EDIT: Just crossed 26000!

Almost! At the time of this post, lemmy.world has a whopping 25733 users and is growing fast.

Since my last post yesterday, it has added 4000 new users, making it the clear second-largest lemmy instance out there. Also quickly catching up to lemmy.ml’s 36000 (not taking new signups).

beehaw.org (3rd largest) sits at 12500 users, partly because of more restrictive registration requirements.

Source: https://lemmy.fediverse.observer/list

Exciting to see all this growth!

  • Phil
    721 year ago

    We’re here! 10 year reddit user, deleted my account last week. Forcing myself to post and not just lurk. Fellow lurkers please comment a bit. Once traffic is decent you may resume your lurking. Thank you

    • @tallwookie
      141 year ago

      15 years for me, ditched reddit a few days ago. platform is toxic, management doesnt care about the userbase at all.

      fuck em

    • @DevilsVice
      71 year ago

      This is for sure a good thing to note. While bits of potential advertisement can be made by lurking, new users will be more inclined to join and stay if they see people.

    • @FearTheCron
      71 year ago

      Yeah, I am a long time lurker from Reddit as well. Now I started a community for back country skiing [email protected] . Feel free to come watch me awkwardly post trip pictures trying to get the community going :-)

      • Phil
        51 year ago

        Subscribed! I’ve only been once and it ended with a concussion so I’ll vicariously live through you guys

        • @FearTheCron
          21 year ago

          Sorry to hear about the concussion! Hopefully you still enjoy the community.

      • Phil
        11 year ago

        Pre she ate u

    • @[email protected]
      51 year ago

      Hi, fellow lurker! I’ve being doing my part commenting here and there. I’m loving this place!

    • @Resonosity
      51 year ago

      Crawling out of lurking to show support. Using Jerboa right now, but I keep getting timeouts and it’s making browsing clunky since all my upvotes/comments are being undone.

      But otherwise I love the concept of the fediverse so I’m here to stay

      • @UnicornKitty
        21 year ago

        I’m getting that problem too. I saw that word - fediverse - a lot recently and it seemed like a concept that would be beyond me so I didn’t even look. Now that I have, my mind is blown and technology continues to amaze me. The networks just get larger and I love it.

    • @[email protected]
      41 year ago

      Similar. About seven years? Deleted and moved to lemm.ee and frankly I think it’s good that we’re having to learn about federation etc. An appropriate barrier to participation that is easily overcome if you just give it a little bit of your time. Reddit can go insert itself into the anus of the wicked witch of the west. And Spez can do the same.

    • CumLizard19
      31 year ago

      8 years on Reddit and it’s refreshing having something new to learn to use

  • DoubleCore
    721 year ago

    I think Lemmy.world is the new meta right now. All Reddit refugees overflow this instance as this is the most generic one and by looking and the number of communities it’s the smarter choice.

    I just hope that the influx of users won’t cause too many server issues. I can already imagine what the devs feel like to have so many active users without mentally and technologically preparing for it

    • HeartyBeast
      541 year ago

      Hello from kbin.social. Isn’t federation and diversity great?!

      • Rick
        1 year ago

        Hello from my personal lemmy instance. ;)

          • Rick
            11 year ago

            It’s not hard but a little challenging… If your savvy but new to the docker world there is a nice Ansible playbook that will set it up for you. Or if you want turn key with not much tech savvy there is a managed host doing Lemmy’s for 10 a month. Search on here you’ll find it.

              • Rick
                11 year ago

                Great… Do the ssh keys… Much easier than doing the password setup.

          • @MicroWaveOP
            101 year ago

            kbin is a different software but still compatible with lemmy instances (and more like mastodon).

            • CMason
              51 year ago

              Still new to all this, but it’s nice to hear that they both talk to each other. Meaning they don’t compete, but live together.

      • Bythenumbers
        171 year ago

        In this blessed age, we are all Federation champions. Or we devolve:

        Once I saw this guy on a bridge about to jump. I said, “Don’t do it!” He said, “Nobody loves me.” I said, “God loves you. Do you believe in God?”

        He said, “Yes.” I said, “Are you a Christian or a Jew?” He said, “A Christian.” I said, “Me, too! Protestant or Catholic?” He said, “Protestant.” I said, “Me, too! What franchise?” He said, “Baptist.” I said, “Me, too! Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?” He said, “Northern Baptist.” I said, “Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?”

        He said, “Northern Conservative Baptist.” I said, “Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region, or Northern Conservative Baptist Eastern Region?” He said, “Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region.” I said, “Me, too!”

        Northern Conservative†Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?" He said, “Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912.” I said, “Die, heretic!” And I pushed him over.

    • ethane
      171 year ago

      The lemmy.world mod is active and knows what he’s doing from the looks of it. He upgraded the infra recently.

    • theinspectorst
      21 year ago

      I think Lemmy.world is the new meta right now.

      If I’m reading this right, kbin.social has 157k users as of today, and fedia.io has 39k. Does that not suggest the kbin instances are the new meta?

    • @twistedtxb
      11 year ago

      It was already very sluggish yesterday

  • Czele
    371 year ago

    Just joined lemmy.world in response to reddit’s BS. Picked this instance because its sounds most normal compared to other gibberish names. Hi everyone!

    • @MicroWaveOP
      151 year ago

      Welcome! I went through the same thought process.

      • @[email protected]
        81 year ago

        Went with lemmy.one because it felt really snappy while navigating communities. I was torn between .world and .one but then I saw that beehaw de-federated from .world which I didn’t like because beehaw has some of the more popular and active subs.

        • @MicroWaveOP
          81 year ago

          It seems like beehaw.org focuses their userbase’s activity within a handful of communities, whereas lemmy.world spreads it out across a wide range of (unlimited) communities. Seems to be working for beehaw so far, but we’ll see how long that lasts.

          • @[email protected]
            41 year ago

            I realized that there are no downvotes on lemmy? Do I have that right? Wouldn’t downvoting allow for better community moderation?

            • @MicroWaveOP
              161 year ago

              The lemmy network allows downvotes by default. Looks like both beehaw.org and lemmy.one (where your account is registered) have disabled them. I can downvote on lemmy.world.

              • @TheAmorphous
                11 year ago

                I’ve also noticed some instances have updoots and downvotes broken out like Reddit used to, but other seem to aggregate them.

              • @[email protected]
                01 year ago

                Got it. Yeah reading more about it in some threads now. Can you downvote my posts from your instance while it’s disabled on my instance?

                • @MicroWaveOP
                  51 year ago

                  Yep I can downvote your posts from my instance. Happy to downvote you if you’d like lol

    • ethane
      61 year ago

      You picked… Wisely! Welcome! It might be slightly confusing at first but just browse and chat wherever you can!

  • @[email protected]
    311 year ago

    I would not be surprised if lemmy.world will outgrow lemmy.ml this month. Lemmy.world has a lot of active communities and meanwhile lemmy.ml. is not allowing new registrations and many of the existing communities look like they are no longer maintained or used.

    • jsqribe
      141 year ago

      Yep still get subscribe pending for lemmy.ml but lemmy.world is ready with the instant subs 🙏🏾

      • @[email protected]
        51 year ago

        The devs don’t want to run the flagship instance with all the sysadmin and moderation issues that brings. You made the right choice :)

    • @MicroWaveOP
      81 year ago

      Yeah if the rate of 3-4k new users per day keeps up, lemmy.world should overtake lemmy.ml in just a few days even. Might even get another huge influx on July 1 when third-party reddit apps shut down.

      • Soullioness
        101 year ago

        That’s my last day using Reddit for sure. I’ve already stopped posting/commenting/and voting. I’m in read only mode now lol

        • @MicroWaveOP
          51 year ago

          You seem to be active here, so that’s good!

          • Soullioness
            51 year ago

            Lol. I’m not sure my spouse agrees but yes I’m being quite active.

    • Briongloid
      41 year ago

      I reckon the biggest instances in a year won’t have been made yet, we’re in the equivalent of first year Reddit.

  • MadCybertist
    271 year ago

    Except BeeHaw as defederated lemmy.world - which is a shame. Step in the wrong direction IMO. That’s going to be a huge problem because now if you’re a BeeHaw member you no longer see anything lemmy.world related - you’re suddenly, overnight, cut off from thousands of people and posts.

    Having these larger instances owned by 1 person like they all are now is a shame, but unavoidable at the beginning I suppose. One of them gets bitter and you have thousands defederated. I guess over time as things splinter up more it may get better.

    I’ll likely just spin up my own instance so I can federate with everyone and never be dropped (at least from my side).

    • @MicroWaveOP
      241 year ago

      For what it’s worth, beehaw.org is run by 4 admins and a number of mods. They also hope the defederation is temporary until better moderation tools are available: https://beehaw.org/post/567170.

      We’ll see if they really mean that, but others have said that lemmy moderation tools are still limited compared to mastodon’s, for example.

      • GreenPlasticSushiGrass
        161 year ago

        It’s a shame that beehaw had to use a “nuke” because other moderation tools weren’t available, but I think it makes for a great natural experiment in the early fediverse. Beehaw wants to build an instance with higher community standards, as is their right. Will defederation of lemmy.world and sh.itjust.works lead to fewer sign-ups at beehaw? Will members leave? Will they just make accounts at other instances and keep their beehaw account? Will this help spread membership to smaller instances? It should be interesting.

        • JanoRis
          1 year ago

          isn’t it the best to use another instance than beehive, lemmy.world and sh.itjust.works in that case? you will still have access to all other communities. Been thinking of creating another account on feddit, since it is probably too local to get on beehives shitlist and other instances might be reluctant to just block out a whole country community

          • JackbyDev
            31 year ago

            Haha, yeah I’m just sitting here at programming.dev like okay ✌️😎👍

            • @[email protected]
              51 year ago

              that nutscrape gif really takes me back. I miss the 90s when all of the internet felt like Lemmy does today

              • JackbyDev
                11 year ago

                Yeah, I was looking for a profile picture to upload. I found this in my pictures folder. No idea where I got it from. Probably just downloaded it because I thought it looked cool. I’m surprised it is animated in browsers.

                After I uploaded it I did notice the feeling of the early internet. I was born in 1991 so I wasn’t really using the internet back then but I imagine this might be what it felt like to an extent. :)

      • AnonymousLlama
        1 year ago

        Probably the integration of modding tools like AutoMod would be heaps handy here, it could automatically flag potentially troublesome posts and help cut back on spam / bad actors.

        From memory Reddit uses automod and so does twitch / discord. Though I’m not sure if they actively let you integrate with it directly on third party sites

        • Jamie
          1 year ago

          There is an advantage that Lemmy’s backend is entirely an API with a detached frontend. There are already API wrappers for Rust and Typescript that are officially supported, so I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before someone writes a robust automod that can be implemented for communities that desire one.

          I have a bit of interest in doing it, but I know nothing about the API itself, so I’m not sure how easy it would be to grab every new thing submitted to a community or instance for moderation.

          • AnonymousLlama
            21 year ago

            Yeah I’m also interested in seeing how all of these sites work and looking at ways I can help improve it. The whole positing process / propagation process seems pretty complex though so I’ll probably let the more familiar devs work on it for now.

            From what I understand though, each admin (for example kbin.social) is maintaining a fork of their project so they could implement automod on their own local content, but that wouldn’t stop propagated content (e.g from Lemmy) coming in that’s spam.

            Seems like the issue might need to be fixed on a site by site basis.

        • @[email protected]
          61 year ago

          I think I would be helpful for instances to have more control over federation than turning on or of for there instances. Ideally I think giving lemmy.world and sh.itjust.works read only access to Beehaw would have been the best option while we wait for better moderation tools. Until those options exist though they didn’t really have much other choice.

    • @seacocker
      71 year ago

      I’m hoping we’ll see no code online hosting options one day, would make single user instances a lot easier.

      I was on Beehaw up until they announced the defederation, switch here straight after.

    • Ulu-Mulu-no-die
      51 year ago

      It seems beehaw doesn’t have enough mod power to deal with the current influx of trolls, I don’t agree with what they did but I do understand why they did it.

    • sanjosanjo
      31 year ago

      I’m thinking about self-hosting an instance, but I’m not clear if these bigger instances would block me because I’m some little unknown server. Would they have to manually give me access to interact (federate?) with them if I self-host? Or would I automatically be able to post on their server?

      • @pleasemakesense
        21 year ago

        Think they would have to defederate manually, I’ve seen people running instances with only themselves as members with no complaints

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      Yeah, defederation is not the answer. We are few and we need to stick together. That’s the whole point of the fediverse after all, many connected together.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      This is why you choose not to have an account on beehaw or lemmy.world and still interact with both. Picking and lemmey instance to live on should be taking everyone some time until you see how the they function. You can even host your own lemmy instance.

      • @dingus
        21 year ago

        The problem is when you’ve already been participating and growing your sub list on a lemmy.world account and then beehaw pulls this shit. Suddenly half my subs are taken away without warning.

    • SeatBeeSate
      -21 year ago

      I kinda understand beehaws stance. Lemmy.world is very lightly moderated right now, allowing a huge influx of problems, questionable posts, NSFW in wrong sections, tons of racism and bigotry flowing out the walls. Maybe if more people get that shit under control they will reconsider.

        • @minimar
          21 year ago

          They’ve been primarily targeting minority communities, not just dumping shit into random posts.

        • Aer
          11 year ago

          We do need better tools don’t get me wrong! That said… Admining for some bigger communities I have had a total of 3 reports, only needed to act on 1. Banned 1 person, from a small asexual community I run for bigotry but outside of that… It has been pretty quiet. Not to down play it beehaw probably deal with a lot of shitty people too. Especially in the bigger LGBT+ community.

          There are some really toxic instances out there, but as far as they go. I don’t think Lemmy.World is anything worse than what you see in Reddit on a good day.

  • @yacht_boy
    261 year ago

    Gotta admit, a week ago when people were posting about Lemmy I didn’t see it working. There were something like 500 active users when I checked join-lemmy.org. That was just not enough of a crictical mass to make it work.

    Now I’ve been here a few days (with another login at kbin) and if this volume of traffic keeps up (i.e., there’s enough happening to be interesting and make it worth coming back), I think I can live without reddit. I’m happyt to be wrong!

  • Mark Prior
    251 year ago

    While the number of registered accounts is interesting the monthly active accounts numbers are more interesting as lemmy.world is claiming 8,005 while lemmy.ml is claiming 3,467 and beehaw.org is claiming 2,919. lemmy.world’s growth in posts also indicates that it is the most active of the lemmy instances.

    I just posted these graphs through my bot https://mastodon.social/@fediversecounter/110558349415198155

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      Does that mean lemmy.world didn’t exist 2 weeks ago or had very little users? That’s some insane growth then.

      • @Ryumast3r
        1 year ago

        Lemmy.world is extremely new, I don’t think it is more than a few weeks old but the person who created it is very active and working to improve it constantly. I think that shows in its uptime vs the other instances.

        Here is the oldest post by ruud, the admin 2 weeks old:


  • @madmonki
    241 year ago

    it’s nice to be here. i wish every person on reddit would have come here. fediverse should be the real usage of social media. Open and free of big corps.

    • @TheAmorphous
      101 year ago

      Not every person. I’m perfectly fine with the bulk of Reddit users staying there to wallow in their own crapulence.

  • CurlySue
    211 year ago

    Long time lurker at Reddit, using Apollo, but now part of Lemmy, due to the disappointing action by Reddit. Thank you to this community for being a great alternative during this upheaval.

    • @koraro
      91 year ago

      I’m in the same boat but with Rif, the funny thing is I’ve posted the same here in the last few days as the last year of reddit.

  • @DopaDodge
    201 year ago

    We out here!

    I’ve been a full-time lurker only at Reddit for over 10 years, never made a single comment there. Never even created an account. I suppose I don’t have any interesting reasons other than I never really had a desire to engage in those communities but did like it as a lookup resource. I’m an ‘internet old-fart’ that has always preferred forums and even ran a few back in the day.

    The fediverse is the first ‘newer’ social system that gives me those old-school forum vibes while at the same time being fresh and more connected. It feels like this is one of those ‘shifts’ in internet history and is a good time to hop back on the internet social train.

    • @[email protected]
      51 year ago

      It really does feel like a shift. Of course it doesn’t have to be anything near as big as Reddit and that’s alright. This can be its own thing, which I’m pretty happy to be a part of.

      Definitely know what you mean on the old school vibes though, I wonder if part of it is because “reddiquite” feels so unnecessary here, you don’t have to post in fear of a slew of downvotes.

      • @DopaDodge
        41 year ago


        I’ve never really experienced that so much since I didn’t actually engage with Reddit but I understand what you mean. In the forum days, we used to do ‘Post Exchanges’ or other events with other communities (shout-out to ye old: https://www.theadminzone.com) to try and increase engagement. This federation system is the perfect evolution of that, its like having all of these forum communities but we can all see and interact with each other.

        My only concern is that like most things, if/once it gets popular it will start attracting more of the worst of the internet (and humanity). Right now people flocking here are usually more technically inclined or those willing to put more effort into trying something new. But hopefully this is were federation can help some as its much easier to have separate communities that make it less effective for bots, trolls and other degenerates to overtake, thus keeping the content appealing and interesting to engage with.

  • @MBM
    191 year ago

    Man, when I joined this was a brand new instance with only few users. That wasn’t even that long ago.

  • Margot Robbie
    181 year ago

    It’s honestly pretty freeing to not have Karma at all. Keeps away the Gallowboobs of the world.

    • drphungky
      21 year ago

      It also keeps me from occasionally seeing how much comment karma I have and feeling a tad embarrassed from the sheer volume. It definitely wasn’t a quality over quantity thing.

      Now if only Steam would hide my hours played in DOTA…

  • kratoz29
    171 year ago

    Imagine when the end of the month comes!

    • @conderoga
      51 year ago

      Yeah I suspect when the API changes actually take place, we’ll see another surge of blackouts and migration. It should be fun!

  • @harbo
    151 year ago

    I switched from lemmy.ml to lemmy.world because lemmy.ml has insane censorship of anything critical of authoritarian communist regimes

    • @[email protected]
      51 year ago

      Some lead developers of Lemmy also seem to subscribe to these political beliefs. But as long as they don’t censor people (and that’s pretty hard seeing as it’s open source and federated) still seems fine.

    • JanoRis
      81 year ago

      though how many of these are duplicate accounts?

      I myself have one kbin account and one lemmy.world account because kbin was not stable enough the first day and i did hear great things about the lemmy.world stability. I do use both though and also considering opening a feddit account

      • Skrounge
        51 year ago

        Well, there’s roughly 33000 kbin and 140000 Lemmy
        So at max 33000 duplicates?