Don’t you think it’s quite ironic that the subject I’m trying to avoid is being discussed in this post?

  • @RizzRustbolt
    85 hours ago

    Well the good news is, if you ignore Palestine it will eventually go away.

  • @EnderMB
    4015 hours ago

    Add “linux” to that list and your front page will be empty.

    • @BreadOven
      2511 hours ago

      No way. There’s always star trek.

        • @[email protected]
          21 hour ago

          And pessimistic negativity. So much negativity against everything.
          Not unjustified but still depressing negativity. You don’t know about something like r/eyebleach (I think that’s the cute one?)?

  • macrocarpa
    17 hours ago

    Fuck me. Thank you. Life just got a lot easier.

  • @[email protected]
    3015 hours ago

    It’s funny how many Americans don’t realize that there are people living life outside the US that also have access to the internet and Lemmy.

    As someone living in an area where I can literally walk into 3 different countries (even if I need to hike a few hours) I cannot wrap my head around that exceptionalism.

    • @kerrypacker
      1910 hours ago

      If you’re not American then who let you on our internet?

      Get your own internet.

      • @[email protected]
        69 hours ago

        It’s a government conspiracy. They did let in all the dirty foreigners just so they can tell you personally: America bad!

    • @[email protected]
      26 hours ago

      sees propaganda from transnational corps, the Kremlin, and CCP

      “Why are the american people assaulting me with this garbage!”

    • @Maggoty
      69 hours ago

      Yeah but our elections are also stupidly consequential. It doesn’t help our ego any though.

    • @warbond
      711 hours ago

      We’re too insulated to care too much, because it mostly doesn’t affect our day to day lives. And we have a pretty big election coming up in like 6 weeks, so it makes sense that most Americans online would talk about that.

      • @[email protected]
        11 hour ago

        Can’t remember the last time Germanys, Netherlands, Polands or any other election was this much or long in the news.
        Not to mention Asian (excluding middle east because they are news non-stop) or African (not affiliated with middle eastern conflicts).

        Hell even Canads or Mexicos is much of any debate…

  • @[email protected]
    -16 hours ago

    Is there any way to avoid everything about climate change?

    i dont want to always be reminded how bad it is

  • @Jordan117
    4518 hours ago

    BREAKING NEWS: Musk posts misleading video blaming Netanyahu’s Gaza strike on Harris, causing The Donald to call on Vlad to intervene

    • aname
      1618 hours ago

      I would not want to hide posts about Vlad the Impaler

  • @yamanii
    19 hours ago

    Is it possible to do something like that for the web version too?

  • @[email protected]
    9824 hours ago

    Ignore the haters OP, your mental health is important and if these topics are making you feel burnt out, then you are more than justified in tuning them out for a while. Don’t be guilt tripped into staying perpetually outraged.

    • @[email protected]OP
      13 hours ago

      I’m not interested in US politics and Elon. I care about the Israel/Palestinian problem, but I don’t want to feel sorry for this situation every day, even though I don’t have a bit of power to solve the situation. Thank you for your understanding.

      • @[email protected]
        2019 hours ago

        Not op, but i have filtered a lot more than you actually. Lemmy has a very specific demographic and some topics and talking points are insanely repetitive and exhaustively discussed at all times, particularly US politics which, as a european, don’t matter to me. Just tell me who won when it’s done

        • @Aceticon
          11 hours ago

          The American election propaganda machine is at full throttle and most of it is incredibly infantile, at least for the level Lemmy tends to be at in average on non-tribalist subjects.

          If I wanted clubist cheerleading, my own country has an overabundance of football (soccer for Americans) coverage on the News and they tend to go out interview people wearing full-blown team colors at the entrance of major games and ask them “who do you think will win?” (which is about the stupidest question you can ask anybody who is obviously a fan of a club).

          The only two things that all the political coverage in Lemmy is teaching me is that in America not all brainless simpletons are siding with Trump (as so much shit from the other side also is Highschool Playground level bullshit) and just how downright mindlessly moronically tribalist power duopoly fake democracies are - no doubt compensating for how little true choice they have - which definitely incentivises me to fight for genuine Democracy were I live and avoiding that the local backwards, unworldly and provincialist politicians get any more ideas from the US.

  • @[email protected]
    2219 hours ago

    Half of me wants to be snarky and call you privileged for being able to ignore these types of things, or some string of expletives for choosing to ignore an ongoing genocide. But then I thought about it and damn, i really wish I could ignore this mess, and I can’t blame you for just giving in. Your mental health must have improved drastically after this. I would be a hypocrite to call you out while wanting it to end so badly.

    As someone who is politically engaged to the point of being an activist, I don’t mind seeing political news, and I read a fuckton of it. But jesus christ do I want this election year to just end, this season has been insufferable and exhausting. I’ve been struggling to find a way to participate beyond the regular praxis I do, since I can at least find solace in my friends as we address queer issues and homelessness in my area. But going beyond that brings me into the purgatory of American politics in this hell year.

    • @[email protected]
      16 hours ago

      Eh, wading through the nonstop propaganda from the shills on and hexbear isn’t helping anyone.

      If you want to stay informed about these things Lemmy is not a trustworthy source at all.

    • @[email protected]
      1912 hours ago

      This doesn’t say that the OP ignores the mess, they may still be reading the news. However, there’s little value in seeing this content on lemmy. The replies under these posts are often filled with people repeating the same old jokes, toxic sarcasm, and other meaningless comments. Most political activists online are nuts, regardless of their affiliations. It’s unhealthy to bathe in that.

      • @laverabe
        16 hours ago

        I’d argue it doesn’t have to be that way.

        Lemmy is currently one of the few places online that can break free of media narratives because no corporation owns or runs it. It’s all volunteers. It could be made into a great place for open policy discussion, that serves the public interest.

        People are so used to the vitriol promoted by 24/7 corporate media that it will take a long time to change that, but you have to start somewhere. You have to chip away at their influence, otherwise things will only be worse in 20 years.

    • @[email protected]
      210 hours ago

      Sometimes I need to ignore American politics, because I’m not even American and it makes me feel sick to think about how impacted the entire world will be by this election, and most of us don’t even have a vote. Makes me feel pretty powerless

      It sounds like you already have a decent handle on juggling self care alongside your activism, but I still feel compelled to remind you to be kind to yourself and take breaks if you need them. Perhaps it’s because I know too many people who are working to save the world, who forget that they are a valuable and necessary part of that world that’s worth saving too.

    • @JusticeForPorygon
      418 hours ago

      I’'ve felt this way since 2016… And this is the first year I can actually vote…