Late in his team’s game against the Green Bay Packers on September 15, Indianapolis Colts tight end Kylen Granson caught a short pass over the middle of the field, charged forward, and lowered his body to brace for contact. The side of his helmet smacked the face mask of linebacker Quay Walker, and the back of it whacked the ground as Walker wrestled him down. Rising to his feet after the 9-yard gain, Granson tossed the football to an official and returned to the line of scrimmage for the next snap.

Aside from it being his first reception of the 2024 National Football League season, this otherwise ordinary play was only noteworthy because of what Granson was wearing at the time of the hit: a 12-ounce, foam-padded, protective helmet covering called a Guardian Cap.

Already mandatory for most positions at all NFL preseason practices, as well as regular-season and postseason practices with contact, these soft shells received another vote of confidence this year when the league greenlit them for optional game use, citing a roughly 50 percent drop in training camp concussions since their official 2022 debut. Through six weeks of action this fall, only 10 NFL players had actually taken the field with one on, according to a league spokesperson. But the decision was easy for Granson, who tried out his gameday Guardian Cap—itself covered by a 1-ounce pinnie with the Colts logo to simulate the design of the helmet underneath—in preseason games before committing to wear it for real.

  • @JeeBaiChow
    18 hours ago

    Will those ridges catch on a face guards rails? Looks like a shearing injury waiting to happen.

  • rand_alpha19
    4918 hours ago

    Honestly, they don’t even look that weird. Slow adoption is likely just due to the culture of machismo in sports, because the choice to wear it or not is up to each player and they all rib each other for being soft or a pussy all the fucking time.

    Even getting MLB catchers to start wearing gloves was like pulling teeth back in the day.

    • @[email protected]
      1614 hours ago

      Can you imagine trying to catch a 90 mph fast ball gloveless? Fuck machismo, I need to use my hands tomorrow

      • @mlg
        310 hours ago

        I was gonna say cricket but their keeper is actually the only one allowed to wear gloves lol

  • @[email protected]
    6821 hours ago

    Maybe we should change how the game is played instead of putting helmets on the helmets

    • WashedOver
      3620 hours ago

      We’ve seen the same issues with hockey. The use of plastics in shoulder and elbow protections versus the older leathers and felt padding. When delivering a hit both players feel it, today not so much as a plastic shoulder goes into a face it’s more one way.

      As much as they have been changing the rules, a crazy part of me wonders if less equipment might help more, like those old leather helmets. Would players not be hitting as hard?

      • @Maggoty
        49 hours ago

        NHL players not wearing full masks is the height of idiocy. Most of them have worn full masks for at least a decade before going pro so it’s not like they’re going to get screwed up by them.

        The really scary thing though isn’t the plastic shells. Those are fine as long as you have proper gear yourself. It’s getting cut by a skate. Every year one or two players will die from getting cut. It’s wild to me that Hockey literally has an acceptable death rate without talking about things like underlying medical conditions.

      • Flying Squid
        620 hours ago

        You could be right. CTE wasn’t known about back then, but you don’t hear a lot about pro football players in the first half of the 20th century acting like the ones today.

          • @[email protected]
            410 hours ago

            There’s also the fact that advanced in nutrition, exercise, and medicine mean that today’s players move faster and hit harder.

    • @ch00f
      2319 hours ago

      Also enjoying that we have a method for reducing concussions by half, but it isn’t mandatory in games why?

      • @[email protected]
        515 hours ago

        The average NFL game is 4 hours long, within which there is only about 12 minutes of actual playing. Without the risk of severe brain injury US football is just about watching a bunch of men in tights to stand around.

        • @[email protected]
          714 hours ago

          I get why people throw that stat around but I don’t think it’s a fair way to view the sport. You can go in and only focus on those minutes but if you’re choosing to watch closely there’s lots in the middle bits too. It’s probably better to think of that stat as time of action. During that time there’s a chance to analyze how the teams are setting up, what movement and audibles are they making, consider strategy and future actions, etc.

          I think probably most of our activities have an ebb and flow and highlighting only one aspect of it would certainly empower someone to try to ridicule or treat it as a waste of time.

          Just trying to offer a different perspective because I do think the risk of concussion is worth highlighting but your ignorance is on display which can take away from the argument I think your trying to make.

          • FuglyDuck
            16 hours ago

            Still a bunch of guys in tights chasing other guys in tights.

            • @Crashumbc
              14 hours ago

              And there’s something wrong with men wearing tights?

              Pretty much anything can be boiled down to worthlessness if one chooses to view it in that light.

              • FuglyDuck
                3 hours ago

                Did I say there was?

                If you enjoy it, that’s your business. And if you enjoy it because of the tights, that’s also your business.

                My issue with the sport is the number of kids getting CTEs, or dying from dehydration because their coach thinks that “toughens them up”; because they’re being told that’s their one chance to get out of poverty- even though the chances of that being true are almost effectively zero, when over the course of a career, STEM or even Trades offer more stability and more of an escape than American football ever has.

                Further, that these things aren’t mandatory (or even need to be mandatory… for fucks sake) is deplorable.

        • @Ledivin
          112 hours ago

          You can paint plenty of sports this way.

          How much time during a basketball game are they just slowly dribbling to the other side of the court with no contention? Same for football.

          How much time during a baseball game is the pitcher playing with the ball, waiting for it from the catcher, or slowly winding up?

          • @Maggoty
            510 hours ago

            This is why Hockey is the best sport. The only breaks are when they have to restrain the players from continuing for TV commercials, ice resurfacing, penalties, and fights.

    • @[email protected]
      420 hours ago

      Yeah one of the biggest issues is the fact that nobody teaches how to properly “hit” and, equally problematic, how to properly “be hit.” Contact sports don’t have to be as violent as they are now.

      • @MegaUltraChicken
        512 hours ago

        I think rugby does a fantastic job of this. It’s a much more controlled violence.

        • @Nastybutler
          317 hours ago

          Flag football doesn’t get as many viewers

            • @[email protected]
              114 hours ago

              It’s crazy, but some people are happy getting paid millions to ruin thier body. But, your body your choice and all that, right?

              • @Ledivin
                412 hours ago

                Have you ever wondered why SO MANY football players come from lower-income households? It’s a predatory industry.

              • @[email protected]
                213 hours ago

                And that would be true, if the government didn’t enable pro sports by granting monopolies, subsidizing stadiums, and allowing the horrifying monetization of advertising and gambling, especially on broadcast media.

                You want to run headlong into a brick wall, be my guest, but do it with your own time and money, not mine.

    • @ChicoSuave
      -120 hours ago

      This is a materials science issue to solve. The NFL now realize putting a hard shell outside of a skull doesn’t do much for soaking up impact but a soft body provides protection. The game also discourages hitting the head and does try to avert damage as best as possible. They learn like OSHA; seeing what hit the wall and stuck.

  • Flying Squid
    2921 hours ago

    Would I be way out there to suggest that if you have to go to these lengths to protect a player, maybe it’s not a good sport for the 21st century?

    • HonkyTonkWoman
      2018 hours ago

      If people want to play it & people enjoy watching it, why discard it rather than make it safer?

      I enjoy skydiving, drinking copious amounts of alcohol, & eating fried foods. It’s on me to do those things in moderation.

      • @[email protected]
        311 hours ago

        You aren’t practically guaranteed to have life changing injury from skydiving, drinking, or eating. Several studies have shown that over 90% of football players have CTE. It’s not the same, and not a question of moderation.

      • Flying Squid
        -117 hours ago

        People enjoyed playing and watching jousting. We stopped doing it because it’s dangerous and stupid.

        Also, drinking copious amounts of alcohol isn’t just on you if you have a family.

        • @[email protected]
          1617 hours ago

          No, we actually didn’t stop doing it. You probably haven’t heard of it because fewer people no enjoy watching it.
          I watched numerous jousting matches in my life.
          What we did stop was pretending it’s real combat. Today’s jousting matches are more like pro wrestling, where the bruises are real, but the outcome is scripted.

          • Flying Squid
            17 hours ago

            I watched numerous jousting matches in my life.

            You’ve watched numerous safe modern versions of “jousting” put on by SCA groups. That is not jousting.

            But hey, you want scripted football, be my guest. People won’t get so badly hurt.

            • @[email protected]
              -117 hours ago

              I want no football at all, thank you.
              It’s the most boring sport possible, and designed to maximize the opportunity for commercial breaks.

              • HonkyTonkWoman
                616 hours ago

                I will completely agree about the commercial breaks. Professional American sports are nothing but commercial cash grabs as it is, college is headed the same way.

                Dangerous sports may be the issue in the near future, commercials & betting may prove more damaging to sports than injury ever will.

              • Flying Squid
                -316 hours ago

                Ok, well my point to the person I replied to is that we stopped doing dangerous and stupid sports.

                “Jousting” that’s scripted is not what I was talking about. I was talking about the real thing. Especially the kind involving quintains, because, again, it was dangerous and stupid.

        • HonkyTonkWoman
          116 hours ago

          People stopped jousting because heads were severed & blood was spilt. I quite enjoy watching the jousting at ren fairs.

          Drinking copious amounts of alcohol is not something I invite my family to participate in.

          Unless they want to joust. Then I might be swayed.

          • Flying Squid
            -516 hours ago

            Heads weren’t severed in jousting, what are you talking about? How would that even work? The jousting you’re watching in ren fairs is scripted. Also, blood is spilled on football fields all the time.


            Drinking copious amounts of alcohol is not something I invite my family to participate in.

            I seriously hope you don’t have any kids.

            • HonkyTonkWoman
              016 hours ago

              I have 40 children, they’re all drunk now because of you. Just out of spite.

              What are you on about? You think those jousters knocked the other jousters off their horses & just started mocking their opponents?

              “Hahaha look at the no horse dummy! You lose & I will now abscond with your princess! Hooray I am a jouster!!”

              No. They got off their horses & aimed to behead, or otherwise cease the existence of, their opponent.

              Yes. Ren Fairs are scripted. So is Wrastlin’ & they spill blood while wrastlin’ too.

              What is your point here? You’re above it, so the rest of us are lesser for enjoying it.

              People enjoy sport & specifically football. What’s the real problem here? That someone’s subjective opinion differs from yours?

              • Flying Squid
                -215 hours ago

                That’s absolutely not how the sport of jousting worked. You’re just making things up. It wasn’t gladiatorial combat. And even that resulted in death less often than is usually portrayed.

                • HonkyTonkWoman
                  014 hours ago

                  Well alright expert now I’m shitfaced & ready to learn. Do, please educate us all on aspects of jousting that did not lead to mortal combat.

                  By your logic, Football isn’t about hurting people any more than jousting is.

                  Sports are sports. They aren’t going away just because you think you’re better than their fandoms.

    • @[email protected]
      620 hours ago

      “It is tradition that athletes must be harmed for our entertainment.”

      I’m not sure that people have moved on all that much from Roman gladiatorial combat.