• @Alpha71
    32 hours ago

    eh, I’ve only been eating rice and popcorn for the last 2 days…

    • @Coreidan
      81 hour ago

      Yo check this out. I know it’s a weird concept and all, but different people like different things.

      Theres tons of shit you do that other people from other cultures thinks is absolutely disgusting.

      Who cares?

    • @chilicheeselies
      41 hour ago

      Ibwoukd eat the whole jar in one sitting if i had it around.

      • @Astronauticaldb
        12 minutes ago

        I would if I didn’t get extreme heartburn from it lol

  • @Sam_Bass
    42 hours ago

    Peanut butter and jelly though

  • @[email protected]
    94 hours ago

    A pound of peanut butter per week sounds insane but apparently it’s only like 2 cups and I feel like that’s an edible amount. It’s a lot but if I really got a hankering for some PB I could do that. But then after a week I would be over it. I feel bad for this person though that apparently they think eating nothing but PB is healthy. A human body needs a variety of different foods and nutrients and evidently eating nothing but peanut butter isn’t that.

    • @[email protected]
      11 hour ago

      Was putting less than that per week in my morning weight-gain breakfast shakes. Worked for a couple of months until the kidney stones put an end to that. Could never gain on carbs alone.

    • @Psythik
      43 hours ago

      Same thing happens to me; I’ll get a massive craving for peanut butter and easily consume an entire family-sized jar in a week. And just like you I’ll get over it and go months without.

      I wonder what causes this? Not enough protein in my diet?

      • @khannie
        42 hours ago

        You probably have plenty of protein in your diet. Requirements aren’t that high for it. They’re not a complete protein either but easily become one when paired with stuff most of us eat anyway.

        They’re pretty decent for b vitamins and things like copper (which is used for iron absorption).

        Long story short you probably just like PB. I mean it’s nice stuff but easy to get sick of.

    • @[email protected]
      53 hours ago

      A pound of peanut butter in a week is nothing; a pound of peanut butter a week, every week, on the other hand…

    • @HiddenLychee
      246 minutes ago

      It doesn’t sound like they think it’s healthy, given that they said they eat it in excess and it’s a guilty pleasure.

  • @[email protected]
    94 hours ago

    I remember my grandmother who lived to age 98 told me about an “all-day sucker” - basically fill a spoon in peanut butter, and when it’s done, fill it up again. Repeat all day. Can you tell she lived during the depression?

    I didn’t think much of it as a kid. Thought it was a pretty good idea. Then I learned about food sanitation practices, and reconsidered.

    • @CrayonRosary
      33 hours ago

      when it’s done, fill it up again. Repeat all day.

      So every 10 seconds?

      • skulblaka
        22 hours ago

        In modern fat American terms, sure. But in the Depression? You better make that spoon last at least an hour or two

  • @MyDogLovesMe
    54 hours ago

    Natural PB, or Kraft, Skippy, Jif? Cause that sugar shit will kill you.

    Also, peanuts are not a nut, they are a legume.

    • @Sam_Bass
      22 hours ago

      So the ‘pea’ should be stressed?

    • @Mojave
      43 hours ago

      The only nut I eat is my own

  • Todd Bonzalez
    125 hours ago

    I didn’t realize that too much peanut butter could be dangerous, but I also am confident that I am eating significantly less than 5,300 calories per week in peanut butter / peanuts. If you’re churning through 2-3 standard jars of peanut butter a week, that’s just absurd.

    • @Rookwood
      12 hours ago

      One standard jar is 1 pound so she is claiming 1-2 jars per week. That is not unreasonable and I find it highly unlikely it was what destroyed her health. I eat about 1 jar per week.

    • @[email protected]
      4 hours ago

      The math works out to 5.3k calories? Like, I’ll pop a spoonful of peanut butter as a snack every now and then but holy fuck that’s a lot of peanut butter.

  • @Feathercrown
    217 hours ago

    They cannot be eating relatively healthily if peanut butter is their only food for the whole day lol

    • @[email protected]
      85 hours ago

      I’m shamelessly biased on this topic but I would say nothing but pb is healthier than nothing but ramen. At least that’s what I’m interpreting OP’s opinion on the matter of relatively healthy 😐

  • @[email protected]
    8 hours ago

    “I eat relatively healthy”

    “Sometimes my only food in the entire day is peanut butter”

  • Mallory
    24 hours ago

    Damn, not regularly but a few times I have ate that much peanutbutter in less time.

  • magnetosphere
    11511 hours ago

    They deserve credit for warning everyone about a situation people might not have realized was dangerous. Damn.

    • @Rookwood
      62 hours ago

      Something doesn’t add up to me. That is not a ridiculous amount of peanut butter for one week. We would hear about this more than some random reddit post if it was real.

      • @kerrigan778
        52 hours ago

        That is what they’re admitting to, I think we can assume it has often been around double that.

  • @zib
    3810 hours ago

    As someone who has always had a problem with calcium oxalate stones, I did not know peanut butter is so loaded with oxalates, so this is good information to have.

    • @cogman
      41 hour ago

      It’ll sound counter intuitive, but one way to avoid problems with oxalates is to consume calcium rich foods with oxalate high foods. For example, a glass of milk (soy milk counts) with a PB&J.

      The reason this works is the calcium binds with the oxalate in your stomach and not your liver/kidneys.

      For this to work, you have to consume both at the same time.

  • @LesserAbe
    149 hours ago

    Love that there’s a peanut butter subreddit

    • @Sixner
      25 hours ago

      There is a WaysToPBandJ sub as well (words might be off, close though).

      I love PB n J’s. Huge variety in options.

      Personal fav is homemade sourdough, fresh blueberry jam and almond butter, toasted on on my cast iron. Joy.

      But this is also not “my food for the day” either XD

    • @[email protected]
      47 hours ago

      Also it having a News tag for some reasons. Big developments going on in the peanut butter fandom.

  • BougieBirdie
    8512 hours ago

    A few people are in here saying a pound or two a week is an unreasonable amount of peanut butter.

    But when you buy peanut butter it comes in a 1-2 pound jar. If it’s your main source of protein, your favorite comfort food, or you have a poverty pantry, then I could totally see how you might think that one jar a week isn’t too bad.

    Two pounds of peanut butter is about 6000 calories, or three days of energy for the average person. It shouldn’t be the main staple in your diet, as OPs doctor will attest, but it doesn’t seem strictly unreasonable.

    I wonder how gourmet or homemade “nothing but peanut” butter compares to something like Kraft that’s loaded with sugar. Probably still not super great, but hey, maybe it’s better. Or maybe it’s worse. Eat a variety if you can.

    • Todd Bonzalez
      55 hours ago

      If it’s your main source of protein.

      A 200Lb adult needs a minimum of 140g of protein daily to remain healthy.

      A single serving of peanut butter has 190 Calories, and only 7g of protein.

      If that 200Lb adult was getting just half of their protein from peanut butter, they would be consuming 1,900 calories in the process. Even if they are active enough to justify that caloric intake, they would still be consuming 160g of fat, which is double the daily recommended amount. It’s the nutritional equivalent of drinking a 2/3 cup portion of cooking oil every day.

      Tl;Dr: Do not make peanut butter your main source of protein.

    • @Clent
      1510 hours ago

      This issue can occur when eating one food excessively for long periods. I distinctly recall this being covered in pre- college health classes.

      A common urban legend was the girl who only ate carrots and turned orange.

      • @SacralPlexus
        2510 hours ago

        the girl who only ate carrots and turned orange.

        I can confirm this is a real thing. When I was a kid my step-mother went on this fad diet that involved drinking carrot juice every day. It was this whole production where she bought a juicer and I remember multiple large bags of carrots coming in the house. There was always leftover carrot pulp in the trash, etc. Anyways she went wild with it for a time and sure enough her skin started turning slightly orange, mostly along her forearms where the skin was thin.

        That’s when the carrot juice stopped.

        So yeah she wasn’t an Oompa Loompa but it was definitely a visible change.

        • @OhmsLawn
          79 hours ago

          My mom did the same thing. Sometime in the very late 80’s to early 90s.

        • @thebigslime
          510 hours ago

          A friend of mine spoke to this man on a train ride. He lived in the town we went to college in.

    • @someguy3
      11 hours ago

      Eating peanuts or peanut butter for protein is weird because it’s wayyyy higher in fat. Don’t eat it for protein, it’s a fat source really.

      • BougieBirdie
        2811 hours ago

        Y’know, that’s an interesting point.

        I blame our nutritional education. I grew up with the Food Pyramid (now debunked), and peanut butter would be considered a “meat alternative” which I think people conflate with being a source of protein.

          • @[email protected]
            2110 hours ago

            That’s a very different food pyramid from the one that I was taught at least. The 90s/2000s food pyramid made no distinction between different kinds of meats but did make a distinction between grains, fruits, and veggies, with grains as the base of the pyramid.

          • BougieBirdie
            1210 hours ago

            Your food guide looks different than mine. Notably, yours has a distinction between meat, poultry, and seafood where mine are all lumped in as one category that also includes legumes.

            For what it’s worth, I believe this guide has been fully discredited. There was a considerable amount of lobbying to present certain foods prominently.

            • @[email protected]
              55 hours ago

              That’s the one I’m familiar with. Funny what happens when a country and province is hugely invested in dairy farming and then their kids are taught in schools to consume large amounts of dairy to be healthy.

      • @skibidi
        811 hours ago

        I agree, but at least nuts are high in unsaturated fats, which have some rather solid clinical backing as being healthy. Obviously still energy-dense, and if nuts are used a primary protein source it will likely be difficult to stay within a restricted caloric budget.

        E.g. if you want to follow the government recommendation and have 20% of your calories come from protein, peanuts will fall short as only 18% of their calories are sourced from protein (79% from fat). 349 grams of peanuts (about 3/4 of a pound) has 2000 calories and 91 grams of protein - with 175 grams of fat.

        • @[email protected]
          910 hours ago

          I’ve always heard that peanuts were kind of the last option you’d want to pick among nuts, specifically because they’re so high in saturated fats (about 20% of the fat content). They’re not bad per se, but there are much better options.

          Still, they’re a great source of added protein and unsaturated fats, but like you said, don’t rely on them as your primary source.

          • @Rookwood
            12 hours ago

            This is the first post I’ve ever heard that peanuts can be poisonous if overeaten, but I know that most tree nuts are. Almonds and Brazil Nuts are high in selenium and can straight up kill you. As few as 6 Brazil Nuts may be enough. Cashews are also slightly poisonous because the fruit they come from is.

          • @skibidi
            910 hours ago

            You are definitely better of snacking on peanuts than, say, Doritos. It’s not that they are a bad food, they just don’t have a great macro balance if they are the major component of a diet. From this unvetted comparison they don’t seem to be too bad compared to other nuts.

            If someone really wanted to get most of their calories from peanuts, they would probably want to supplement with something like pea protein powder and some high-fiber greens (or even beans). This would allow for keeping carbs relatively low while having a more even balance between fat and protein intake. Not quite keto, but not the typical high-carb western diet.

        • @AA5B
          310 hours ago

          Peanut butter and bacon!