• @Lurkinney
      623 days ago

      Already illegal in Missouri for pregnant women to divorce their spouse

      • @wafflez
        443 days ago

        Actually? That’s so disgusting

      • BlanketsWithSmallpox
        3 days ago

        Not really, but it’s more about child custody and child support if already married.


        Nowhere in Missouri law does it say pregnant women are barred from getting divorced.

        But a judge handling a case where one party is pregnant may wait to finalize that divorce until the baby is born, which, experts told us, is done in order to consolidate custody and child-support agreements with other end-of-marriage arrangements.

        This can happen in other states, too.

        • @PriorityMotif
          253 days ago

          Still dangerous because the husband is empowered to make medical decisions in certain cases

  • @NatakuNox
    773 days ago

    Why would you marry someone that votes to make you a second class citizen?

        • Aniki 🌱🌿
          153 days ago

          My dad used to listen to NPR but somewhere along the way NPR got replaced with Rush and Drudge. Thankfully he died before our relationship could be ruined by Trump but I know he would have been and I know it would have broken us.

          • capital
            52 days ago

            Thankfully he died before our relationship could be ruined by Trump but I know he would have been and I know it would have broken us.

            This is spot on. Mine is still alive (mom too) and Trump made me realize who they really are. It’s not pretty.

          • @lennybird
            83 days ago

            You should watch, “The Brainwashing of my Dad” documentary. Sad reality for so many.

    • OptionalOP
      273 days ago

      Why would someone vote for themselves to be a second class citizen?

      I dunno.

    • @[email protected]
      3 days ago

      I always wondered that and I finally met not one, but TWO people who fit this criteria.

      The first person was married with kids, and she’s afraid to leave because she doesn’t know if she’s the primary breadwinner, and to divorce would mean she would struggle taking care of two kids by herself. The husband isn’t abusive (her comments), but he seems to want her to be a tradwife while also wanting her to work.

      The second person shared that she married her high school sweetheart. But she was already questioning things when he spouted Joe Rogan/Jordan Peterson BS, and would flip out at work on male coworkers and put words in our mouths. After a report, I learned about her marriage issues and providing support for the past few months. But all the workplace can do is give her some therapy sessions and hopes she gets the fuck out of her predicament.

  • @Nuke_the_whales
    443 days ago

    I think Trump is pissed about Taylor Swift, because all his young, Rogan listening, meathead voters are probably being pressured by their Swifty girlfriends into ditching Trump.

    • @pyre
      323 days ago

      unfortunately most of them don’t have girlfriends. some of them never did. the party is relying on incels and divorced dads.

      • @captainlezbian
        113 days ago

        It’s not unfortunate. Girlfriends wouldn’t fix them, but they would do serious damage to girlfriends. They need to get their own shit together before dating

      • @MutilationWave
        153 days ago

        Don’t forget the old white boomer married men. They lived life on easy mode and simply can’t comprehend that the world has changed.

        • @pyre
          93 days ago

          they’re not that different. most of them are the “i married young and i hate my wife” type anyway. being maidenless male insecurity and sexual frustrations are the driving force of fascism.

    • OptionalOP
      823 days ago

      Things happen. Stuff. Reasons.

      • @[email protected]
        633 days ago

        People also change, and someone may over the long haul become something you didn’t really expect out of them.

        • @cybersandwich
          263 days ago

          Anyone who knows friends or family that fell down the magat hole understand this

          • @[email protected]
            153 days ago

            This.There exists a pipeline from somewhere on the left to the alt right. It is dangerous to think otherwise.

        • @ThatWeirdGuy1001
          133 days ago

          This was my dad. He was always right leaning but then Trump came along and he went die hard political full on Trumpet.

          He’s one of the smartest people I know and watching him get more involved and more and more angry was terrifying.

    • @hushable
      3 days ago

      I personality know two very liberal women who married right wing nutjobs, the first one married a full MAGA, proud boys type militia and election denier guy who she thought she could change him (she couldn’t).

      The other one thought that political differences didn’t matter in a romantic relationship (it did).

      Both ended up in divorce.

      • @rustyfish
        3 days ago

        she thought she could change him

        Has this ever worked?! Like a single time in the history of our species?

        Edit: I asked the High Council for Female Affairs (my girlfriend) about the why and her answer is - summarized: At the beginning of a relationship you see things you like and things you don’t like. Some try to quell the bad things and enhance the good things. The emotionally immature ones believe in “a perfect relationship” and actively try to form their partners instead of looking for someone who has less of those bad qualities. They tend to fail spectacularly.

        • @idiomaddict
          143 days ago

          My stepmom lived in one of the most liberal towns in Massachusetts, running a Montessori program before she and my Fox News watching dad got married. (We never actually talked about politics because they “had an agreement,” but I have to assume she was very liberal- probably not very left though)

          She started voting republican after a few years :(

      • @Buddahriffic
        103 days ago

        Any of those topics that people who care more about society being polite than just tell you to avoid are ones that should be not just discussed but agreed on before making a relationship legally binding. Religion, money, politics. They are each too serious for “agree to disagree” to last long.

    • @[email protected]
      3 days ago

      I tend to believe people don’t really change but they do tend to show their true colors eventually. However, some of us are not a great judge of character.

      Life is also complicated and messy.

      • Rhaedas
        363 days ago

        Alternatively, both Republican, and she changed for the better for herself.

      • @Crazyslinkz
        323 days ago

        I disagree. Some people do change. Learn new things, car accidents change your life, cancer changes your life, new job, …

        The only thing constant is change.

        • @[email protected]
          303 days ago

          Can confirm. I was a hard right conservative during Obama.

          Life happens and now I’m an anti-capitalist pro-union progressive.

        • @captainlezbian
          22 days ago

          You can always bet on people changing and never on how they’ll do it

      • @TrickDacy
        173 days ago

        Some of my best friends acted liberal until they hit 30 and suddenly they were Uber conservative. I’m less concerned with if they were really liberal before and more concerned with what they’re okay with now. No longer friends with any of them because these are basic morality concerns

        • @MutilationWave
          33 days ago

          Young conservative men have trouble getting laid.

      • TSG_Asmodeus (he, him)
        53 days ago

        I tend to believe people don’t really change but they do tend to show their true colors eventually.

        A drunk action is a sober thought.

    • @CptEnder
      103 days ago

      I’ve dated conservative women a few times, they definitely said things like “I don’t let that come into my relationships” and that never ended up being the fact. And goddamn it they all were REALLY into D/s dynamics. Albeit that’s a quality I typically find in a partner, but tbh they kinda excelled at playing the role phew.

  • @cm0002
    413 days ago

    Hm I wonder what the divorce rate is like when broken down along political views

    • @[email protected]
      243 days ago

      Depends on whether the study is from places likely to be subject to bias like the “conservative” group institute for family values that claims county level polling shows more democrats get divorced (despite conceding the accuracy of state level polling?), or more normal groups that have shown for a decade plus now that red states have higher divorce rates. Top five are:

      1. Nevada
      2. Oklahoma
      3. Wyoming
      4. Alabama
      5. Arkansas
    • @jettrscga
      213 days ago

      I don’t know what conclusion that would give. That they jump into marriage faster? That they’re willing to leave a bad situation?

      I don’t think low divorce rates necessarily correlates to happier people.

    • @[email protected]
      53 days ago

      There’s statistics about voting rates amongst single, married and divorced women in the USA. Married women are the most conservative mostly due to age skew) followed by the other two. I can’t remember if single or divorced leans more liberal but there’s a big gap

  • @[email protected]
    3 days ago

    Sorry, I can’t relate to this kink. Not shaming, exactly, but I find divorce lawyers more attractive than this.

    e: oh shit, I misread this because of the funky font. Carry on, I approve.

    • @Okokimup
      183 days ago

      On the contrary, during World War II, French prostitutes would purposely spread venereal disease to nazis. They would also get nazis hooked on heroin.

      Unfortunately, MAGAs tend to already have both those issues.

      • @captainlezbian
        33 days ago

        All we can do now is accuse them of sleeping with each other’s partners. Let them shoot each other

    • @pyre
      3 days ago

      it’s a shame Matt Taibbi sold out after modeling for this

  • @PugJesus
    273 days ago

    Not just a concept

  • @Chocrates
    193 days ago

    What a great time to be on the market 😄

  • @chonglibloodsport
    103 days ago

    People change. The old stereotype is that people tend to be very liberal in high school and college but become very conservative with a mortgage and a couple of kids. I don’t know how often that actually plays out but it makes sense.

    When you don’t have anything it’s easy to demand a lot of things from the government. When you have money you want to do everything you can to hold onto it and that means not paying taxes. It flips around again when people are super rich though: then they don’t mind paying taxes (because their effective tax rate is very low). It’s the middle class who get screwed the most.

    • @Railing5132
      453 days ago

      My dad, after a discussion in my young adult years turned political: “if you’re not a liberal when you’re young, you don’t have a heart. If you’re not conservative when you’re an adult, you don’t have a brain.”

      Well, dad, I have made it to adulthood with brilliant children and great relationships with them to boot. I’m still a screaming liberal and you’re still a racist that is gargling the balls of a wannabe dictator.

    • @Fatticus
      183 days ago

      Have a mortgage and a kid, more left now than I ever was in my past. While recognizing that not everyone wants those things, my living standard really should be the baseline and I don’t mind paying taxes to make it easier for others to achieve it. It does piss me off that most of my taxes go to a military I don’t approve of though.

      • @chonglibloodsport
        -13 days ago

        I’m in Canada so I have the opposite reaction re: the military. Our military is a joke and if the US ever walked away from NATO we would be totally screwed.

        Our government has been run by the Liberals since 2015. All they’ve done is destroyed the jobs market and put housing out of reach for ordinary people. Not a fan!

        I think if you want to be a socialist you need to acknowledge that sometimes the government will be grossly incompetent and/or corrupt. Frankly, this experience is what has pulled me to the right. I simply don’t have trust in unaccountable institutions anymore.

        Having said that, I think most of the damage to our society has been done by incompetent municipal governments which aren’t part of our party system anyway. They’ve squandered billions of dollars, been grifted by scam artist developers, and destroyed our communities with idiotic urban planning ideas that make livable neighbourhoods illegal.

        • @[email protected]
          43 days ago

          I think if you want to be a socialist you need to acknowledge that sometimes the government will be grossly incompetent and/or corrupt. Frankly, this experience is what has pulled me to the right. I simply don’t have trust in unaccountable institutions anymore.

          You watched liberals do liberalism, blamed it on socialists and moved to the right? What on earth are you thinking?

          • @chonglibloodsport
            13 days ago

            They campaigned on the left and have been a minority government working in a coalition with the socialist NDP for the past several years.

    • @captainlezbian
      3 days ago

      As someone middle class I’d really like a functioning government more than the amount I’m taxed.

      Also republicans don’t lower my taxes, they raise them and decrease funding for the poor then go on a rant about divorce needing to be banned

    • @Etterra
      53 days ago

      I dunno, I’m the opposite, though without the kids I grew up in Christian cult hell but broke free as a teenager. Now at 45, looking back, the older I’ve grown the more socialist I’ve become.

  • @pyre
    -63 days ago

    actually you know what, if you can afford not to, please don’t. we really don’t need any more podcasts.

      • @pyre
        23 days ago

        i was joking about the right wing divorced dad poscasts