• @[email protected]
    2171 month ago

    It’s like when Sideshow Bob was running for Mayor and used ads denouncing Mayor Quimby for letting crooks like Sideshow Bob out of jail.

      • @[email protected]
        361 month ago

        Vance is a Yale grad and a best selling author. It’s a good example of imposter syndrome; he’s better than Trump in any possible way, but lacks the intestinal fortitude to be anything but a lickspittle.

        • @[email protected]
          161 month ago

          A lot of the GOP leadership is not stupid. Some of them are very intelligent.They’re just self-serving and morally bankrupt.

            • @maniclucky
              301 month ago

              Except that list gets manipulated all the time. It’s a known practice to order shit tons of your own book, get on the list for a week, and hand them out (or resell them) later.

              • @Windex007
                81 month ago

                Ok, I accept that, but it inevitably leads to the next question of “what metric would you accept to call oneself a bestselling authour?”

                • @maniclucky
                  191 month ago

                  By definition, bestselling is what it is. The question is “does bestselling mean they’re a good author?” And that’s what we have reviews for.

                • @[email protected]
                  31 month ago

                  Probably something better than “it sold more than 1000 copies in a week”. Especially when the author can indirectly buy all those copies with not that much money, just to claim the best selling title

              • @[email protected]
                -31 month ago

                I despise the guy as much as sanity allows, but he actually went out and accomplished something.

                I think it’s important that we see the enemy as they are and don’t get caught up in mindless hatred for hatred’s sake.

                • @maniclucky
                  61 month ago

                  I agree in principal. But my comment was made to point out that the achievement of “bestselling author” is just not as meaningful as it once was. Many people like him cheat to get on the bestselling list so they can put that on the book and it’s as informative on the book jacket as “made with 100% beef”. Seems nice, but doesn’t actually mean much.

                • @[email protected]
                  21 month ago

                  Politicians use ghost writers for their books. All he accomplished was having enough money to “write” a book. The NYT bestsellers list is, as others have pointed out, very manipulated. It’s been a ‘joke’ for a long long time that people just buy their own books for the numbers. Political parties especially buy them in bulk to boost the numbers.

                  Every politician has a book. It’s part of the process, or the culture. You’re not a “real” politician if you don’t have a book. Even insane people like Marjorie Taylor Greene has a book.

                  It’s not an accomplishment. It’s just paying someone to write something for you.

            • @barsquid
              151 month ago

              It just means it sold a number of copies, there is zero judgement on the content. Sometimes a campaign will launder money directly to a candidate by purchasing many copies of that candidate’s book to give away. It is somehow legal.

              • @[email protected]
                -31 month ago

                Literally millions of books haven’t. Have you ever actually been in a bookstore or library?

                It’s like saying every song has won a Grammy or every athlete has gone to the Olympics.

        • @eatthecake
          41 month ago

          TBH, I think a lickspittle probably needs quite a bit of intestinal fortitude

    • @Sterile_Technique
      401 month ago

      He immediately whataboutism’d BLM protests, so… yeah it was outer monologue too.

  • @RedditWanderer
    1041 month ago

    The problem is that hypocrisy doesn’t burn them. Logic doesn’t matter.

    You’ll find conservative women against abortion who had an abortion, because “for them it was different”.

    You’ll find them yapping about taxes and “big crime families” but when trump does it “he’s just smart and using the system like everyone else”.

    You’ll find them fed up with “giving away free stuff”, when they all do sovcit shit and dodge taxes because “fuck biden or wtv”.

    They have upper class money, but for them it’s different, “they aren’t rich” and “daddy technically didn’t even help”.

    Theyre all losers who think all their problems are caused by other people.

  • @[email protected]
    1 month ago

    You gotta be pretty incompetent to walk directly into that. Even if you’re not sure where the interviewer is going, if you ever hear the phrase “so you agree that…” you cannot agree with whatever they’re saying because that phrase indicates that you’re walking into a logic trap.

    • @[email protected]
      351 month ago

      so you agree that…

      Giant flashing “it’s a trap” sign.

      Ficking idiot walks straight into it.

    • @[email protected]
      301 month ago

      Yeah but they get away with it because their audience only cares/is fed the stuff they agree with

      Trump said the government should be allowed to take people’s guns without due process (just breaking two constitutional amendments, NBD) and Republicans just had to wait a couple days and their voters forgot about it

    • @barsquid
      121 month ago

      It’s a trap either way. Like asking Matt Gaetz if he agrees children should not be trafficked and raped by middle-aged adults. Any direct answer to that would make him look like a pedophile.

      • Cethin
        1 month ago

        That’s why you aren’t a politician (along with probably many other reasons). The correct response is something like: “there are certain actions that these protesters shouldn’t be taking.” You just totally avoid the question and pretend like you answered it.

  • @barsquid
    741 month ago

    Pleasantly surprising to actually press even that hard during an interview. Interviews should be forcing candidates to explain themselves.

      • @[email protected]
        591 month ago

        I’ve never heard this guy talk so hearing his voice…

        I mean, I’m not saying that I’ve ever talked to a couch fucker but…yeah, the voice sort of says couch fucker.

        • @macarthur_park
          221 month ago

          There’s a reason that rumor spread so effectively

          • magnetosphere
            181 month ago

            The author of the tweet never even tried to claim it was true, either. When the couch thing blew up, they even specifically said that it was just a joke. You’re exactly right, though. There’s just something about Vance that makes it seem believable.

            • @Serinus
              171 month ago

              Well, if you’ve read any of his Hillbilly Elegy, it fits. He does this weird oscillation where he talks about his humble roots, and then is incredibly condescending towards anyone in a similar situation.

              Apparently he’s better than that now.

              He could talk about how he was so desperate he fucked his couch. But then, once he had money, he was able to attract an actual woman. He still occasionally fucks a couch, just for nostalgia, but all those other people who are still fucking couches are sad and gross.

              It would blend right in.

        • @[email protected]
          161 month ago

          Lets call it what it is. He fucks underage couches. That makes him a rapist. He’s a couch rapist.

          • peopleproblems
            61 month ago

            Age of consent or not, I’ve never heard a couch talk, let alone consent.

            It doesn’t matter the type of material or the designer brand the couch is either, the couch isn’t “dressed like it’s asking for it.” Unless it’s enthusiastic affirmation, it’s rape.

          • @MrVilliam
            51 month ago

            I’ve never asked so I can’t say for sure that it’s not impossible, but I’ve personally never heard a couch speak. Therefore, I’m not sure any couch is capable of consent. Ergo, all couch fucking is couch rape.

        • @[email protected]
          21 month ago

          I dunno about couches but my gaydar went nuclear at that clip.

          But of course, he can’t be gay, because he didn’t want to suck dicks at the age of 8.

      • @[email protected]
        11 month ago

        Why did she not ask him if he organized any support for the innocent BLM protestors that did not commit any crimes? Why just the Jan 6 insurrectionists?

  • @[email protected]
    481 month ago

    The little couch fucking shit weasel. He had an answer and it wasn’t half bad. Then he redirected to his false equivalency bullshit.

    • @[email protected]
      211 month ago

      That’s the worst part, I agree with his point that we shouldn’t have blanket prosecutions…just like we shouldn’t have blanket pardons.

      I think a good followup would have been “Do you believe it is also possible there are BLM protestors who likewise had the book thrown at them?” Bring it back to the question of why they think their “protest” is more acceptable than the BLM protests.

      But it’s weird, that didn’t feel like a modern Republican interview exchange to me. Yeah he’s doing the soundbites but he’s actually responding with…logic rather than feelings? Or at least as close to logic as a Republican candidate can get these days.

      • @Jiggle_Physics
        21 month ago

        The thing is, the MSM made it clear they are on the side of prosecuting BLM protestors.

  • @andrewth09
    361 month ago

    The interview equivalent of stepping on a rake.

  • @zaft
    291 month ago

    What the fuck is with the eyeliner lol

    • @RegalPotoo
      381 month ago

      All forms of gender-affirming care are valid and should be respected

      • @[email protected]
        231 month ago

        I respect Robert Smith wearing eyeliner. This bigoted fucker can eat shit, I’ll criticize his eyeliner because it’s a sign of his deep hypocrisy.

        • @RegalPotoo
          21 month ago

          Oh, don’t get me wrong, anyone involved with national-level republican politics is either a bigot, or cynically pandering to the bigots (which is worse imo).

          That said, I think a lot of people fear/hate trans people because they really can’t conceptualise what being trans actually means. Pointing out that if, as a 40-something man who has an embedded self-image of themselves, you find yourself going bald it’s not uncommon or unnatural to feel a sense of sadness or loss or unhappiness because your internal and external self images no longer align. You can then point out that some people might choose varying methods - everything from subtle changes to how they style their hair to full on medical interventions - to try and regain some feeling of control over their external self image and bring it closer to their internal identity. There is a straight line from there back to gender affirming care for trans people, and that makes it a smaller jump for people to extend empathy into a situation that they find so foreign that “trans people are actually just all pedos and rapists something something men in women’s changing rooms” is a more plausible explanation for them

      • @[email protected]
        51 month ago

        I’m all for gay people and would never bring extra attention to them, but if I see a closeted homosexual republican doing gay shit imma give em hell cause of the double standards.

  • @Etterra
    91 month ago

    Is that crickets I hear? Heh wimp womb Vancey Pants.