• Bear
    33 days ago

    Always the bulge. It’s okay, you can look. I’ll keep this just between us.

  • @whotookkarl
    54 days ago

    I’m 30 feet tall and usually travel with a big blue ox

  • GladiusB
    33 days ago

    I can project my voice really well. I have a big deep voice. I was a singer at one point. But that was something for my younger years.

  • @captainlezbian
    33 days ago

    My hair gets a lot of compliments but it’s probably the fact that I’m an extrovert with severe adhd so I can really struggle to shut up

  • @[email protected]
    54 days ago

    The ADHD.

    Hyperfocus makes me ramble. I’ve also dedicated an enormous amount of time to an abundance of different “talents” and skills.

    It can make people around me feel like “normies”, which is not a self-compliment but an admission of social unawareness.

    I’ve made a concerted effort over the last decade to remind myself to listen intently when people are talking and be aware of my potential to monopolize a conversation. I feel like it’s helped a lot. Connecting with people is important to my mental health. Its always been difficult but its getting easier as I grow older and pay attention to these things.

  • @Pronell
    5 days ago

    I’m a big guy. Tall, fat, boisterous, strong, opinionated, and outgoing. I love watching people, giving compliments, and delivering a solid joke. I make an impression on people whether I realize it or not. I’m too big to hide so I’ve chosen not to.

    But I’m also an introverted hermit, so I almost never get to be that guy unless I’ve pushed myself to be out and among people.

    • @Today
      95 days ago

      We could hang out together. Then i might not be the loud one for once.

      • @Pronell
        75 days ago

        I’m in Duluth, Minnesota, if you’re anywhere nearby.

  • @moistclump
    55 days ago

    I have a loud laugh, and it makes babies cry.

  • @[email protected]
    75 days ago

    I walk like a giant apparently, or with springs in my shoes. Not sure why I walk this way but its noticeable and many have pointed this feature out.

  • @Brkdncr
    105 days ago

    Eyes I guess. Every once in a while a random stranger will comment on them. Usually cashiers.

    “I thought you were an asshole at first but after getting to know you you’re one of the funniest nicest people I know” got that a few times. It’s not really a “stand out“ observation but it’s an odd characteristic. I’m not very proud of it.