• @[email protected]
    931 month ago

    On behalf of the rest of the world, can I just say thank you to the democrats for getting themselves sorted out and getting into a state where they could beat the gibbering orange gibbon.

    • @GaMEChld
      1 month ago

      I’m sure the DNC will find a way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Let’s get Hilary, she’ll know what to do! And Debbie!

        • @[email protected]
          81 month ago

          I for one would welcome UN election oversight (is that the right term?), it’d be a great kick in the balls to Orange Julius if Biden brought them in

          • TheRealKuni
            71 month ago

            “They brought in foreigners to steal the election!”

            • @[email protected]
              71 month ago

              They’re gonna find something to bitch about regardless, might as well give election rules some teeth to nip it in the bud.

      • Flying Squid
        61 month ago

        I suppose if you assume the worst will always happen, you’ll never be disappointed.

        • @Chip_Rat
          229 days ago

          You’re either right or pleasantly surprised. Win win

          • Flying Squid
            129 days ago

            I admit, I do generally take that attitude with movies. “This is going to suck” works pretty well.

        • @GaMEChld
          21 month ago

          Hahaha, true. Really though, I am simultaneously energized to vote for Harris and wary of the DNC’s incompetence.

    • @[email protected]
      1 month ago


      The most urgent foreign policy issue right now is the ongoing genocide of Palestinians. I would say that walz did not display “big dad energy” when he refused to meet with Palestinian families from his state to discuss possible solutions (he was willing to meet, but only to listen and “bear witness” to their stories. That was the extent of his support)

  • @Lauchs
    711 month ago

    I just have a vision of trump realizing some rally goer is in trouble and asking his rally attendees to sell him some bottled water at three times the price.

    • @Agent641
      511 month ago

      "Personally I prefer supporters who don’t get heatstroke "

      • @[email protected]
        131 month ago

        he was right in front of me and I turned away. I didn’t want to touch him. He’s bleeding all over the place, I felt terrible. You know, beautiful marble floor, didn’t look like it. It changed colour. Became very red.

        Holy shit it’s worse than what I expected

        • @Skullgrid
          71 month ago

          And you know what I did? I said, ‘Oh my God, that’s disgusting,’ and I turned away.

          And you have this poor guy, 80 years old, laying on the floor unconscious, and all the rich people are turning away…


        • Gloomy
          41 month ago

          I was saying, ‘Get that blood cleaned up! It’s disgusting!’ The next day, I forgot to call [the man] to say is he OK.

          It’s just not my thing

      • @TheDoozer
        71 month ago

        All of that absolutely tracks for what I would expect of him. And honestly, I could imagine a number of people having similar reactions.

        I feel the disconnect here is I can’t imagine someone going out of their way to tell the story unasked. Like, I feel even amongst the people who would do it they wouldn’t talk about it? And of those they wouldn’t talk about it in an interview, unprompted. That’s the truly baffling part, to me.

        • @[email protected]
          11 month ago

          I think when you read that article it’s important to think critically about how it’s composed. I am as anti-trump as the next European “centrist dad”, but nothing I read there made me think he went out of his way to tell that story unprompted. I imagine he was interviewed, said a bunch of stuff, and then someone cherry-picked the quotes they needed to support the narrative of the article… You can’t just take it at face value!?

          • Gloomy
            31 month ago

            But they are giving the context in which he says it.

            The story came about as he was discussing his uneasiness for looking at blood, which prompted him to recall the incident.

            And I wouldn’t call it cherry picking if an article that says: Here is a bad thing Trump said in an old interview is quoting, well, said bad thing. In Context.

            I mean, you are right about what they did. He said a lot of stuff and they represent the things that make him look bad. Doesn’t change that he said them tough.

      • @pivot_root
        61 month ago

        Get that poor trash out of my rally


  • @davidagain
    621 month ago

    “and I have to say, this idea of caring for our neighbor and kindness and a hand up when somebody needs it, or just the sense that people go through things, and to be able to be there when they need it, that’s who we are,” said Walz.

    Warms my heart, America, that you might just elect a president and vice president who I’d gladly spend time with. Walz actually a decent guy. Well picked, Kamala.

  • /home/pineapplelover
    431 month ago

    Giving out free water? That’s some socialist agenda right there if I ever seen one. Next thing you know he’s gonna give people free bread and invite them to have free dinner.

    • @chiliedogg
      51 month ago

      He’d better not try that in Georgia, where giving water to people in line to vote is illegal.

      • @CptEnder
        11 month ago

        Larry David is an American hero

  • @Dorkyd68
    281 month ago

    Internet has ruined me "big dad energy " sounds oddly sexual idk

  • @Zealousideal_Fox900
    131 month ago

    Walz is the most wholesome person this presidential election. If he loses I will be so sad.

  • Capt. Wolf
    101 month ago

    And I’m sure the weirdos will use it to make some sort of pedophile joke…

    • Riskable
      31 month ago

      Don’t know what you’re talking about… Priests and pastors tend to support Republicans 🤷

    • @jeffwOPM
      321 month ago

      I get the reference but I’m not getting Jeb! vibes here at all?

      • @[email protected]
        341 month ago

        There are certain people on the internet who have been conditioned to impulsively post any recognizable reference even if only tangentially related to a topic in hopes of getting some sort of response. It’s the redditor syndrome