia you’ve built for women, Rogan doesn’t rate on the scale of Abbot and Ken “CAN’T INDICT ME” Paxton. You have much bigger, much worse, more pressing problems.
Like Ercot lol.
Rogan’s a fuckwit. You’ve got real problems.
And musk!
Rogan’s a clown who’s gonna die shitting on the toilet. He has influence, but guys, Texas, for fuck’s fucking sake, look around at the dystopia you’ve built for women
Rogan is a vector for the hysteria that makes Abbott popular. Right wing media does a great job of creating scapegoats and bogeymen that distract from material reality.
A guy who has been pivotal in mainstreaming anti-Trans fear mongering, hatred and fear of feminists and foreigners, and this fight club fascism is a big part of what makes conservative policy electorally viable.
A guy who has been pivotal in mainstreaming anti-Trans fear mongering, hatred and fear of feminists and foreigners, and this fight club fascism is a big part of what makes conservative policy electorally viable.
YES, but the dipshit (rogan) isn’t driving the bus. Abbot and Paxton are just as transphobic as Rogan, but your state ELECTS THEM TO DRIVE THE BUS. RIGHT OVER THE BODIES OF THOSE LGBTQ FOLK AND WOMEN.
Sorry there’s nothing you can say to equate them in my book - you have much larger problems than Joe fuckwit Rogan
YES, but the dipshit (rogan) isn’t driving the bus. Abbot and Paxton are
No, Bob Perry, Jeff Yass, Reed Hastings, and Miriam Adelson are in the drivers’ seat. Abbott’s just a different kind of piece on the board.
My state’s elections are a fucking joke. If you take the results at face value, you probably have a great time listening to Joe Rogan.
Happens every fucking election cycle. Total mystery why it plagues black voting districts so consistently.
y’all need to dig up Ann
eRichards, reanimate her corpse and let her loose on the lot of them.YO how can anyone here downvote Ann Richards she was a pistol, goddamn
outspoken feminist FORMER TEACHER democrat TEXAS GOV
y’all need to learn your history
Guess who makes people elect the bus drivers - Rogan, Fox News, etc.
Yet another reason to cancel spotify and netflix. These fucks pollute the streams with their fascist supporting garbage, I don’t want my $ to go to that garbage.
I mean sure but at the end of the chain the actual problem is the people. Unless we cut out the cancer at the root, everything else is just doctoring on the symptoms, kid.
I would bet that just like with “woke”, the right is going to take “weird” and use it. It’s what they do. They are the masters of projection, and love name calling. They’re shameless, too, so if you call them something, they just take it and turn it around. I am positive if this “weird” name calling campaign catches on, it will just become another right wing buzzword.
They’ll have a harder time appropriating “weird” and making it work as a self-label for their normative, dominance-oriented ideology. They’re quite happy with being seen as fearsome hordes, barbarians at the gates, deplorables even, but they need to be seen to be representing the silent majority, and pushing back against a diversity imposed from above by (((those people))). “weird” punctures that and appropriating it whilst maintaining the rhetoric about purifying American society and purging it of liberal degeneracy would be one hell of a jiu-jitsu move.
“Yes I’m weird, and I should be. Jesus didn’t tell us to be of the world, he only told us to be in the world. We don’t conform to that world, and we never will. Don’t hide your light under that bushel, but stand against the darkness that threatens to creep in. Stand against the devil and his minions. Stand against transexuals, leftists, and the woke mob. Stand against the abortionists, the evolutionists, and the false god of science. And when you do, every brother and sister here will stand with you. And all God’s people say-” [crowd] ‘Amen!’.
A preview of things to come. Please excuse me while I go rinse my brain out.
They’d first need to make “weird” an exclusionary term referring only to their particular weirdness, and nobody else. Foreign cultures, obscure hobbies, unusual sexual kinks, religious cults, psychedelic countercurrents and so on don’t get to be “weird” unless they’re part of the conservative counterrevolution. Which would require effectively stripping the word of its meaning. And then, a short time later, somebody would point out that they’re no closer to the great American norm they profess to defend than all these this that used to be called weird.
Also, “in the world but not of the world” may work for initiates into the cult, but is no good for convincing swing voters that one represents the Silent Majority. Fundamentalists need to couch their dogma (no pun intended) in rationalisations that sound like something a normal person who’s not a cultist might believe.
Are you sure about that timeline?
What’s this about the word ‘weird’?
deleted by creator
deleted by creator
Actually he got famous for making people eat animal testicle for money, that’s what made him a household name.
That’s a gross oversimplification to serve your narrow view
No, actually.
You’re not too bright, hey?
This is funny honestly
Indeed, I enjoyed it thoroughly at your expense.
The downvote to upvote ratio says otherwise, but you are free to live in your little fantasy.
You mean the janitor from News Radio?
That’s always what I knew him as, I had no idea how fucking weird he was until years later
Fuck Netflix. Stop subscribing to this shitty service, everyone.
When was the last time you even had a special before this? I thought he stopped doing comedy like in 2010. It’s been a while. And he was a failed comedian. Like that’s why he got into everything else. He wasn’t very good at it.
That’s the worse. I loved comedian Rogan during the 2000s-2010s. He used to make jokes about being a idiot, and accepting that. The past few years have been a nightmare. Bill Burr calling him out on his contradictions is gold. Rogan continues to spiral into hack territory.
UFC really morphed him into being a guy with awful takes, and his fandom caused his ego to grow. His podcast continues to create disingenuous arguments that riles up the fanbase. Like he’d bring up a topic, but then only invite one perspective and fully let them run wild and even agreeing with them, while dismissing the truth. Even when he gets fact checked, he shrugs and goes, “woops”, as if he didn’t just spend a few hours calling for hostility about something he doesn’t understand.
His “I’m a idiot” shtick doesn’t work anymore when he keeps control of the narrative and is intellectually dishonest.
Imo, Joe Rogan is as dumb as shown in this thumbnail.
Idiots are fine and all, but people should definitely not be taking cues from them
Toxic meathead with a gigantic microphone. Worst fucking case scenario. Jamie, pull that up.
He’s never been a good comedian. Podcaster alright but his jokes were dogshit pre-covid, it seems that no one tells him though.
He’s been doing a Sam kinison impression since his careers start. Always odd that none of the comedians have said anything
Holy shit, a double whammy! Weird Vance discussed gay sex with his grandma, and Weird Musk permanently deleted a picture from the internet forever.
“I’ll never forget the time I convinced myself that I was gay. I was eight or nine, maybe younger, and I stumbled upon a broadcast by some fire-and-brimstone preacher. The man spoke about the evils of homosexuals, how they had infiltrated our society, and how they were all destined for hell absent some serious repenting. At the time, the only thing I knew about gay men was that they preferred men to women. This described me perfectly: I disliked girls, and my best friend in the world was my buddy Bill. Oh no, I’m going to hell.”
When he brought up the issue with his grandmother — known to Vance as “Mamaw” — she replied bluntly: “Don’t be a fucking idiot, how would you know that you’re gay?”
When Vance explained his reasoning, she laughed.
“JD, do you want to suck dicks?” she said, according to the book.
The young Vance, apparently “flabbergasted,” said: “Of course not!”
“Then you’re not gay. And even if you did want to suck dicks, that would be okay,” she replied. “God would still love you.”
That was a wild ride from maw maw lol
Yeah, if true, Mamaw sounded like a good time
Wtf is this picture.
Just a man embarrassed of being himself. I’ve got some looks I don’t look back fondly on, but I’d never be so foolish as to think I could remove pictures forever
That’s a healthy take.
Remember when he used to present Fear Factor? He was alright at that, not a stand up though
I agree that he wasn’t that funny. But it was also really tame. I don’t remember it being “gay sex obsessed”. I don’t understand why people care so much about him. He’s really just extremely average.
He may be extremely average, but he’s also one of the top podcast hosts and platforms a lot of harmful stuff. That’s why people (who are against him) care. I don’t know why people like him though.
He caters to the average right wing npc with lower than room temperature IQ
The demographic is pretty large.
Thanks to his vast knowledge of man-to-man anal (MMA)
It’s not odd or weird to be obsessed with gay sex. 🙃
It is if you’re not one having it, though?