Readers needed to know that, when you visit Arlington, you might not know exactly what you’re supposed to do when confronted by those rows of headstones, but you damn sure know what you’re not supposed to do. But the coverage this week left many readers with the impression that the whole thing might have been a bureaucratic mix-up, or some tedious violation of protocol. It focused on bland horse-race coverage so common during election season, rather than clearly stating what really took place: an egregious and willful violation of long-standing norms. What was missing from the coverage was a willingness to quickly and decisively state what a grievous insult the whole debacle was to the dignity of Arlington. The sacred had been profaned.

Well fucking said.

  • @Sanctus
    15616 days ago

    Couldn’t handle it? They refused to. As always, the shit stain is greased through and receives no consequences for what anyone else would be thrown down for. This fuckstain continues to make a mockery of everything while we watch.

    • theprogressivist OP
      8016 days ago

      He could shit on the flag, and they would wipe his ass with it.

      • @Sanctus
        5016 days ago

        Then turn around and say Kamala has gotten shit all over the american flag.

          • @CharlesDarwin
            315 days ago

            “Why won’t Kamala lead?”

            That’s what they said about Obama all the time when the Republican Party was basically shitting into their own hands and flinging it at Democrats and the American people: “why won’t Obama lead?”

      • DMBFFF
        816 days ago

        (to paraphrase Bill Maher:)

        “They’d blame the flag.”

        • @pyre
          1415 days ago

          uh… you might want to brush up on your Bill Maher lore. he’s not only conservative, but has been acting like a creep lately. like, weird with children kind of creep.

          • DMBFFF
            415 days ago

            Yeah, I saw some of that video.

            It’s also sad.

  • Refurbished Refurbisher
    16 days ago

    The media is pro-Trump, not only because they are wealthy capitalists who agree with his deregulation policies and tax cuts for the rich, but also because they get higher ratings when the masses are angry. Just look at how CNN changed; they might as well just be another pro-Trump network.

    • partial_accumen
      615 days ago

      Just look at how CNN changed; they might as well just be another pro-Trump network.

      Ownership of CNN changed hands a couple of years ago:

      “But the bigger question floating over one of the world’s largest and most important news organizations is why it’s changing. Is it because the CEO of Warner Bros. Discovery, its new owner, wants an overhaul? Or is it at the behest of a conservative billionaire investor in the company who sits on its board?source

    • @gadwylie
      -4615 days ago

      I disagree that the media is pro-trump. I feel depending on our media consumption outlets, it’s easy to feel the “larger” media is for the opposing side, view, etc, but in reality it’s easy to see the media as the scapegoat for opposing information. I feel the reporting on this event has been appropriate. Yes he broke the law, yes it was egregious, but there are more important things about the candidates and election that are more important to focus on

      • Diplomjodler
        3315 days ago

        The media have been far too lenient on him ever since he first got into politics. There has never been a person less suitable for any public office and yet they’ve been normalising him since day one. If you refuse to see a pattern here you’re either in denial or arguing in bad faith.

      • @Passerby6497
        15 days ago

        I disagree that the media is pro-trump.

        You can disagree all you want, but you’re fundamentally incorrect. Even when the media is ‘attacking’ trump, they’re giving him ratings and attention over every little thing, even shit that’s fairly normal (not this case, obv). Or did you forget all of the free media time he got with the media breathlessly reporting his every move, including his empty podiums before speeches?

        They’re still pulling this shit, though to a somewhat lesser extent, but the media didn’t learn a damned thing from the mistakes they made in 2020.

        • @CharlesDarwin
          315 days ago

          They keep doing it so often that I don’t think they are mistakes. It’s either built into the system (seeking eyeballs and clicks leading to the demons among us exploiting that to have “journalism” favor them.) or the inherent conservative bias of news outlets that are part of gigantic MNCs is going to come into conflict with with legitimate journalism and they consciously make choices to favor the cons. It’s probably a bit of both.

      • @[email protected]
        1915 days ago

        LMFAO… Yes the presidential candidate who is already a felon just committed more crimes on live TV, but there are more important things in the election than choosing the best person to represent us instead of a criminal. Oh… Wait… No… There isn’t… That’s what an election is, choosing the best representative and not criminals.

      • Refurbished Refurbisher
        15 days ago

        The media chose to show Trump’s empty rallies in 2016 over Bernie Sanders’s absolutely packed rallies. There were leaked conversations from high up that specifically told pundits not to cover Bernie.

        More recently, the media chose to not take any of Trump’s many, many criminal acts seriously (attempting to overthrow the 2020 election, multiple cases of rape, stealing classified documents to sell to foreign governments, not paying his workers throughout his whole life, no fact checking his many defamatory claims), nor have the media chosen to cover Project 2025 nonstop, as they should be doing.

        You can tell more about the media based on what they choose not to cover more than what they choose to cover.

      • @Vandals_handle
        1015 days ago

        This event is no one-off, Trump has consistently broken the law, it is a defining characteristic of what he is. As such, he is unfit for office, that is very important, an honest media would say so.

      • @barsquid
        615 days ago

        There are more important things to focus on: he is an insurrectionist rapist who stole top secret documents to sell to foreign adversaries. He extorted a foreign country asking them to smear political opponents. He appointed corrupt theocrats to SCOTUS who declared women are incubators and that presidents can break whatever laws without consequence.

        They aren’t focusing on that, either, they’re busy asking Harris what she thinks about hearing she “suddenly turned black.”

  • @kescusay
    7716 days ago

    an egregious and willful violation of long-standing norms

    Even that’s giving him too much credit. He broke the law.

  • @Rapidcreek
    5416 days ago

    If Harris did something inappropriate at a cemetery, there’d be a nonstop drumbeat from them questioning if she should stay in the race.

    • @CharlesDarwin
      215 days ago

      Correct. If Biden did something like it, they’d blame it on mental decline and do the drumbeat…but yeah, if it’s a Republican, it’s OK, because they already have too many things in the Republican column, and they need to be “objective” by downplaying things in this column and seek things in the Democratic column and play those way up (like Walz leaving the National Guard, for instance, I mean, WTAF).

  • @CharlesDarwin
    815 days ago

    I’ll say this much - so far, I’ve not seen one article that deals with this AT ALL in pretty much the only paper for the Colorado area: Denver Post.

    And it’s a huge scandal. As so many things related to donOLD, this would have sunk any candidate decades ago. It doesn’t even get proper coverage now.