• dohpaz42
    1526 months ago

    I understand why the employee is not pressing charges. It’s a matter of their and their family’s safety. Ok.

    But what I don’t understand is that if using the cemetery for political purposes is against the law, and there are obviously many photos released and used in Trump’s campaign material, why not use that evidence to charge Trump¥, the campaign, and the photographers?

    ¥ Sadly even if they tried to arrest Trump, I’m sure it wouldn’t stick anyway because apparently he gets away with everything.

    • deaf_fish
      506 months ago

      This is a problem with liberals. Conservatives are playing to win, even if it means playing dirty. Liberals are playing to play. That is why Conservatives are winning and getting more powerful even while being openly wrong, weird, and stupid.

      • @BetaBlake
        126 months ago

        But they aren’t winning, and aren’t becoming more powerful. The GOP is weaker and more fractured than it’s ever been in living memory.

        • deaf_fish
          6 months ago

          They have the supreme court, they have taken away abortion rights. Jan 6th happened which was an attempted coup and very few were charged, some that were, were even released. Trump is openly talking about election fraud for the upcoming election. Trump is talking about becoming a Dictator. That is just the big stuff.

          Yeah, they aren’t that popular, but that doesn’t seem to be stopping them.

          In any sane society these actions would be lead Trump to be tried for Treason and MAGA to be labeled as a terrorist organization.

          • d00phy
            126 months ago

            They also have a very good chance at taking both houses of Congress. I believe either half or more than half of the state Governors are Rep, and same for state houses. They’re not at all weak.

      • @[email protected]
        -356 months ago

        Your argument is full of fail. Straight from the beginning your position is established. Why should anyone listen to anything you have to say and not just block you outright?

        • @[email protected]
          156 months ago

          Why should anyone listen to anything you have to say and not just block you outright?

          Why didn’t you?

            • deaf_fish
              106 months ago

              Hey, I am not saying liberals don’t work hard. They work very hard! Then they watch as Conservatives walk back everything they did and more, with less popular support.

        • @javasux
          36 months ago

          full of fail

          Are you from the past?

    • @xenoclast
      6 months ago

      Why not arrest ANY of the 50 or so people. Just start arresting the poorest person in the photo (money means no consequences) and then every day the next and so on.

      I think it would super interesting.

      • stebo
        46 months ago

        any of them would get protection from trump and could still make the employee a target for hate

        • @[email protected]
          76 months ago

          I agree with making the employee a target.

          But Trump is known for not protecting those who stand up for him. The low level staffers would be in trouble and their god-king won’t bail them out. He only cares about himself.

    • @exanime
      176 months ago

      Because Trump is rich and influential and it’s long past the time we should stop pretending the law actually applies to everyone.

      Laws and rules are for regular people, if you are rich or famous or influential enough, laws do not apply to you

    • @ItDoBeHowItDoBe
      66 months ago

      Law prohibits political campaign or election related activities at the cemetery, not photography in general. If their photographs are not used by their campaign officials and trump can reasonably articulate a reason to have been there aside from campaigning, which would be pretty easy, it does not seem there would be any grounds against him. It seems the news reporting on the incident is the primary coverage of the visit.

    • @[email protected]
      56 months ago

      In order to press charges she has to announce her name publicly. And if she does that, MAGAts will come after her and her family. May even try to kill her. Trump’s followers are not our best.

      • @brygphilomena
        66 months ago

        I’ve seen several cases where on the docket and in court records its an anonymous victim, since charges aren’t filed by the individual when it comes to criminal matters. It’s the state or federal government that is levying the charges and the victim is largely a witness.

    • Cethin
      36 months ago

      I don’t know how any of this works, but I assume some person who “has been harmed” by the actions needs to press charges. I would assume that could potentially be any American. Wouldn’t it be great if Harris did it? The former prosecutor/DA filing charges against the criminal opponent.

      • @[email protected]
        6 months ago

        In most common law jurisdictions, the executive branch doesn’t require even a victim, they merely need the elements of the criminal offence satisfied.

        Not sure about the US, likely they need her to strengthen the case and won’t bother without her witness testimony.

      • @barsquid
        46 months ago

        I don’t think that’s right. In cases where the person pressing charges makes the difference between filing suit or not, it’s like because their testimony is crucial to the case. The government doesn’t need it, though.

    • @[email protected]
      26 months ago

      Bro if he didn’t get any consequences from his FELONIES, you think him pushing someone is gonna get him punished?

      They know he will get away with everything unless he loses in November.

    • Aatube
      16 months ago

      why do you use the yen sign for the asterisk lol

  • @Madison420
    956 months ago

    It’s a federal crime to put your hands on a federal employee, the employee doesn’t have to be named or anything the federal government can pursue it in the interest of justice in her stead.

    • @EtherWhack
      276 months ago

      Unfortunately he’d just argue for the 6th, of having the right to face your accuser/witnesses in any criminal case. And once he knows the accuser’s name, he’ll plaster her info all over his network, even with the ever useful gag-order.

      • @Rakonat
        156 months ago

        The accuser can be the US Government or what ever specific agency she works for.

        • @EtherWhack
          96 months ago

          Then he’ll make the argument that it’s all made up if they don’t reveal the victim.

          We’re talking about a guy that tries to make any, and everything a legal loophole. It’s one of the reasons his cases take so much time for the prosecution to build their cases

      • @Madison420
        6 months ago

        They have witnesses and their accuser is the federal government like felony murder.

        Ed: plaster a witness and victim that’s a government employee? No no, he can get away with quite a bit but middle employees will never let this shit stand.

          • @Madison420
            26 months ago

            People don’t have sympathy for judges, they don’t generally love government workers but you don’t fuck with workers people can actually relate to.

        • @nomous
          26 months ago

          but middle employee employees will never let this shit stand.

          He said, seemingly unaware of the last decade of American politics.

          • @Madison420
            26 months ago

            When in the last decade did a politician assault a government employee on camera then lie and blame it on them? I seem to forget that one.

            • @nomous
              6 months ago

              Remember that time a guy body slammed a reporter?

              inb4 “a reporter isn’t a government employee!”

              These clowns are never held accountable, haven’t we all figured that out yet? Standards of conduct and morals are only effective when your own followers have them.

              edit: just wait until you learn about the unitary executive theory, a vast number of “conservatives” believe the president should have the power to just fire the Arlington employee and replace them with someone loyal to the president.

              • @Madison420
                16 months ago

                You mean the time that guy got convicted of assault on someone who wasn’t a government employee? Yes, yes I do.

                • @nomous
                  16 months ago

                  They’ve been escalating rhetoric against various govt agencies and employees of them for years, it’s only going to get worse.

                  We don’t even need to argue it though, we can wait and see if this turns any MAGAts away from Trump or if Steven Cheung, the staffer that did the shoving, is charged.

                  I wish “middle employees” had the time or could afford to give a shit and that this would make a difference, I’m not that optimistic.

    • @Coach
      76 months ago

      Or Dark Brandon could just “disappear” the orange bastard in a Supreme Court-protected “official act.”

      One or the other. 🤷🏼‍♂️

  • @postmateDumbass
    676 months ago

    The USA needs to learn from the mistakes made following the Civil War. Do not let the seditionists back into government.

    • @[email protected]
      226 months ago

      They’re already in government and red states are happy to have them.

      They also run the supreme court right now.

      Not having a way to recall judges is a severe flaw in the constitution.

      • @[email protected]
        06 months ago

        The Supreme Court itself has established that there is a legal way to recall Justices now:
        Kill them and call it an “official act”.

  • @Clinicallydepressedpoochie
    6 months ago

    These assholes have already won. If somehow they find their way back into the hell hole they came out of, it won’t be in my lifetime.

    I’m not a very hateful, or vengeful person. I can’t think of a single grudge that I hold against any particular person I’ve encountered. But for Republicans, I wish them the worst and will enjoy watching every pineapple karma is inclined to shove up their asses. In fact, I’ve resided myself just now to find a way to celebrate every small victory against these fuckers and will live a happier life for it.

    • @[email protected]
      186 months ago

      your depictive vitriol makes me want to believe in an afterlife, just for the sake of vengeance

    • @gatorgato
      16 months ago

      Maybe. Maybe not. Either way, I’m not done fighting. Vote.

      • @Clinicallydepressedpoochie
        6 months ago

        That’s not why they’ve won. They’ve won because they have corrupted any semblance of democratic rule this country has and are actively looking to regress into an autocracy while freely stripping our rights away. They’ve won because they have no morals or principals to speak of but rather than scattering to the wind they double down on their hate filled platform. They’ve won because no matter how; if they succeed in their goal of making us all worse off there is nothing I can do, personally, in the short time I have here, that will put an end to it.

        They pretend we live in a world where the forces of good fight the forces of evil and in doing so become the opposing force that demands a counter. I don’t have to call them evil I just have to point at their idol; false prophet; belligerent old man; trump. It’s plain to see who it is that is contributing to the negative power structure in this country. While no party is guilt free; someone has to stand up to them. By constantly having to fend off their assault we’ve lost our freedom to live in peace not worrying about if tomorrow we will be more poor; more subjugted; more divided; more uncared for.

        Who could look at this and not be hateful? If being despicable enough to be hated is a victory, please, lets open all the doors to the prisons and enjoy a win.

        • @[email protected]
          6 months ago

          The person you’re replying to claiming that, for bigots to have won, the true litmus test is if society hates bigots. How entertaining.

          My message to you is keep fighting. You can learn angrily, you can teach angrily, you can be braver.

          There’s plenty to learn and teach about. Wherever you are there are surely folks in need and folks organizing, and the darker things get the brighter our resistance grows.

          Take up with, and get involved with literally ANY human rights advocacy. No, you wont change the world all on your own – but hyperindividualism is something to unlearn (angrily) all on it’s own!

          What you’re almost certain to do, supposing that you go in with the strength to admit when you’re wrong, will be to build connections with kindred spirits.

          So here’s just a few inspiring causes, for which i both encourage online learning about, but topics for which you never have the true picture until youre involved locally with folks who are already saying, for their humanity “Nothing about us, without us”

          Drug War Survivors: https://www.crackdownpod.com/

          Landback: https://www.indigenousaction.org/

          Marooncast: Black and Queer anarchism, ending police (and their) brutality and creating real autonomy for communities of color https://marooncast.buzzsprout.com/

          Healthcare: https://www.beatriceadlerbolton.com/ (Has a link to the book and podcast. Other collaborators, and the greater community formed around these, deserve equal attention and credit)

          These are a small fraction of what’s out there. If you’re able bodied and inclined to do so, go link arms in an eviction defense; Stonelink Realty is buying out folks apartments from under them everywhere, and there’s no justice, or even any sense, in police throwing someone working two jobs out on the street, just because sillicon valley types are moving into the area.

          Be pissed. That is an appropriate emotional response. Know that for many of us, especially those whose intrinsic traits cannot br safely hidden (melanin, queerness, medical or economic condition, …) that retreat or surrender are not possible.

          Since youre still reading: There exist so many anonymous, unofficial rescue workers, engaged offline providing the resources made scarce or forbidden to those forgotten or sacrificed by society. Knowing of them casts a bit of light. Getting closer to that light? Well maybe your experience of community begins to feel a bit less cold. ✨️

          • @Clinicallydepressedpoochie
            96 months ago

            Oh, look, you wrote a reply! How fantastic. Hopefully the next time you do it will be of value. Cheers!

      • @Smoogs
        116 months ago

        Watching your tormentors get tortured and you still think the game is about winning and losing.

  • @zeppo
    536 months ago

    In case anyone was wondering, this is the bullshit perspective Republicans are jerking each other off with:

    Harris was asked to be there by the Gold Star families and she refused. Her and Biden both refused. They are responsible for the casualties that occurred during that Afghanistan pullout, and they couldn’t face the families despite being asked to be there.

    That should be the story.

    But nah. Desperate media makes it about Trump taking pictures with the family who asked him to take pictures.

    This is why no one trusts the media.

    So, to sum up, “Poor Trumpie”, “desperate media”, “don’t trust ‘the media’”, somehow Biden and Harris’s fault, and no mention of the rules of the cemetery or assaulting the employee.

    • @beebarfbadger
      76 months ago

      Well, it can’t be Mr. “I-don’t-know-anything-about-any-bad-things-and-take-all-credit-for-all-good-things” Trump’s fault now, can it? He’s absolutely immune, infallible, perfect and if reality doesn’t agree, then we just rewrite reality until it fits. Easy.

  • @[email protected]
    466 months ago

    if he’s allowed to take the white house again, they’ll just shoot people like this. “offiially”

    • stebo
      46 months ago

      yeah it’s not like trump has been afraid of executing someone before

  • @JeeBaiChow
    336 months ago

    That she’s a woman makes it that much worse. Didn’t know that nugget before today. Bigots and sexists. All of them.

    • @[email protected]
      286 months ago

      That she’s a woman makes it that much worse.

      Why? An army professional were carrying out their duties, and as a result thereof got assaulted by representatives of the leading law and order candidate. The army professional chose not to press charges but still lives in fear of the law and order loving patriots affection for domestic terrorism.

      I don’t see how the gender makes it worse.

      • d00phy
        186 months ago

        While I see what you’re saying, it unfortunately does make it worse. As a woman in the military, she already has to put up with enough B.S. My wife retired from the navy over 10-years ago, and still works for the DOD. She still sees and puts up with the sexism and misogyny. For sure, it’s less than when she first joined back in the 90s, but it’s still enough to get under your skin. Add to that the genuine, and well-founded, fear this woman feels at the prospect of being a target for domestic terrorists her own country is too scared to call out for fear of appearing to be “politically slanted,” and it absolutely does make it worse.

        • @Jasonw911
          36 months ago

          I agree with you completely. But she wasnt military. She was an employee of ANC.

        • @[email protected]
          16 months ago

          What your wife has been through is beyond my imagination. I’m sure she’s been through a lot of bullshit, for no other reason than being a woman. Her memories, and how she feels about it, is 100% valid. Normally that should go without saying, but in this thread I’m not sure that it does.

          I refuse to consciously treat women differently than men. Treating women like fragile little fairy like beings, is doing them a disservice. That the soldier at Arlington was a woman is irrelevant to me, unless she was attacked because of her gender.

          How the Trump staff got away with what they did is baffling to me. That they didn’t get their asses stomped can only mean that the soldier was alone and outnumbered. And that she has to live in fear now, that’s absurd, not implausible, but the situation is definitely absurd. Your country is rife with domestic terrorists and yet your government does nothing. Whether someone should get charged for attacking army personal should not be up to the individual. If you attack army personal carrying out their duties, then that should be met with swift and effective sanctions, not frigging threats of further terrorism.

      • @[email protected]
        -36 months ago

        If I start talking shit to you and push you down, that’s wrong. If go talk shit to your wife and push her down, that’s worse. You don’t attack women.

        I thought that was a universally known thing. Well, unless you’re a republikkklown.

        • @AstridWipenaugh
          96 months ago

          That’s sexism. It’s equally as unacceptable to use violence against a man as a woman.

          • @[email protected]
            6 months ago

            I see what you are saying. But no. It’s not the same. Women have been historically discriminated and abused, in backward places like the US they still are. This context of abuse and discrimination does make the attack worse. Not because it is worse for the person, but because discriminated people have less accessibiliry to health and social services they need to recover from being attacked. Because it is harder to get help if you’re not a passing white man in the US, it is not the same to be hurt if you don’t have pale skin, speak north American English, and ‘look’ male, it is worse.

        • @calcopiritus
          56 months ago

          Why would it make it worse.

          You attack a man, that’s bad. You attack a woman, that’s bad.

          Baing a man doesn’t justify you being hit.

          • @[email protected]
            06 months ago

            Show me where I said being a man justifies you being hit?

            You won’t, I didn’t say that. I said it’s wrong. I said it’s worse for a man to hit a women. Take your bullshit somewhere else.

            • @calcopiritus
              26 months ago

              Well, if hitting a woman is worse than hitting a man, then it must mean that hitting a man is not as bad.

              So I can just hit men and say “at least I didn’t hit a woman”. That’s justifying hitting a man for just being a man.

              • y0kai
                16 months ago

                No, you can hit a man and you’ll get hit back just as hard. You can hit a woman, and she’ll be knocked the fuck out.

                Just because you don’t punch children in the face doesn’t mean its OK to punch men in the face. It just means one can defend themselves better and that you like to pick on those you see as weaker.

              • @[email protected]
                06 months ago

                Why don’t you mount those goalposts on a Bugatti, it’ll make it easier for you. Until then, you do you.

                • @calcopiritus
                  16 months ago

                  Original comment: hitting a man is as bad as hitting a woman.

                  Latest comment: proof by contradiction that hitting a woman is not worse than hitting a man if you’re not justifying hitting a man.

                  To me, “hitting a man is as bad as hitting a woman” and “hitting a woman is not worse than hitting a man” are equal statements. How is that moving the goalpost?

                  “Hitting a woman is worse than hitting a man” is just sexism.

            • @AngryCommieKender
              16 months ago

              By saying that it’s worse to hit a woman, you are being sexist. You also implied that violence against men, which disproportionately outnumbers violence against women, doesn’t matter. Saying that it’s bad doesn’t matter when you are creating a sexist double standard.

              • @[email protected]
                -16 months ago

                Where did I say it didn’t matter? You need some help with reading comprehension. Go read my comment again.

          • @UnderpantsWeevil
            -26 months ago

            You attack a man, that’s bad. You attack a woman, that’s bad.

            Women are routinely singled out for violence because they tend to be smaller and less intimidating.

            The Groypers targeted her because she was a woman. JD Vance and his ilk don’t consider professional women legitimate. And quite a few of her male colleagues share that view.

            So while picking a fight with a man invokes the angry of all his friends, Groypers feel confident they can single out a woman because her fellows have already left her isolated.

            That’s what’s fucked about this situation.

        • @[email protected]
          26 months ago

          If you come at me, you’ll deal with me. If you come at my wife, then good fucking luck, you’re on your own, I’m not saving you, she’s fucking fierce.

          All jokes aside, if you treat people differently based on their gender, then you’re acting sexist. Just don’t go around attacking people, how fucking hard is that?

          • @[email protected]
            16 months ago

            That’s the thing though, I wouldn’t go after your wife. I guess I was raised differently. I was raised with “you don’t hit women”. You come at me, I’m going to fight back. Your wife comes after me, I’m not going to hit her.

            The Dementia DonOLD staffer must have felt really strong after pushing her. It’s just a shame he gets away with it. If he pushed her, I’m sure he’s beat the hell out of his wife and/or ex girlfriends.

            • @[email protected]
              6 months ago

              Maybe you want gender inequality, but I don’t. The idea that you’re not supposed to defend yourself if a woman attacks you, is based on what? Your motivation is your upbringing, if I understand you correctly, but where is the idea from? The people who raised you must have gotten it from somewhere.

              I’m going to go out on a limb and speculate that somewhere down the line, that idea stems from the “women are fragile and weak, and need protection”-story. Even if it doesn’t stem from this, then that’s how it can be perceived. Women are not necessarily weak, but treating women like they’re less capable than men is amplifying that image, in the minds of both genders. Which can end up with women actually believing the story themselves.

              So even if you have all the best intentions, which I’m sure you have, you’re still doing women in general a disservice. Treat women like equals, and they’ll eventually believe in it.

              Imagine being told that you probably couldn’t tie your own shoelaces because you’re a guy, and every time you put on your shoes, a woman would come running up and insist on tieing them for you. And if you somehow managed to get to tie them yourself, then every woman you met was second guessing you. It seems absurd, right? It’s kinda the same thing, except for tieing shoes it’s random things, that may or may not require physical strength.

              The idea of not protecting women, and being sick of being cuddled, is not that new. I mean Gwen Stefani wrote a song about it in 96 https://genius.com/No-doubt-just-a-girl-lyrics

              • @[email protected]
                16 months ago

                Pretty big stretch from pushing down a women to a woman tying my shoes. I’m talking about physical violence. I’m all for equality, but it’s a scientific fact that men are bigger and stronger (not all, I get it, but you also get it) than women. If you think it’s the exact same for you to go push a man down as it is to push a woman down, I’m sorry, I’m not going to agree with that statement. The same “rule” applies to beating a kid or an elderly person.

                Judging by your name, you grew up in a different country where you must have a different opinion of women or your women are the same size and strength as the men. Every hear the phrase pick on someone your own size? Sort of relates.

                • @[email protected]
                  06 months ago

                  I definitely didn’t grow up in North America. And the culture in which I live, gender equality may be more prevalent.

                  I’m not a stranger to the idiom of picking on someone your own size. Thing is, though: I don’t think anyone should be picking on anybody else, at all.

                  While I don’t disagree that there are physiological differences between men and women, jumping to the conclusion, that women can’t handle themselves, is just propagating the sexual stereotypes of our past generations, which has lead to women being considered weak and by extension thereof worth less than men.

                  Women are not weak by default, but keep telling a girl that she’s not able to do the same things as the boys, keep telling the girl to wear pink dresses and keep her hair long, keep telling her to play with dolls and let her bother’s matchbox cars and BB gun be. Keep telling her, that good girls don’t play wild games, and that little girl will start to believe you more than she believes in herself.

                  Through my job I’ve gotten know female carpenters, painters, electricians, machinists, mechanics, butchers, truck drivers, and smiths. All trades typically considered to be male trades, but these young women I’ve met, have been as motivated, as big assets for their employers, and as hard working, as their male colleagues.

                  Telling a woman that you won’t hit her, no matter what she does to you, is keeping her down, locked into that inane stereotypical gender role.

                  And if you don’t buy my shoelace analogy, then how about this: a guy tells you “oh no, I wouldn’t dream of hitting you, not under any circumstance. You’re too weak and defenseless, it wouldn’t be fair.” How would you like that? I’d bet you’d like that guy to fuck right off with his superior attitude.

        • @UnderpantsWeevil
          16 months ago

          You don’t attack women.

          The Redditness is leaking hard when people can read the events in this story and still not understand the implicit misogyny in singling out women for physical abuse.

          I don’t know how we’re ever going to reach any kind of class consciousness in our hateful, violent, vulgar society when a mob of Groypers baring down on a woman is just an acceptable consequence she should have seen coming.

          • @AngryCommieKender
            -16 months ago

            According to the DOJ you are making shit up. Men make up over 70% of all violent crime victims. The only one that comes close is SA, and even there men still make up just over 50% of that group. But go ahead and froth and seethe over your precious minority that must be protected since they can’t defend themselves.

    • @UnderpantsWeevil
      126 months ago

      MAGA has a special hate in it’s heart for women. They’re always treated as property.

      • @[email protected]
        26 months ago

        Two words: mother issues. It’s a self perpetuating problem. Conservatives belittle their women, their women take it out on their kids. Their kids grow up warped. Their warped kids belittle women.

  • @[email protected]
    206 months ago

    If there’s evidence of the crime,I don’t think they actually need the victim to press charges themselves?

    • @JeeBaiChow
      76 months ago

      They wanted to release the footage of them filming explicitly where they were asked not to film. Smh.

    • @LifeInMultipleChoice
      46 months ago

      In truth assault is a crime against the state. A criminal charge, even if she doesn’t want to press charges they should have to face a judge and the state attorney (if they were civilians). Military it goes to their courts, which they are being cowards and letting it go.

  • @rayyy
    186 months ago

    The majority of decent Americans are not prone to violence but this crap is building up outrage among Democrats, Independents and conservative Republicans to a point where all hell is about to bust out.

    • AtomicHotSauce
      116 months ago

      This is what I’m afraid of. I just don’t see us all holding hands across the nation any time soon.

        • AtomicHotSauce
          66 months ago

          Exactly. This was the “initiative” to which I was referring. We’re further from that than any other time in my life. I just keep wondering when the breaking point is going to be.

        • @zeppo
          26 months ago

          Damn… I can hear the Hands Across America song now…


          It was a pretty silly idea overall. Nice intent, I guess, but seriously, who was supposed to be standing around in the middle of nowhere in New Mexico and Arizona?

          • Flying Squid
            26 months ago

            They were even saying that at the time. No one is going to stand in the desert in Arizona at the end of spring.

            My family didn’t participate. Not sure what my parents’ reason or reasons were.

            • @nomous
              26 months ago

              My family did, I’m 100% sure it was my dads doing as it doesn’t seem like something mom would do.

              I was little, i just remember driving to a nearby town and standing on the side of a road holding hands with someone for a few minutes and then leaving lol.

              • Flying Squid
                26 months ago

                I would have been 9 years old at the time. If my parents made me hold hands with a stranger, I would have felt really uncomfortable.

                • @nomous
                  26 months ago

                  I would’ve been 6; my parents probably sandwiched us kids between them. It was the 80s though, I might’ve been besties with a stranger if they said had an NES and Super Mario Brothers at home lol.

      • @Bytemeister
        16 months ago

        I don’t want to hold hands. I want to hold criminals accountable.

    • @JeeBaiChow
      46 months ago

      Doesn’t/ won’t matter if the Dems don’t go out and vote. Remember the bulkshit that was 2016. Complacency started it all.

  • @Gradually_Adjusting
    156 months ago

    Profoundly disappointed but also understanding. I just have to hope there are enough people in their path who are willing to throw down and get difficult.

  • GladiusB
    6 months ago

    God he is such a piece of garbage. Like I can usually dismiss his antics as selfish and stupid and just some moron that doesn’t think beyond his own needs and wants. But this is downright villainous. I hope he dies a horrible death and no one celebrates anything about him.

  • MobileDecay
    126 months ago

    She should’ve filed charges because either way his cult followers are gonna go after her. 😒