Comparing an overused “lol meanest album of thr century” of literally any group of animals to the motherdoing king of poetry? (He originated the "I fucked your momma joke, which still goes hard by the way.)
The original, the one with pigeons shot from a frog perspective, it kinda looked like mean posing hip-hop guys, and in that context, the joke was actually funny.
Now it’s just anything related to animals “album cover haha”.
Do a better one. If I see a foldfish going after a piece of bait that even looks a bit like paper in the same framing that the Nirvana album was? Sure. That would make it somewhat fun again… Marginally. Maybe.
But this is just not a good utilisation of something that never was a classic, just a simple meme from like 20 years ago.
“catatonic teenage warhead”
a calm fury!
Looks at all those cats getting along instead of being super territorial. Nice kitties.
“A Purrfect Circle”
“Food No More”.
Feline Fine by Katodaachus
“Nip on the Walk” -Alcat-pella
This “album cover” joke is honestly 20 years old at least.
I remember seeing it some image boards I used a few years before 9gag came along.
You must be fun at parties
Bold assumption that I ever go to any
I was like “Shakes-what? Man this stuff is prolaby 100 year old or more! Gimme some fresh classics already.”
Comparing an overused “lol meanest album of thr century” of literally any group of animals to the motherdoing king of poetry? (He originated the "I fucked your momma joke, which still goes hard by the way.)
The original, the one with pigeons shot from a frog perspective, it kinda looked like mean posing hip-hop guys, and in that context, the joke was actually funny.
Now it’s just anything related to animals “album cover haha”.
Do a better one. If I see a foldfish going after a piece of bait that even looks a bit like paper in the same framing that the Nirvana album was? Sure. That would make it somewhat fun again… Marginally. Maybe.
But this is just not a good utilisation of something that never was a classic, just a simple meme from like 20 years ago.
There there.
There there.
Oh no, someone reasoned their opinion? How terrible.
Try to reasoning out your use of quotes there. I doubt you can.
You’re in a cats community.
Do you feel better now that you’ve complained about something?