• @rustyfish
    1026 months ago

    The very fact that they try to slut shame a woman simply for being a woman, shows me that the far right is infested with incels. What a shocker.

    • spaghetti_hitchens
      216 months ago

      I don’t know if it’s even true, but if it is:

      Consensual sex for a job > pedophile rape

      • @Wilzax
        6 months ago

        Never give any credibility to their lies. Shut them down wherever possible, and substitute evidence of the projection they stand for.

        The claims that Kamala Harris ever had any engaged in sexual activity with anyone who had any power over the trajectory of her career are unsubstantiated.

        The claims that Donald Trump associated with convicted pedophile and indicted sex trafficer Jeffrey Epstein, and that this association included visits to his private island, which was the scene of many of his crimes, are proven. The claim that Donald Trump has bragged about sexually assaulting women is supported by a 2005 audio clip that has been public since 2016

        The unsubstantiated claims about Kamala Harris, even if they are true, are far less serious than either of the aforementioned claims about Donald Trump. This is not an issue of sexual misconduct “on both sides”. This is an issue of double-standards and propaganda.

      • @EvilBit
        146 months ago

        It’s not, and even giving it the possibility of truth without any meaningful evidence is playing into the lie.

        • @[email protected]
          16 months ago

          They don’t care what the truth is. They yell “fake news” when something doesn’t go their way.

          Fake is real. Real is fake.

          This just shows they have nothing real to go on.

          • @EvilBit
            26 months ago

            You’re right in general, but I feel like you’re arguing that it doesn’t matter if we say things to the effect of “it doesn’t matter if Kamala slept her way to the top, the Republicans did worse.” That’s a dangerous thing to do, because there is no credible evidence whatsoever that Kamala used sexual favors to advance her station and under the premise of “both things can be true”, you end up allowing for more people to believe a lie.

            • @[email protected]
              16 months ago

              I completely understand why we should shoot lies down and we should.

              I was mostly talking about the MAGA crowd. They are uneducated, illogical, and crazed. Their minds won’t change. I just don’t want people to get their hopes up of changing these people’s minds.

    • @Shard
      316 months ago

      You may not like it, but this is what peak brain rot looks like.

      • @EvilBit
        136 months ago

        Don’t jinx it. They will show us new depths.

    • @[email protected]
      66 months ago

      To be fair, people wondered if Bush had a wire under his jacket in 2004. Rightwingers are also far more melted today than at any point in history.

  • @DaddleDew
    396 months ago

    I guess that means she had those bluetooth earrings throughout her entire career as a prosecutor where she debated on a daily basis as well.

  • @Protoknuckles
    346 months ago

    If dumpy debates her again, I’d love for her to slowly and passive aggressively remove her earrings on stage. Maybe even ask Trump to hold them for her.

    • @sanctimoniousn0rth
      206 months ago

      Hahaha this is the trolling energy the Harris campaign has been giving and I live for it

    • @WaxedWookie
      66 months ago

      B-b-but this is intimidation - she’s taking off the earrings to fight a frail old perfect specimen of a man.

      <something something nasty black woman>

      <blah-blah I NEED TO KNOW WHAT RACE SHE IS!>

      <white noise you know what we used to do with women like this back in my day, folks>



      <incoherent trailing off interspersed with BILLIONS AND BILLIONS rambling RADICAL LIBERALS muttering JOE BIDEN waffle ILLEGAL ALIEN TRANS CHILDREN>

    • Skua
      106 months ago

      That sounds like a prog rock band who wanted to cut loose and relax a bit, so they made a a side project to do punk music. Only, they still couldn’t quite resist the urge to play in 15/8 time.

  • @Imp3riaLL
    206 months ago

    It’s funny how she can’t string two words together but at the same time is a relentless debate machine.

  • Ragdoll X
    206 months ago

    Kinda funny that they inadvertently admitted that she did really well in the debate by calling her a “relentless debate machine”.

    • @marcos
      76 months ago

      Is this literal MAGA material? I assumed it was paraphrased.

      I mean, is this not a joke about the real thing?

      • Badabinski
        46 months ago

        I can’t tell either, and it’s driving me a bit crazier each time I scroll past this post. I’ll probably do a reverse image search to find out.

        EDIT: No luck with Google, Bing, Tineye, or Yandex.

  • circuitfarmer
    186 months ago

    Now for extra fun: consider how different the attacks would be if Kamala Harris were a male candidate, with all other factors as close as possible (age, race, background, etc.)

    You wouldn’t be hearing about how he “slept his way” to the top. You wouldn’t be hearing about how his “handlers” had to feed him information because he isn’t capable of debating on his own without prompting. You’d still be hearing a bunch of bullshit, to be sure, but it would be different bullshit.

    The next time someone on the right tries to deflect or muddy the water with “bUt caN You eVeN giVe a sPecIfic eXampLe AboUt hOw tHe RePubLican party / MAGA / Trump Is seXiSt?”, all you must do is point to the kinds of lies they naturally fell into about Kamala Harris.

    What those higher up in the party think of women, and what the rest have chosen to align themselves to, is on full display.

    • shastaxc
      26 months ago

      She must be a witch because there’s no way they could be attracted to a black woman… Or maybe she’s really Indian, which is more acceptable

  • whenyellowstonehasitsday
    106 months ago

    honestly if you’re good enough at fucking to fuck your way into one of the most powerful positions on the planet, while also having some kind of built in ability to go manchurian candidate super-politician if there’s a bluetooth speaker within a 10 foot radius, i think you should have it

  • @[email protected]
    106 months ago

    I am genuinely interested in the line of logic that links “About to become leader of the free world” with "dated Montel Williams in 2001’.

    • @candybrie
      46 months ago

      This particular one has to be satire. That line. The “some dude” part. The “relentless debate machine.”

  • @Alwaysnownevernotme
    86 months ago

    Yep I’m sure she wore those earrings as a prosecutor too.

    To be fair Dump uses performance enhancing diapers.

  • @CM400
    86 months ago

    This is the worst iteration of Pop-Up Video I’ve ever seen.

  • Jesus
    86 months ago

    The earrings obviously told Harris the correct answers about infant murder and pet eating. It’s not fair.