• Ghostalmedia
    1059 minutes ago

    Fact remains, not voting is basically is half a vote for Trump, and Trump is going to be MUCH worse for the citizens of Gaza.

    • @ABCDE
      345 minutes ago

      Whatb is Biden doing which reduces harm?

      • @[email protected]
        320 minutes ago

        He reduces harm by not doing whatever trump would be doing if he were elected last election.

        He could be doing more to try and reduce harm or at least least to promote harm, but trump would have made it so much worse.

        Just remember, trump could have been elected in 2020 and been in office the last few years instead while this was all going on. Does anyone think Palestine would be in a better position if that were the case?

  • @MrMcGasion
    252 hours ago

    Not to be pedantic, but wouldn’t making an endorsement make them no longer “Uncommitted”? Yes, Harris could and should be better on the genocide happening in Gaza, but “Uncommitted voters still uncommitted after not meeting with candidate” also isn’t much of a story.

  • @chemical_cutthroat
    72 hours ago

    There is no such thing as an “uncommitted voter” anymore. There are just voters who won’t say they are committed because they are talking to someone they want something from. Come November, everyone will vote exactly as they would vote today, barring some extreme political tomfoolery, and honestly, even then, it probably won’t change.

  • @jordanlund
    12 hours ago

    No point meeting them because what they want, the complete defunding of Israel, is a political impossibility.

    They aren’t going to listen to the reasons it’s a political impossibility, so there’s no point talking to them.

    • @Psychodelic
      41 hour ago

      And here I thought they just wanted Israel to stop their genocide of Palestinians

      Shit, I bet if they’d negotiated in good faith people would’ve been happy for them to just stop butchering the children. I’d personally be happy if they spares one child live for every one they choose to murder - but I’m just a bit more reasonable than most, I guess

      • @jordanlund
        51 hour ago

        That’s not what they want of Harris. They honestly believe that if we stop funding Israel, the genocide would stop.

        It wouldn’t. Israel has never needed our help to commit war crimes, but you can’t convince them of that.

        • @[email protected]
          333 minutes ago

          If Israel doesn’t need the free weapons that cost us hundreds of billions of dollars, then lets stop wasting the money.

        • @distantsounds
          258 minutes ago

          If Israel never needed the aid to commit war crimes, why would the US continue to send 20000lb bombs etc? Those are not defensive.

          We want Harris to deny all non-defensive munition shipments. Stop aid until Israel comes to the table in good faith and stops escalation

          • @jordanlund
            136 minutes ago

            We would, because the stated purpose for our support is so that Israel can defend against a potential attack.

            No US politician is going to argue Israel can’t defend itself.

            The problem is Bibi and Likud re-directing that support for defense into offense.

  • @[email protected]
    -22 hours ago

    That’s smart, meeting with potential voters who still haven’t pledged their vote yet is definitely a waste of time.