• @Cock_Inspecting_Asexual
    21 hour ago

    Thoooose lower eyelids are straaaaange… I have never fuckin seen someone draw then like that in my life-

    • Prethoryn Overmind
      19 minutes ago

      I though they were her cheeks. She is anxious so her face is drawn in the first image then when she relaxes her cheeks are more prominent because she is happy until caught off guard.

    • Pandasdontfly
      118 minutes ago

      At first I thought it was a joke about her having like windshield wipers for her eyeballs

  • 🐍🩶🐢
    42 hours ago

    I am sorry, but PSL is damn delicious. It didn’t taste right last year and there were even some comments on Twitter about it. Starbucks swore they didn’t change the recipe, but I am convinced they were lying. This year, it tastes like it used to. No more sort of burnt caramel taste. Yay tasty beverage!

    Now, go have one! It is ok to like the “trendy” thing. Maybe have them tone down the sweetness. Or find a non-Starbucks version at a local cafe. Or don’t. More for me!

  • @aberrate_junior_beatnik
    4113 hours ago

    I am so much more tired of people trotting this joke out every year than I ever was of pumpkin spice.

    • @[email protected]
      22 hours ago

      You know what never gets old? Pumpkin spiced lattes.

      You know what does get old? Jokes about pumpkin spiced lattes.

    • @Soup
      1111 hours ago

      “I like my coffee BLACK ‘cause I’m a MAN and I equate popular things that I don’t like with WEAKNESS because…because I’m deathly afraid that if I enjoy something different and fun that I might need to engage in real introspection and I’m scared about what I might find.”

        • @Soup
          7 hours ago

          It’s a jab at people who foam at the mouth whenever they get mad that someone is having more fun than they are despite being totally allowed to also do the thing if it weren’t for whatever trauma they’re not dealing with.

          I drink my coffee black, too, I just don’t do it because I think I’m a manly-man. It’s actually because I hate the texture of milk or cream and the sugar, to my taste, just exists beside the coffee instead of sweetening it so it’s always awful. I don’t even like coffee that much so it makes no difference either way.

        • @Soup
          37 hours ago

          Bro, I drink coffee black(I don’t really love coffee in any form, though, I’m more of a tea or hot chocolate person). It’s my thoughts about people who get all bunched up over people woth weird opinions about pumpkin spice and stuff.

          Don’t get your knickers in a knot.

      • @Viking_Hippie
        111 hours ago

        While yes, the black coffee fetishists are ridiculous too, Pumpkin Spice Latte is the "Bacon everything is my life!“ dead horse of the 2010s and 2020s that people without anything funny or otherwise interesting to say just WILL NOT shut up about!

        It’s fine to like a beverage. More power to you for knowing what you like.

        However, it’s only funny or otherwise interesting to make a beverage your personality if it’s Tab and you’re Brian Posehn’s character in The Sarah Silverman Program.

        • @Soup
          47 hours ago

          Shhhhh let people enjoy things. Also, very few people are even like that and you can avoid them so easily.

          • @Viking_Hippie
            02 hours ago

            Shhhhh let people enjoy things

            That was part of what I said 🤦

            very few people are even like that and you can avoid them so easily.

            That’s simply not true.

  • @[email protected]
    713 hours ago

    The leaves have begun to turn and thus the time of the change is upon us. I require pumpkin flavouring

  • @[email protected]
    914 hours ago

    I mean, it’s the same time every year… (but somehow still manages to take us by surprise every time:-P)