Dog Walk:

When you’re beating someone’s ass and you’re dragging them as if you were walking a dog.

“Ima dog walk yo ass if you keep talkin shit!”

“He got dog walked in that fight DEBATE last night.”

  • @JeeBaiChow
    266 days ago

    C’mon man. She didn’t walk the bitch on a leash. She just took a baby into a room and aborted it on stage, 78 years after it was born.

  • Diplomjodler
    86 days ago

    I really hope Donnie sees this. Hell be spewing bile for days.

    • @tourist
      46 days ago

      you cannot quell the hunger after tasting the flesh of a beloved pet for the first time

  • @betterdeadthanreddit
    76 days ago

    Not sure I love that definition, a dog walk should be relaxing and enjoyable for all involved parties.