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Its weird how tired and confused he is
Weird how weird trump is.
Actually now that you said that. I realized he looks kinda old too. He should drop out of the race.
People are saying it. They’re saying he looks too old, too tired to make the cover of Time magazine. Lots of people are talking about it. Have you heard him speak? I had to shut it off, but people say he kept on and on, rambling. Rambling on and saying weird things, lotta weirdness coming from him.
I was talking to the man on the car on the way to the rally today and he said, “sir, you’re 79 years old what the fuck are you doing running for president? You should be at home enjoying the life and warmth of your friends and family. At this point it looks like elder abuse.” and I thought wow check out this lady in the car in front of us.
Weird that he asked the Pennsylvania folks a question as if the were in South Carolina.
He looks like he’s aged 10 years since the last elections both physically and mentally
Plus the whole rapist thing. Not a good look.
And he’s a convicted felon. So much criminal behavior. Not a good look.
Pretty sure he recessed mentally
He probably had an aging related neurological disorder. Definitely not fit for president.
Also, he’s pretty hard on the eyes. Kinda tired looking.
And hard on the ears and nose. Probably feels like an old, cracked leather couch slathered in make up.
Sad, even.
I will say…
The question of “Who is better looking, Donald Trump or Kamala Harris?” was asked by exactly zero people in the course of human history until he said that.
And the list of people through the course of human history who gave even a sliver of a fuck what the answer is is:
- Donald Trump
That also happens to be the only person who believes that Trump is better looking than Harris, crazy right?
Nah, I believe that Trump is better looking than Harris… In an orange jumpsuit behind bars.
Tbh she’s not too bad for her age actually. I’d smash ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Frfr ain’t nothing wrong there boaaaahhhh
“They will say he’s rambling. I don’t ramble. I’m a really smart guy,” he rambled.
Smart people don’t tell you how smart they are.
What a weird attack from an ugly (both personality and aesthetics) person.
Like a peach grimace holding in 80 years of farts, but yeah, ok. Having money convinced him all the platitudes were legit. They were not.
… says Ramblin’ Ronnie….
Verbal Diarrhea Donnie
Also Probably Literal Diarrhea Donnie
Never was a fan of Reagan, but even at the end when he really wasn’t there he was still a better speaker than Trump ever was.
Well, Kamala certainly doesn’t need to create a fake Time cover like the one of Trump that hangs in several of his Golf courses: Which is totally not completely weird.
I’d heard of this before, I’d thought it was stupid before, but I wasn’t aware of just how bad the fake was. Did they never hold it side by side with a real cover? Hell, why not use real covers as templates?
I keep having to remind myself that Narcissism is a disease, but man I really don’t get how anyone supports this guy
That was some weird ass rambling, ngl
You know what I love about Trump? His humbleness.
The most humble person I know. A marine came up to him, huge guy, and he was crying, he said, he usually never cries, he said Trump was the most humble person in the world.
You left out the part where he called him sir.
Sir, sir, I just want you to know how humble you are, he says this to me with TEARS in his EYES, the biggest tears, the best tears, nobody cried before in the history of this country, cried the way he did, and it was a moment, a moving moment, and I said thank for your service, and he wheeled off in his wheelchair and his family was there and they were all proud, so proud, and well hey you know, he’s got a loving family, I love all the families, all the military families, they all fought and died and protected us from communism, and its crazy these days we’ve got communists, people who want to do communist policies here, but we’re gonna beat em, even though they lie, and the media lies…
Et Cetera.
Well done. I hate it.
His rambleness?
Like Moses he was the most humble man who ever lived - Numbers 12:3
Hey fellas, is it weird to ramble while trying to prove that you don’t ramble? 🤔
What is this ugly ass rambling weirdo saying now?
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🎶Lord, I was bored of Rambin’ Don…🎶
🎶He’s destroyin’ my livin’ with tariffs on all brands🎶
Interesting that he just said she looked like one of the most beautiful women in the world not too long ago when discussing that cover, and even compared her to his wife lol. So is he now saying he’s the most beautiful woman in the world?
And don’t call me Shirley…