• @[email protected]
      15 minutes ago

      I’d say “for now”, but at least we’ve got the EU protecting us from that possibility.

  • Queen HawlSera
    257 minutes ago

    I mean, Twitter’s blocking policy goes way too far… but axing them completely? I dunno about that one chief.

  • @[email protected]
    306 hours ago

    Reminder: if you still have an account with that fucko’s service-

    You support everthing he does.

    • @[email protected]
      -92 hours ago

      Reminder: if you purchase gas from BP, you support anything they’ve ever done.

      Reminder: if you purchase a smart phone, you support child labor.

      • @[email protected]
        122 hours ago

        I don’t believe I’m entertaining this ridiculous comparison, but….

        We NEED gasoline. We NEED telecommunications. You don’t NEED to tweet dumb shit about your breakfast or keep up with sports scores.

        You’re here to defend X, therefore you’re defending Elon. That’s how it works. Don’t like it, maybe don’t speak up for him next time.

        • @[email protected]
          -92 hours ago

          “Defend” lol. I don’t give a shit about Twitter. My level of care is the same level of care I have for you: the sum of zero.

          You live in a world of absolutes. It will be the end of you.

          Also, fuck outta here with your needing a smart phone. You don’t need it. It just makes your life more convenient.

          You support child labor. Don’t like it? Maybe don’t speak up next time.

          • @[email protected]
            2 hours ago

            Apologies for upsetting you. It wasn’t my intention, but I will not take back my opinion that if you have a X account, you are supporting Elon.

            Owning a cellular phone is in no way supporting child labor. And even if we were to suspend reality enough to agree that it is, then YOU not only are admitting that you support Elon, but you ALSO support child labor.

            Is that true? Do you support child labor and Elon?

            Some things are absolute, bud. But not all things are.

            Learn this and do better.

            • @[email protected]
              -91 hour ago

              Who are you people? Upsetting me? How the hell did you reach that conclusion?

              Be honest with me. How hard is your dick when you’re responding? You have an extremely smug way about you. Which is typical of the far left that comprise the majority membership of Lemmy.

              “learn this and do better” for fuck sakes.

              Though I’m glad you and I agree that you do indeed support child labor. It’s nice to have common ground.

              • Roflmasterbigpimp
                147 minutes ago

                I’m so sorry that People hurt you that much on Lemmy. Maybe this place is a bit too “rough” for you but you need to learn that the Internet is no safe space for you. If you feel so triggered maybe you should take longer breaks between using it and see how much you can actually stomach it at once. It’s totally okay. No one will judge you, some people can deal better with the “stress” the Internet brings us and some people need to take breaks.

                If you ever need more help: https://mentalhealthhotline.org/anxiety-hotline/

                Take care of yourself and learn what your Body is teaching you!

          • @pyre
            12 minutes ago

            you think people don’t need smartphones? do you not have a job?

    • @GreenKnight23
      5 hours ago

      I’m keeping it just long enough to harass his ass. I’ll be all over him like Joe Biden on an ice cream cone, or Elon Musk on Trumps dick.

      • @[email protected]
        125 hours ago

        I promise you: you’re not harassing him. You ARE however, supporting him by having an account.

  • smokebuddy [he/him]
    216 hours ago

    When I comment that Twitter is trash and I’d never use it, the response I often get is ‘it’s actually pretty good after you block all the trolls and bots and corporate accounts and politicians and blue checks’… 🙄

  • billwashere
    95 hours ago

    I swear sometime he really seems like he is personally trying to kill twitter/x/xitter whatever it’s called.

      • @Duamerthrax
        112 minutes ago

        Using a corporate controlled advertising platform sounds like the least metal thing you can do.

    • @bbuez
      9 hours ago

      I’ve practically been groveling begging my girlfriend to switch.

      Its not that bad just ignore the ads

      Yeah I don’t go in replies because it’s always bots

      There’s still some things on there

      She didn’t really catch onto mastodon, discoverability is the problem imo. May try getting her onto bluesky even though it wouldn’t be my pick. Some people just like whatever they currently have more than change - which maybe not being able to block like EVERY OTHER media platform may be a big enough change.

      • @[email protected]
        32 hours ago

        Basically nothing I follow is on anything else because they need the numbers. The few people that are just copy their twitter posts and never actually engage.

  • @[email protected]
    329 hours ago

    I’m pretty sure both the App Store and the Google Play Store both require social media apps to have a block feature. Will be interesting to see what happens if he goes through with this.

    • @AWittyUsername
      228 hours ago

      Absolutely nothing. Rules on those stores are only for the little guys

  • @[email protected]
    12012 hours ago

    Pretty sure he’s doing this simply because he doesn’t like how many people have blocked him personally

    • @Cheems
      186 hours ago

      Taylor Swift blocked him and he can’t have that

  • palordrolap
    3510 hours ago

    If the block feature goes away, I guarantee it will come back for - at the very least - the highest tier of paid accounts almost immediately afterwards.

    I can’t imagine any of the large corps that still use Xitter for customer communication will be happy not being able to block serial trolls. Or people with legitimate grievances who won’t go away.

    • dhhyfddehhfyy4673
      710 hours ago

      the block function will block that account from engaging with, but not block seeing, a public post

      • @pivot_root
        39 hours ago

        Could be worse. I never liked the idea of blocking “hiding” your content from other people to begin with. It makes it too easy to give trolls the confirmation they succeeded in getting under your skin, encouraging them to make another account to continue harassing their victim.

    • @[email protected]
      118 hours ago

      He keeps floating it, but hasent done it yet.

      They clearly have internal data that top alt right posters are getting blocked too much for Musk’s tastes, so here it is again.

    • @Lost_My_Mind
      18 hours ago

      Everythings made up, and the headlines don’t matter.

  • @zecg
    4412 hours ago

    It’s a win for humanity if it causes more people to leave and stop thinking it’s a public forum.

    • @Lost_My_Mind
      28 hours ago

      It IS a public forum though. The whole point of it, even dating back to it’s inception, was very very public conversation. It was in stark contrast to facebook, which claimed to be privacy driven. As opposed to the mostly public myspace, and the completely public twitter.

      • @ulkesh
        107 hours ago

        Since Musk took it, it’s more like an arena where the loudest and dumbest have the microphones. It is neither a haven for free speech nor a forum where legitimate discourse takes place. It has become the trash pit of the internet.

        • @Lost_My_Mind
          36 hours ago

          That’s not what was said though. I was saying that it was a PUBLIC forum. I’m not stating WHAT is being said. Merely that it’s being said in a public way.

          • @[email protected]
            3 hours ago

            I don’t think I would agree that just because something is public that it’s a public forum. I feel like the public has to own it as well. I looked it up and maybe it’s because I predate social media by rather a lot, but I think of it in the classical sense:

            Public forums are typically categorized into three types:

            1. Traditional Public Forums: Long-established spaces like parks or sidewalks, where people have historically exercised their rights to free speech and assembly.
            2. Designated Public Forums: Areas that the government intentionally opens up for public expression, such as town halls or school meeting rooms.
            3. Limited Public Forums: Spaces opened for specific types of discussions or activities but with certain restrictions on the subject matter or participants.

            The important factor being public ownership of the forum. I will concede that it has colloquially come to include public social media, but I think it’s important to distinguish that it’s not really the same thing at all as has been discussed through most of our history.

            Food for thought. I just think calling them public forums attaches too much importance to a profit seeking endeavor.

            • @ulkesh
              33 hours ago

              Exactly. You were much more articulate than I, with my comparison, but it was effectively the point I was trying to make — it’s not a public forum at all and it’s now overrun by a cesspool of nonsensical garbage.

  • Sibbo
    3012 hours ago

    I thought Twitter was once forced but a court to enable blocking for all users against all users. Isn’t this why we are able to block advertisers?

    • @[email protected]
      79 hours ago

      i seem to remember something similar. and blocking advertisers seems like it should be common law but i guess chrome killing adblockers takes predesence.

  • @[email protected]
    79 hours ago

    Bet both my ovaries he just wants to stop using apt to look at all the people who blocked him

  • @big_slap
    811 hours ago

    other than userbase, what does twitter have that mastodon does not have? genuinely curious

    • @pivot_root
      59 hours ago

      An egotistical twat at the helm.

    • @[email protected]
      1011 hours ago

      Better media and infrastructure support, name recognition, corporate privacy issues instead of no privacy whatsoever, ads, pay-to-win social ‘cred’ (blue check-mark), an insane leader, and an algorithm controlling your content.

      • @big_slap
        1011 hours ago

        Better media and infrastructure support

        the only positive you’ve stated lol. man, do I wish the fediverse would take off

          • @SlopppyEngineer
            48 hours ago

            Although they are bad long term. Any platform reaching critical mass is invaded by the corporations, fanatics and propaganda campaigns.

        • @Lost_My_Mind
          06 hours ago

          I’ve come to the conclusion that it never will. Be happy with what it is. It’ll slowly grow for a few years, and slowly die at the same time.

          What eventually will happen is the fediverse will be so niche that less than 1000 people will use it.

          Which is sad because IF it had the userbase, it would last basically forever. Because it can scale, and adapt to a changing world. It can scale itself indefinately as long as there is interest. It has the basic foundation for being able to uproot corporate ownership elsewhere.

          But the reason it never will is the same reason Linux never will be even in the same conversation as the dominant operating systems. It’s because it’s formed niche concepts which confuse the average user. I’ve been here 5 months, with more posts than most I come into contact with. Yet I still feel like I must not be getting something. It feels off.

          It’s more than just decentralized. It’s fragmented. The people who write the code seem to think that the average person gives two shits about decentralized. They don’t. At all. If anything it’s a hinderence to them, because it makes things harder to understand.

          And THATS the problem. If you call the average person “normies”, then you’re sending a clear line between them and you. As if they don’t belong.

          The best way to attract “normies” is to make things easy. Painfully easy. Preschool levels of easy.

          My niece has been using an iPad since she was like 2 years old. My sister, who bought the iPad has ZERO clue how to use it.

          These are the people who live on this planet.

          With both Linux and the fediverse, the same mentality from the creators seems to be in use. “If I had to deal with it being hard, so do you”. And that’s a deal breaker for the vast majority.

          There needs to be a set of standards that ALL fediverse services and instances need to adhere to. It can still be defederated, but it should FEEL unified. That means one set of usernames. It means if you don’t like the instance you’re on, you can transfer your account. All your settings, all your post history, all your upvotes would come with you. When you’re signing up, you get the choice between the default behavior of random home instance. Which would place you on any random instance which accepts public resignation. OR you can choose any instance that will have you.

          This would please the idea of no single instance growing too big. While also keeping individual public instances from clumping same minded people, which then introduces different instances all having different personalities. Ideally you want fediverse nuetrality. Just people, all people, on all machines.

          But that’s why the fediverse won’t grow. SOMEONE will come along and say “Well it won’t work because…”

          To which I say MAKE it work. Otherwise the fediverse won’t be attractive to average people. Google looked at linux and said “We’ll MAKE it work.” And today Android is the most widely used cell phone OS in the world. While traditional linux has less than 5% adoption rate.

          Android is something you don’t need to explain. It doesn’t work like windows. So you can’t blame that. It had no preexisting muscle memory, so you can’t blame that. They just put it in peoples hands in 2009, and said “This is android. Use it.”

          And people didn’t need to watch tutorial videos. They didn’t need to learn new things. They just picked it up, knowing nothing about what a smart phone even was. In those days touch screens were even a novel new concept. And people just got it. They understood right from the start how it worked.

          That’s what the fediverse needs. Simplicity that doesn’t need explaining, and cross adoption. So if you get a Lemmy account, it makes sense to get a pixelfed account instead of an Instgram.

          But thats not what the developers of these systems are doing. That’s not whats being worked on. It never will. Don’t look for it. What we have is what we got. We might get a slight increase in users, but not anything significant. Because there is no unity in the decentralization.