• @halcyoncmdr
    3536 months ago

    My God that headline is terrible. That’s the most sane shit he said.

    “When people ask me…What’s gonna happen if the Flip — Flopping, Laughing Hyena Wins?? I say…write down all the addresses of the people who had her signs in their yards! Sooo…when the Illegal human ‘Locust’ (which she supports!) Need places to live…We’ll already have the addresses of the their New families…who supported their arrival!” the post said.

    He shouldn’t have access to sharp objects, nonetheless a firearm, or be fucking Sheriff. He’s a danger to his community.

    • @Makeitstop
      1846 months ago

      The “locust” bit is getting far too little attention. The history of comparing undesirable populations with vermin is long and filled with horrific violence.

    • @[email protected]
      706 months ago

      He shouldn’t have access to sharp objects, nonetheless a firearm, or be fucking Sheriff. He’s a danger to his community.

      So, par for the course with US law enforcement.

    • @pyre
      496 months ago

      “locust” is for those times when nazi rhetoric doesn’t feel biblical enough.

  • @[email protected]
    2076 months ago

    Voter suppression. Someone contact the FBI about him. I already notified them about the lunatic lady who threatened trans people.

    • @Garbanzo
      266 months ago

      Yeah, let’s keep a list of who’s not armed so they can cross reference that with their sign list before they go on the offensive. Great idea.

  • @[email protected]
    1526 months ago

    Dude might have just fucked himself.

    He’s racked up complaints all the way up to the DoJ, and this story is gaining national traction.

    Our AG Milquetoast might have to take action on this. It’s voter intimidation.

    • @RestrictedAccount
      236 months ago

      lol. Our AG has no respect for his role in America. He has extremely important responsibilities to act but only seems interested in watching MAGAts (at least the elected ones) get away scott free.

      Thank God for Jack Smith.

    • @Dasus
      146 months ago

      gaining national traction.

      I’m over here on the other side of the world, reading this in a different country.

      Wouldn’t that make that… international?

  • @LovingHippieCat
    1306 months ago

    Im trans and I have multiple trump people in my neighborhood. My partner and I have agreed us putting up either pride flags or Harris signs would simply make ourselves targets since we live in a red state and county. I don’t want people like this to put me on a list so they can come and attack the house if their fascist leader comes into power. Something that while they would want to do, I’m not positive they’d actually have the guts to do.

    Regardless, this shit terrifies me.

    • Whopraysforthedevil
      356 months ago

      I hope you don’t feel any shame in this. It’s absolutely disgusting that you live with this sort of fear, and I hope you have a community that you can rely on.

      Also, I saw that someone suggested learning to handle firearms, which I agree with, but if home defense is what you’re going for, a good ole fashioned Louisville Slugger will also often do the truck

    • @Serinus
      286 months ago

      Are you armed? You don’t have to reveal political affiliation to go to a gun range and learn how to shoot and basic gun safety.

      • @LovingHippieCat
        356 months ago

        I definitely need to learn how to shoot, I did when I was a kid but haven’t gone shooting in a long time. Unfortunately, I don’t feel safe to actually get armed just because of my own mental health. I do have friends who are armed, though, and they’re willing to come help if need be.

        • sp3ctr4l
          6 months ago

          May I suggest you take up learning a martial art?

          Not sure what they’re like in your area, but when I learned Karate as a kid in the 90s/00s, everyone was treated according to their skill level and discipline, gender/sex is irrelevant (beyond cups for guys and thick sports bras for gals).

          Its not likely to make you bullet proof, but it does stand a decent chance at bettering your physical and mental health, give you more options when a gun is not part of the scenario.

          Also, I would second the notion of going to a range and signing up for basic pistol and rifle familiarization, as well as basic medical training, unless you legitimately are totally terrified of firearms or have some kind of trauma or PTSD related to them.

          Such courses usually provide you with firearms for the course, you don’t own them or take them home, they stay at the range. You just learn the basic principles of operation and safety and shooting technique, under hopefully an extremely serious couple of range masters who will hopefully teach you to treat all guns as if they are loaded until you have personally verified they are not, and to never, not even accidentally, point the barrel of a gun at something you do not intend to destroy.

          You don’t need to go buy a gun first and not trust yourself with it.

          In fact usually a novice shooter is going to want to experiment a bit with different calibers and guns with differing grip styles and weight distributions untill you find something comfortable to shoot.

          • @rayyy
            56 months ago

            Martial arts and guns can give people a false sense of security. Who wants to devote a huge portion of their life to preparing for personalize warfare? LARPers live for that crap. On the other hand, it is wise to have a method of self defense as a normal life plan.
            The absolute best defense is avoidance whether getting away or even moving your place of residence. There are many places where people aren’t bat-shit crazy.
            Forget martial arts if someone has deadly intentions. Get a short shot gun and learn safety and security first. Then learn your firearm very intimately, both how it works and how to use it so well that muscle memory is instinctive. Then, learn how to set a trap where you have the advantage even if you aren’t super proficient. Most of all watch this short video.

    • chingadera
      226 months ago

      Im not trans but I often think about my leftist views being on the Internet, in the surveillance age, we really really cannot let these motherfuckers into more power. Shit will hit the fan quickly.

    • @ClanOfTheOcho
      166 months ago

      I’m a paranoid sort. If I paraded a quarter of the signs, flags, offensive bumper stickers, et. al., of some of my neighbors in my red state, I would just expect that my property would be vandalized, my family threatened, my life endangered. I’m intentionally avoiding showing up on any “lists” that might be composed regarding people from different tribes. It’s not right that this is a problem, but it is reality.

    • Riskable
      86 months ago

      Two of our (gay couple) neighbors said something similar to me a while back: They’re too afraid to put up a sign or flag.

      My house doesn’t have any LGBTQ people living in it but we have a HUGE fucking LGBTQ flag right across from the American flag. It’s been such a blessing too! Now the most annoying of my neighbors don’t try to smalltalk with me anymore about their absolutely batshit insane conspiracy theories 👍

  • billwashere
    1086 months ago

    I say we keep a list of fascist sheriffs instead.

        • @[email protected]
          86 months ago

          Keeping a list of people openly putting out fascist paraphernalia is a good thing because people like this hide as soon as the wind turns against them. Don’t let them fade into the background.

          • TheHiddenCatboy
            66 months ago

            So…I’m with you. Fascists are bad, and we need to make sure that Fascists can’t hide their fascism when and if we get this country sorted and back on its feet. But I have questions!

            • How do we ensure that we only catch Fascists? Your Magatmap seems to require an image, but no description.
            • What stops me from cooking up an AI image of somebody I don’t like with Trump flags and swastika arm bands and getting them submitted to your system?
            • What happens if this guy was a Trumpet in 2016, but is apologetic about it now and swears he’s no longer a trumpet?
            • How do you ensure that innocent people not get caught up in your MAGAt Map?
            • What are we supposed to do with the map afterwards?

            Liberals have a good reason for questioning your methods here. We don’t want to become what we hate because when you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares into you. We’ve seen it happen time and time again. And those of us who look at your suggestion wonder if we will become Nazis trying to fight Nazis your way.

        • @Th3BFG
          76 months ago

          MAGAt Map is like Family Watchdog. It provides locations to avoid for safety.

          The Ohio Sheriff is advocating lists for retribution and mob violence using a position of power.

          I hope you can see the difference.

        • @[email protected]
          6 months ago

          Does anyone here believe that these are equivalent, and that both of your statements are true?

        • @dubious
          06 months ago

          it’s a war. we’re the good guys. glad you’re catching on.

            • @dubious
              -26 months ago

              sure, but only one side can win. which side do you want that to be?

              • @[email protected]
                26 months ago

                The side that’s not making a map of everyone who disagrees with them so that they can punish them as soon as they have the power to do so.

                • @dubious
                  -16 months ago

                  maybe you should leave the country then. i’m here to win because i care about what this planet looks like after i’m gone. there is no place for cowards any more.

              • @[email protected]
                06 months ago

                You don’t fucking “win” in any context of what your talking about. For every person who you “eradicate” of conservative thinking just makes the pendulum of thinking swing harder to resist what your attempting to do. You sound like a child or autistic. I haven’t decided which yet.

                • @dubious
                  16 months ago

                  i think people would cheer to see swaths of conservatives cease to exist.

  • FuglyDuck
    986 months ago


    Because those are the ones making bomb threats. Racist fucking bastard.

  • JaggedRobotPubes
    936 months ago

    Anybody voting republican is actively encouraging this nazi shit, and if they don’t realize they are they’re probably too stupid to be voting.

      • @dubious
        -26 months ago

        this is genius. don’t let these pansie pacifist downvoters deter you. this is exactly what we need.

        • @Th3BFG
          -16 months ago

          I’m not going anywhere. :)

    • @pyre
      -156 months ago

      unfortunately the only people who are too stupid to vote are those who don’t or those who vote third party knowing they have no chance. it’s like Darwin awards but instead of the gene pool they take themselves out of the voting pool.

      actually, if it goes a certain way maybe out of the gene pool as well.

  • @foggy
    726 months ago

    I propose public officials that appeal to the masses for surveillance be surveiled aggressively.

  • @MisterFrog
    686 months ago

    In other countries, not only would the voter suppression be illegal, but racial hate speech would also land this fucker in jail.

  • UltraMagnus0001
    526 months ago

    I know those yard signs helps me to identify the racists in my neighborhood.

  • @[email protected]
    516 months ago

    What happens if you send Portage County Sheriff Bruce Zuchowski a picture of his house with a Kamala sign on it?

    • @someguy3
      186 months ago

      Police investigation of the highest order.

    • Funderpants
      216 months ago

      So they can shut the cameras off like the sheriff did to afroman?

      Its no guarantee of safety, not that you suggested as much.

        • BigFig
          96 months ago

          Your security cameras are not bulletproof, they will shut them off

          • ms.lane
            126 months ago

            That would imply they can aim…

          • @[email protected]
            36 months ago

            The police aren’t gonna shoot cameras. Also, there are several. Inside, outside, good luck getting away with anything in my house.

            • @Dasus
              46 months ago


              Have you ever been in an interaction like that with the police?

              Because I’ve found that a lot of the time, people are somewhat more confident before they see just how disgustingly and openly corrupt these assholes can be.

                • @Dasus
                  86 months ago

                  “Good luck getting away with anything in my house” still implies that you think that as long as you’ve recorded a police doing something illegal, he’ll face consequences for that.

                  That is extremely naive.


                  The cops actually sued Afroman, after breaking his shit and having it videod that they broke shit and stole from him.

                  I don’t think you understand just how perverted “justice” usually is. Especially when you’re trying to get consequences for law enforcement for having broken the laws themselves.