Today’s game is Red Dead Redemption 2. Me and a friend managed to find time to play Red Dead Online today and while we were delivering a bounty I came across this river and noticed how gorgeous the water looks (I have a thing for water in video games if you saw my Mario Galaxy Post). I quickly hopped over to single player to take a screenshot with the photo mode and it was raining when I got there.

  • @absquatulate
    166 months ago

    I haven’t played skyrim in years and I swear this screenshot is exactly how I remember it looking like.

    Yeah, RDR2 is friggin gorgeous.

    • @lunar17
      76 months ago

      My first thought on seeing this was “I wonder what ENB preset that is?”

      • @JustAnotherKay
        46 months ago

        This screenshot made me long for NMM. Spending hours curating mods to create the perfect look and feel, then spending less than half the time playing the game lol

  • @Usernamealreadyinuse
    46 months ago

    Op! Damn this looks nice. On which system did you play this? I tried to play it when it first came out on PS4 but my time is so limited in playing games and the story is so elaborate that I don’t dare to properly restart it…

    • MyNameIsAtticusOP
      26 months ago

      I’ve been playing on Steam Deck. I had a save on Xbox but when I made the jump to PC I bought RDR later that same year.

      • @Usernamealreadyinuse
        26 months ago

        You know what, I’ll give it a go again… Who knows maybe I get the hooked feeling. It took me a couple of years to get into rdr1 so maybe I am a bit late to the party

  • @[email protected]
    6 months ago

    I love Red Dead for their sick graphics. The story just doesn’t grasp me as much, which is such a bummer!

    • @bassomitron
      46 months ago

      Same. I logged about 20 hours on it before my desire to play just kind of slowly faded away. The game was too large and long to warrant such basic gameplay mechanics. You could be fully upgraded within 5-10 hours and then you’ve essentially seen all the gameplay there is. There’s maybe 6-12 random “quests” you’ll see while traveling (those dynamic events, e.g. a wagon being robbed), so even that part of it becomes repetitive pretty fast.

      I’ll get downvoted, but RDR2 is a really overrated game, in my opinion. The game was well made, no doubt about it. Its graphics and environmental design are still gorgeous even to this day, despite being 8 years old. The voice acting, writing, direction, cinematography, etc. are all very well executed. However, at the end of the day, I just found it kind of boring to play.

    • @[email protected]
      36 months ago

      I started and stopped Red Dead 2 several times over a few years, because while I enjoyed the story at first, it just wasn’t gripping. Then eventually you get to a point where the story picks up and you’re hooked. It has such a good ending.

      • @ProfDizzyStick
        26 months ago

        I did exactly the same. The game had been played on and off about 3 times, never really getting anywhere, but the time after that it suddenly picked up and became one of my favorite games!

    • @Chee_Koala
      36 months ago

      The start is really slow, did you manage to get past the prologue for a bit? Might be just enough te keep you interested!

      • @[email protected]
        26 months ago

        Last mission I recall was releasing someone from a prison which ended up in a killing spree of half the town lol

        The end of the mission had a really sick weather presence that make me go “wow”

        • @Chee_Koala
          26 months ago

          That’s far enough along to know for sure it’s not gripping you :)