It seems deliberately confusing to me since there is no fundamental difference between voting now and voting on the day of the deadline, but the way it’s discussed and referred to seems to imply that the correct day to vote would be waiting until the last minute instead of voting just getting it out of the way weeks ahead of time.

  • @[email protected]
    62 hours ago

    Ð US doesn’t have a recognized start and end of voting like oðer countries do, we have a designated single day of ð election, and casting ð ballot before ðat is considered early voting because it isn’t a uniform official procedure across ð states ð way election day itself is.

      • @[email protected]
        229 minutes ago

        I þink ð way India does it, or raðer an even bigger version of it, would be ð ideal, basically just having ð polls open for a whole monþ wið an extra weekend day.

        Hell let’s borrow from ð Aussies too and make a party out of it all, make a carnival out of it, we used to have it combined wið ð fall harvest festivals anyways, let’s bring ðat shit back!

        Also I did see what you did ðere but I wanted to get all ðat out :þ

        • Clay_pidgin
          124 minutes ago

          I agree with everything you wrote. Many countries have election holidays plus mandatory voting. That seems to work reasonably well, though you’d need to allow for people who can’t get off of work that day.

  • @AbouBenAdhem
    1025 hours ago

    Historically, all regular voting was done in-person on election day and mail-in ballots were a special exception (e.g., for people with disabilities). It’s only in the last few election cycles that voting by mail became the norm, and most people still use the pre-existing terminology.

    • @Lost_My_Mind
      204 hours ago

      Upvoted for correct, accurate, and complete information. I really don’t have much to add, other than to say good work!

    • @TakumideshOP
      -75 hours ago

      I’ve voted 'early, in every election I’ve participated in. For as long as I’ve known, which is about to be 4 presidential and all of the elections in between, the polls have always been open for weeks.

      That’s approaching 20 years, I don’t think it’s a new concept really at this point.

      • @[email protected]
        284 hours ago

        That’s less than 10% of the country’s life. Just because you didn’t exist before you were born does not mean that others did not.

      • @Lost_My_Mind
        104 hours ago

        …20 years…4 presidential elections?

        Did you miss a few? Or am I worse at math than I thought?

        • @[email protected]
          84 hours ago

          Both answers are correct. 20 years divides into 5 sets of 4, but that’ would only be 5 elections if you started counting on an election year.

        • @TakumideshOP
          54 hours ago

          Sorry 15 years 2010 midterm and forward.

      • @AbouBenAdhem
        3 hours ago

        It’s a state-level policy, and there were a few states ahead of the curve.

  • Naminreb2
    53 hours ago

    The difference is that before, lines were lo g and some employees weren’t free to go voting during the work day (voting happens on Tuesday).

    You could either get there very very early or late…or lose a paid day…or be fired.

    Early voting allows for more people to cast their votes, even if it’s not at their precincts, and curves vote suppression on the day of the election.

  • @zoostation
    225 hours ago

    Same reason morning is earlier in the day than night. This is just how linear time works.

    • FuglyDuck
      11 hour ago

      <insert that video of the best captain in Star Trek trying to explain linear time to beings that don’t experience time here>

    • @TakumideshOP
      25 hours ago

      Right I get that.

      But why is it marketed, for lack of a better term as early. Why wouldn’t it be, ‘the polls opens on October 20th, and you can vote late up to November 5th’

      • FuglyDuck
        257 minutes ago

        Historically the polls don’t open until the 5th, and as far as I’m aware, the votes aren’t counted until then even if they are submitted early.

        When it was first added, early voting was not meant to be the way most people voted- it was meant to accommodate people who for one reason or another couldn’t make it to the polls that day.

        It’s become increasingly more common as more people find out about it.

      • snooggums
        33 hours ago

        Because humans tend to give things names based on their relation to prior naming conventions. As voting on election day, singular, was common for so long then everything else is in relation to that aingular day concept.

        No, a more accurate name will not be adopted because people are used to the current terminology and knows what it means. Just like we won’t switch ‘daylight savings time’ to ‘daylight shifting time’ even though that would be more accurate.

      • @wjrii
        165 hours ago

        As somebody else mentioned, historically 99% of voting was done on election day. Opening the polling places earlier than that was the exception, and the terminology has simply stuck as the practice has expanded. Additionally, many jurisdictions have something materially different about voting early, whether different hours, looser location rules (I used to be able to early vote at any polling place in my county, but not now… thanks, Texas), etc., so it’s useful to refer to distinguish them somehow.

      • @RonnieB
        43 hours ago

        Why wouldn’t it be, ‘the polls opens on October 20th, and you can vote late up to November 5th’

        Why would it be? Election day is November 5th.

      • @zoostation
        94 hours ago

        Election Day is traditionally the day to vote, campaigns are still running before that point. Anyone who votes earlier does so with less information than later voters. Trump could say something stupid between now and Election Day, and wouldn’t you feel bad if you’d already voted for him and couldn’t take it back?

          • snooggums
            13 hours ago

            Depends on who she shoots!

        • subignition
          13 hours ago

          Ha… you’re right of course, but it’s funny to consider this in the context of the exhaustingly long campaigns that are the status quo

      • @ozymandias117
        34 hours ago

        Is that how you think about your bills?

        “Your rent can be paid on the 10th, and you can pay late up to the 31st”

  • Rhaedas
    135 hours ago

    The only difference is to spread out the opportunity so everyone can vote. No vote is counted until Election Day, so this is no different than mailing in a vote early to make sure it gets in on time.

    • @TakumideshOP
      35 hours ago

      Most states as far as I know, count votes upon receipt, only a few states have to wait until the last day that polls are open.

      I’m not asking why the polls are open more than one day, moreso, why everything is consistently referred to as ‘early’ or in other words, why does the media in general encourage people to wait until the deadline?

      • @[email protected]
        34 hours ago

        There is no “on time”. There is only “early” and “late”! Haha

        (And late doesn’t count in elections!)

      • Rhaedas
        25 hours ago

        Maybe it depends on the media you’re seeing. I don’t get that impression from what I see to wait, it’s all about coming out and being part of the process.

  • @Rolando
    44 hours ago

    If you look at the meaning of the word “early” there are several senses.

    • One sense is “At a time in advance of the usual or expected event.” e.g. if someone suffered an “early death.” Another sense of the word is “Arriving a time before expected; sooner than on time.” e.g. “you arrived early today!” You’re right that in these two senses of the word, “early voting” sounds weird.
    • But there’s another sense of the word early: “Near the start or beginning.” e.g. “Shakespeare’s early works”. There’s also “Near the start of the day.” as in “It’s too early for this sort of thing. I’m not awake yet.” Another sense is “Having begun to occur; in its early stages.” e.g. “an early cancer”. In these senses of the word, “early voting” sounds a lot better.
    • For more info see: