• @foggy
    1341 month ago

    This doesn’t change how important it will be to vote

    But damn. I went from worried about a trump reelection to just enjoying watching him crash and burn.

    • @[email protected]
      1 month ago

      Agreed on the voting, but I have to wonder if they are really that upset with him, or a few rabble rousers at truthsocial made just enough of a splash to be noticed.

      And are they so upset they won’t vote for him? Time and time again it seems clear that with Republicans the answer is always “nah.”

      • @[email protected]OP
        391 month ago

        hoping for a domino effect when he inevitably attacks his own followers for being disloyal and daring to question his i’m the most bravest person since jesus narrative

      • @saltesc
        1 month ago

        but I have to wonder if they are really that upset with him, or a few rabble rousers at truthsocial made just enough of a splash to be noticed.

        And keeping in mind much of the fediverse is very “US left” so if you’re seeing a bunch of anti-Trump news articles everyday, you’d be as deluded of the actual position as someone seeing a bunch of anti-Harris shit in their feeds all day. Especially since many users don’t actually read anything but the headlines as they scroll.

        • @[email protected]
          1 month ago

          Yeah that’s kinda true, but I did peek at /r/conservative yesterday and it’s not that there is a feed of articles there similar to the sort of thing we have here but with opposing views, it’s mostly empty tripe as far as I can tell. Once again the “both sides” argument (not that this was your intent I think) doesn’t really stand up to scrutiny.

    • @BrianTheeBiscuiteer
      491 month ago

      I’ll stop worrying when Harris is sworn in as President. It’s clear that Trump and his “sleeper cells” aren’t going to stand by and simply hope the election falls their way.

    • @[email protected]OP
      341 month ago

      same, but also enjoying the conspicuous silence from pro-trump family and acquaintances

    • @[email protected]
      91 month ago

      The New Republic can tell you how beltway and NYC libs feel. They’re not very credible for any other group. Their only data point for this story is 400 retweets of “trumpisacoward” on truth social.

    • @eran_morad
      81 month ago

      I wasn’t always a Harris fan. But she inspires confidence. We can win this and put that traitor in prison, where it belongs.

  • @[email protected]
    1181 month ago

    The kind of person who is still a Trump “fan” at this point is the type who would never, ever vote for a Democrat. So I hope they stay home and don’t vote…

    • @[email protected]
      241 month ago

      This is basically all modern elections. Very few flip sides, it’s mostly about which side actually gets enough people to get out to vote.

      Which is why I want mandatory voting. The country would be a lot better represented if everyone was forced to cast a ballot. Sure tons of people would vote without any real care, but they’d still tend to vote roughly for anyone they knew they liked. The college kid that always talks politics online but can’t be bothered to vote will now actually cast a ballot and be heard.

      But this would almost definitely finish off the current Republican party so it’s doubtful it’ll ever happen.

      • @[email protected]
        131 month ago

        If not mandatory voting then at least automatic registration while sending out mail-in ballots to everyone by default. The USPS spends so much time and resources delivering junk-mail destined for the burn pile, what’s some unused mail-in ballots? The only excuse not to vote would be if you just didn’t want to.

        Maybe there’s a security issue with this idea that I’m overlooking though, so I’m all ears.

      • @[email protected]
        1 month ago

        Mandatory/automatic registration I would support, but not mandatory voting. Like it or not, part of our liberties is the freedom to not participate in politics or society if you didn’t want to. Also, I don’t want someone randomly filling in bubbles trying to make a movie showtime to determine our next leaders and laws…

        • @[email protected]
          91 month ago

          You would have the freedom to abstain on every vote, but you have to submit the paperwork. I wouldn’t force someone to actually vote for a person if they didn’t want to, but like taxes or jury duty, they have to show proof that they completed the task. If that ballot is effectively blank, well that’s their choice. But I feel that getting to enjoy those same liberties you speak of requires you to at least minimally engage in the process.

          Personally I’d rather have someone randomly fill in bubbles than not vote. As they’re randomly filling stuff in, maybe they see a name they recognize and they actually cast a real vote. That’s a win.

      • Tiefling IRL
        1 month ago

        Why not a tax deduction for anyone who votes at least once a year? It doesn’t even matter if you submit an empty ballot.

      • @Cryophilia
        31 month ago

        You vastly underestimate how goddamn stupid most people are. Anyone too stupid to vote is too stupid to entrust with a vote imo. Fix education first, and then voter participation will fix itself.

  • @Passerby6497
    841 month ago

    Good, at least they’re finally seeing how much of a weak, scared, weird little piss baby the annoying orange is:

  • The Giant Korean
    1 month ago

    Orange Chicken - not just a dish on a Chinese restaurant menu.

    • @Etterra
      111 month ago

      Hey hey hey, don’t you sully the name of my favorite Chinese food.

  • @[email protected]
    481 month ago

    I’m not buying this headline.

    Trump “fans” don’t criticize him - ever. If they disagree or don’t understand what he is doing, they say he is playing “4-D chess.” He has presumed infallibility. He can do no wrong.

    The Truth Social trend is not the result of real critical thinking on the part of Trump fans. It has to be robots or something else. Those fans don’t turn on him.

    • @[email protected]
      1 month ago

      They certainly turned on him when he tried to suggest that maybe they could think about wearing masks and vaccinating during covid, the backlash of which promptly put him back onto anti-masking.

      I think he’s more of an idol (in the “religious idoltory” sense) than an actual person to them. He plays to their same un-sensibilities, but it looks like the very few times he’s tried to stray even slightly from the accepted rhetoric he’s been put back in line. He bends over so quickly though that it’s totally reasonable that anyone thinks those were his positions all along. Strong man my ass.

      • @[email protected]
        61 month ago

        Yeah, he got in trouble for favoring abortion in the case of rape and incest as well. But I think even then, his fans think he’s just pandering to get votes. “He doesn’t really mean it, he’s truly on our side, he’s just playing that 4D chess again.”

        I’m telling you I think they believe he’s really brilliant. Like so many steps ahead of everyone else that you couldn’t possibly know his grand scheme. A master tactician.

        After all he has to fight pedophile Satanists who’ve been operating in broad daylight faking school shootings and planes flying into buildings, who sit at their Hollywood parties drinking adrenochrome with their foul friends, while the elites fly through Denver airport to meet in the Binderburg group at Bohemian Grove, to formulate the new world order and the cashless society and will cause them all to wear the number of the beast.

  • @Etterra
    461 month ago

    The funniest part of any cult’s lifecycle - and they don’t all get there - is when the leader can no longer out-crazy his own followers and they turn on him like rabid ferrets.

  • katy ✨
    401 month ago

    like how stupid is donald trump to basically give the harris campaign primetime coverage to her own without having to fight for airtime with trump weeks before early voting starts…

    • Christer Enfors
      31 month ago

      No, he doesn’t. He thinks he can do anything. The people around him, who do understand that he can’t, has given him other reasons not to participate that he can accept. Something like “it’s not fair,” “it’s a setup,” “people will think you’re brave for saying no,” etc.

  • @teamevil
    231 month ago

    Hopefully more and more will realize the emperor has no clothes

      • @teamevil
        31 month ago

        At least you don’t have the book, I do and it’s absolutely abhorrent.

      • Meeech
        21 month ago

        A full one at that.

    • @RaoulDook
      31 month ago

      That’s how I’ve been thinking of the whole trump cult phenomena for a long time. It’s just like the obvious reality denial of that fable, how the trumptards live in their own fantasy based on the lies of an orange clown who wants to be king.

  • @Drivebyhaiku
    111 month ago

    I really want to watch Harris take this chicken apart bone by bone in debate like a mechanical separator. The world demands this man be turned into Trump McNuggets on live tv.

  • @[email protected]
    61 month ago

    Don’t be stupid, he’ll hold a rally for the faithful at the same time and it’ll just split the attention