If water flowing over continents in rivers is what concentrates salt in our ocean, would a planet that has always been covered in water just be freshwater? The water is just sitting there, not eroding through salts.

  • @[email protected]
    74 hours ago

    Water and salts are a package deal. If you have a planet with one, you’re going to have all the others as well, because they all come from an exploding star.

    When a star goes supernova, it creates oxygen, which can later combine with hydrogen to make water. That very same supernova also makes sodium, potassium, magnesium, chlorine, sulfur etc. so you end up with all the elements for making a bunch of different salts. Ask physicists why supernova does this sort of packaging.

  • @somebodysomewhere
    85 hours ago

    Enceladus, a moon of Saturn is actually mostly water, but salt has been found in volcanic emissions ejected into space.

    That said it’s not impossible that conditions exist somewhere in the universe where you have H2O and no NaCl since that is the salt we usually mean when we talk about salt water. Unfortunately it is not the only thing found to be mixing with water as on Jupiter, liquid water does exist but it mixes with amonia.

  • @[email protected]
    168 hours ago

    probably not.

    unless the planet is water all the way down, I don’t think it’s possible to have life or even submerged landmasses that don’t have the chemical elements that can create salts. dead things would dissolve in the water and chemicals in rocks will leach into water over time.

    now if this water planet is far enough away from the sun to freeze, sure. the frozen ice should be all fresh. I’m not aware of any salts that stay in frozen water ice. the stuff underneath the frozen stuff most definitely will be salty.

    not a chemist or chemistry major but I’m using the word “salts” deliberately. there’s more types of salt than NaCl.

  • @meco03211
    2510 hours ago

    The reason water is concentrated in oceans isn’t specifically due to continents existing. Salt doesn’t evaporate so all rain is fresh water. That fresh water falls. When it falls over land it flows to the lowest point it can go. This leads to all flowing water flowing towards oceans and seas. Salt won’t travel upstream. Ergo salt simply stays in oceans and seas.

    Now consider a world with no land. This wouldn’t really differ from a single ocean on earth. Currents and waves will move in all directions at some point which should mix the salt all around. You could get some differences if there were ice caps or icebergs. Those could behave similarly to continents depending on size.

  • Rhaedas
    6111 hours ago

    Even fresh water has stuff dissolved in it, just in lesser amounts. Pure water isn’t a naturally occurring thing that lasts long. There are two components, water’s polarity which grabs things that are available, and how water in a large system that is getting energy isn’t going to stay still and “sit there”.

    Something interesting I learned the other day in following the recent launch of the Europa Clipper. One of the things they want to explore is how as Europa moves through the huge magnetic field of Jupiter it induces a magnetic field of its own. Why is this relevant? It’s one bit of evidence that the waters under the ice have salts dissolved in them, giving them conductivity to produce this field. So even there water is not “fresh”.

    • @HotDayBreezeOP
      1111 hours ago

      That is super interesting! I hope the Clipper gives us a definitive answer!

  • @rowinxavier
    1911 hours ago

    It depends on the composition of the planet. If it is just a massive ball of water floating in space then it will be whatever purity that is, plus whatever space dust and impactors bring in.

    If it is basically a terrestrial planet with water on top, say earth plus a lot of water, then it would be salty. The thing with salt water is contact between the water and rock. If there is sufficient heat it will circulate, so salty water from the bottom of the ocean may be heated by magma or similar and then it will be less dense, floating upwards to the surface. Along the way it will mix and cool, leading to dispersal of the dissolved salts.

    The only way I can imagine a planet with a solid subsurface completely coated in freshwater would be if the planet snowballed hard, no radioactive materials left in the core making heat, no significant tidal pull on the core, and then after reaching a very cold temperature having slow addition of clean water from comets. That said, comets are dirty, they have lots of stuff, so you would need somehow clean comets. Still, at that point once sufficient water has hit the surface it could form a thick enough layer over the salty ocean below and start to melt, maybe from greenhouse effects. As soon as it runs away and keeps heating enough it will start to melt the core ice though, so you could have a short lived window in that freak occurrence but it will be very temporary and not at all likely.

    • @HotDayBreezeOP
      311 hours ago

      Thanks for all the detail! Your observation about comets is really pertinent. Saltwater is probably itself a purer form of water than comets. Maybe an ocean planet is actually more like a muddy swamp of nasty dirty water than a lake.

      • @rowinxavier
        410 hours ago

        Well it depends too on how long things take to settle out. Salt is easily suspended in water, but silt is not, so the water would be salty but not muddy. The water would also probably have lots of photosynthetic bacteria/algae in it, so you would probably have blooms of green, blue, red, and brown all over. Those blooms would uptake light and carbon through that process then as they died drop the content down the long water column. All sorts of feeding below that would create a full eecological web. If there were deep sea vents, volcanic activity breaking through the sea floor, you would have a second source of energy and chemistry at the bottom. That said, the over level of life at the surface would be limited by things like iron, phosphorus, copper, and so on. Any heavier ions would be less available at the surface because there is no surface erosion bringing them in at the top so as they are bound up in dead algae they will drop to the floor.

        The rate limiting at the sea floor will be based on energy but not too bad, you would likely see a lot of diverse life around vents and it would have a fairly large complexity over time. That said, the depth would make for less complex life due to the lack of light and associated vision. Some things would make light but it would be dangerous to make and would not be super common.

        Another interesting consideration is the geography of the sea floor. Would there be fault lines? If there are continental plates but way under the ocean they would still have movement, so subduction and so on would play out, so you would probably have chains of vents along the diverging or merging plate boundaries. Life would spread along these lines, so life would be closely related at nearby vents but distant over the surface of the planet. I would anticipate a fairly heterogeneous population over the surface of the planet in the deep, but far less so at the surface.

  • @tupalos
    38 hours ago

    Why wouldn’t it all best just considered salt water then?

  • @over_clox
    1611 hours ago

    Disclaimer: Not an expert.

    Thoughts: I think this would largely depend on multiple factors, such as the overall composition of the planet, a hypothetically almost perfectly spherical core underneath the water, and not having a moon to shift the water tides around.

    And even then, solar gravitational tides are a thing, so the water would most likely still move. Also, I’m pretty sure there’s no perfectly spherical planet, so I assume there would still be some sort of underwater erosion going on.

    All speculation though.

    • @HotDayBreezeOP
      311 hours ago

      I was trying to figure out how much underwater erosion there is but if you compare the sandy and silty bottom of the ocean to like, Utah, it seems like continental erosion is orders of magnitude more significant.

      Conversely, we know oceans deposit all sorts of stuff at their bottoms, which makes me think there is a small amount of salt being deposited. Would that cancel out significant underwater erosion?

      Similarly, if underwater erosion was a big deal, wouldn’t old lakes (in geological time) be notably saltier than young lakes? But the only salty lakes we have primarily lose all their water through evaporation, basically ultra concentrated river water.

      • @SzethFriendOfNimi
        711 hours ago

        There’s also heat exchange so you’ll have deep sea vents where there could be all kinds of caustic stuff and/or minerals.

        So it wouldn’t necessarily be fresh even if that stuff wasn’t saline

        • @neatchee
          311 hours ago

          For those following along: SEAWATER IS NOT SALINE EITHER. Just making sure we’re clear on everything

            • @neatchee
              29 hours ago

              Hahaha I figured something like but couldn’t resist the opportunity :D

  • Chozo
    1011 hours ago

    I think it would largely depend on whether or not there are any moons causing tidal forces.

  • @shonn
    511 hours ago

    Fresh water is because of rain and snow. You get fresh lakes and rivers because rain and snow melt washes any salt and minerals out into the ocean. If you didn’t have land as a buffer, the rain would just fall into the salty ocean.

    • Rhynoplaz
      511 hours ago

      Very true, but I think the root of their question is: if there was no land above the surface, would the oceans be salty to begin with?

      • @HotDayBreezeOP
        211 hours ago

        Exactly. If a planet ever had a salty ocean, adding more water probably wouldn’t dilute it in any meaningful way, so it would need to be a planet that never had continents.

        • @PunnyName
          210 hours ago

          Continents and the surface are just areas of the planet that don’t have water covering them up.

          If Earth’s oceans rose only a few miles up, it would be a water planet, but these things would still exist. Including plate tectonics and the circulation of magma / molten core.

          Water circulates due to pressure, temperature, and impurities, each having their own positive feedback loop into the system before it finds a balance.

          • @HotDayBreezeOP
            19 hours ago

            Sure but once a continental plate is flooded, isn’t it by definition an oceanic plate at that point? A continent only exists if it isn’t flooded.

            • @PunnyName
              18 hours ago

              I mean, it’s basically arguing semantics, which was my point. Temperature, sediment, etc. transfer will still occur, and erosion will happen. It would just happen at different time scales.

        • @meco03211
          19 hours ago

          Overall composition of a planet is what would matter, not whether there is land. If there is salt on the planet, it would almost assuredly have salty oceans. Salt diffuses in water. If you put salt into a glass of water and leave it sit, eventually the salt would dissolve and mix completely. Salt water has a different density than water. The act of dissolving involves energy changes. These create small eddies and currents that would mix the water until it was in equilibrium. If there is salt in any form on your waterworld, the only way it wouldn’t be salty is if the salt was permanently separated from the water physically.