• @grue
    2316 hours ago

    FYI (and I expect to be downvoted because y’all don’t want to hear this), but when an article talks about the “global 1%” it’s probably talking about YOU.

    Yes, you. And me. And probably most of the people reading this, who live in the US or another Western country and consider themselves “middle class.” WE are the global 1%.

    From https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2023/9/15/23874111/charity-philanthropy-americans-global-rich :

    If you earn $60,000 a year after tax and you don’t have kids, you’re in the richest 1 percent of the world’s population.

    Also, if you prefer to measure by wealth instead of income, that’s lower than you think, too. I’m having trouble finding a more recent figure, but as of 2018, the threshold to be considered global 1% in terms of net worth was only $871,320. No, didn’t typo: it really is only hundreds of thousands, not millions or billions.

    (The billionaires are more like the 0.01%.)

    • @Maggoty
      4 minutes ago

      That “study” is a charity trying to guilt people into giving money. When you adjust for PPP it becomes quite a different story. The media loves it because it drives clicks but it’s literally just a calculator to guilt you and a list of approved charities.

      This is what Oxfam has to say, from the actual article.

      The immense concentration of wealth, driven significantly by increased monopolistic corporate power, has allowed large corporations and the ultrarich who exercise control over them to use their vast resources to shape global rules in their favor, often at the expense of everyone else.

    • @[email protected]
      228 minutes ago

      Only $800k net worth? Who the hell in middle class America has that? If they did, then homeownership would be less of an issue.

    • @[email protected]
      48 hours ago

      1% of 8 billion is only 80 million. I wouldn’t say most Americans are in the 1% when the 80 million is spread around the world.

      • @Maggoty
        13 minutes ago

        I don’t know how this keeps getting trotted out and up voted. I swear it gets dunked on every time.

    • @[email protected]
      1413 hours ago

      But what’s your point? Are people making $60k/year causing world hunger through artificial scarcity or is it the greed and mental illness of the capitalist class?

    • @roofuskit
      711 hours ago

      Most Americans won’t have that much wealth even in retirement.

    • Maeve
      515 hours ago

      I’d say it’s also relative to an area’s COL. Not technically, but practically. Sure I’m living great compared to many. The kleptocrats are the ones killing us all, including the habitat they need to survive. But hey, as long as they live longest with the most money, it’s all cake.

  • @[email protected]
    1517 hours ago

    Huh. I feel like I recall that “95” as a “70” in the disconcertingly recent past.

    Wheeeeeee hypercapitalism 😑

  • @Hobbes_Dent
    1818 hours ago

    ‘Global Oligarchy’ Reigns as Top 1% Controls More Wealth Than Bottom 95% of Humanity

    Excellent wording.

  • @[email protected]
    916 hours ago

    Your target is three rungs above you on the corporate ladder. If you have more than 3 rungs below you, there is a guillotine with your name on it.

    • @Donjuanme
      616 hours ago

      Although more and more are cutting middle managers. All the more profit for them before they jump out with their golden parachute.

  • @Sanctus
    1217 hours ago

    The swine have gorged their fill

    Three thousand masters,

    all demanding their till

    They’ll call us savages

    Cause we eat what we kill

    • @Fuckfuckmyfuckingass
      317 hours ago

      Very nice. Is that a quote from something, or you come up with it yerself? (Yes I Googled it, but that doesn’t turn up shit these days.)

      • @Sanctus
        417 hours ago

        I mashed it together from some Fit For An Autopsy songs. Every lyric they write just slaps with the times.

  • @NegativeInf
    1017 hours ago

    Let’s invite them all to a wedding of a fake international pop star and start playing the rains of castemere.

    I hear billionaire pot pie tastes great. The ketamine cooks right out.