• nifty
    561 day ago

    Be crime, do gay

  • @InternetCitizen2
    531 day ago

    Im a straight guy but my performance is so bad it should be illegal.

    • GormadtOP
      311 day ago

      A running stereotype is that all queer people can dance, I can assure you that us not the case.

      My dancing skills would best be referred to as a slow motion full body seizure.

  • @latenightnoir
    321 day ago

    I can’t even begin to imagine how it must feel to know that so many people on this planet would kill you just for existing…

    • @A_Very_Big_FanM
      1122 hours ago

      I’ve had people openly admit they think it’s just and good that I’ll go to hell for being queer. And the majority of my family follows the same doctrine, so… I don’t think I even know how I feel about it tbh.

      • @[email protected]
        310 hours ago

        the amount of bigoted dipshits confident that they’re going through the pearly gates has me half convinced they’re right and half convinced that i’m not missing out on a whole lot

      • @latenightnoir
        316 hours ago

        Oh, god, had my fair share of familial religious zealotry and it was bad enough when they didn’t see me as entirely anathema to everything they’d been brainwashed into believing…

        I’m so very sorry you can’t find shelter with the people who were supposed to protect and love you with everything in their power, the feeling of alienation from one’s own family is loneliness like no other… I hope with all my heart that you’ve managed or will manage to find people who love you exactly as you are, people who bring you peace.

    • GormadtOP
      381 day ago

      Unfortunately I know people who literally talk about how they’re “just waiting for the orders” anytime queer people, homeless people, liberal politics in general come up.

      It’s an incredibly shitty feeling. Going through life knowing that there are people literally down the road just waiting for the chance to brutally murder someone for loving someone.

      And I live in the US in an area commonly referred to as a blue state. Literally on the border of a major metro area.

      • @[email protected]
        9 hours ago

        I understand… I was sitting in an office next to someone who was watching Jan 6 live as it happened, and they were cheering occasionally.

        I work in government IT. It’s terrifying that these kinds of people are everywhere.

      • @latenightnoir
        181 day ago

        Jesus Christ, that sounds… insanely stressful and horrible…I don’t even know what else to say, I’m truly sorry you have to go through that…

        • GormadtOP
          918 hours ago

          It’s definitely shitty and stressful a lot of the time that’s for sure…

          The air is changing in the area (especially compared to when I was young) in a good way but the ones that have shitty views are getting more blood thirsty in how they talk. The youths are getting more progressive here, hell I was getting ice cream with a boyfriend a few months ago and we overheard some teens openly talking about being queer. When we were that young we wouldn’t have dared to do that fearing for our lives.

          If shit does hit the fan (like we do fear) at least my friends and found family have plans for how to make it out the other side alive. And hopefully inspire others to continue the fight no matter the odds.

          • @latenightnoir
            516 hours ago

            Yeah, think it’s the “cornered animals” phase of this societal transition, cement-brains are losing their shit left and right. Hopefully, empathy and reason will eventually triumph over this utter bullshit…

            If not, as you’ve said, when shit hits the fan, we’ll slap it right back at them. I mean, enough is enough, someone has to knock some sense back into’em…

            In the meantime, I’m happy to hear you’re not alone out there, and I wish you and the ones close to you nothing but peace and love! Stay safe and stay strong! Us sinners gotta stick together!

  • Chloé 🥕
    -151 day ago

    nah, white gays who brag about being a criminal in 72 countries while not facing much of that persecution themselves can fuck off

    • @Agent641
      59 hours ago

      Gatekeeping bigotry is a heckin wild take

    • @Ifera
      516 hours ago

      Because no white queers are being raped, abused and murdered in conversion camps. Honestly, people like you who keep trying to segregate people with a mix of Oppression Olympics, “Reverse, punching up Racism”(Spoiler alert, that is just racism), and gatekeeping just to paint yourselves as poor, pearl-clutching victims.

      I hope some day you grow up and develop some kindness, people like you give us queers a bad rep. If you want to help people, do positive things and help, instead of just whining with a “You can’t sit with us, you’re the wrong color” sign.

      • Chloé 🥕
        9 hours ago

        im not saying there are no white queers who face oppression, don’t twist my words

        and im not trying to paint myself as a victim. im a white and I know my place

        • @Ifera
          18 hours ago

          How fancy, white savior complex, telling me what I should be offended about, and trying to normalize silencing voices with the age old line of “knowing their place”.

          • Chloé 🥕
            07 hours ago

            when I talk about “knowing your place” i say this about myself and other whites, if you’re not white this doesn’t apply to you and you have every right to speak up

            anyways, im gonna practice what i preach and shut up now. sorry for wasting your time

    • Techranger
      1220 hours ago

      If there are out gays who don’t face much or any persecution, I would call that a victory for the cause worth celebrating! Remember Alan Turing. Remember Harvey Milk. Both of them were white gays who paid dearly for having the audacity to be themselves. Racism is unbecoming. It’s divisive. I think it’s important to show solidarity to all humans struggling to be themselves under oppressive systems.

      • Chloé 🥕
        -619 hours ago

        absolutely, but what im criticizing here are the (often young) white queers who didn’t grow up under that oppressive system appropriating the pain of others to feel edgy and cool

        that’s the problem, that’s what this meme is doing

        • GormadtOP
          19 hours ago

          When I was young and discovering myself, my existence was illegal in my area and queer people in my area were still heavily persecuted.

          I won’t go into details about the terrible things I’ve seen and experienced as I’m sure nobody here wants to hear it.

          Laughing not to cry and all that you know?

          Edit: I’m also not a fan of how you brought (and doubled down) on trying to make it a race thing.

          • Chloé 🥕
            18 hours ago

            im “making it a race thing” because it’s just factual that white queers face way less oppression than queer BIPOC. and it’s mostly white queers making these edgy jokes

            im sorry for having assumed you were one of them, though. that was shitty and I apologize