• @[email protected]
    124 months ago

    All stereotypes are bad, but as a mixed black person, I’m frankly more worried about the “black people are violent” stereotype.

    • @weeeeum
      84 months ago

      Fox news is practically yelling that from the roof tops. My mom is super conservative and she locks the car every time we pass a black person. She would refuse to leave her house when there was a tiny BLM demonstration of like 50 in the community center of our tiny town. She’s also the kind of person that describes her black friends as “one of the good ones”

  • @Boddhisatva
    124 months ago

    I actually don’t even know what that is.

  • @[email protected]
    4 months ago

    Which one? There are various different stereotypes, and many have roots in some rather shameful aspects of History (e.g.: treatment of slaves). I understand the down votes on this question, however I do suggest people research various stereotypes revolving around ‘black’ men and women. I personally found it rather shocking to discover how many terms, which are used for a general prejudice of all people, originated through harsh exercise of bigotry.

    • @Today
      34 months ago

      Can you elaborate please so i don’t have to have those words in my search history?

      • @[email protected]
        4 months ago

        There’s quite a few you’d find with a search, phrases in general, however one example out of many is the simple phrase: cakewalk, or ‘taking the cake’. The phrase has origins as a sort of dance African slaves would perform in order to win a prize of a cake.

        Here’s a source I found on it, which is short, however there is a longer Wikipedia entry about too: https://birminghamhistoricalsociety.com/2023/02/06/history-of-the-cake-walk/

        Edit: I’m sorry I remembered this is about sexual stereotypes. I’m way too high since I went down a rabbit hole and can’t decide on a source. Sorry lmao.

        • @Today
          34 months ago

          Thanks! Super interesting!

  • @I_Fart_Glitter
    54 months ago

    It’s been on my mind lately because of some Trumper relatives who are currently screaming about how “Kamala Harris is a slut.”

    She dated Willie Brown for a year, just before he was mayor of San Francisco in 1994. He had been separated from his wife for twelve years at that point, and she was also single when they met and started dating. Even so, the Fox News crowd is enjoying the refrain “She stole a black woman’s husband!!” (predatory promiscuity)

    They also parrot the phrase “She slept her way to the top.” She was already an assistant district attorney when they met. He was the speaker of the California State Assembly and was known for handing out high paying state appointments to his friends. He appointed her to two boards- the Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and the California Medical Assistance Commission, consecutively. Both paid well and gave her experience and connections in politics/public service, which may have helped her when she ran for and won the elected position of District Attorney fifteen years later, but certainly did not guarantee her the job.

    But any excuse to be publicly racists and diminish the accomplishments of a Black woman while sexually shaming her get pounced on with enthusiasm.