“I have zero evidence at all proving that anything happened at all in the 2020 election, but I can promise you all…If I’m elected in November, I will have somebody fabricate SO MUCH evidence, we will put everyone you hate in jail. That’s a promise. Let’s really take this fascist 'Us V. Them ’ bullshit to the next level! L8rSk8rs”
Correct temperament, but way, way too cogent for anything coming out of Trumpet’s mouth these days.
“…and they’ll say it was fabricated…great fabrications they say, fabric so great you won’t believe it was made in China…Ivanka…I don’t see whats so bad about China…they call it a sweatshop what’s wrong with that? you should sweat at work. Thats what I think anyway. You know I sweat harder than anyone, anyone alive…Ivanka so beautiful…don’t we have…the most beautiful people here, thats what they hate that we have beautiful. They have ugly Nancy Pelosi and we have the most beautiful people…”
What a horrible day to be able to read.
My lazy eye is acting up a lot more after that, I think I’m losing intelligence.
… is this real or are you really good at trump gibberish?
donald??? is that you, donald???
He also just admitted he actually lost… he’s off his fucking rocker.
The way his rhetoric is somehow increasingly more tyrannical, he may be starting to panic while he loses support.
Since he still seems to ignore that Biden is POTUS and Harris is VPOTUS until Jan 20, what is he expecting his paramilitary to do?
This isn’t anything similar to Germany where the military was a separate head of state than the executive. He can’t just threaten the current elected government into handing over power “or there will be blood shed.”
The military doesn’t work like that. You might have idiot grunts that want to cause problems, but how many base quartermasters are just gonna go “sure have at it, everything must go?” How many of those quartermasters can unilaterally allow idiots to raid their armories? How many mechanic teams will be able to get Abrams up and running for magats in time for them to make it off base?
How many of these idiots don’t know the crazy ass security the white house itself has? And that’s just DC! On a larger scale? They dont have the ability or numbers to strongarm state governments even.
I’m also nearly certain they actually think progressives do not believe in self defense. They likely think most don’t own firearms, let alone other forms of self defense. They want this to be a bloody civil war, when at best this will be a terrorist group doing exactly what they’ve already been doing.
He’s scared
So like… the entire country?
His AG needs to be confirmed by the Senate. Even in these partisan times, Merrick Garland was confirmed 70 to 30. I don’t think Trump will get someone crazy enough through.
They will just lie to get through. It worked for his SCOTUS nominees.
Who lied? Kavanaugh is the only one I can think of, saying Roe was “settled law”. I think we saw Gorsuch and ACB coming.
Every single one stood firm about the importance of precedence, then immediately started legislating from the bench.
“Stare what???” ~All the conservative SC justices
Dionysus??? Never heard of him.
Hm, sure sounds like democracy is something all these cons haaaaate.
It’s all about personal vendettas with these crazy fucking weirdos.
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It’s a Good Thing those EXACT SAME PEOPLE have done Literally NOTHING to Dissuade or Punish Trump for his 100s of previous Felonies and Crimes!
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