Mfer literally quoted Orban. Bruuuuh

  • @[email protected]
    2227 days ago

    Trump: makes incorrect claim

    Moderator: Actually there is no evidence that happened

    Trump: well I saw it on TV! Someone said it on TV! Someone wouldn’t just go and say something on TV if it wasn’t true!

    Shouldn’t the president of the country have a bit of higher standard of evidence than “I saw someone say it on TV”?

    • LostXOR
      1147 days ago

      “But I saw it on TV!” says the man currently saying untrue things on TV.

      • @[email protected]
        367 days ago

        Someone wouldn’t just go and say something on TV if it wasn’t true!

        Not to mention the guy who popularized the term “fake news” back during his first campaign.

    • AmidFuror
      577 days ago

      This was one of the many frustrating things about his Presidency. So many times he was reporting on what “someone” was saying was going on in the government. Motherfucker, you’ve got a big slice of the government working for you. Why don’t you find out from them what’s going on?

      • @[email protected]
        296 days ago

        He spent a lot of his presidency watching Fox News and ignoring his briefings. Staff figured out pretty quickly that he likes pictures and compliments and tried to use those to help him get through minutes of material.

      • @SkyezOpen
        86 days ago

        Because when he does that, they tell him things he doesn’t like to hear (the truth).

    • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
      257 days ago

      Especially since he’s probably the person who said it on TV. But, to answer your question, of course the president should have a higher standard, and the people should hold him to it. For some reason this asshole is still around despite being a living parody.

    • @captainlezbian
      136 days ago

      Worse is my coworkers ranting about how biased the moderator was

  • @danjoubu
    1817 days ago

    Moderators keep letting trump interrupt & talk over them. Bro just grow some balls & tell him to shut up & mute his shit

    • @[email protected]
      1187 days ago

      I have been disappointed by that as well but this has been astoundingly good as far as debates have gone. The immediate fact checking is long overdue. And frankly I look forward to pointing at Trump’s extra speaking time as a bulwark against the “iT wAs BiAsEd By ThE lIbErAL mOdErAtOrS” complaints.

      • @[email protected]
        847 days ago

        I’ve been genuinely impressed by their real-time fact checking. They’re swatting away every wild thing he says calmly and with specific examples of the truth. These moderators are incredibly well-prepared.

        • @JusticeForPorygon
          507 days ago

          Hopefully that’s the standard from now on. Unless Donny finally kicks the bucket we’re probably gonna be seeing more of him even if he loses in November

          • shastaxc
            26 days ago

            There’s no way the GOP will give him another chance after losing twice, especially with all the other baggage

            • @Clinicallydepressedpoochie
              6 days ago

              Hahahahah. He is the gop now. Would be fun watching him shred the party to pieces from a jail cell. Not to celebrate to early or anything.

              • @JusticeForPorygon
                16 days ago

                As much as I want to agree I still don’t think it’s likely he’ll ever see the inside of a cell. Not when the highest court in the land is almost entirely made up of his servants

                • @Clinicallydepressedpoochie
                  5 days ago

                  To me, if trump loses, the charges will start piling up. Sure it may be years until he’s actually punished but I wouldn’t rule it out. Not with everything he is up against (so far). I’d bet money trump is committing more crimes to this day.

    • @[email protected]
      527 days ago

      90% of the time Kamala finished her point perfectly before the mods started to interrupt. Respec

      Trump…was his disgusting self

      • @JusticeForPorygon
        7 days ago

        And the best part was that when they did interrupt her, she finished her sentence, then stopped talking

        (Except for one time where it really looked like trump was gonna set her off but she still held up)

        I think it’s safe to say this is without a doubt the best performance we’ve seen from a candidate against Trump, which imo really speaks to her ability to keep her composure under pressure, which isn’t easy, especially when everybody expects you to be absolutely flawless.

          • @Fedizen
            97 days ago

            If kamala had called trump a little bitch when talking about how he’s still recovering being fired I would have lost it.

            • Adderbox76
              126 days ago

              “This…” (long pause to make sure she doesn’t say something stupid) “…former president”

              She didn’t need to say it. The long pause said everything it needed to.

              Also, going over to shake his hand was such an alpha move and she knew it. Trump was pretty much rattled from that point onwards.

        • @[email protected]
          127 days ago

          It was such a huge stage tonight and she was beyond solid. Like you said, the best democratic performance since… can’t remember. maybe you didn’t say now that I think about it. She came off so reasonable and nailed all the points that should do damage to a turd like Trump.(i’m fine with name calling)

    • @MataVatnikOP
      507 days ago

      Thinking that same thing. For once just enforce the rules on this man baby

      • GladiusB
        197 days ago

        The problem is that they would hone in on that and make the debate about that rather than Kamala. They took the L for her Win. It’s shitty. But what they had to do to make her the focal point. He absolutely is gaslighting them to make it about what he wants.

        • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
          47 days ago

          Who is “they” in this context? If you’re talking about trumpers, they’re a lost cause, man. They’re always going to have some alternate version of reality. The only way we’re going to move forward as a country is if we stop worrying about what they’re going to say or do. We cannot let the tyranny of the minority hold this country hostage.

          • thermal_shock
            77 days ago

            speakers took the L for Kamala I think is what he means

    • @[email protected]
      357 days ago

      They’re afraid to be called unfair after he said that they’d be unfair. It’s one of the strategies that us uses to suppress fighting back against his lies and ineptitude.

      First, your preemptively accuse someone of something. Second you do awful things that would normally rightfully get a response, but the authorities have to be careful otherwise you’ll accuse them of doing the thing they should be doing. Third, you get your way even though you broke the rules, or you get to yell about how you knew, just knew! That you’d be treated badly.

      • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
        87 days ago

        Fuck it man, just be unfair. He’s going to say you were anyways, go scorched earth on the motherfucker.

    • @solrize
      57 days ago

      That was Harris’s request, I thought. In the original terms for the Trump/Biden debate, each person’s mic was shut off except when it was their turn to speak. Harris asked for that to be changed to allow interruptions, and Trump went along with it. If that’s not working out for Harris, she should probably talk to her own team that wanted it, instead of whining about the moderators.

      • @[email protected]
        297 days ago

        It worked out just fine for her. Gave him a chance to dig his own grave, which is what he did and what she wanted.

        • @[email protected]
          107 days ago

          Weird 34 was just showing off his misogyny. It’s disrespectful to talk over women and take up their time. The debate proves Harris’s point that Sleepy DonOLD cares only about himself and goes to great lengths to tell more and more lies.

          • @TheRedSpade
            117 days ago

            Weird 34 was just showing off his misogyny.

            What did Eisenhower have to do with it?

          • @InverseParallax
            67 days ago

            Weird 34 was just showing off his misogyny

            That’s literally his strongest selling point, his voters support him because he normalizes misogyny.

            If he ran over and slapped her to the floor they’d consider it a show of American Strength.

          • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
            47 days ago

            This is not a new development, dude. Do we really need to rehash the lessons of the last 8 years again? The people who vote for him don’t care about your sensibilities. They like that he’s rude and think it shows strength.

            • @[email protected]
              16 days ago

              You may have missed the point of the debate, which is to help people on the fence choose a side. Anyone on the fence HAS been asleep the last 8 years and ought to not choose to side with Cult 34 and their rude, misguided values. I expect many a boomer MAGAt has a wet dream of the rapist groping her on stage.

                • @[email protected]
                  36 days ago

                  DonOLD was convicted of 34 felony counts in New York. He hopes people don’t keep his factual criminality on the top of their minds. The purpose and motive of the crime was to deceive voters. It’s election fraud.

      • @[email protected]
        66 days ago

        The mic being active or not doesn’t affect her hearing. If he interrupts her she’d still hear it, only the TV audience wouldn’t, so she’d seem flustered.

  • @[email protected]
    1247 days ago

    Oh hell naw. I’m maintaining my sanity by letting Jon Stewart tell me all about it afterwards:-).

    • @JusticeForPorygon
      237 days ago

      I was so excited to watch the post show but it’s on fucking Paramount+ and only comes the day after

  • @Squorlple
    1147 days ago

    Nah, I’m busy performing transgender operations on illegal immigrants that are in prison right now

    • modifier
      127 days ago

      Insanely, if he were capable of forming and articulating coherent thoughts, he could have actually landed an attack that would have turned off some swing voters, but he was basically frothing with impotent rage by that point.

      Relevant survey response:

      “14. As President will you use your executive authority to ensure that transgender and non- binary people who rely on the state for medical care — including those in prison and immigration detention — will have access to comprehensive treatment associated with gender transition, including all necessary surgical care? If yes, how will you do so? Yes X No ⬜ Explanation (no more than 500 words): It is important that transgender individuals who rely on the state for care receive the treatment they need, which includes access to treatment associated with gender transition. That’s why, as Attorney General, I pushed the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation to provide gender transition surgery to state inmates. I support policies ensuring that federal prisoners and detainees are able to obtain medically necessary care for gender transition, including surgical care, while incarcerated or detained. Transition treatment is a medical necessity, and I will direct all federal agencies responsible for providing essential medical care to deliver transition treatment.”

    • @Halliphax
      96 days ago

      Yo pass me your pet first before you go

    • @Fedizen
      57 days ago

      I laughed for like a solid minute at that one.

    • @thesporkeffect
      57 days ago

      Don’t forget to implant the voting microchip while you’re in there!

    • Rhynoplaz
      26 days ago

      I laughed so hard when I heard that! Best quote of the whole night!

  • @taiyang
    847 days ago

    I watched it, and I usually skip debates because the summaries are more meaningful (it’s usually just used for fluffy sound bites). This one just felt… Different? She baited the fuck out of him. There will be so many memes.

    And yeah the moment he said the great Orban I fucking lost it, more at than the dog eating migrants and the post birth abortions. Like, Harris can’t necessarily call that “ally” an asshole fascist but like, those of us in the know, know.

  • @[email protected]
    6 days ago

    Harris: “You shouldn’t have to fly to another state just to get the medical attention you need.”


    Holy shit, the brain gymnastics some people do on the net is astonishing.

  • @BrianTheeBiscuiteer
    727 days ago

    It’s really astounding that Donald will lie his ass off about almost anything but can’t muster the will to lie about protecting Ukraine. No rational person could think he intends to do anything but hand over Ukraine to Russia.

    • @General_Shenanigans
      257 days ago

      That’s exactly what he means by “ending the war” and it “never happening in the first place”

    • Rhynoplaz
      36 days ago

      That’s the one thing he CAN’T lie about. Putin has him on a very short leash, and he would catch hell for even implying that Ukraine should be defended.

      For Putin, it’s not about getting Trump in office, it’s about PR, and saying you’ll defend Ukraine is not good PR.

    • Bobr
      -226 days ago

      protecting Ukraine

      So, turning Ukraine into a mass prison that people are desperatly trying to escape, where people are kidnapped on the streets and sent to die on the frontlines? Can they somehow opt-out of this protection? Yeah, didn’t think so, obviously you know what’s better for other people.

      No rational person could think he intends to do anything but hand over Ukraine to Russia.

      Obviously it wouldn’t happen, just the current front lines would become the new borders.

      But even your bogeyman “hand over Ukraine to Russia” is still orders of magnitudes better for Ukrainians than the current situation.

      • Rob Bos
        76 days ago

        I’m sure he’ll be happy with the Sudetenland!

        • Bobr
          -16 days ago

          Nah probably not, but he’ll be stopped at Kursk just like the last time :)

      • @Meltrax
        46 days ago

        Man I wish your hometown would get conquered by a hostile force.

        • Bobr
          -36 days ago

          Well, as a Ukrainian, I also hope so, but unironically.
          Because if my hometown will get conquered by “hostile force” people will finally be able to leave, and I will be able to visit it and leave it afterwards.

  • @nexguy
    607 days ago

    ABC is being pathetically weak in controlling Trump rebuttal time. They are letting him walk all over them.

    • @Tyrangle
      547 days ago

      Harris campaign requested unmuted mics - it was Trump’s team that was worried about him making an ass of himself with interruptions. With that in mind they might be letting him talk because it’s what Harris wanted in the first place.

      • @EvilBit
        467 days ago

        Never interrupt your enemy in the middle of a mistake.

        • @Fedizen
          7 days ago

          every prosecutor wants to get a defendant on the stand and she did a great job of letting him babble. I think at one point she shook her head and said “he doesn’t remember the question” her mic was off though so I’m not sure

      • nocturne
        117 days ago

        They need to use electrodes and as you go over your time or interrupt you get a small shock that gets larger each time you offend.

      • @nexguy
        -17 days ago

        None of that should matter if the moderators had the a drop of a spine. They don’t. They should be banned from ever moderating again.

        • @Tyrangle
          377 days ago

          They fact-checked constantly during the first half, which was a huge improvement over former debates. Honestly I thought this was better moderated than any previous debate involving Trump.

    • @MataVatnikOP
      7 days ago

      Honestly don’t know what it takes for an asshole to be put in his place. Most people are weak in this sense, I mean, we see it in every day lives too. It took me so much fucking working to get this sociopathic criminal pushed out of my friend group. Most people didn’t “want to make things awkward”.

    • @eguidarelli
      197 days ago

      There’s going to be some good ones for sure

        • RBG
          117 days ago

          I am out of the loop, what’s that about

          • modifier
            387 days ago

            Trump and co are spreading the lie that Haitan refugees in Springfield Ohio are stealing family pets and eating them.

            Just as an aside, the GOP Twitter posted an AI generated image of a cat and a goose looking scared with a caption like “protect our cats and ducks” and cats I get, sure, but I’m supposed to believe eating duck is somehow crazy?

            Duck? Of L’orange fame?

            • @Fedizen
              197 days ago

              if anyone is eating cats its RFK Jr. Did anyone check to see if he made a stop there recently?

              • @[email protected]
                6 days ago

                He wouldn’t steal them, though (though if you recently buried a dead pet in your lawn he might dig that up).

                He prefers roadkill, doesn’t fit his taste if it’s fresh.

    • @MataVatnikOP
      147 days ago

      Honestly it’s how I consume lot of world events these days

  • @[email protected]
    287 days ago

    Switched over to Fox to see how they were going to spin it.

    Hannity was like: “The moderators are lefties. It was 3-1 .”

    Then he brought on Rubio, and I clicked away.

  • DarkGamer
    297 days ago

    I can’t watch the orange man without getting very angry about the shit he spews, so I couldn’t watch it for very long. I understand he got trounced.

  • DrSleepless
    277 days ago

    I was but had to turn it off after President Treason lied about people getting hurt on Jan 6

  • @Sam_Bass
    206 days ago

    Saw most of it. Actually surprised that fat orange held himself together for so long. Hes still not worth the trouble though

    • @MataVatnikOP
      186 days ago

      He was coherent but clearly uncomfortable, usually he’s pretty confident.

  • @someguy3
    217 days ago

    Even called him a strongman like it was a good thing.