At least he gets to leave the room for this mission, eh?
And 17 people died because he wasn’t their for transport.
Picard came down to personally promote him but since he abandoned his post he’s now getting demoted.
Keiko came down to get a little freaky with him, but since he was busy digging through Riker’s undies she had a fling with the tech in the transporter room across the hall
Picard came down to personally promote him but since he abandoned his post he’s now getting demoted.
The ensign Kim treatment.
Or, more likely, he makes it to the door, riker changes his mind and has himself transported to his quarters and back.
I’m not sure if I like, or hate these comics.
The answer is ‘yes’
I like to imagine he gets back to the transporter room holding the Speedo
“OBrien to Riker, are you ready to receive your bathing suit?”
“Sorry chief, I forgot speedos are optional down here. Why don’t you go ahead and keep it, I’ll replicate a new one if I need.”
Happens all the time. Just ask the replicator for a #4.