The required deposit came about because Trump failed to pay an $81,837 bill from a campaign event he held at the Tucson Convention Center in 2016.

  • @PM_Your_Nudes_Please
    176 days ago

    I’m a venue manager. If Trump’s team wanted to organize a rally at my venue, (and I was forced to allow it), I would require 100% payment in full before they were allowed in the building.

    In fact, my building collects a refundable cleaning/damage deposit, and I would intentionally over-estimate everything about the event; We estimate the event costs and require clients to pay up front. Then any overages can be claimed from that deposit, or invoiced after the event. Equipment costs, labor needs, room rental times, catering commission, merch commission, etc…

    I would intentionally over-estimate all of that. So when they inevitably have some overages, (like maybe they use more mics than expected, or maybe they show up two hours early), those are already paid for in their initial payment. Then I’d just return any unused overages with the deposit, which is SOP. Because I know that if I had unbudgeted overages and tried to invoice after the fact, I’d never see a single cent.

    • @PK2
      46 days ago

      This person knows how to handle their business; and to not trust the Orange Asshole.

  • billwashere
    46 days ago

    Easier to stay rich if you don’t pay anybody.

      • billwashere
        36 days ago

        Well if I actually kept what I make and it wasn’t just “transfer day” instead of “pay day” I’d likely be a millionaire by now.

  • @vegeta
    1038 days ago

    Better make sure the check clears first, and don’t let them use a credit card (for potential chargeback)

      • @cheese_greater
        78 days ago

        So you just know he’s A. Good for it and B. Totally isn’t gonna defenestrate you then complain there was nobody to pay cuz companies can be defenestrated like humans. Ho

  • snooggums
    958 days ago

    That is because unlike the Lannisters, the Trumps don’t pay their debts.

    They do share the whole incest thing though.

    • @RunningInRVA
      127 days ago

      $9M to DC? Is that repairs costs for the capitol?

      • @CptEnder
        46 days ago

        Naw that’s just the plumbing bill for the WH.

    • @[email protected]
      6 days ago

      Huh they forgot Pensacola. Maybe he paid it? I wonder if those little girls that danced even got payed.

    • ...m...
      6 days ago

      …how the unholy f*ck el paso ever hosted his rally after that racist shot up the place, i will never understand…

    • @morphballganon
      137 days ago

      They should subtract that many votes from the corresponding states

      Imagine half a million MN votes and half a million TX votes just evaporating

      And whichever state DC residents’ votes count for is probably blue already

      • @chuckleslord
        247 days ago

        whichever state DC residents’ votes count for

        God, imagine if everyone in the US got to vote for things. Wouldn’t that be nice? Yeah, but DC doesn’t have reps. They have one “delegate” for the house (no voting rights) and nothing for the senate. They can vote for their mayor, city council, and US president. End list.

            • @Homescool
              6 days ago

              I just looked up the steps to admit a new State, and, uh, technically it’s almost as easy as passing a law. No supermajority or consent of the existing States required. A president Harris and a blue congress could just. . . do it. . .I guess?

              I hope I am missing something.

        • @USNWoodwork
          16 days ago

          The DC Mayor position is so corrupt usually. Anyone old enough to remember Marion Barry? I don’t know who it is now but last time I lived in DC the mayor was Vincent Gray and he even looked corrupt. He looks like Snidley Whiplash and Joe Jackson (Michael’s dad) had a baby.

        • @morphballganon
          17 days ago

          Which state to their presidential votes get lumped in with, VA?

          • @chuckleslord
            37 days ago

            They have three electoral college votes, so they don’t get lumped in with anyone. That’s the only federal representation they have.

    • Billiam
      137 days ago

      Hmm, sounds like a recipe for Triangle Shirtwaist Factory 2: Weirdo Boogaloo.

    • nifty
      8 days ago

      You can only leave early if you buy his NFTs

  • @MeekerThanBeaker
    398 days ago

    “Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders skipped a $45,000 bill in 2016.”

    That’s surprising, if true. Were they out of money and already out of the race?

    • anon6789
      628 days ago

      From 08 OCT 2016

      The city of Tucson finally has one answer to its demands that the Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders campaigns pay the roughly $125,000 the city says the two groups owe for police protection at March rallies at the Tucson Convention Center.

      A lawyer representing Sanders rebuffed a formal demand by City Attorney Mike Rankin for $44,013, saying the campaign never asked for police protection and suggested it should bill the Secret Service .

      “The U.S. Secret Service typically made arrangements for all security matters with regard to Senator Sanders during his presidential campaign,” wrote Brad Deutsch, a lawyer for Bernie 2016.

      “Therefore, to the extent the Secret Service independently contacted the Tucson Police Department … to assist in its security detail, the law enforcement organization should discuss cost-sharing matters directly with the Secret Service.”

        • anon6789
          167 days ago

          Certainly! It was a fun mini-mystery to solve.

          There was a bunch of old articles talking about how Trump and Bernie owed the cops money, Trump owing considerably more due to a bigger crowd. Once I found out who the 45k was owed to, that made a quick job of getting the reason why.

          It must have been another article than the one I shared that said all the money was for the cops because the convention center required a credit card for the deposit, so they could bill the candidates.

          76 cops for 7,000 people seems excessive to me though for a Bernie rally.

          • @ChickenLadyLovesLife
            37 days ago

            That’s $592 per cop, which sounds about right for 4 hours and $150/hr overtime pay. Yes, that’s what cops get paid in a lot of places.

            • anon6789
              67 days ago

              I meant more that sounds like a high number of police for a Bernie rally. I didn’t think they required so much reigning in.

              Some googling and skimming a Seattle city guide to event policing tells me 1-2 police per 1000 attendees is normal, and the rate you worked out sounds about right also.

              It’s a huge document, over 100 pages, but just skimming it was quite enlightening.

              • @ChickenLadyLovesLife
                27 days ago

                I meant more that sounds like a high number of police for a Bernie rally.

                I agree that it’s a large number of cops for a Bernie rally (although it’s the right amount if their real job was intimidating Bernie liberals rather than providing actual security). I was just pointing out how much OT money cops make for that sort of gig.

                • ...m...
                  36 days ago

                  …four police officers could handle a bernie rally; the other seventy-two were probably to manage the fascists trolling for trouble outside…

  • @[email protected]
    358 days ago

    now that’s audacity. not paying a bill and then going to the same place again expecting to be served.

    • @PM_Your_Nudes_Please
      56 days ago

      It’s a police protection bill. Sanders was already under secret service protection by that point, and the secret service was who coordinated all of his security. So Sanders’ campaign manager basically told the city to bill the secret service instead of Sanders. Because again, the secret service was who requested the additional officers.

    • @meco03211
      257 days ago

      I believe Bernie qualified for secret service by then and they were supposed to handle liaising with local PD. So Sanders campaign is saying “talk to secret service” and secret service is saying “we didn’t ask for loan PD support so we’re not paying”.

      • @[email protected]
        197 days ago

        It would have been nice if the article had mentioned that instead of normalizing Trump’s fraud. Thanks for the context.

        • @[email protected]
          77 days ago

          Maybe the journalist wanted to be “neutral” and “unbiased” and thought that meant pulling a bOtH SiDeS

          • @almar_quigley
            27 days ago

            News outlets would NEVER normalize republican toxicity and bullshit by doing that. What are you saying? /s in case it’s needed…