My favorite is Bog king from Strange Magic - Has a song talking about how evil he is. But all he does is prevent the spread of dangerous mind control magic, and quarantine people under the effects of said magic. Yes he greatly annoys people doing so, but honestly? If I get hit by a love potion, please quarantine me.

  • Karyoplasma
    925 months ago

    Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz

    He is actually a really good dad throughout the show.

    • @[email protected]
      185 months ago

      And because he’s such a great dad, Vanessa gave him a basket full of recreational self destruct buttons for fathers day.

    • @actually
      75 months ago

      I wish he was less oppressed

  • ivanafterall ☑️
    5 months ago

    Literally Satan.

    Among his greatest sins: trying to be a bro and let Adam and Eve know that they were naked in some perv’s garden

    Edit: come to think of it, it’s not entirely accurate, as I don’t think Satan ever claims to be evil. But there’s a lot of anti-Satan propaganda in the Bible.

    • @[email protected]
      365 months ago

      TV show Lucifer is a fun watch. The Devil gets tired of running Hell and decides to relocate to LA.

      • @IMongoose
        265 months ago

        I love Lucifer. Every episode is exactly the same and it’s amazing.

        • @aimizo
          114 months ago

          Tom Ellis made me question my sexuality.

      • @theatomictruth
        135 months ago

        The show is loosely based on a standalone Sandman spinoff comic that I think is quite good.

      • @Nalivai
        114 months ago

        It would be so much of a better show if it wasn’t such a copoganda. The writing is great, actors are great, but their insistence to suck cops dics and portray the police as this noble organization that is making the world the better place one brutalised civilian at a time is just tiring.

        • @[email protected]
          -54 months ago

          Get over yourself. If you can suspend your disbelief to watch a show about the Devil running a nightclub, you can watch ‘copaganda.’

          You remind me of the people who complain about bad language in rap music; if you’re going to be offended by something, it’s your job to stay away from it.

          • @jpreston2005
            64 months ago

            nah, it’s a legitimate complaint, and exactly the reason I stopped watching after a couple episodes. They portray cops like they’re “angel helpers” and it just reeks of bootlicking bullshit. The main character is Lucifer Morningstar, or the guy who’s main schtick is questioning authority, and yet he’s 5-0’s best friend. It completely destroys the idea behind the show, when the obvious corrupt organization is never taken to task. Atlanta shows cops as they are, this show is just copaganda.

            • @[email protected]
              -14 months ago

              It’s a TV show, produced to sell advertising in the USA.

              You might as well complain about the lack of vegan options at McDonald’s.

                • @[email protected]
                  04 months ago

                  You have a right to critique any aspect of any work.

                  To me, this is as silly as the people who were offended when the Green M+M changed her shoes.

              • @Nalivai
                4 months ago

                Restaurant having no vegan option is indeed bad and deserves complaints. I don’t know what’s your problem with criticizing shit, you seem to have no problems with telling me how to do media analysis, so you understand the concept

        • @[email protected]
          24 months ago

          More like a latte move.

          Because you can’t get a good latte in Hell and he’d have to move to get one and…

          Laugh damn your eyes, laugh!

    • EleventhHour
      195 months ago

      I think you would really enjoy reading paradise lost. OK, maybe you wouldn’t enjoy reading it because it’s written in late 15th century iambic pentameter, and the anachronistic vocabulary makes it a bit of a slog— but it’s an incredible (apocryphal, but what about Satan isn’t?) story about how Lucifer became Satan.

      Just make sure to get an annotated copy so you can understand what the hell is going on.

      • @[email protected]
        245 months ago

        Not explicitly. The book of Enoch (non-canon) claims it was Azazel, other sources claim Samael or even Lilith. Now if you want to take a completely secular view it’s important to note that Satan as we think of him now is a Christian concept and doesn’t exist in the Torah or in classical Judaism, but was simply a term meaning “accuser” or “tempter” that wasn’t a person or individual but more of a general concept of sin or temptation that prevented someone from doing the will of god

      • @Death_Equity
        45 months ago

        Satan is referred to as a serpent a couple times in the bible.

        I haven’t read the Hebrew version, so maybe that telling says it?

    • Ð Greıt Þu̇mpkin
      5 months ago

      Ð notion of Satan as an antagonistic force is not entirely in line wið ð actual þeology.

      For example, he’s not ð snake. Ðat was a revision introduced in paradise lost, which along wið ð divine comedy are more or less biblical fan cannon.

      In actual þeology, ð devil is more or less God’s right hand overseeing ð meeting out of afterlife justice. IIRC he’s even sought after for council by God or at least perspective for oðer characters speaking wið god.

      Job is basically two work colleagues holding a wager as a tool for god to illustrate ð message ðat good deeds must be done for ðeir own sake, and not for ð sense ðat doing ð right þing will lead inherently to a better life.

      Satan is literally ðere to remind people ðat ð world being unfair is actually good news, because it means ðat being down on your luck doesn’t mean you’re a bad person.

        • _NoName_
          14 months ago

          They’re havin their fun. It’s only an issue if you genuinely want to know what they’ve got to say, which it sounds like you don’t.

        • @MutilationWave
          -45 months ago

          He’s not an idiot he’s just stupid. Fr fcks sk stp.

          • Goodman
            24 months ago

            I’m actually genuinely interested as to why you use them.

          • @Nutteman
            14 months ago

            Take your fedora off and put down the katana, sir. We don’t want any trouble

  • Annoyed_🦀
    705 months ago

    Megamind. Dude raised in prison and bullied his whole life, he just want attention from Metroman. Once he got the attention of Roxanne the act basically stopped.

    • AnyOldName3
      84 months ago

      He did more-or-less kill, and then steal the identity of, the museum guy. He’s not a paragon of virtue, either.

      • Annoyed_🦀
        64 months ago

        Yeah, but he isn’t evil that he likes to think he is. He kinda mess up the town once in a while while trying to get even with Metroman. Though there’s no confirmed kill from him. Titan on the other hand is evil.

      • @Maalus
        24 months ago

        He didn’t kill him he used the dehydration gun which turns people into cubes. He can be put into water and will be back like nothing happens. He even used that in the finale to defeat Tighten

        • AnyOldName3
          14 months ago

          If not for an accident where he ended up in a washing machine, he’d have been left as a cube indefinitely. From a cube’s perspective, there’s no difference between being a cube and being dead.

          • @Maalus
            14 months ago

            Okay, but you can’t say “he killed him” when he could be brought back by anyone. Especially since even the museum guy knew that the gun is for dehydration, so that means Megamind’s powers / gadgets are relatively known.

            • AnyOldName3
              04 months ago

              I said he more-or-less killed him, not that he actually killed him. Care was not taken to ensure he’d be revived or revivable. He was left forgotten in a pocket. The likely outcome was that he remained forgotten and didn’t get wet until he’d been dropped under some furniture, crushed like a stock cube or gone mouldy. Maybe he had dependents, like a young child who’d have died without their parent. It being theoretically possible to revive someone later doesn’t make turning them into a dehydrated cube meaningfully better than making them dead if you don’t have a strong plan with a failsafe to make sure they stop being a cube. Even with guaranteed revival, if they’re a cube for long enough that they notice the lost time, it’s just like roofying someone and holding them hostage for a while. Do not turn museum guys into dehydrated cubes.

  • @Nibodhika
    234 months ago

    Character that insist is evil but clearly isn’t: Crowley from Supernatural.

    But I think that character that is actually evil but still charming is more interesting, and for that I bring forward Baal from Stargate.

      • @InverseParallax
        34 months ago

        He was a disturbingly good looking man, damn.

    • @Bwaz
      64 months ago

      Crowly as in Good Omens?

      • @Nibodhika
        24 months ago

        No, from Supernatural. I don’t remember Crowley from Good Omens claiming to be bad

      • @Subtracty
        14 months ago

        Different character, but there is a lot of overlap. When the show introduced Crowley for the first time, I thought it was an omage to Good Omens.

    • @Bwaz
      14 months ago

      deleted by creator

    • @AA5B
      14 months ago

      Maybe I’m confusing the two, but I always thought Crowley from Supernatural was an evil demon with a streak of humanity. His character arc is a redemption arc as he develops that tiny sliver of humanity

  • @Crashumbc
    134 months ago

    The Brian, otherwise Pinky wouldn’t stay with him.

  • @CitizenKong
    4 months ago

    Well, he never says he’s evil but is certainly seen as a villian: Dr. Victor van Doom. He’s actually glimpsed all possible timelines of humanity and only the one where he reigns is not ending in destruction. He is also loved by the people of the country he does rule. And when he had indeed managed to rule the world, it was a time of peace. I mean, mind control peace (he amplified the power of Kilgrave the Purple Man) but still.

    If you’re asking yourself why Kilgrave didn’t simply control him, Doom is one of the few people with so much natural willpower that Kilgrave’s powers don’t work on him:

    • @[email protected]
      34 months ago

      Doom does a genocide every other month. There’s something to be said for earnestly believing you’re the good guy but you can say it about Hitler too.

    • @AA5B
      4 months ago

      Maybe I don’t know enough Doom lore but he seems not evil in the same way as Thanos. Sincerely believes that his way is the right way and the ego to try to force it on everyone else.

      Or maybe Doom is not evil in the same way as saying Nazis made the trains run on time

      • @CitizenKong
        4 months ago

        Doom in the comics is more like movie Thanos than comic Thanos. Comic Thanos is legitimately mad and killed half the universe just to impress Mistress Death (she was not impressed).

        He’s basically Stark, Strange and Black Panther rolled into one, with the arrogance of Strange and Stark dialed to eleven.

        He’s completely capable of doing very evil shit to reach his goals but also has moral principles. He has tried to kill the Fantastic Four countless times and is still the godfather of the daughter of Reed and Sue. Her first word was “Doom”.

    • @[email protected]
      95 months ago

      He was pretty evil for a good while, then went back to evil again during ][v][ajin saga for a bit. He did a fair share of evil shit for a good while before he became a bro.

  • @[email protected]
    45 months ago

    Melkior/Morgoth, they saw that Arda was a deeply flawed creation and attempted to correct it before existence was sung into being.

    After the fact their actions are certainly viewed as evil by the world they tried to change but had the rest of the Vala joined his song the world simply would have been different, not worse.