• @rustyfish
    1106 months ago

    That’s not a historian. That’s a Nazi. One is into history, the other into getting stepped on their cock and balls by someone looking like their dad while a World of Tanks video plays in the background.

    Get your shit together. Geez.

    • Chris
      -676 months ago

      France and the UK went out of their way to let the Nazis gobble up bits of Europe. They only pushed back after Poland. Fuck this revisionist history

      • @[email protected]
        536 months ago

        Churchill was a villain, but not the “chief villain”. And the Holocaust was very intentional.

        • @kryptonianCodeMonkey
          316 months ago

          It was an accident the same way that arranging an orgy, renting a space for said orgy, hosting said orgy, advertising said orgy, inviting people to said orgy, hiring people to organize said orgy, supplying said orgy, and participating in said orgy until you got caught by your wife naked in a pile of bodies was accidentally cheating. Oopsy.

        • @GraniteM
          56 months ago

          Oh come now. Whom amongst us hasn’t oopsidentally founded a violent political movement, written a manifesto, taken over a country, and then run an entire propaganda and military-industrial complex for a number of years with a chief goal of exterminating several different ethnicities, sexual orientations, and cultures? Let he who is without sin cast the first stone, sir or madam!


        • @[email protected]
          -26 months ago

          Churchill was the Netanyahu of his time, right down to liquidating inconvenient ethnic groups.

              • @[email protected]
                56 months ago

                If we sat here listing all the competition, we’d be here for days. Unit 731, Pol Pot, Mao, Gottlieb and Dulles, so many other villains.

          • Flying SquidOP
            76 months ago

            I wish you luck on your crusade to convince people that Churchill was worse than Hitler. You’re going to need it.

        • Chris
          -36 months ago

          Who is saying the Holocaust wasn’t a meticulously planned, documented and executed Genocide?

            • Chris
              16 months ago

              I’m frustrated and confused but I’m just gonna get off the Internet for a bit.

              • @[email protected]
                6 months ago

                The image and link of the post say that Tucker Carlson was enamored by a “historian” who claims that the Holocaust was an accident.

                • Chris
                  16 months ago

                  Ah, I was having a bad day. Thought I was being accused of Holocaust denial, repeatedly.

      • @rustyfish
        196 months ago

        What a wonderful reason to call the holocaust an accident. Someone acted like a selfish, stupid prick, so they must be the root of all evil in this conflict.

        Sorry. My bad. Must have missed the memo that said “Hitler whooooooooopsed them holocautz LOL”

        • @kryptonianCodeMonkey
          136 months ago

          Hitler in suspenders and thick rimmed glasses pointing at mass graves of naked emaciated Jewish men women and children asking in a nasally voice… “Hat das gemacht?” (“Did I do thaaaaat?”)

          • @rustyfish
            76 months ago

            This is a slaughter of my peoples language. It’s drunk Yoda levels of bad. But it’s also so fucking funny.

            • @kryptonianCodeMonkey
              6 months ago

              I’m sure we’re all shocked that Google Translate butchered a translation. “Drunk Yoda levels of bad” sets a realistic expectation on my linguistic abilities though.

        • Chris
          -36 months ago

          What… How am I saying the Holocaust was an accident? I was pointing out the concessions the other European powers made to Nazi Germany before the start of the war

      • @ThePyroPython
        76 months ago

        And who gobbled up the other part of Poland?

        • Chris
          46 months ago

          The soviets…

          All I was doing was pointing out that other European countries conceded to Nazi territorial demands before the war started. I suppose I was trying to imply that no, the UK didn’t start WW2. I really know not much about Churchill so it was barely on topic.

  • themeatbridge
    1046 months ago

    Here’s Darryl Cooper, obvious Nazi, lying to justify the Holocaust, unedited so nobody can accuse me of bias:

    You know, Germany, look, they put themselves into a position in Adolf Hitler’s chiefly responsible for this, but his whole regime is responsible for it, that when they went into the east in 1941, they launched a war where they were completely unprepared to deal with the millions and millions of prisoners of war, of local political prisoners, and so forth that they were going to have to handle. They went in with no plan for that and they just threw these people into camps. And millions of people ended up dead there. You know, you have, you have like letters as early as July, August 1941 from commandants of these makeshift camps that they’re setting up for these millions of people who were surrendering or people they’re rounding up and they’re- so it’s two months after, a month or two after Barbarossa was launched, and they’re writing back to the high command in Berlin saying, “We can’t feed these people, we don’t have the food to feed these people.” And one of them actually says ‘Rather than wait for them all to slowly starve this winter, wouldn’t it be more humane to just finish them off quickly now?"

    That’s Darryl “the Holocaust was Humane” Cooper, ladies and gentlemen.

    • AFK BRB Chocolate
      556 months ago

      Wow, that s load of crap. That vast, vast majority of murdered Jews were civilians, not surrendering opponents. They rounded up people from their own cities. Disgusting.

      • @chuckleslord
        196 months ago

        You’re telling me that they’re not considered prisoners of war if they’re just random civilians you picked up and shoved into camps because of the color of their skin/ way of life/ cultural affiliation of their mothers? This is ridiculous, who else would that refer to then? /s so much /s

        • @Malidak
          46 months ago

          I mean. Prisoners of war rarely committed any actual crimes right? And I can definitely imagine the Nazis using that term in official documents. Would be stupid otherwise. I think there is a book, the bureaucracy of murder, that talks about those euphemismic language in brutal states. I can also imagine some officers in those camps actually being concerned with feeding the people (or handling the other prisoners watching their comrades die of hunger), just not out of empathy. And finally, it’s just really stupid to take those letters and make a case for the Holocaust being an accident, wtf.

      • @[email protected]
        6 months ago

        It seems that he is deliberately conflating the Holocaust with the deaths (due mainly to exposure, famine, and disease) of three million Soviet prisoners of war (out of six million captured).

    • @[email protected]
      266 months ago

      they launched a war where they were completely unprepared to deal with the millions and millions of prisoners of war, of local political prisoners, and so forth that they were going to have to handle. They went in with no plan for that and they just threw these people into camps.

      I’d like to put him on the spot and get him to flesh out that “and so forth”. It’s carrying a lot of weight there.

      • @[email protected]
        186 months ago

        Dude, you know how it is. You’re enjoying some Wagner music and the next thing happens naturally: you’re invading Poland and genociding 6 millions people.

        And of course the funny thing is that the genocide starts even before the stated cause, very curious indeed. This shit happens all the time.

    • @[email protected]
      206 months ago

      Holy fucking shit that is bad.

      There’s zero fucking excuse for that. It’s just straight up holocaust denial.

    • @GraniteM
      6 months ago

      From an essay about Auschwitz, written by [Rudolf Höss,] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rudolf_Höss?wprov=sfla1) the commandant of Auschwitz, written after his capture:

      "I myself never knew the total number, and I have nothing to help me arrive at an estimate.

      I can only remember the figures involved in the larger actions, which were repeated to me by Eichmann or his deputies.

      From Upper Silesia and the General Gouvernement 250,000

      Germany and Theresienstadt 100,000

      Holland 95,000

      Belgium 20,000

      France 110,000

      Greece 65,000

      Hungary 400,000

      Slovakia 90,000 [Total 1,130,000]

      I can no longer remember the figures for the smaller actions, but they were insignificant by comparison with the numbers given above. I regard a total of 2.5 million as far too high. Even Auschwitz had limits to its destructive capabilities."

      Even THE FUCKING COMMANDANT OF AUSCHWITZ, writing no doubt in his own defense while awaiting trial, basically said “Oh, I couldn’t have possibly murdered more than 1.13 million people at my personal death factory!”

      What a Nazi fucking prick. Both of them.

      • @CitizenKong
        26 months ago

        Clearly that Auschwitz head guard was a communist crisis actor!

    • @jordanlund
      186 months ago

      Jesus… Nothing he said was right. Let me guess, Tucker didn’t challenge him on any of it, did he?

      • themeatbridge
        66 months ago

        I dunno, my brain shut down at some point.

  • @edgemaster72
    596 months ago

    This is so far beyond the pale of just weirdos. If you have Tucker Carlson and a holocaust denier at a table, you have two holocaust deniers.

  • @[email protected]
    536 months ago

    When I read the first bit of the headline I was like “Sure, I can see Churchill being a big villain, after all be is a piece of shit. Worse than hitler? That’ll need quite a bit of justification since I don’t think there is any way to justify that position. Then I read the second half and realized they are using “historian” to give that neo-nazi a bit of credibility while they do a bit of holocaust denial.

    • @BenLeMan
      66 months ago

      Yeah he’s pretending like the Wannsee conference never happened.

  • magnetosphere
    206 months ago
    1. Okay, I will admit that bread is good. Especially garlic bread. Mmmm.

    2. I would call the amount of planning and engineering that went into the concentration camps impressive, if it wasn’t done with such a horrific purpose in mind. The Holocaust certainly was NOT an “accident”.

  • @[email protected]
    106 months ago

    If he was a historian, he would not be so quick to put the label “villain” but instead form a sentence that describes his actions and then say something like “which is why I personally consider him a villain”.

    Historians don’t lead with the labels, they talk about events and facts and then once it’s clear, they suggest an opinion.

  • @formergijoe
    96 months ago

    Don’t forget Elon’s now-deleted tweet promoting this.

  • guldukat
    76 months ago

    Slowly sanding down the jagged edges of fascism, making it easier to swallow.

    • @hark
      16 months ago

      but it’s a suppository

  • @ZILtoid1991
    66 months ago

    At least he didn’t deny the Holocaust…

    Or does he go like “it happened and it was a tragedy, but the people documenting it added an extra zero by accident…”?

    • Flying SquidOP
      126 months ago

      He basically said, “they had to kill the Jews out of mercy because they couldn’t afford to feed them.” Like they were doing something to help the victims.

    • @[email protected]
      66 months ago

      Most deniers try to wrap it up in a bow. It’s often “there was a disease outbreak they were trying to control”, or “the death toll isn’t nearly as bad as the official story”, or “it would have been dumb for the Nazis to spend so many resources when they were losing the war”, or “Auschwitz had a swimming pool”. They rarely come right out and say it didn’t happen.

      It all has the same goal: make the holocaust not seem so bad so they can implement the same policies.

      • @ZILtoid1991
        36 months ago

        I know, I was groomed by the far-right

      • VindictiveJudge
        6 months ago

        it would have been dumb for the Nazis to spend so many resources when they were losing the war

        I mean, starting the war in the first place was pretty stupid, as were a great many of their other decisions. It’s not like Nazis are, were, or ever will be rational actors. So wasting resources on genocide in the middle of a war they were losing was very much in-character.

  • @Mediocre_Bard
    26 months ago

    Homeboy on the left so Nazi that he salutes sitting down.