After 2 INK-credible years of Splatoon 3, regular updates will come to a close. Don’t worry! Splatoween, Frosty Fest, Spring Fest, and Summer Nights will continue with some returning themes!

Updates for weapon adjustments will be released as needed.

Big Run, Eggstra Work, and Monthly Challenges will continue for the time being.

Also they just released a video celebrating each splat-fest:

  • @ripripripriprip
    31 day ago

    The people in here complaining about getting a full campaign along with PvE and PvP updates over two years for $60 are the reason we’re in this free-to-play, season pass, paid cosmetic hellscape.

    • missingno
      62 days ago

      Splatoon 1 had one year of content updates. Splatoon 2 had two. And they told us from the start that Splatoon 3 was also going to have two years.

      How long do you expect them to keep going for?

      • @[email protected]
        41 day ago

        Heh, considering the premium people pay for Nintendo games, I’d expect them to stand by their products for longer than a year or two. Wouldn’t you?

        • missingno
          21 day ago

          Two years of content seems plenty reasonable. Especially when they said from the start that it would be two years. Games don’t need infinite updates forever and ever and ever. Especially when it’s not a live service being sustained by microtransactions.

          You didn’t answer my question, by the way.

          • @[email protected]
            120 hours ago

            You’re right, I hadn’t actually answered your question - my bad. I don’t expect them to continually update the game; only that they don’t lock out customers from multiplayer. I believe any manufacturer of a given multiplayer game whose official servers are being closed, have a responsibility to release server software, and add a server browser to the game.

            I can still play Counter-Strike online, and even Quake 1 and Doom. What gives?

            • missingno
              120 hours ago

              Oh, did you think the headline meant they were shutting S3 down? Servers will remain up for the foreseeable future, and they’ll even still run seasonal Splatfest and Big Run events. They’re just done with content updates.

  • @JusticeForPorygon
    303 days ago

    I’ve still never played a splatoon game, mostly because I don’t wanna have to re-purchase it after a couple years

    • @[email protected]
      213 days ago

      Are you imagining that this game should be like those constantly updating online games that rely on micro transactions or monthly subscription? It was a game to buy full price, but got updates and events for free for 2 years plus DLCs. The servers and game will still be online getting quality of life and security updates. Splatoon 1 servers were online for 9 years… On Wii U no less.

      • @ampersandrew
        143 days ago

        It does rely on a subscription though.

          • @ampersandrew
            133 days ago

            I don’t think that’s a great excuse.

              • @ampersandrew
                53 days ago

                I don’t think it’s singling it out to say that the just-about-required subscription makes it less appealing to purchase, whereas most multiplayer games have the PC version as an option.

                • @[email protected]
                  23 days ago

                  I didn’t know we were playing the PC vs console argument. Nevermind, someone did that in another thread already. Yes PC without subscription is better. But anyone playing anything on a console buys the sequel every few years of whatever the game may be. Which was what I was replying to

    • missingno
      173 days ago

      S2 was 2017, S3 was 2022. Five year gap is pretty reasonable for sequels.

      S4 likely won’t happen until after the next Animal Crossing, since it’s the same team working on both IPs.

      • @Renacles
        43 days ago

        My issue with that is that Splatoon basically dies off for a few years until a sequel comes out. I’m not playing for switch online for a game that won’t get any new content.

        • missingno
          123 days ago

          How many years do you expect them to keep pumping out content for the same game? They’ve gotta wrap it up somewhere. Two years is plenty.

          Back in my day, games were released and we played them for what they were.

          • @Renacles
            23 days ago

            I would be happy with that if Nintendo didn’t charge a yearly fee for online.

    • @[email protected]
      103 days ago

      The second game was around for well over two years.

      Needing to buy an online subscription is a far better complaint than a misinformed timeline.

    • dinckel
      83 days ago

      I still have yet to understand what is new in Splatoon 3. I play 2 casually, just for a few pvp matches every so often, and it’s good as is

      • missingno
        83 days ago

        It’s an iterative series, each game building on the predecessor’s mechanics, so there’s not any one major twist. But there are a lot of little things that add up. The new movement techniques are great, Salmon Run has been significantly expanded, and just in general the QoL is night and day.

        Also, the fact that Ink Armor, Sting Ray, and Main Power Up are not in the game might be the true biggest step forward. S3’s meta is in a pretty good spot now.

      • @ampersandrew
        13 days ago

        The second game even repurposed large parts of the not-particularly-impressive campaign of the first game. They weren’t going to fool me again by making me buy the same game a third time.

        • missingno
          43 days ago

          Large parts? It’s been a while since I played Octo Canyon, but I’m pretty sure the only thing that reappeared from Valley was the Octostomp boss, but it’s a different fight anyway so not really.

  • missingno
    103 days ago

    They really made sure to reference the number 3 in every possible place except the kit system.

  • @Caesium
    73 days ago

    I hope they never try this 3-way team thing again. Made Splatfests feel so unfair. Especially with the arbitrary point system they used for calculating things. Kind just felt like they slapped whatever number they wanted to on a category and called it a day.

    Last night I took a look at the (US) Splatfests for both 2 and 3. In 2, our of the 25 fests I partook in, my team won 14 teams. Pearl and Marina had an even 15 wins between all the fests.

    in 3, I only participated in 16 fests, and my team won 3 times. Not only that, but Shiver’s team won 9 fests, Big Man won 7 and Frye a whopping 3. The balancing in this game felt fucking atrocious and I feel like that killed a lot of my motivation to play.

    Now ofc Nintendo can’t really predict what team is gonna win when they make choices, but whatever changes they made to the point system did jack all in fairness in my opinion.

    I think I’m just gonna go back to splatoon 2 after this

    • missingno
      63 days ago

      It’ll never happen, but I’d honestly prefer for S4 to move on from Splatfests and do something else entirely. They’ve run out of ideas, a lot of the themes feel like filler just to keep it going out of obligation. At this point I just see Splatfests as a weekend where they take away Ranked and make everyone play the worst game mode.

      • ms.lane
        22 days ago

        Imagine something like D-Day/Operation Overlord in WW2, but you’ve got 2/3/4 teams trying to fight up a Salmonid beach, big PVE event, but whichever team takes their beachfront first/gets the furthest in within the 3min timer, wins.

      • @Caesium
        22 days ago

        I like turf war, but I definitely agree. Some kinda big change needs to happen.

        I don’t know what would be a cool replacement but then again it’s not my job to think of one lol