• @the_toast_is_gone
    247 months ago

    There is hope for everyone to get to Heaven, but by no means should we on Earth be making pronouncements on which specific people are in Hell. That’s way above our paygrade and I’m happy to keep it that way. People like this just make all Christians look stupid.

    • @[email protected]
      167 months ago

      There is a list of people I expect to be there. If the most heinous examples of total pieces of shit known to humanity are not in hell then the term is meaningless. Not that there is any evidence to support its existence.

      • @Nurse_Robot
        57 months ago

        Agreed. The OP comment suggests it’s above my pay grade to suggest Hitler would go to hell if it exists, which is just baffling.

        • @Klear
          77 months ago

          Infinite punishment can never be just for anything done in a finite time, no matter how henious.

          Not that I’m saying hell or heaven exists, but if hell were truly eternal, it couldn’t be just even towards to worst of the worst.

          • JackbyDev
            17 months ago

            How could anyone even know hell is infinite? Humans have been around, what, ~10k years? ~6k years of you’re a young earth creationist. Six million life sentences (call it a hundred years) wouldn’t even have begun to be complete.

            • @Klear
              37 months ago

              I’m just going by the commonly accepted canon. Perhaps a temporary hell would work, maybe, though that concept already exists in Christianity as purgatory which is not commonly thought to be the same thing.

          • @Nurse_Robot
            -67 months ago

            I’m genuinely not able to figure out what you’re trying to say. My best interpretation is that you’re saying no one deserves eternal damnation in response to a comment about Hitler going to hell. If that’s the case, what a weird take my dude

            • @[email protected]
              07 months ago

              That’s indeed what he was saying. If there’s any actual concept of Justice on a cosmic level, then “eternity” is certainly not a “just” punishment for anything done by a mortal, subject to circumstances and born into a world they had no choice in. In a “just” universe with a punitive afterlife, Hitler would get back an equivalent amount of suffering to that which he caused. So maybe a few hundred million years worth of suffering, but not eternity.

          • @Nurse_Robot
            47 months ago

            I genuinely have no desire to read Bible references at this point in my life.

      • ℍ𝕂-𝟞𝟝
        47 months ago

        Didn’t Hell get made up relatively recently, like only 200 years ago? OG Christianity was all about everyone getting into heaven.

        • TheRealKuni
          57 months ago

          Didn’t Hell get made up relatively recently, like only 200 years ago? OG Christianity was all about everyone getting into heaven.

          Nah, it’s in the Bible though it isn’t called “Hell.” I vaguely remember a specific verse referring to the place prepared for the devil and his demons or something like that. Also there are Hebrew references to “Sheol” that some interpret as Hell.

          Also even if it were more recent than the Bible itself, 200 years ago was the 1820s. Martin Luther grew up terrified of Hell as it was preached by the Roman Catholic Church in the late 1400s/early 1500s. And Dante’s Inferno was written in the 1300s.

        • @[email protected]
          37 months ago

          Nah even Judaism splits the afterlife up into “hells”. And the New Testament mentions it too.

          • @VelvetStorm
            17 months ago

            There is no hell is Judaism. Is a purgatory that you go to for 12 months before you go to heaven.

        • @the_toast_is_gone
          27 months ago

          Jesus warned people very, very frequently against going to where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth AKA Hell. It was one of his favorite subjects.

      • @the_toast_is_gone
        -17 months ago

        Jesus told us not to judge others for the sins that we ourselves also commit. All the time we spend trying to decide the state of others’ souls would be far better spent taking the logs out of our eyes before yelling at others about the specks in theirs. Other people’s salvation isn’t your problem, you can’t force people to accept Jesus. (Especially after they have already died.) You can, and should, instead become a shining beacon of grace that attracts people to the faith.

        Someone else mentioned whether or not Hitler is in hell. I really don’t care if he is. It isn’t my problem. Jesus saved a man who was right beside him in crucifixion moments before they died, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to hang my entire faith on the salvation of a certain person.

        If you’re curious, you should read what some classical Christian writers have said about Hell. The best summary I can give is that it’s a place of such unbridled, horrifying hatred that people will tear the flesh off their bodies and throw it at other people while burning alive because they hate each other so much.

        • @[email protected]
          7 months ago

          You’re an adult who believes in fairy tales and follows the selected writings of people who had no other way of explaining the world. Christianity is hateful, patriarchal, and along with other major organized religions, responsible for most of the pain and suffering in the world.

          Grow up.

          • @the_toast_is_gone
            -47 months ago

            Fairy tales, eh? Like that the universe could not have possibly created itself and all that came to exist must necessarily have an origin which we know as God? Or are you referring to the incredibly well-attested resurrection of Christ, which most people dismiss simply on the grounds that “I assume this is impossible, therefore it didn’t happen”?

            Christianity is a religion that’s about sharing the love of God with everyone you know. There’s harsh truths that come with that, yes, but does someone really love you if they don’t tell you the truth? And how do you measure which ideas and concepts are “responsible” for human suffering? I could argue that the godlessness of the 20th century has led to the horrifying deaths of tens of millions of people in the 20th century and a depression/loneliness epidemic that’s so agonizing that people are creating wonders of technology to cure it in their futile effort to deny the existence of their souls. If religion was itself responsible for so much suffering, then why were communist nations, which rejected religion entirely, the cause of so many deaths? Surely if religion is such an idiotic and backwards idea, rejecting it should lead to an utter paradise, right?

            I outgrew my atheism over five years ago and I thank the Lord for it. There’s plenty of room for you in this gathering too, fellow.

    • @Viking_Hippie
      67 months ago

      by no means should we on Earth be making pronouncements on which specific people are in Hell

      Fuck that. I can tell you specifically who are in Hell right now: the same people who are in Hades, Narnia, and Mordor.

  • @Philharmonic3
    177 months ago

    So what? Stop inflating the platform of these creepy weirdos. Don’t print this.

  • EleventhHour
    167 months ago

    Those people love their make-believe

  • chingadera
    137 months ago

    This douche is located at 3900 Fm 972, Georgetown, TX 78626 if you guys feel like sending your support mail.

  • @madcaesar
    117 months ago

    If gay people go to Hell and Trump supporters to Heaven… Satan, here I come!

  • Flying Squid
    107 months ago

    Yet another weirdo Trump supporter.

    They’re not even trying not to be weird anymore.

  • @RageAgainstTheRich
    7 months ago

    My grandfather always told me he wants to go to hell because that’s where the rock stars are. That’s where the party is. 🤘

    Heaven is where the hypocrites go.

    • @Boddhisatva
      37 months ago

      As Billy Joel said, “I’d rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints. The sinners are much more fun.”

  • Blaster M
    87 months ago

    Do not be judging others, that you yourself may not be judged…

    Referring to the preacher in the article.

  • @saltesc
    87 months ago

    Further confirming my theory that Hell is actually the real Heaven and you definitely don’t want to go to the fake one by accident and suffer eternity with those people and that “God”.

  • @MTK
    77 months ago

    Honestly, if all of the religious people are in heaven I think hell is the place for me.

    Though the most likely place for will be rotting away in the ground with out any sort of awareness, because there is no afterlife

    • @[email protected]
      07 months ago

      The final freedom is that of your own choosing:

      The lack of, or a refusal for an afterlife is still a choice that will be respected in accordance with the wishes of the deceased. :3

      • @MTK
        17 months ago

        That was a bit too cryptic for me.

        What do you mean?