• socsa
    215 minutes ago

    I caught the tail end of the story on NPR about how he apologized for one of the jokes and I just assumed it was one of the Nazi Rally jokes and was like “wow the nazi thing is finally getting some traction” but no it was the Puerto Rico thing.

    I cannot express how ready I am for this shit to go away.

  • @mlg
    202 hours ago

    If he wins I swear I’m going to post a collage of these moronic article titles claiming gg ez a week before elections.

    Feels 1:1 like 2016.

    • @SulaymanF
      119 minutes ago

      The headline was stupid and it doesn’t match the article. The article was not nearly as categorical, And said that the points in the speech are red meat for his base but likely to turn off undecided voters

    • @GreenKnight23
      356 minutes ago

      That’s because 3/4 of the FSB intelligence department is rotting in a crater somewhere in Ukraine.

  • 2ugly2live
    353 hours ago

    It wasn’t the rape charges, or saying he wants to fuck his daughter, or saying immigrants are eating pets, or that people are getting abortions at 9 months, or trying to build that stupid fucking wall, or banning Muslims, or botching covid, or the insurrection, or calling on proud boys, or having meeting with Putin, or having meetings with Netanyahu, or…

    • @mojofrododojo
      319 minutes ago

      …grab 'em by the pussy, or vets are suckers and losers, or his love letters with Kim, or his generals not being loyal like hitler’s, or shoving light up the asses of covid victims, or bleach, or TAKING A SHARPIE TO A HURRICANE MAP, or never releasing his financial records, or his fucking health records, or…

  • @Aeri
    173 hours ago

    Donald Trump has committed like, a couple dozen political suicides and stood back up, which is fucking alarming.

  • @Rhoeri
    444 hours ago

    The Daily Beast is essentially Fox News for democrats, and I say this as a democrat. I wouldn’t take much of what they say seriously. Especially their sensationalist headlines.

    • @ATDA
      354 hours ago

      I mean if ‘grab em by the pussy’ didn’t do it…

      Dude commits political suicide for breakfast daily. His voters don’t care.

    • @Sam_Bass
      11 hour ago

      they seem like a sister pub of dailyKOS

  • @kerrigan778
    254 hours ago

    Lol, mocking a disabled reporter, bragging about sexual assault, praising Hitler and trying to overturn an election wasn’t political suicide, stop trying to predict last straws for his career, there is no bottom.

  • @auzy
    84 hours ago

    Unfortunately, I wish it was

    However, right wing networks will skip the worst parts. Many of themwon’t even know about the open racism, and they’ll reframe the rest as humor, and claim Trump is hilarious.

    It’s even worse than the Nazis because I bet nobody claimed Hitler was a comedian at the time

    It’s scary to think how much more openly fucked his statements are going to be in the next few days and as an Aussie, I’m generally scared for you guys

    Even if he loses you’ll be in danger most likely, and it will take years to recover from Trump

    If he wins, it is genuinely possible there won’t be a few more years left for anyone (he has no problem taking down everyone with him)

  • modifier
    475 hours ago

    Naïve article overall. Writers should know better than to prognosticate on what could actually hurt Trump’s chances. But this is a fantastic line:

    That was clear early on when Tony Hinchcliffe, a man invited by Trump to give one of the introductory speeches—who in true MAGA fashion alleged without providing a shred of evidence that he was a comedian

  • YeetPics
    53 hours ago

    There is still hope, the tankies aren’t done with their contract yet and they have like 9 days left to help us all hear the soft words of Jill Stein.


  • @jj4211
    1057 hours ago

    I’ve lost count of how many “political suicides” Trump has allegedly gone through since 2015… Yet somehow, here he still is…

    My faith in humanity has been severely diminished by the fact his candidacy keeps surviving what in a sane world would be disqualifying events/revelations.

    • Tiefling IRL
      4 hours ago

      Kamala is expected to prove her worth for office and cannot be less than perfect, whereas Trump is allowed to repeatedly prove how unfit he is day after day

      • @Nastybutler
        22 hours ago

        Some pundit had a catchy phrase for this. Trump can be lawless, but Kamala has to be flawless

    • JaggedRobotPubes
      94 hours ago

      Well, nazis are kind of like a society committing suicide, or maybe a murder-suicide. So it all fits.

  • @Nuke_the_whales
    265 hours ago

    No it wasn’t. It won’t hurt his numbers at all.

  • @[email protected]
    717 hours ago

    Donald Trump could walk around NYC naked and shrieking the n word and he wouldn’t lose a single follower from his base. He’s s got a cult of personality around him that is basically indestructible.

    • Maxnmy's
      146 hours ago

      It seems that is what he’s committed to. There isn’t much talk of policy anymore from anyone on his team. They’re going all in on explicit xenophobia and transphobia and so on for this final stretch.

    • @[email protected]
      377 hours ago

      One would think stealing and potentially selling sensible documents or a failed coup or the countless sexual allegations are political suicides. But now a racist clown will get him?