I remember in the 80’s when this Ad was everywhere, on billboards and bus benches and magazines and newspapers. Pretty sure it won some awards.
The TV commercial version was the same woman smiling, just a slow zoom in towards her smiling face, but there was this quiet static in the background with eerie footsteps coming closer for about 15 seconds before the audio dropped to total silence for a few seconds, then a narrator (James Earl Jones-style) said the motto, and the woman said the bit about the free fries, followed by another 5 seconds of silence while she kept smiling; but the smile was cracking, fading, her face muscles unable or unwilling to hold the pose until they suddenly dropped into a look of terror right as the commercial ended.
The 80’s were weird, bro
I honestly thought this was an AI image or something because what the actual fuck?
“McDonald’s: you’re going to die anyway so eat here!”
I mean isn’t that the reasoning a lot of people eating fast food would have? Sounds like good marketing to me.
As he chomps on his wagyu beef patty
He asks how I can eat such shit
I say there’s nothing like binge eating McDonalds cheeseburgers
Because any burgs will kill ya
But these will make you feel like it
Pretty sure it’s fake, not AI, but not real either.
Yeah I have some older coworkers I asked as I was just a baby in the 80s and none of them recognized this at all.
Oh no, the acid is kicking in…
10/10 creative writing, or you have some really weird fake memories.
Thank you. I have 8 unpublished novels on a hard drive somewhere, so it’s creative writing maybe?
If true I really want to see that commercial now
Pretty sure both the commercial in their comment and the image is fake. I’ve tried to find evidence of both being actual McDonald’s ads but nothing comes up.
This is art.
A strange mix of pop art, existentialism and dadaism.
And I love it.We Begin To The We Are
Die Moment Born
Quite unnerving
Sarah Michelle Gellar themed as 70s
I’m willing to be proven wrong but this ad is almost certainly fake. For one the logo used in the ad didn’t exist? In the early 60s McDonald’s did have red text but it wasn’t off-center, when it was later off-center the text was white or black but not red. Maybe that’s the joke and why it was created, but McDonald’s was never this edgy. It was more commercials about mcnuggets being born to die or the weirdness of the hamburgler and grimace.
Yeah I personally took it as a weird meme and not a real ad
Pretty sure it’s fake, tried looking it up but no results point to this ever being a thing.
When philosophy majors write ad copy 😄
Yep, Ads like this is how we got to, how come my philosophy major isn’t opening any doors outside of academics?
Why is her face so creepy? I can’t identify one thing that’s “wrong” with it, but it still creeps me out.
Her eyes and mouth are slightly wider than a relaxed expression, so there’s visible tension. In video it could be cute, like she might just be happy, but if you freeze just that one moment then her expression is ambiguous. Either she’s talking and smiling enthusiastically, or she’s about to eat you enthusiastically, or more realistically she’s afraid and trying to hide it. Add the creepy text and you’re primed to interpret the expression negatively.
Is the implication here that life starts at birth? Because there are plenty of fetuses that never even got that far.
It’s almost as if you’re not killing a person when you get an abortion…