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Two women who say they were raped and strangled by the controversial social media influencer Andrew Tate have spoken to the BBC about their experiences.
Another woman has alleged, for the first time, she was raped by Mr Tate’s younger brother, Tristan - also an influencer with millions of followers.
The Tate brothers, aged 37 and 36, currently face charges in Romania of human trafficking and forming an organised group to sexually exploit women. Andrew Tate is also charged with rape.
If found guilty, the two men could be jailed for more than 10 years. They strongly deny the charges against them.
It’s always the ones you most expect.
“Who could have predicted this”
I hate that I even know who this disgusting asshole is.
I hate that so many teenage boys are fans of him.
Yeah, that pert is theuch bigger problem, kids actually look up to him.
My step children’s real father is a big fan of Tate and keeps telling them how awesome he is and how they should follow nhik in his footsteps.
Thankfully, the kids think he’s a loser who abuses women.
There are so few good male role models for teenage boys. I would have said John Cena at one point, but he’s decided to shill for the CCP, so not him either. I honestly don’t know who teenage boys can turn to at this point.
Maybe young men should build a role-model construct of good qualities they see rather than idolize a single patriarchal figure and seek to emulate them, including their flaws.
Speaking as someone who was fortunate to have a decent dad, and a decent step dad, who were radically different.
Plenty of kids do not have decent male role models in their life though. That’s part of the problem. So they turn to the internet and find people like Tate.
I really have no idea how we fix that on the internet. I guess volunteer for big brothers/big sisters if you can.
The power of anonymity.
Ah right, it’s on the children to build their own role models
That isn’t a fair expectation
And why should a random snot-nosed kiddo do that while not having a role model to advise it. Sure, boys have no issue looking for role models when none are in their immediate surroundings – but then you also run the risk of them seeing “oh, people with money are respected” (after all, capitalism and everything) and “Oh, Tate has money and is confident and is talking to me”. The rest is tragedy.
…kinda generational, btw: Reportedly Tate got the way he got by seeing some guy in a Lambo or something (literally or figuratively) spitting on a mechanic or something and saying to himself that he’s going to be the guy with the Lambo.
such wisdom in these words. i’ve long speculated that our lived experience growing up in a capitalist system (at least the one we’re in) severely warps our concept of admiration in peripheral but profound ways. we don’t have heros, we have brands. tate is a brand, musk is a brand, theil is a brand, as is cena and rogan and so many other influencers. because being a brand makes the vibe/essence/aesthetic being projected feel both real and posessable. it has effectively replaced our social framework for developing an identity with algorithmically profitable assimilation. values? an eye for opportunity is all you really need to be successful.
the reality is we are all beautifully flawed, with gifts and deficits that all deserve to be acknowledged in equal measure.
No one is safe from the gods we create, they all turn on us.
This is the pick yourself up by your bootstraps version of raising a child. You can’t seriously expect a 12 year old to have enough wisdom and initiative to do this? Why do we have this unrealistic expectation that men are super capable and just choose to be failures? It’s the same system that fails everybody else, that’s also failing them
You got a solution, or anything new to add to the conversation? Or are you just going to whine like everyone else?
Cause frankly, I don’t have a fix for this. At least not one that is overly authoritarian, like controlling every piece of media that is available to children, and creating a guide for what characteristics of different role models should be emulated, and what should be avoided.
Maybe at a certain point, it is up to the individual to form their own set of desirable positive characteristics and seek to incorporate those traits into themselves. We can’t (or really shouldn’t) just thought and content police everything for every child. They have growth and developement that the must do for themselves, no one else can do it for them.
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Jason Momoa, Henry Cavill, Hugh Jackman, Dave Bautista, Ryan Reynolds, Guy Fieri to name a few
Hank and John Green are pretty good role models, I’d say.
How many of those are talking about how to, bluntly put, score gals and become a man you yourself respect. “Is famous, male, and not an asshole” doesn’t really suffice as credentials, here.
It’s almost like having the life objective to “score gals” isn’t a very healthy or good goal to begin with. It’s fine to be promiscuous and have lots of partners, but I don’t believe the mannosphere is the way to get there.
But no one is telling them that either.
Where, from “bluntly put, score gals” (note the “bluntly”) did you get to “life goal” and “promiscuous”? Unless you’re ace once puberty hits you’re out there trying to get laid. Either sex, everything in between and laterally. Are you trying to shame people for their biological impulses, are you from a cripplingly puritan culture or something.
Why so many actors?
Actors are generally the most well known celebrities
But we generally only see the characters they play.
5 years ago Will Smith may have been on that list.
There are good male role models. It’s just that they are much, much harder to make money off.
Which bloody sucks.
I can think of several, but it’s so cringe to say any of them. There’s a disdain for do-gooders in all societies, but especially American society. Which means that it’s just not cool to admire someone who is simply a good person.
You don’t only have to look to living people:
Living People:
- Mark Rober
- Terry Crews
- Niall Breslin
- You and me, be the good role model you want to see.
Idk Mark Rober has got that scam school thing going on now.
It is getting a little obnoxious. But still mostly on the good side.
What, Marcus Aurelius and Zeno (not the one who can’t shoot arrows btw) but no Diogenes?
To be fair, Diogenes was a cunt of the highest order. Love his work; but not a good role model.
He was not the cunt they deserved, but the cunt they needed.
But yes don’t embrace statutes.
Emperor Norton, mayhaps?
but if you pick a random guy, he’s probably a better role model than tate.
Yes, but the bar really can’t get much lower.
Coooooody, Cody Rhodes!
I grew up with star trek being a role model for me. Mind you, TNG, DS9, not the drek that carries the name since the 2000’s. It taught me to be mindful, to think about ethics and morals. Of course it’s “just a show” but to me that was an awesome role model
Schwarzenegger is one.
I know little of him. Only what I pick up occasionally. Some alpha male dude bro. I’m content with my level of familiarity.
“Massive cunt”
I always wondered who would be influenced by such people, I’ve realized it would be controversial massive cunts.
Teenaged boys, unfortunately.
Hmm I can see a pattern emerging here
I think the vast majority of his haters are from bitter.
Edit: fuck knows what I was trying to say here.
I think the vast majority of his haters
Well yeah. Because you know, he’s a rapist.
“micro phallus”
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Like drawing a picture of Pitbull from memory.
Dude. That’s harsher than I thought it would be.
It’s pretty pathetic that an “alpha male” cannot pull a girl.
It’s because they’re alpha version. They haven’t gone through beta testing, been selected as a release candidate, sent to QA and finally released. They’re only alpha.
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Prod males represent!
He hasn’t even got as far as a pull request to the main branch.
Why haven’t these two anal cysts been tried yet? JUST GET ON WITH IT AND THROW THEM IN PRISON. I know that it takes time to put together a solid case, but damn.
people forget it took 10+ years to put epstein in jail
People like me lol. Oh well.
He was arrested, tried, convicted, and then released by one of Trump’s USAs only to get arrested and tried again decade later. Incidentally, Bill Gates got on a plane with Epstein in 2014, five years after his original conviction. I’m convinced the only reason Epstein eventually got put to a permanent end is that he ran out of money.
There really is no end to the amount of bullshit rich people can get away with.
And look at all of his clients now in jail.
Are any of his clients now in jail?
As long as they don’t get elected president, one will be soon
they’re rich lmao
Yeah not really either. Remember that these are lying assholes and a lot of the riches he was showing off was rented just to make people think they were uber rich
they’re rich AND a lot of people who should be arresting and prosecuting him have likely committed sex crimes themselves.
And they got mad when he pointed it out but Romania is actually pretty corrupt, that’s the whole reason they were there.
Please provide evidence for your accusations otherwise shut the hell up.
He is a disgusting individual who frankly deserves to spend the rest of his life in prison and you are excusing his crimes on baseless accusations. What is wrong with you?
nobody is excusing him - I’m pointing out there are lots of reports of police assaulting women. Its frequent enough most major US papers have an article on costs cities pay associated with settling these allegations.
He’s literally in prison assault and kidnapping already.
I know little about Romanian law, but due process generally means cases like this move very slowly.
This dude is one ugly mother fucker. Looks like one of the peasant NPCs from Witcher 3
He’s his mommy’s special little prince:
“my mom says I’m handsome”
He looks like the Stonks meme guy. No seriously…
That’s a bit unfair to the stonks meme guy, fella is rocking that style.
Even if I hate him I can’t agree that he is ugly, at worst he’s average
Na, sorry. Maybe I’m biased, but when I can’t see flaws in people I like the opposite might be true as well. He’s one ugly bastard.
That’s why he has to take on all this “masculinity” theater. Actually successful men are quiet about it.
I bet you he pumps himself full of testosterone and HGH and that’s still the manliest he can look
That doesn’t sound very consensual to me
Project 2025 energy.
Make America grind again
Conservitive hero.
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Very disgusting of Tate.
I have never heard anything about him that isn’t disgusting.
But he seemed like such a fine young gentleman. I am shocked.
Anybody who legitimately gets giddy-as-fuck over the thought of a Muslim woman being stoned to death for adultery should not be trusted with dating advice. Yet somehow this asshole has a social media following of millions, has indoctornated a lot of young people into misogynistic views (I know secondary school teachers who have seen pupils gobble up lots of Andrew Tate content), has eluded bans from mainstream social media (his shit is still all over YouTube), and still has a following despite facing rape and human trafficking charges and being on EUROPOL’s wanted list.
Isn’t this at all concerning, and a big sign that society is failing men?
List of people who are suprised that the misogynist human trafficker did this: N/A
“… but but but, he told me to workout…. He can’t be a bad guy….”