• circuitfarmer
    942 minutes ago

    Electoral College is biased towards Trump (or any candidate popular in red states which get more representation per capita). These polls mean nothing.

    Vote vote vote.

  • Blackbeard
    695 hours ago

    What a bullshit, clickbait headline. The actual story is at the end:

    Baris claimed that conservative polls showed that Trump was tied or had a “believable” edge against Harris.

    “And when you look at the track records of the pollsters in those two courts, right in those two camps, really, you know the ones who are showing the tighter race with Trump with an advantage, have better track records,” he insisted.

    He’s not saying her numbers are “unbelievable” as in, “holy shit that’s awesome!” He’s saying they’re literally unbelievable, as in, “I don’t believe that’s real.”

    • Billiam
      11 hour ago

      “These results are so unbelievable, the Demonrats must have stolen the election from you! Now go riot peacefully make your voices heard while I stay far away from what you’re off to do!”

    • Rhaedas
      63 hours ago

      Not quite a Karl Rove reaction, but similar. “These numbers can’t be right, it’s not the numbers we paid to get.”

    • @BrianTheeBiscuiteer
      124 hours ago

      I was going to say, I’m sure they would find a 0.1% lead unbelievable.

  • @jordanlundM
    595 hours ago

    Problem: She’s not, she’s really really not. The EC race, you know, the only one that actually COUNTS, looks like it will be a squeaker.

    • @Makeitstop
      32 hours ago

      She is ahead in the polls by a narrow margin in enough states to carry the electoral college. It’s still way too close, and we can’t take anything for granted. But the best available data says that if the election were held today, the odds of Harris winning are at least better than a coin toss.

  • @[email protected]
    165 hours ago

    Reading the article, it sounds more like Baris is making shit up to try and energize Trump voters.

    • @[email protected]
      13 hours ago

      And to set up the steal as “legitimate.”

      Whatever plan they decide to go with to steal the election they’ll point to instances like this to “prove” it was stolen from them. :/

  • @AbouBenAdhem
    2 hours ago

    “On the one side, you have the one school that is showing Harris with a lead but leading by unbelievable numbers, Peter,” he said. “That’s a fact, you know. […] And then really an edge that is not — is never going to materialize.” Baris claimed that conservative polls showed that Trump was tied or had a “believable” edge against Harris. “And when you look at the track records of the pollsters in those two courts, right in those two camps, really, you know the ones who are showing the tighter race with Trump with an advantage, have better track records,” he insisted.

    So when he says “that’s a fact”, he’s trying to say it’s a lie.

  • Omega
    44 hours ago

    MAGA pollsters try to scare MAGA voters into voting.

    • Rhaedas
      53 hours ago

      Or convince Harris voters that it’s a done deal. It’s not done until all the votes are in. No matter what polls say.

  • @[email protected]
    44 hours ago

    “The entire world is against Donald Trump,” Baris told host Peter Navarro. “I mean, the idea that [Harris] is the underdog is ridiculous. Everyone from Fox News, the people who run Fox News to the people who run MSNBC want Harris to win, and even put their name to an endorsement for her.”

    I don’t trust anyone who says Fox News wants her to win. This person is either lying or delusional.

  • @[email protected]
    34 hours ago

    No she’s not. In fact, no one is voting for her. Absolutely no one.

    But if YOU vote for her, she just might win. You’re the only one whose vote you can control, so go vote.

  • @randon31415
    13 hours ago

    MAGA pollster: “Harris is leading Trump by 50% in the end of September. Then in October, when Trump releases his October surprise, we can release a poll saying Trump is only down by 2%, showing he has the momentum. Then come November, we can release polls showing he was up 50% going into the vote and that proves [it was stolen from him/those numbers released by compromised Sec. of State are correct].”