• @WoahWoah
    617 hours ago



  • @brucethemoose
    18 hours ago

    I really do wonder what’s going through the heads of “undecided” voters in swing states.

    Like, they’ve had billions of dollars of hyper targeted campaigning at them, they’ve lived through the past 8 years, and they still haven’t decided on Trump vs Harris? Or can’t be bothered to vote?

    I mention this because maybe Cheney endorsing Kamala is something they’d want to see? It’s not like any super progressive is going to not vote for Harris because she stood next to Dick Cheney. But hardcore Trump supporters hate the Cheneys too.

    • Socialist Mormon SatanistOPM
      -618 hours ago

      I get a lot of your points, but I also know plenty of people who don’t like Harris or Trump, and that causes them to be undecided. I’m voting third party, so I’m very decided, but I get where they are coming from.

      • @brucethemoose
        518 hours ago

        Out of curiousity, what would change your mind to get you to vote for Harris or Trump?

        • Socialist Mormon SatanistOPM
          15 hours ago

          Well I’m voting Socialst Workers Party. And I am not happy with the way the Democratic party handled the Biden to Harris transition. The Dem party kept going on and on how fine Biden, how any body talking about how frail he had gotten was exaggerated, etc. Then the debates happen, everyone could see for themselves, and they decided to have him step down.

          My problem with that, is that I think many in the upper levels of power knew Biden was frail, but they tried to shush it all away. But once the evidence was right there for everyone to see publically, they changed their mind real quick.

          So to your question, the only way I would ever think of voting for Harris, is if they came right out and admitted it. Apologized for it, and then they would also have to stop suing in order to keep third parties off the ticket.

          The last time I would have considered voting Democrat, was when Bernie was running. I totally would have voted for Bernie.

          Now as for Trump? Nah, nothing could change my mind to make me vote for him. lol

          Good question tho, so thank for that. It was fun to think about.

          • @brucethemoose
            217 hours ago

            Oh, and Biden will never apologize, lol.

            I was kinda hoping he would too, but that was a fantasy. And I don’t think Harris can even afford to apologize for tnaking third parties before the election is over.

            • Socialist Mormon SatanistOPM
              16 hours ago

              Fair points in both of your comments. And also, to your point, conspiracies don’t really work if there are too many people involved, so I agree with you. It was probably just his closest advisors. But I’m still pretty pissed that they were willing to hide it for so long.

              Can you imagine if they would have “cough medicine’d” him up enough on debate night that people didn’t catch on. Another 4 years with a guy who literally won’t even know where he is or what day it is. Ugh, that’s scary.

              And in my eyes, unforgivable.

              • @brucethemoose
                17 hours ago

                Another 4 years with a guy who literally won’t even know where he is or what day it is. Ugh, that’s scary.

                My rationale was that it’s mostly the president’s cabinet that does heavy lifting.

                Frankly, that was the situation with Trumps presidency too, and it’s how it kinda functioned and was even remotely OK. And it’s what’s scary about this election, as Trump has systematically destroyed all the guardrails that were there before, while another Biden term would have been… like the last 4 years, pretty much, just with him being even more reclusive.

          • @brucethemoose
            17 hours ago

            Don’t mind all the haters, lol, that’s a valid view.

            I somewhat disagree though, as I think lots of media and many politiicans were actually duped:



            Politicians live in a filter bubble too, and Biden’s cabinet was telling lawmakers, donors and press things were fine… when they were not. There was trust between them, and they used it to decieve. So you can blame biden’s cabinet and inner circle, but I wouldn’t extend that to the rest of the party.

            And right wing outlets, to be blunt, caught on way before everyone else, and were exactly right. The truth was kinda obvious before the debate, and even my Trump hating mother saw it. But there was hardly Democrat in power that believed them because the conservative press cries wolf at the drop of a hat.

            Also, as others are probably saying, I think this is really the one election that’s too close and too important to vote third party, speaking as someone who used to vote independent pretty frequently.

            • Socialist Mormon SatanistOPM
              16 hours ago

              Some of the haters came from the politics sub, c/politics. I have a little downvote brigade that likes to follow and downvote everything I post now. They hate me because I’m voting third party.

              Plus, I just got a 3-day ban there for sealioning. So they are enjoying following me into this sub. I legit never even heard of the term ‘sealioning’ before Lemmy and I still don’t understand how anything I said or did was sealioning, but meh, its a different community, different rules, so all good.

              I got plenty of DM’s of people celebrating my 3-day ban today, so some of the downvotes are def from that. lmao

              I’m actually having much better luck and better engagement in this community, so that 3-day ban ended up being an awesome thing.

              So thanks for your well-written and thought-out post. Great points!

              • @brucethemoose
                16 hours ago

                I wouldn’t assume it’s a brigade, honestly most of Lemmy.world is so mega American left that anything even remotely critical is downvoted.

                Like, I’m American. I’m a mega Trump and Republican hater, I freaking love Kamala, I’m not voting 3rd party atm, and I have family would punch Trump on sight lol, and I kinda disagree with you. I’m sympathetic to some radical policy.

                But even I feel alienated.

                It’s like I can’t even point out a post/source is straight up spam, fake, or propaganda, without getting downvoted to oblivion. I can’t acknowledge any postive thing any Republican has ever done, or an isolated policy that kinda makes sense. Nope, every single one should be in jail forever.

                You must be this left to participate in /c/politics, and everywhere it leaks.

                So… yeah, there’s my rant.

                • Socialist Mormon SatanistOPM
                  16 hours ago

                  Good point. I was mostly accused of being Russian. Like literally I got DM’s where people said they were calling the FBI on me. People saying that I was just posting to avoid the front lines. People just “can tell” that english isn’t my first language (born and raised here in the US, by the way). Like WTF?! For posting news articles about third parties?! lol

                  I’m actually socialist and most of my posting are to socialist subs, but yeah, the mob mentality on /c/politics is pretty extreme.

                  I did get a really good reply, just before I was banned today. A guy said something like that I was chronically extreme centrist, reminding him of his father, who would listen to all opinions, then just decided that everyone was an idiot. Um, that is kinda me! lol

                  I get that politics is brutal. But what really turned me off of the Democratic party was how I think the Bernie thing went down. I was sooo hyped to vote for Bernie. They replaced him with Hillary. Then when she lost, they blamed third-party.

                  I honestly don’t think the Dems lost the election because of a third party. I think they lost because of Hillary. Then the Biden illness thing. Then the hatred and vitrol that I got for liking my little Socialist Workers Party candidate; it really showed me the extremes that some people go to.

                  Make no mistake, I am very anti-Republican, I hate Trump. But the Republicans have never ever been as hateful to me as the Lemmy Democrats have been. To your point tho, it’s just the skew of Lemmy. But oy! lol

                  Now having said all that, I don’t think Trump is even close to winning. I know everyone thinks the margins are razor-thin, but meh, I think it’s just to generate clicks. I think Harris will win by a decent amount.

                  And boy are the Lemmy people going to be sad that I will still be posting after the election. The number of comments I got where they were saying “You’ll disappear right after the election, troll!” is hilarious. :)

                  But meh, politics fanatics like some sports fanatics. They just take everything way too personally and are just itching for a fight about it.

              • @anticolonialist
                116 hours ago

                And that’s why I say that BlueMAGA is a disease.

                • Socialist Mormon SatanistOPM
                  015 hours ago

                  I def think that most of the Lemmy’s I’ve come across in that community are the BlueMAGA type. Not all, but damn, I have a lot of them yell at me! lmao

  • @njm1314
    318 hours ago

    Hey now that’s not fair, he was pretty evil in the 20th century too.

    Seriously though I do not understand this campaign strategy. Like I get pointing it out once as kind of a “like look even this asshole thinks Trump’s too crazy” kind of thing, sure. This buddy buddy crap though? What on Earth is she thinking? It’s like she remembered that Hillary Clinton pissed a lot of people off and lost a lot of votes by gushing about how awesome Henry Kissinger was and decided that she should do the same thing. The Harris campaign is stalling hard.

    • Socialist Mormon SatanistOPM
      -218 hours ago

      I don’t like her and I agree that they are stumbling a bit. But I don’t think she’s stumbling enough for a loss. She would have to fuck up way more to lose to Trump.

      • @njm1314
        117 hours ago

        No I wouldn’t call this a big enough stumble on its own, it’s more the feeling of petering out. Losing Steam. Losing momentum. That’s the feeling I’m getting from her campaign. This is I guess more of a speed bump that helps to slow the whole thing down. And there is just no need for it at all.

        • Socialist Mormon SatanistOPM
          117 hours ago

          Fair point. This close to the election though, I don’t think it will do too much harm to her chances though.

  • @WoahWoah
    117 hours ago

    Why hasn’t she done Rogan or Vonn’s podcast? If there’s any actual conversion votes or fencesitters she might nudge, those would probably be where to do it. They do SO few interviews. Their fear of messing up, which is legit*, is getting in the way of effective messaging.

    *Harris voters are much less solid in support. The number of voters who might reasonably not vote for Harris off a big mistake is MUCH higher than Trump. Trump is one long list of mistakes, which loses him functionally zero support. If Harris mispronounced Gaza, she might lose .5% right there.

    • Socialist Mormon SatanistOPM
      116 hours ago

      You know what? That’s a great fucking point. They are probably playing it safe since the election is so close, but i do wonder if they are doing the right thing. I don’t think many people will waffle on what they think of Trump, but yeah, with Harris, plenty of waffle-room.

  • @Illuminostro
    018 hours ago

    What the fuck is she supposed to say with The Emperor’s daughter on stage with her?

    Look, we all know that The Lincoln Project, and other assorted old school Republicans are trying to rehabilitate the reputation of the party, and they are almost all responsible for the place we find ourselves. They hate that an overgrown narcissistic manchild said the quiet parts out loud for 8 years. We get it.

    But we are very, very close to the literal end of our imperfect form of Democracy, and are very close to a Handmaid’s Tale version of a corporate theocracy.

    So fuck this “Both Sides Are Bad” Russian propaganda bullshit. Suck it up until the election is over. There may never be another one.

    • @njm1314
      117 hours ago

      There’s nothing to say she has to share that stage with the woman. They’re making the conscious choice to Hitch their wagons to the Cheney family. The Harris campaign isn’t passive here. This isn’t something they have to deal with, this isn’t something that happened to them, this is something they chose to pursue.

      • @Illuminostro
        -116 hours ago

        Yeah, there is. When you grow up, and realize the world isn’t a binary black and white comic book dichotomy, you’ll realize that sometimes you have to suck it up, and go along with something you don’t like to get the end result you want.

        Also, fuck Putin.

        • @njm1314
          216 hours ago

          I’m sorry fucking what? There’s a rule that says you have to share the stage with war criminals? That’s what you’re coming at me with? To win Kamala Harris has to make common cause with someone responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent people? She has to? She has no choice in the matter? That’s what you’re saying?

          • @Illuminostro
            016 hours ago

            I’m sorry, what? How is Harris personally responsible for decades and decades of foreign diplomacy? Are Republicans responsible for the same? The same pussy bitch cunt sycophantic party responsible for over a million deaths of idiots who didn’t think COVID was real? We’re done.

            Also, fuck Putin. And fuck his bitch, Trump.

            • @njm1314
              215 hours ago

              Of fucking course they’re responsible. So why does Harris have to stand on stage with them? How are you not getting this? Why does she have to pull them on stage put her arm around them and and say they stand with her? That’s what she’s doing. It’s fucking dumb. There’s no reason to do this.

            • Socialist Mormon SatanistOPM
              15 hours ago

              Wait! I thought Jill Stein was the Russian Asset of choice on Lemmy? Was Trump always accused of being one and I just never noticed because of the Stein-hate? Serious question.

              I mean, I’m not saying he is not, it’s just that I see that accusation thrown at Stein, not so much Trump.

        • Socialist Mormon SatanistOPM
          115 hours ago

          you’ll realize that sometimes you have to suck it up, and go along with something you don’t like to get the end result you want.

          Nah, that’s just what the Duopoly wants you to think, friend. You actually don’t have to put up with any of that shit. I’m proudly voting third party. I don’t give a shit what happens as a result. I’m voting for who I want to win, now just against who I don’t want to win.

    • Socialist Mormon SatanistOPM
      18 hours ago

      But we are very, very close to the literal end of our imperfect form of Democracy, and are very close to a Handmaid’s Tale version of a corporate theocracy.

      Nah. You are giving Trump way too much credit.

      So fuck this “Both Sides Are Bad” Russian propaganda bullshit. Suck it up until the election is over. There may never be another one.

      People have been saying this way before “Russian propaganda.” Some people genuinely don’t like Harris or Trump. That’s just the way things are.

      The world won’t end if Trump gets elected again anyway. I promise.

      But he won’t get elected, so it’s a nothingburger to talk about anyway.

      • @Illuminostro
        118 hours ago

        Yeah, no, fuck you, Ivan.

        Trump is the puppet. The useful idiot. The people funding the “Think Tanks” are the real power behind this. And you know it.

        Also, Fuck Putin.

        • Socialist Mormon SatanistOPM
          18 hours ago

          I’m not sure who Ivan is. Are we having the same conversation? Can you clarify what you mean?

          I do agree with you that people funding the Think Tanks are the real power behind this. They are also the real power behind both the Democrats and the Republicans. Both parties are bought and paid for. It’s all about money and power for them.

          Which is why I’m voting third party.