• @PugJesus
    5819 days ago

    Good on spreading the news, but that’s the most uncanny valley Uncle Sam I’ve ever seen.

  • @yesman
    1919 days ago

    I’m paranoid about absentee voting. In my State you have to have fall into a specific category to vote absentee. And if I lied, I’m scared they’d prosecute.

    Plus it’s easy to throw out mail in ballots for ridiculous reasons. Red States suck.

    • banner80
      319 days ago

      What state has categories for mail voting? I’d like to do research to stay informed. Definitely do not lie on your mail ballot stuff.

      Generally speaking, mail votes are considered very safe and respected. I posted a PSA elsewhere in this thread. The ACLU recommends mail voting. But if you prefer voting in person, that’s also a great option for you. I recommend doing it early so you don’t have to deal with long wait times.

      If you have a reason to need to vote by mail, please do more research on your options because as I understand it mail voting is available to all Americans. If you need help with the research, feel free to ask, many of us here would be happy to help.

      • @[email protected]
        619 days ago

        New York, Texas, Pennsylvania, Arkansas, Missouri, Indiana, Kentucky, West Virginia, Mississippi, South Carolina, Delaware, and Alabama all require an “appropriate” reason to use mail-in voting, iirc. There may be a few more that I’m not remembering, because that’s 12 and I think its about 15 states that need an “approved excuse” to vote by mail.

        And in general I’d agree, mail in voting is just fine, but I’d make sure to get in in extra early - DeJoy will continue to fuck up USPS as best as possible I am sure, and states get to make their own decisions regarding deadlines. So any area that’s iffy to start with, yeah I can see in person being a much safer and more assured option.

  • @Arbiter
    819 days ago

    Oh fuck off with this AI generated boomer shit.

  • @jordanlund
    419 days ago

    I keep saying this… be prepared for voter turnout to be down compared to 2020.

    The reason voter turnout was so good was emergency covid restrictions pushing vote by mail.

    Without those restrictions, vote by mail will be down and turnout will be down.

    • @[email protected]
      418 days ago

      Yeah but here’s the thing, a lot of those states where people were gonna vote by mail that are now cracking down, are actually just gonna be depressing turnout among elderly folks who are stuck in home care

    • @Branch_Ranch
      218 days ago

      A lot of states have abortion and/or cannabis on the ballot as a motivation.

      • @jordanlund
        218 days ago

        Let’s hope that’s a motivator!

    • @bbuez
      317 days ago

      How else would you find an image of Uncle Sam? Evaporating 5 gallons of water in energy use is better anyway

  • @Crackhappy
    319 days ago

    Glad I live in Oregon. It’s all vote by mail here.

  • @Squorlple
    319 days ago

    Look, it’s another AI-generated “meme” that lacks a punchline and is just soapboxing

    • @lennybird
      19 days ago

      I’m quite happy with reminders to register & vote on a political community during election season with impending registration deadlines.

      I’ll down-vote if it becomes overly spammy but now and then I’m completely fine with it. This election is important and every year thanks to republican voter suppression laws many who want to vote often cannot because they didn’t jump through the myriad unnecessary hoops. So these collectively help.

      Small price to defeat fascism. Up-voted.

      • @PugJesus
        1119 days ago

        Small price to defeat fascism. Up-voted.

        But defeating fascism is so cringe. Don’t you know the LIBERALS are the ones pushing for that? /s

        • @lennybird
          19 days ago

          Those darn LIBERALS! Shucks, what have they accomplished other than weekends, overtime, civil rights, child labor laws, and being the gateway for literally every legislative and constitutional change we take for granted!

          • @[email protected]
            -419 days ago

            Shucks, what have they accomplished other than weekends, overtime, civil rights, child labor laws, and being the gateway for literally every legislative and constitutional change we take for granted!

            Lol. Those were socialists, not the libs. Liberals opposed that stuff.

            • @lennybird
              19 days ago

              Please list the socialists in Congress who turned said ideas into law? I’ll wait.

              You confuse activism for legislating. Thank you for proving the point that, as stated, liberals were always the gateway for socialist ideas to become law.

              • @[email protected]
                -219 days ago

                Please list the socialists in Congress who turned said ideas into law? I’ll wait.

                Lol. The congresspeople listened to the demands from mass movements to appease them, because that’s how progressive politics happen. No martyr of the haymarket massacre was in congress. Socialists and liberals are politically opposed to each other.

                Your stockholm syndrome for electoralism is embarrassing.

                • @lennybird
                  19 days ago

                  Correction: Liberals in Congress listened to the people.

                  There’s really no deflection you can use to squirm out of the fact that all leftist policy has gone through Congress under liberals, and by contrast conservatives would have largely ignored those activist calls while doubling-down on fascism if they could go unimpeded.

                  That rings just as true today and for this very election. Or wait, do you believe conservatives have an equal odds of passing Universal Healthcare? lol.

                  While we’re here, who ended pre-existing conditions?

    • @PunnyName
      1019 days ago

      Jokes use punchlines. Memes don’t need to be funny. The more you know.

      • @lennybird
        119 days ago

        They conflated PoliticalMemes with the PoliticalHumor sub on reddit lol.

    • @givesomefucks
      -119 days ago

      It’s not even how voter suppression works…

      OPs been posting a lot of stuff that sounds like it makes sense, but only if you don’t know what the words means.

      So yeah, I think it’s someone trying to us AI to make memes. At least I hope it’s not a real person making all these.

      • banner80
        519 days ago

        Are you talking about the post about comparing the quality of life of a farmer in the 1800s vs now, and a bunch of you madlads took the position that the miserly farmer in the 1800s had it better? Wasn’t it you that that tried to argue that OP’s data was wrong by posting links that proved OP’s data was correct?

        I swear, sometimes Lemmy makes me feel like I’ve fallen into a fever dream. The quality of discourse around these parts.

        It’s not even how voter suppression works…

        Please do continue. I’ve done a lot of research on GOP voter suppression in places like Georgia, so I’m excited to hear what you have to say on the topic.

        For those that actually want to look into it: https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/analysis-opinion/georgias-voter-suppression-law

        My recommendation to anyone in a GOP state: Vote early, and I’d personally use a mail ballot to avoid their voting location shenanigans. They can’t make you wait in line for 12 hours if you get your ballot via the mail.

        • banner80
          419 days ago

          PSA About mail ballots, because I know a lot of people are worried about this stuff.

          Voting by mail is safe in the US. Here are some data points:

          The ACLU recommends voting by mail https://www.aclu.org/news/voting-rights/voting-by-mail-is-easier-and-safer-than-you-think-heres-how

          They would not make that recommendation if they thought your vote could be easily suppressed that way.

          The rejection rate of mail ballots is only around 1% https://ballotpedia.org/Election_results,_2020:_Analysis_of_rejected_ballots

          Rejections happen typically because the signature on the ballot doesn’t match the signature they have on record from your ID (state or driver’s license). Another reason is that states can change the requirements, and sometimes voters are not informed on those changes. So make sure you know the latest requirements for your state to avoid problems, and double check that you’ve followed all steps and your signature matches.

          Things to know: You can track your mail ballot. Most states offer online tracking so you can confirm they have it.

          You could vote by mail and in person. Check the rules for your state, but in many places they can track your voting and will simply override your mail ballot if you also show up to vote in person. This is done so you can request your mail ballot, and retain the option to go vote in person if you feel like it. Check with your state website if this is an option for you.

          Do this stuff early. No reason to delay. Check when your state opens early voting. If you plan to vote in person, going early gives you the best odds at short wait times. If you plan to vote by mail, voting early makes sure there’s plenty of time for your ballot to reach the counting place within all deadlines, and to deal with any clerical issues if any happen to come up, particularly if this is your first time voting.

          Plus, when you vote early you get to enjoy civic pride for this cycle longer than everyone else.

        • @givesomefucks
          19 days ago

          Please do continue.

          Voter suppression is a long process involving districting and staffing of poll locations, along with preventing other options for voting and using spurious reasons to throw out ballots.

          It’s not just something that happens the day of. Which is what someone who doesn’t really know what it means would say.

          They’d think Republicans are physically running around suppressing votes in real time.

          I’ve done a lot of research

          I’m sure you have


          Side question, why do you only seem to comment on this OPs posts?

          50 comments in one year. But you show up for all of OPs posts to get his back?

          Just a crazy coincidence?

          • @Protoknuckles
            319 days ago

            I mean, standing outside polling areas and harassing people does happen. Hell, they even took to destroying ballot boxes. Just because one thing happens, doesn’t mean something else isn’t also happening.

            • @givesomefucks
              19 days ago

              standing outside polling areas and harassing people does happen

              Got an example that didn’t end in arrest? If say one where they did it for an extended period of time uninterrupted, but we can set a real low bar for this one

              Hell, they even took to destroying ballot boxes

              I’m assuming you’re referring to mail in ballot boxes…

              Those things that aren’t just out on election day?

              And can (and do unfortunately) get vandalized on other days besides election day?

              Did you mean to agree with me?

          • banner80
            219 days ago

            I would characterize my participation in this thread as PRO early voting, AGAINST voter suppression, and asking questions from your low-effort comments.

            RE: Voter suppression This is a very important topic so I’m glad for the discussion.

            Voter suppression is most damaging on election day because that’s when most of the actions by red states come together. By doing deliberate suppression like reducing the amount of polling locations, sending in older and broken voting machines, and inventing BS laws like prohibiting citizens from giving each other water, the goal is to make Nov 5 particularly gruseome for anyone trying to cast their vote from an urban center like Atlanta. As a result, we routinely see wait times of 12 hours in Atlanta just to cast a vote on election day.

            Other efforts towards suppression affect other types of voting. Like the ID requirement and the shifting of mail voting regulations. However, the most damaging of these efforts affect those trying to cast their vote on Nov 5. This is why I recommend that people review their options for their state to vote early, and make a plan to vote as early as possible (in person or by mail).

            RE: support for OP This is silly, but I think it’s funny that you claim to have reviewed my post history. I’ve been critical of this poster’s memes in this sub a few times and recently too. But why let the facts get in the way of your rant, same as you did in that farm post in which I didn’t even comment (what a mess of a thread that was). I only brought it up here because you are doing it again on something important, just ranting on feelings when we are talking about voting. I don’t care if you want to rant at anyone on this sub including me, but let’s stay on facts when talking about important stuff, please. This is an important election and we are talking about helping people figure out how to cast their vote.

  • @[email protected]
    118 days ago

    Good URL choice. A dot org was linked the other day but with voting folks should start with a dot gov as a policy.

  • @[email protected]
    19 days ago

    I wonder how much propaganda OP makes for actual organizing, since every lib on lemmy claims that “everybody ad-ocating for voting is also politically active in other ways than voting.” /s

    • @UnderpantsWeevil
      19 days ago

      Also kinda curious how many of these memes are going to flood the Internet with nakedly erroneous information, in order to spread FUD on election day.

      Fully expect to see a large police presence at voting locations popular with pocs and tons of mass media claiming “This is the law! They’re breaking the law!”

      • @PunnyName
        519 days ago

        If the police don’t have any haters, I’m dead. Fuck, I hate those guys.